New Interlibrary Loan System
The Library installed new interlibrary loan management software, ILLiad,
on June 17. Everyone who uses interlibrary loan and document delivery should
fill in the patron registration form:
http://clio.lib.uidaho.edu/illiad/logon.html. Click on "First Time Users"
even if you have been a long-time ILL patron (we were unable to migrate
personal information from our old system). Once registered, the system will
remember your personal information, and you only need to logon using your
bar code and self-selected password. You can log on to check the status of
all your ILL requests at any time. A new version of ILLiad, coming later
this summer, should interface with all our databases, eliminating the other
variant ILL forms.
If you have questions or suggestions please contact the interlibrary loan
office (libill@uidaho.edu) or 885-6843.