Effects of Slash Pile Burning on Chemical and Physical Soil Properties Item Info
- Title:
- Effects of Slash Pile Burning on Chemical and Physical Soil Properties
- Creator:
- Davenport, Douglas D.
- Date Created:
- 1984-05
- Description:
- To determine the initial effects of slash pile burning on chemical and physical properties in the Vassar soil series, soil samples were collected before and after burning slash piles with depths of .5m (9kg/m2 , 42 t/a), 1m (45 kg/m2 , 201 t/a), 2m (91 kg/m2 , 405 t/a), and 3m (145 kg/m2 , 645 t/a), as well as in unburned and burned litter plots. Soils were analyzed for exchangeable calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and for available phosphorus, pH, organic matter, nitrate-nitrogen, total kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) and cation exchange capacity. Bulk density, particle size distribution and infiltration data were also analyzed. Burning significantly increased surface soil (2.5 cm) levels of exchangeable magnesium, potassium, sodium and of available phosphorus, nitrate-nitrogen, and pH. Exchangeable calcium, organic matter, cation exchange capacity and TKN decreased. In the lower sampling depth (12.5 cm) more severe fires resulted in an increase in exchangeable calcium, magnesium, sodium, and in available phosphorus, pH and nitrates. All other chemical properties measured were unchanged. Initial infiltration rates and infiltration capacity were significantly decreased by burning lager amounts of fuel. Bulk density increased as a result of burning on dry (60% moisture) soil as compared with wet soil )90% moisture). The soil textural class did not change, but burning reduced clay and increased sand-silt particles.
- Document Type:
- Thesis
- Library Call Number:
- S608.D38
- Subjects:
- Flat Creek slash burning soil effects infiltration pH CEC bulk density slash management forest ecology
- UIEF Unit:
- Flat Creek
- Section:
- NW 1/4 SE 1/4 S7
- Township:
- T40N
- Range:
- R4W
- Location:
- UIEF; Flat Creek
- Latitude:
- 46.827503
- Longitude:
- -116.760799
- Department:
- Department of Forest Resources
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- application/pdf
- Preferred Citation:
- "Effects of Slash Pile Burning on Chemical and Physical Soil Properties", UIEF Research Exchange, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, https://www.lib.uidaho.edu/digital/uief/items/uief_0032.html
- Rights:
- In copyright, educational use permitted.
- Standardized Rights:
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC-EDU/1.0/