UI Library Offers Workshops on Data and Digital Services
Research data will be the focus of a series of workshops presented by the University of Idaho Library during the 2014 fall semester. Data and Digital Services workshops are scheduled for Friday afternoons, October 10, October 31, and November 14 in Room 212A of the UI Library. Open all UI students and faculty, the workshops are designed to promote awareness, build skills, and educate the campus community on topics related to research and learning in the information age.
Oct. 10 (1:30 - 3:00 pm): Research Data Management Planning (led by Jeremy Kenyon, research librarian, and Nancy Sprague, science librarian). An increasingly common requirement of proposals for research funds is the data management plan (DMP). This workshop will focus on developing plans according to requirements laid out by NSF, DOE, and other agencies. Attendees will be exposed to existing resources to use in developing these plans, as well as examples and discussion on what goes into a good plan. Best practices for managing research data to enabling archiving, sharing, and re-use will also be discussed.
Oct. 31(2:30 - 4:00 pm): Metadata and Research Data Documentation (led by Jeremy Kenyon, research librarian). What is metadata? Why is this required as a part of data management plans? How do you create it efficiently? This workshop will focus on the principles and development of documentation for research data. Editing tools, metadata standards, and other technologies will be discussed. No experience with metadata is required. Attendees are encouraged to bring a dataset to work with.
Nov. 14 (1:30 - 3:00 pm): Research Data Citation and Publication (led by Jeremy Kenyon, research librarian). A growing infrastructure for publishing datasets themselves is available to University of Idaho researchers. This workshop will focus on available technologies, services and resources at UI that will enable researchers to share their data with their broader community. Topics such as acquiring a DOI (digital object identifier), a unique researcher ID (ORCID), journal article supplements, and data repositories will all be discussed.
Register online at http://www.lib.uidaho.edu/services/data/education.html. For additional information, contact Jeremy Kenyon at jkenyon@uidaho.edu.