1893 Board of Indian Commissioners
"Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs," pp.
5-998. In U.S. House. 53d Congress, 2d Session. Report of the Secretary of the
Interior, 1893 (H.Ex.Doc.1, Pt. 5, Vol.2). Washington: Government Printing Office,
1893. (Serial Set 3210)
From: Proceedings of the Board of Indian Commissioners at the Eleventh Lake Mohonk Indian Conference, Third Session, pp. 1036-1053.
. . . Mr. [O. E.] BOYD. . . . We have in all about forty missions, of which at least ten are industrial training schools. We have about forty native preachers and almost as many American preachers laboring for the Indians. Some of our missions are in Alaska. There are seven in the neighborhood of Sitka, with a church membership of nearly 400. In Idaho we have had a theological seminary at Mount Idaho, which is now closed by the death of that lamented saint, Miss Sue McBeth, sole president and professor of the institution. Among the Nez Perces, Spokanes, Umatillas, Puyallups, and other tribes we have a number of native missionaries, most of them prepared by Miss McBeth, and fully ordained to the ministry by the laying on of the hands by the Presbytery. Amy God in his grace raise up another worker to reopen that theological seminary! . . .