Linking Software Locates Articles
The library is now running LinkSource, an "Open URL Resolver".  It links citations found in on line databases to full text articles to which the UI subscribes.

Here's how it works: you do a search in a database like Cambridge Biology or First Search.  When you look at the retreived citations, somewhere in the record (depending on the database) you'll see a link saying "Locate article" or "More information".  This note may or may not have the LinkSource logo Linksource Logo.

If you click on the link, an new window opens with links to:

1. The full text source, if we have it: clicking on the link will usually bring up the article; however in some cases, such as PsyArticles, it may only take you to the initial page for the journal.  This means that the publisher has not implemented the Open URL standard, so that's the best the software can do. There may be more than one full-text link if is in the EBSCO full-text and we also have a subscription to the e-journal.

2. Check the Library Catalog for Holdings Information: this searches the catalog by ISSN in a new window. This will locate journals for which we have only a paper subscription.

3. Request to Borrow this Item. This opens another window with an ILL form.  You'll need to fill in your personal information, since we're unable to  link this to our regular ILL software.
