UI College of Education library hosts open house and giveaway
The University of Idaho College of Education Library (IMTC) and adjoining Art Room will host an open house to give away books and supplies in anticipation of its upcoming move due to the building’s renovation. The open house is scheduled for Wednesday, May 21 from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Items included in the giveaway will include books and curriculum materials, NASA lithographs, posters, bookmark and art supplies.
The Instructional Materials and Technology Center (IMTC) and Art Room are located in the College of Education, Rooms 310 and 311. For further information, call 885-7257 or email Rami Attebury at rattebur@uidaho.edu or Suzie Davis at sldavis@uidaho.edu. Parking is free in any Red, Blue, Silver, Magenta, and Purple lot. Gold lots are free after 5:00 p.m. The lots closest to the IMTC are Gold 40 and Gold 39.