Transitions, vol. 6, no. 9/10, September/October 1994; The Past and Future of the Columbia River Basin part 7: Big Business, Congress, and the Public's Lands

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Transitions, vol. 6, no. 9/10, September/October 1994; The Past and Future of the Columbia River Basin part 7: Big Business, Congress, and the Public's Lands
Osborn, John
Osborn, John Folger, Sara Foster, J. Todd Rosenberg, Barry Hebert, H. Josef Sonner, Scott Ashton, Linda Flattau, Edward Karr, James R. Chu, Ellen W. Landers, Rich Lynch, Jim Miller, Dean Mapes, Jeff H., B. Simonsen, William Schwennesen, Don
Inland Empire Public Lands Council
Number of Pages:
Newspaper Sources:
The Spokesman Review; The Oregonian; Lewiston Morning Tribune; Missoulian; Lewiston Tribune; Coeur d'Alene Press; Bigfork Eagle
salmon civil actions timber wildfires forests
Osborn, John--Big Business, Congress, and the Public's Lands; Folger, Sara--Forest Watch, New Standards Of Appeals Review or How To Break The Law And Hide The Truth; Foster, J. Todd--Timber appeals brushed aside, group says--The Spokesman Review, 1994-9-23(Spokane, WA); Rosenberg, Barry--Agency move foolish, illegal--The Spokesman Review, 1994-10-1(Spokane, WA); Hebert, H. Josef--Businesses reap big subsides--The Oregonian, 1994-8-8(Portland, OR); Sonner, Scott--Forest Health cure could cost billions--Lewiston Morning Tribune, 1994-10-5(Lewiston, ID); Foster, J. Todd--Wildfires fuel timber ad campaign--The Spokesman Review, 1994-8-31(Spokane, WA); Ashton, Linda--Industry ad about wildfire angers group--Missoulian, 1994-9-1(Missoula, MT); Foster, J. Todd--Salvage Sale angers environmentalists--The Spokesman Review, 1994-10-1(Spokane, WA); Foster, J. Todd--Tyee fire couldn't have been controlled--The Spokesman Review, 1994-10-1(Spokane, WA); Osborn, John--Fire-related policies must be reformed--The Spokesman Review, 1994-8-28(Spokane, WA); Flattau, Edward--Browning forests no reason for human intervention--The Oregonian, 1993-5-12(Portland, OR); Karr, James R. and Chu, Ellen W.--Restoring forest health--The Spokesman Review, 1994-9-22(Spokane, WA); Landers, Rich--Trashed forests may find salvation in the greening of religion--The Spokesman Review, 1994-9-20(Spokane, WA); Foster, J. Todd and Lynch, Jim--Chairmen of the Board--The Spokesman Review, 1993-11-25(Spokane, WA); McClure leaves Senate for Boise Cascade--Lewiston Tribune, 1990-12-14; Miller, Dean--Ex-Idaho senators find home inside the Beltway--The Spokesman Review, 1994-9-25(Spokane, WA); Clerk of the U.S. House, Clerk of the U.S. Senate--Clients of lobbying firms; Mapes, Jeff--AuCoin emerges as lobbyist for timber industry--The Oregonian, 1993-6-12(Portland, OR); Big money still rules U.S. politics in '92--Lewiston Tribune, 1992-11-7(Lewiston, ID); H., B.--Bribing the jodges of Congress to vote right--Lewiston Morning Tribune, 1994-9-17(Lewiston, ID); Sonner, Scott--NW legislators get most from timber lobby--Lewiston Morning Tribune, 1993-9-3(Lewiston, ID); H., B.--Slade Gorton - going, going, gone to timber--Lewiston Tribune, 1993-8-12(Lewiston, ID); Sonner, Scott--Timber executives give to Gorton--The Spokesman Review, 1993-8-11(Spokane, WA); Timber industry on winning side with help for GOP candidates--Coeur d'Alene Press, 1992-12-31(Coeur d'Alene, ID); Simonsen, William--Anti-Williams memo sent with Plum Creek checks--Bigfork Eagle, 1992-9-30(Bigfork, MT); Schwennesen, Don--Plum Creek faces election charge--Missoulian, 1993-1-6(Missoula, MT); GOP kills campaign reform bill--The Spokesman Review, 1994-10-1(Spokane, WA); Filibuster dooms lobbying reform--The Spokesman Review, 1994-10-7(Spokane, WA)
Spokane, WA
John Osborn Papers, Special Collections and Archvies, University of Idaho Library,
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"Transitions, vol. 6, no. 9/10, September/October 1994; The Past and Future of the Columbia River Basin part 7: Big Business, Congress, and the Public's Lands", Transitions Journal Digital Collection, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections,
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