Summary: This Taylor Ranch log book continues the Akenson's journey as caretakers for the ranch. Life seems to have settled a little bit more than previous years that recounted the various large wildfires and the attacks of September 11th, 2001. The Akenson's still continue their clean up from the wildfires a couple years ago. They also prepare a "fire talk" relating to their experiences in the Frank Church wilderness to present for various students and functions. Internships and educational opportunities also continue to flourish at the Taylor Ranch and the Akensons continue to publish a large variety of wildlife biology research. One such research project they participated in that is vital to the Idaho wilderness is the reintroduction of wolves.
- Digital Format:
- application/pdf
- Identifier:
- TLBmay02tomay03
- Metadata Cataloger:
- Ricky Lee Baldridge; Jasmine Warne Rowe
- Preferred Citation:
- "Taylor Ranch Log Book, May 2002 - May 2003", Taylor Ranch Log Book Collection, University of Idaho Library.
- Reference Link:
- Contributing Institution:
- University of Idaho; Taylor Ranch Wilderness Research Station
- Rights to the digital resource are held by the University of Idaho.