Transitions, vol. 5, no. 10/11, October/November 1992; Salvage, Forest Health or Forest Death?

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Transitions, vol. 5, no. 10/11, October/November 1992; Salvage, Forest Health or Forest Death?
Osborn, John
Osborn, John Lynch, Jim Folger, Sara Schwennesen, Don Rosenberg, Barry Swisher, Larry Medberry, Michael Richmond, R. M. Aplet, Gregory JRB Matejko, Ann Kincannon, Linn Barker, Rocky Heikkenen, Ed Gray, Donald Megahan, Walter Garber, Andrew Bradley, Carol Cockle, Richard Titone, Julie Taylor, Rob Petersen, Michael Kilmer, David Partridge, Arthur D. Bertagnolli, Catherine L. Sedler, Liz Winn, Norman L. Kay, Jane Knudson, Tom Bureau, Bee Sierra Noss, Reed F., J. Mack, Carol Maser, Chris Tarrant, Robert F. Trappe, James M. Franklin, Jerry Harmon, M.E. Franklin, J. F. Swanson, F. J. Sollins, P. Gregory, S. V. Lattin, J. D. Anderson, N. H. Cline, S. P. Aumen, N. G. Sedell, J. R. Lienkaemper, G. W. Cromack, K. Jr Cummins, K. W. Schowalter, Timothy D. Fritz, Marlene Simon, Jim
Inland Empire Public Lands Council
Number of Pages:
Newspaper Sources:
The Spokesman Review; Missoulian; U.S. House; Post Register; Forest Watch; AFSEEE Activist; Intermountain Reporter; Idaho Conservation League News; North Idaho News Network; Gannett News Service; USDA Forest Service; Fifth North American Forest Soils Conf.; Idaho Statesman; The Oregonian; Lewiston Tribune; Inland Empire Public Lands Council; Seattle Post-Intelligencer; Kettle Range News; TREAZ, Inc; Sandpoint Forest Watch; The Seattle Times; San Francisco Examiner; Sacramento Bee; 1992 Blue Mountains Biodiversity Conference; The P.O.E.T. Newsletter; USDA Forest Service, and Interior Dept B.L.M.; Advances in Ecological Research
timber conservation presidents timber forests
Osborn, John--Salvage, Forest Health or Forest Death?; Lynch, Jim--Timber counties vote 'green'--The Spokesman Review, 1992-11-5(Spokane, WA); Folger, Sara--Forest Watch Report; Lynch, Jim--Bush accused of playing politics with timber--The Spokesman Review, 1992-9-11(Spokane, WA); Schwennesen, Don--Timber leaders lobby for bill to speed up salvage efforts--Missoulian, 1992-6-13(Missoula, MT); Rosenberg, Barry--testifying on proposed Forest health legislation--U.S. House, 1992-7-1; Swisher, Larry--Rep. LaRocco's forest bill faces hurdles--Post Register, 1992-8-24(Idaho Falls, ID); Medberry, Michael--testifying on proposed Forest Health legislation--U.S. House, 1992-5-23; Richmond, R. M.--FY 1993 Program of Work--1992-11-3; Aplet, Gregory--Forest Health: Ecological Crisis or Timber Driven Hype?--Forest Watch, 1992-8(Portland, OR); Ten Questions to Ask--AFSEEE Activist, 1992-9(Eugene, OR); JRB--Forest health--Post Register, 1992-9-1(Idaho Falls, ID); Matejko, Ann--Mission Accomplished -- Moose Creek Plateau Timber Sale Completed--Intermountain Reporter, 1985-3(Ogden, UT); Kincannon, Linn-- Are Bugs An Excuse To Cut More Trees?--Idaho Conservation League News, 1992-3(Boise, ID); Barker, Rocky--Forests in transition--Post Register, 1992-6-14(Idaho Falls, ID); IFI: Timber shortage forces mill closures--North Idaho News Network, 1992-5-13(Coeur d'Alene, ID); Heikkenen, Ed--Catastrophe For The Columbia Basin's Salmon Runs; Brewer, Norm--'Stream 'blow outs' are reminders of heavy logging--Gannett News Service, 1986-12; 'Rules to protect fish delay 50-year plan for Boise Forest'--1986-12-28; Gray, Donald and Megahan, Walter--Forest vegetation removal and slope stability in the Idaho Batholith--USDA Forest Service, 1981-5; Megahan, Walter--Landslide occurrence in the western and central Northern Rocky Mountain Physio-graphic province in Idaho Proc.