1883 Board of Indian Commissioners
"Annual Report of the Board of Indian
Commissioners," pp. 665-736. In U.S. House. 48th Congress, 1st Session. Report of
the Secretary of the Interior, 1883 (H.Ex.Doc.1, Pt. 5, V.2). Washington: Government
Printing Office, 1884. (Serial Set 2191)
From: Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church, Various Notes, pp. 717-720.
. . . The Nez Percé Mission, under the efficient labors of the missionaries, has enlarged its borders without lessening its work at home. A new church was organized over the line, in Washington Territory, at Wellpinit, on the Spokan River, embracing some members of the Deep Creek church, and another church was formed on the Umatilla Reserve, Oregon. . . . In both, the labors of the Nez Percé minister and licentiate preachers, encouraged by Mr. Deffenbaugh, were of the greatest value; and they were hardly less useful to the two Nez Percé churches on their own reserve, leading them to prize more highly the blessings of the gospel, and to enlarge their views of Christian duty toward the Spokans and the Umatillas. Besides his visits to more distant places, Mr. Deffenbaugh has kept up his work for the Nez Percés; and the two ladies, Miss Sue McBeth and Miss Kate McBeth, still conduct their very useful schools for the education and training for usefulness of men and women. The interest of the churches at Lapwai and Kamia has been well maintained. Few missions of the church have enjoyed greater proofs of the blessing of God than have been granted of late years to the work for the Nez Percé, Spokan, and Umatilla Indians. . . .