
July 20th 1886
Dr Ellinwood

Dear Friend,
Solomon says there is a time for everything – present vacation is the time to answer letters. Even if it is as some express it here "Too much hum’ - we were all of one heart on this Sab, a few days ago when the mercury rose to 104 in Mr D’s shaded house. Thanks for the kind [illegible] answer to the letter I wrote after coming here. I sent a letter this spring to Mrs S of Philadelphia with request in it that if it proved interesting to please forward it to Dr E. Presume you have not seen it, it was very much like a school girls essay, description of a walk down the Clearwater your walk only mine extended

What a happy, busy, rather busy, happy winter & spring I have had. I had fourteen pupils enrolled about all the women who could reach my house without great personal exposure – enough to form a nucleus. The young women whom you saw in the house beyond Mr D’s not among them. She is an woman of quite a large class of both sexes here who have been years in the Gov. S. can read parrot like a little English & know about as much about the domestic arts as [illegible] what they recd. I trust they will soon be better results from the Training schools. We are expected a few from the Advanced class of Nez Ps home soon from Salem.

Oh yes! The ‘Secular’ should could have a prominent place in all work for Indians. We had one S on Fridays in the kitchen, a little sewing or knitting daily in S room. Sometimes we would have a stranger in the kitchen with us (there by invitation). Often the question was asked ‘do the Kamiah women know this or that?'  I could look through their transparent faces into the heart & see that it did not matter so much what I could do (‘Whites can do anything') but can any of our own people do that? Then will I also?

I could have as large a class of men as women perhaps larger. Some few can read a little, many more anxious to read, to read the Bible in Nez P. They are so hungry for knowledge and it isn’t easily done. But I cannot have a mixed S. for I might have a man with his present lawful wife & a discarded wife or two in same class. My home is still near the church. I see much of the people - prayer meeting, Thursday & Saturday, never after night - the Ghosts I suppose. Are here for occasionally they are seen at K & this is so much better place for them to stay.

There is no lack of work here it will not [illegible] as work done at K but well I know if done for the Master and it will count none the less. This community (a very lazy one) the body of it being profession Christians - and here & there around it whole bands of heathen or Catholics whose  deadening influence is felt to the center.

The Gov. S & Agency have been removed to the Garrison. In that the connection between the S, there & S.S. & Church house is virtually severed. We are trying to have a S.S. here like the one K, composed of Ind children and the congregation. The K.S.S. in one respect is a good model for any church in that it does not flag in interest summer or winter & has never failed in the nearly six years of its existance to interest the people as well as the children. I am very very happy to tell you that it goes on now all the same as when the one who taught them all they know about a S.S. was among them & doubtless will continue to be the great service of the while led by the spirited spiritual pastor there – Robert Williams. They are constantly supplied with the ‘Bible Lesson Pictures" & that helps much for they got so much out of pictures. I have it in mind (& heart if possible) to appear among them some Sab in vacation & so confirm the statement Robert every once in a while talks to the little ones. "Miss Kate has not gone away off – she is still down at Lapwai." The dear little selfish children. I have just written to Eastern friends about their Christmas tree.

Oh no Dr there is no danger that the friendships formed will be broken off in time or Eternity. Do not think that  I am longing to go back. I see clearly the great need for work is here & I see the people from K nearly every week & they tell me most of the births & deaths and who else among the women wears a hat now. I am so glad they are still anxious to advance in temporal as well as spiritual things.

You thought likely I would remain in one of the Garrison buildings. I thought that would be the best until I thoroughly examined the ground in the vicinity of the Gar this spring. For about one mile beyond the Fort the land on both sides of the creek is owned by Gov or S. No women living there beyond that where the [illegible] enters the Lap is a place of many tents, many of them living as I presume the Nez Perce lived twenty years ago. Found three women sitting in their tents with faces painted blazing red, not one there seemed the least anxious to change her mode of living, [illegible] the protection they are nearly all [illegible]. I could see the reason why Mr D had so often said through the winter "This is the place here where the women want to go to S. Without a S room & kitchen time would be in a measure lost & in these women who fled did so patiently along ABC to 2nd readers & stocking to mittens that it would not be right to leave them before they were able to walk alone. It will be their duty to walk straight (it is straight or crooked here) after the comment that will tell upon the women of this community, from my little S must come the teachers for the children of our men. SS study this must be done for without indeed are these attainments for service yet but from the time the women of K. took the positions assigned them in SS I saw a great change. No longer mans servant but his equal.

It is likely I will remain in this unhomelike house. The new Dr & family occupy the little house near the Agents old home, the vacant s. building is too large. Not very likely that the Agency & S at Gar. will be [illegible] and that the new Agents home will not be there but where it has always been. So that this house is the only one I can feel sure of getting. I do hope the new Agent & employees will be men who will honor His house & His day & so bring not reproach upon the cause of Christ.

Remember me kindly to Dr Lowrie also to Dr Gallesprie whose face I will remember seeing in my home church years ago, Wellsville Ohio. My sisters health is quite good this spring I am told by those who have visited her. Will go & see her for myself soon. Mr & Mrs D are quite well.

Yours in the best of bonds

Kate C. McBeth