Transitions, vol. 5, no. 4, April 1992; Legacy of the 1864 Northern Pacific Grant: Part 3, Liquidating Abe Lincoln's Railroad Forests: Massively clearcutting from Yellowstone to Seattle

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Transitions, vol. 5, no. 4, April 1992; Legacy of the 1864 Northern Pacific Grant: Part 3, Liquidating Abe Lincoln's Railroad Forests: Massively clearcutting from Yellowstone to Seattle
Osborn, John
Osborn, John Sprengle, Mark Farney, Dennis Manning, Dick Tollefson, Greg Schwennesen, Don Selden, Ron Devlin, Sherry Phillips, Bob Long, Ben Osborn, John Sher, Jeff Carnahan, Barbara Egan, Timothy Lindstrom, Hal Porterfield, Andrew
Inland Empire Public Lands Council
Number of Pages:
Newspaper Sources:
The Wall Street Journal; Missoulian; The Spokesman Review; Post Register; Idahonian; Palouse Journal; The New York Times; Signposts; Common Cause Magazine; Priest River Times
forestry railroads timber lumber
Osborn, John--Liquidating Abe Lincoln's Railroad Forests: Massively clearcutting from Yellowstone to Seattle; Sprengle, Mark--Forest Watch: Reports from the Front Lines of Conservation; Farney, Dennis--Unkindest Cut? Timber Firm Stirs Ire Felling Forests Faster Than They Regenerate--The Wall Street Journal, 1990; Manning, Dick--Timber liquidation was a boardroom decision--Missoulian, 1988-10-16(Missoula, MT); Clearcuts rile environmentalists--The Spokesman Review, 1985-7-2(Spokane, WA); Residents unite against Plum Creek--Missoulian, 1989-4-25(Missoula, MT); Timber talks break down--Missoulian, 1990-3-8(Missoula, MT); Plum Creek takes FS low offer on land--Missoulian, 1992-3-19(Missoula, MT); Plum Creek Breaks off talks with conservancy--Missoulian, 1992-1-29(Missoula, MT); Timber land sold to firm in Oregon--Post Register, 1992-4-23(Idaho Falls, ID); Tollefson, Greg--Why did they have to trash these places?--Missoulian, 1990-12-6(Missoula, MT); Schwennesen, Don--Clearcutting devastates trout hatch--Missoulian, 1990-3-9(Missoula, MT); Selden, Ron--Research want bear facts--Missoulian, 1990-6-6(Missoula, MT); Devlin, Sherry--Plum Creek plan draws fire-- Missoulian, 1991-10-3(Missoula, MT); Manning, Dick--Faced with litigation, company halts Lindbergh logging--Missoulian, 1989-8-12(Missoula, MT); Phillips, Bob--BN, FS join to log roadless land near Cabinets--Missoulian, 1982-9-24(Missoula, MT); Long, Ben--Is Solomon tilting at sawmills?--Idahonian, 1991-7-27(Moscow, ID); Osborn, John--Plum Creek Cuts and Runs--Palouse Journal, 1990-12(Moscow, ID); Sher, Jeff--St. Joe River clearcut criticized--The Spokesman Review, 1986-8-17(Spokane, WA); Carnahan, Barbara--Plum Creek raped land--The Spokesman Review, 1991-2-12(Spokane, WA); Sher, Jeff--Plum Creek Timber Co. accused of overcutting--The Spokesman Review, 1986-9-22(Spokane, WA); Egan, Timothy--Roslyn Journal, Where Have All the Forests Gone?--The New York Times, 1989-2-15(New York, NY); Lindstrom, Hal--Plum Creek In Kittitas County--Signposts, 1988-11(Seattle, WA); Porterfield, Andrew--Railroaded--Common Cause Magazine, 1989-9 to 10; Sprengel, Mark--Corporate greed robs community--Priest River Times, 1992-3-25(Priest River, ID)
Spokane, WA
John Osborn Papers, Special Collections and Archvies, University of Idaho Library,
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"Transitions, vol. 5, no. 4, April 1992; Legacy of the 1864 Northern Pacific Grant: Part 3, Liquidating Abe Lincoln's Railroad Forests: Massively clearcutting from Yellowstone to Seattle", Transitions Journal Digital Collection, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections,
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