Transitions, vol. 9, no. 2, March/April 1996; Get The Lead Out! Pollutions, Corporations & Politicians, Poisoned Children & Dead Swans, There Are Better Choice

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Transitions, vol. 9, no. 2, March/April 1996; Get The Lead Out! Pollutions, Corporations & Politicians, Poisoned Children & Dead Swans, There Are Better Choice
Osborn, John
Osborn, John Titone, Julie Brown, Scott Miller, George Russell, Betsy Z. Walth, Brent F., J. Coe, J. K. Cushman, John H. Jr. Roesler, Rich Drumheller, Susan
Inland Empire Public Lands Council
Number of Pages:
Newspaper Sources:
The Spokesman Review; Lewiston Tribune; Idaho Conservation League; Missoulian; The Oregonian; Coeur d'Alene Press; Department of Justice; The New York Times;
pollution swans mining politicians
Osborn, John--Pollution: Corporations & Politicians; Titone, Julie--Group finds flaws in basin cleanup proposal--The Spokesman Review, 1995-12-7(Spokane, WA); Idaho senators introduce mining cleanup bill--Lewiston Tribune, 1996-3-16(Lewiston, ID); Brown, Scott--New Bill from Senators Craig and Kempthorne Threatens Coeur d'Alene Cleanup--Idaho Conservation League, (Coeur d'Alene, ID); Miller, George--Lobbyists--Missoulian, 1995-8-25(Missoula, MT); Russell, Betsy Z.--Lobbyists sink clean-lake bill--The Spokesman Review, 1996-2-20(Spokane, WA); Titone, Julie--Idaho lakes council frustrated at its powerlessness--The Spokesman Review, 1996-1-4(Spokane, WA); Walth, Brent--Major polluters want taxpayers to bail them out--The Oregonian, 1995-11-24(Portland, OR); F., J.--A GOP call to stick taxpayers with polluters' bills--Lewiston Tribune, 1995-8-27(Lewiston, ID); Fabulous Riches of Coeur d'Alene's Cheap Mining is a Feature--The Spokesman Review, 1907-1-28(Spokane, WA); Coe, J. K.--Up the River of Muck and Into the 'Valley of Death'--Coeur d'Alene Press, 1929-12-23(Coeur d'Alene, ID); The water's always greener on the other side of the state line--The Spokesman Review, 1996-4-14(Spokane, WA); U. S. Sues Eight Mining Companies For Vast Environmental Damage To The Idaho Panhandle--Department of Justice, 1996-3-22; Cushman, John H. Jr.--U. S. Sues Mine Companies Over Pollution--The New York Times, 1996-3-23(New York, NY); Titone, Julie--Batt tries to fend off mine waste lawsuit--The Spokesman Review, 1996-3-14(Spokane, WA); Titone, Julie--Indians, state want $1 billion for basin cleanup--The Spokesman Review, 1994-7-21(Spokane, WA); Roesler, Rich--Tribe's Lake CdA suit reaches high court--The Spokesman Review, 1996-4-16(Spokane, WA); F., J.--Why does Land Board cling to poisoned lake?--Lewiston Tribune, 1991-9-21(Lewiston, ID); Titone, Julie--South Fork water deadly to cutthroat--The Spokesman Review, 1995-9-26(Spokane, WA); Titone, Julie--Lead a swan song for many birds--The Spokesman Review, 1996-3-29(Spokane, WA); Study: Exposure to lead turns kids into criminals--The Spokesman Review, 1996-2-7(Spokane, WA); Drumheller, Susan--Don't drink the green water--The Spokesman Review, 1996-4-12(Spokane, WA)
Spokane, WA
John Osborn Papers, Special Collections and Archvies, University of Idaho Library,
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"Transitions, vol. 9, no. 2, March/April 1996; Get The Lead Out! Pollutions, Corporations & Politicians, Poisoned Children & Dead Swans, There Are Better Choice", Transitions Journal Digital Collection, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections,
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