Conifer Germination and Seedling Establishment on Burned and Unburned Seedbeds Item Info
- Title:
- Conifer Germination and Seedling Establishment on Burned and Unburned Seedbeds
- Creator:
- Boyce, Robbin B.
- Date Created:
- 1985-06
- Description:
- The affects of different depths of both burned and unburned seedbeds on germination and seedling establishment were observed during the 1984 growing season. Differences in seedbed characteristics were statistically analyzed to determine sources of germination and establishment variability. Burning altered the natural organic matter seedbeds. Burning removed the topmost duff layer and increased the seedbed bulk density. Bulk density increased as duff depth decreased on burned seedbeds. Moisture availability and thermal characteristics of these seedbeds were improved. Germination was greater on mineral soil seedbeds and burned seedbeds. Seed germination on burned seedbeds was correlated with duff depth and bulk density. As duff depth decreased and bulk density increased on burned seedbeds, germination increased. Improved thermal properties and moisture availability of burned seedbeds help explain germination variability. Seedling establishment was a function of the number of seeds germinating. The potential for natural regeneration increased proportionately with decreasing duff depth on burned seedbeds.
- Document Type:
- Research
- Library Call Number:
- SD397.C7B67 1985
- Subjects:
- West Hatter Creek germination seedbed burning seedbed burning forest regeneration
- UIEF Unit:
- West Hatter Creek
- Section:
- NW 1/4 S4
- Township:
- T40N
- Range:
- R4W
- Location:
- UIEF; West Hatter Creek
- Latitude:
- 46.840458
- Longitude:
- -116.84912
- Department:
- Department of Forest Resources
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- application/pdf
- Preferred Citation:
- "Conifer Germination and Seedling Establishment on Burned and Unburned Seedbeds", UIEF Research Exchange, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, https://www.lib.uidaho.edu/digital/uief/items/uief_0028.html
- Rights:
- In copyright, educational use permitted.
- Standardized Rights:
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC-EDU/1.0/