--Fifth North American Forest Soils Conf., 1978-8(Ft. Collins, CO); Garber, Andrew--Forest dilemma: Log it or leave it--Idaho Statesman, 1992-2-3(Boise, ID); Bradley, Carol--U.S. plans to cut trees in Idaho, forbids appeals--Idaho Statesman, 1992-6-6(Boise, ID); Cockle, Richard--Salvage logging pushed by Umatilla Forest--The Oregonian, 1991-11-7(Portland, OR); Cockle, Richard--Forest Service sending teams east to rebuild forests--The Oregonian, 1992-7-24(Portland, OR); Cockle, Richard--Aggressive timber salvaging proposed--The Oregonian, 1991-12-3(Portland, OR); Cockle, Richard--Timber advocates score ecologists for fighting east side salvage logging--The Oregonian, 1992-1-14(Portland, OR); Cockle, Richard--Forest-related windfall cheats E. Oregon--The Oregonian, 1992-1-31(Portland, OR); Bugs kill 60% of eastern Oregon forests--Lewiston Tribune, 1992-2-18(Lewiston, ID); Titone, Julie--Act complicating salvage of timber in Blue Mountains--The Spokesman Review, 1992-9-13(Spokane, WA); Rosenberg, Barry--Logging impacts understated--Inland Empire Public Lands Council; Taylor, Rob--Disease forest crisis east of Cascades--Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1992-9-23(Seattle, WA); Petersen, Michael--Forest Health Plan Rejected By Colville National Forest--Kettle Range News, 1992-10(Republic, WA); Lynch, Jim--As budworms spread, agencies seek strategy--The Spokesman Review, 1992-7-14(Spokane, WA); Kilmer, David--Yew damage closes logging salvage--North Idaho News Network, 1992-8-28(Coeur d'Alene, ID); Salvage timber sale moves to priority list--North Idaho News Network, 1992-10(Coeur d'Alene, ID); Heikkenen, Ed--U.S. Forest Service; Partridge, Arthur D. and Bertagnolli, Catherine L.--Idaho Panhandle, Using Root Rot to Justify OverCutting: Wolf Lodge Creek (Horizon Timber Sale)--TREAZ, Inc., 1991-6-27; Marlenee presses for Yaak harvest--Missoulian, 1992-2-26(Missoula, MT); Schwennesen, Don--Yaak action, Environmental groups file suit, claiming government bowed to political pressure to increase Yaak cut--Missoulian, 1992-9-10(Missoula, MT); Yaak Lawsuit--Missoulian, 1992-9-10(Missoula, MT); Titone, Julie--Timber sales in Upper Yaak on hold--The Spokesman Review, 1992-10-22(Spokane, WA); Sedler, Liz--Testimony before House Subcommittee on Family Farms, Forests and Energy regarding the National Forest Health Bill of 1992--Sandpoint Forest Watch, 1992-6-29; Gorton loses on salvage--The Seattle Times, 1992-8-8(Seattle, WA); Winn, Norman L.-- Creative approach needed to manage salvage logging--The Seattle Times, 1992-11-17(Seattle, WA); Arson and Owls--AFSEEE Activist, 1992-11 and 12(Eugene, OR); Kay, Jane--Environmentalists, logger clash--San Francisco Examiner, 1992-8-9(San Francisco, CA); Knudson, Tom and Bureau, Bee Sierra--Cure for forests-- or attack?--Sacramento Bee, 1992-9-9(Sacramento, CA); Biodiversity loss causes an ecosystem to unravel--The Seattle Times, 1992-7-29(Seattle, WA); Noss, Reed--Biodiversity In The Blue Mountains--1992 Blue Mountains Biodiversity Conference, 1992-5-26 to 29(Walla Walla, WA); F., J.--It takes more than living trees to make a forest--Lewiston Tribune, 1992-3-31(Lewiston, ID); Mack, Carol--Life After Death--The P.O.E.T. Newsletter, 1992-5(Newport, WA); Felled trees may benefit forest soil--The Spokesman Review, 1992-10-16(Spokane, WA); Maser, Chris, Tarrant, Robert F., Trappe, James M., Franklin, Jerry--Ecology of Coarse Woody Debris--USDA Forest Service, and Interior Dept B.L.M., 1988; Harmon, M.E., Franklin, J. F., Swanson, F. J., Sollins, P., Gregory, S. V., Lattin, J. D., Anderson, N. H., Cline, S. P., Aumen, N. G., Sedell, J. R., Lienkaemper, G. W., Cromack, K. Jr, Cummins, K. W.--Ecology Of Coarse Woody Debris (CWD)--Advances in Ecological Research, 1986; Schowalter, Timothy D.--Roles Of Insects And Diseases in Sustaining Forests; Fritz, Marlene--Entomologist reassures on bark beetle damage--Lewiston Tribune, 1992-7-20(Lewiston, ID); Barker, Rocky--Election brings shift in environmental politics affecting West--Post Register, 1992-11-8(Idaho Falls, ID); Simon, Jim--Voters do a slash-and-burn on candidates supported by timber-industry money--The Seattle Times, 1992-11-11(Seattle, WA); Learning from dying forests--The Oregonian, 1992-7-29(Portland, OR)
Spokane, WA
John Osborn Papers, Special Collections and Archvies, University of Idaho Library,
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"Transitions, vol. 5, no. 10/11, October/November 1992; Salvage, Forest Health or Forest Death?", Transitions Journal Digital Collection, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections,
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