Transitions, vol. 11, no. 1, April 1998; $aving Tax Dollars To Save Forests

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Transitions, vol. 11, no. 1, April 1998; $aving Tax Dollars To Save Forests
Osborn, John
Osborn, John Sonner, Scott Olsen, Ken Tucker, John Williams, Edith Roosevelt Derby
Inland Empire Public Lands Council
Number of Pages:
Newspaper Sources:
Lewiston Tribune; Idaho Statesman; The Spokesman Review; The Seattle Times; The Atlanta Journal; The Atlanta Constitution; Lost Angeles Times; Denver Post; Chattanooga Free Press; The Salt Lake Tribune; USA Today; Cleveland Plain Dealer; The Columbus Dispatch; The Washington Post; San Francisco Chronicle; Harrisburg Patriot News; Duluth News-Tribune; The Buffalo News; Kansas City Star; Tallahassee Democrat; The Tampa Tribune; The Philadelphia Inquirer; The New York Times; Dallas Morning News; The Boston Globe
forests conservation roads logging politicians
Osborn, John--$aving Tax Dollars To Save Forests; Sonner, Scott--Endless miles of national forest roads are falling apart--Lewiston Tribune, 1998-2-9(Lewiston, ID); Sonner, Scott--60,000 miles of forest roads found--Idaho Statesman, 1998-1-22(Boise, ID); Forest Service acknowledges taking a loss--The Spokesman Review, 1997-11-22(Spokane, WA); Big Timber bucks pave way for logging roads--The Seattle Times, 1997-12-20(Seattle, WA); Olsen, Ken--Senate rejects cuts in logging road funds--The Spokesman Review, 1997-9-18(Spokane, WA); Cash paves the way for timber industry--The Spokesman Review, 1997-12-17(Spokane, WA); Inland Empire Public Lands Council--An Open Letter to Larry Craig--Idaho Statesman, 1997-3-21(Boise, ID); Sonner, Scott--Craig unapologetic for taking timber money--Lewiston Tribune, 1997-3-22(Lewiston, ID); The fox guarding America's forests--The Atlanta Journal, The Atlanta Constitution, 1997-2-5(Atlanta, Georgia); Olsen, Ken--Craig critic doesn't speak softly--The Spokesman Review, 1997-3-25(Spokane, WA); Tucker, John--Boise Cascade promises profit--Idaho Statesman, 1997-4-19(Boise, ID); Taxpayers shouldn't subsidize logging roads--The Seattle Times, 1997-7-9(Seattle, WA); Those Pricey Back Roads--Lost Angeles Times, 1997-7-10(Los Angeles, CA); Don't subsidize timber...--Denver Post, 1997-7-28(Denver, CO); Let Them Pay Their Way--Chattanooga Free Press, 1997-9-15(Chattanooga, TN); No More Forest Roads--The Salt Lake Tribune, 1997-7-10(Salt Lake City, UT); End welfare for timbering--The Atlanta Journal, 1997-7-8(Atlanta, Georgia); Timber! Let subsidies fall--USA Today, 1997-7-9; It's clear-cut corporate welfare--Cleveland Plain Dealer, 1997-8-19(Cleveland, OH); End damaging, wasteful logging-road subsidies--The Seattle Times, 1997-8-29(Seattle, WA); Log-rolling, Chop funding for national timber roads--The Columbus Dispatch, 1997-9-2(Columbus, OH); Cut the Cutting--The Washington Post, 1997-8-19(Washington, D.C.); Corporate Welfare for Loggers--San Francisco Chronicle, 1997-9-9(San Francisco, CA); Cut Timber Subsidy--The Salt Lake Tribune, 1997-9-8(Salt Lake City, UT); No Bargain, U.S. has no business subsidizing timber harvest on public lands--Harrisburg Patriot News, 1997-9-10(Harrisburg, PA); End forest road subsidy--Duluth News-Tribune, 1997-6-20(Duluth, MN); Time for Senate Action, Stop building timber roads at public cost--The Buffalo News, 1997-9-15(Buffalo, NY); Costly forest subsidy, unnecessary new roads must not be built.--Kansas City Star, 1997-7-9; Why a timber harvest supported by taxpayers?--Tallahassee Democrat, 1997-9-8(Tallahassee, Florida); End the great logging road sham--The Tampa Tribune, 1997-9-10(Tampa, Florida); Give it the ax, Stop subsidizing logging roads in national forests.--The Philadelphia Inquirer, 1997-9-9(Philadelphia, PA); A Senseless Federal Subsidy--The New York Times, 1997-9-10(New York, NY); Forest Roads, Budget cutters could ax this subsidy--Dallas Morning News, 1997-7-13(Dallas, TX); Prime target for the budget ax--The Boston Globe, 1997-9-11(Boston, MA); Forest chief shifts focus to clean water--The Spokesman Review, 1998-3-3(Spokane, WA); Lawmakers threaten to cut forest funds over road dispute--The Spokesman Review, 1998-2-26(Spokane, WA); Williams, Edith Roosevelt Derby--Protecting the forest for all the people--The Seattle Times, 1997-7-10(Seattle, WA)
Spokane, WA
John Osborn Papers, Special Collections and Archvies, University of Idaho Library,
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"Transitions, vol. 11, no. 1, April 1998; $aving Tax Dollars To Save Forests", Transitions Journal Digital Collection, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections,
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