DIGITAL MEMORIES: Archives and Special Collections

Special Collections and Archives at the University of Idaho Library announces a new installment in the Webpage "Digital Memories." Digital Memories focuses on historic artifacts, documents, photographs, and books from the holdings of Special Collections and Archives. This is a changing showcase of highlights from our collections.

Special Collections and Archives, in the University of Idaho Library, has grown from a "treasure case," to an elevator shaft, to an archives room,to a library department. Librarian Belle Sweet's 1933 memo designating a special space for special materials marks one beginning for Special Collection "Digital Memories" can be accessed through the URL:

Previous editions include Senator Borah's bid for the presidency, Sir Walter Scott's Heart of the Midlothian, Idaho's non-laureate Poet, and the introduction of airplanes for fire spotting. Also at this site is information about Special Collections and its holdings, archival and manuscript descriptions and inventories, and a massive geographical guide to repositories of primary source materials. The latter now contains over 5000 entries from around the world.
