Library News »11/27/2012
Let’s Talk About It, Idaho!
The University of Idaho Library and the Moscow Public Library are joining forces to provide the educational and entertaining series, “Let’s Talk About It, Idaho!” to residents of Moscow and the surrounding area. The five-part series of book discussions brings adult reading groups together with humanities scholars to discuss fine literature.
The 2013 series calls attention to Idaho history as a historical milestone begins, the state’s territorial sesquicentennial year. The theme of the readings and discussions, “Idaho at 150 – Sesquicentennial Days,” explores life in early Idaho and the challenges faced by people settling and developing the state. Program speakers are educators or experts in various humanities fields who enjoy meeting with Idaho readers to gain perspective on literature that enriches their teaching and research.
The Schedule:
The programs on Jan. 30 and March 20 will be held in the University of Idaho Library, and the others will be held in the Great Room at the 1912 Center in Moscow. All programs will begin at 7 p.m. and are open to the public. Refreshments will be served.
Since it began in 1985, “Let's Talk About It, Idaho!” programs have been held in over 80 communities across the state. “Let's Talk About It, Idaho!” is made possible through funding from the Idaho Humanities Council, with generous support from US Bankcorp.