Good News - Power Item Info

Good News - Power [transcript]

00:00:00:00 - 00:00:29:24 Unknown Speaker: As an army terrible. With battles sweeping before the black shades of Mike routing despair comes the flaming truth of the God. Lord.

00:00:29:27 - 00:00:54:07 Unknown Speaker: Why do you suffer the indignities of life when you can control life? Your faith is in your hands now. At last, the way he is. Open, if you will. But take it. When doctor Frank V Robinson first realized the dynamic implications of psyche, he was in depth. A humble drug clerk with no future, no hope. Now he possesses all that he wants of.

00:00:54:07 - 00:01:13:12 Unknown Speaker: Well, his mind is at peace, and he is accorded praise and renown as an outside handing and famous psychologist. The same forces that raised him out of the depths to stand on a high plain among men can be put to work for you.

00:01:13:14 - 00:01:43:26 Unknown Speaker: He. Earned. It doesn’t matter what your condition, how much you have, how much you know. The same surging, pulsing power that was unleashed when Doctor Robinson first saw the power of the God. Lord can enter into your life and your spirit and make you whatever you want to become. Are you for the irresistible power of the God realm?

00:01:44:01 - 00:02:11:14 Unknown Speaker: Can give you abundance of material possessions. Are you unhappy? There is a great beast inside Kiana. Does the way you seem confused? Does life withhold its secrets through the power of the cosmic forces? Man can now talk with God throughout the world in 67 countries of the earth. The eternal truths have spread and thousands raise their voices in blessing.

00:02:11:16 - 00:02:33:23 Unknown Speaker: But at last the light has passed through the veil of blackness. But man is at last liberated to live a life of fullness, of realization. The power that works for thousands can work for you. It is the same dynamic power that spins the stars in that orbit, the same power that wheels the galaxies into the birth of new worlds.

00:02:33:26 - 00:03:15:25 Unknown Speaker: The same power that illuminated the mind of Edison, of Marconi, of Michelangelo with it. You can become what you will ask, and it shall be given. For Doctor Robinson is waiting eagerly to help you find the truth through kinship with the God realm. As the organ plays a brief transcribed interlude, consider what you would ask of life. Then listen for the actual voice of doctor Frank B Robinson, founder of a psychiatric.

00:03:15:28 - 00:03:19:11 Unknown Speaker: Doctor Robinson.

00:03:19:14 - 00:03:44:07 Frank Bruce Robinson: I am looking back today for a little while, over a period of about 9 or 10 years. There I was, a humble drug clerk. No future, no hope. 43 years of age and nothing to show for those 43 years. But from my very earliest childhood, there had always been a desire to know the things pertaining to the great God realm.

00:03:44:09 - 00:04:12:00 Frank Bruce Robinson: I just instinctively seemed to know that there did exist and must exist a power here and now, which could do for me the things I wanted done, but yet could not do for myself. I shall never regret the day I first put this great God power to the test. What happened, you say? Well, first of all, I knew I was a changed man.

00:04:12:03 - 00:04:48:23 Frank Bruce Robinson: Where before I had existed in my life. Nothing but thoughts of failure. These were immediately replaced by thoughts of success. Then, in less than one year, 67 different countries knew my message today. Well, it is hard to estimate how many students have studied with me all over the world. I wish at this moment that I could be with you in person, that I might urge you with all the earnestness that might come, and to consider whether you are satisfied with life as it has existed for you today.

00:04:48:25 - 00:05:27:01 Frank Bruce Robinson: Are you satisfied with a lack? With a shortage? Are you satisfied with the discomforts of life? Real life? Abundantly happy, healthy and prosperous. Go out under the stars. Some evening. Surely you will recognize the fact that the stars spin in their orbits. Yet never do they collide. What manner of intelligence is this? What manner of power? Well, surely the intelligence which in the first place created, and which moment by moment sustains your own celestial bodies in the heavens above.

00:05:27:03 - 00:05:55:26 Frank Bruce Robinson: Can at least give you and me the few little things we need to make our lives full of happiness, peace, and abundance here and now. What a pity that we have lived in ignorance of this power today. Limitations? No, not in the spiritual realm. For our limitations cannot exist there. An abundance of power, you ask? Yes. All the power you can ever need.

00:05:55:28 - 00:06:21:23 Frank Bruce Robinson: And why? Just simply because this is a divine power. It is the power which created this universe in the first place, and which, more than that, created you and me. And do you not think that the power which created you and me knows how to sustain us? And still more than that, knows how to bring to each one of us the things we need.

00:06:21:25 - 00:06:54:27 Frank Bruce Robinson: I think it does. I know it does. I just wish you could see the changed lives I have seen in the past 9 or 10 years. You ask me if these lives have been changed through a change in mental body. And I say most empathically not. These lives have been changed because the owners of those lives knew that there exists a power, a spiritual power, which can take complete charge of a human life.

00:06:55:00 - 00:07:13:24 Frank Bruce Robinson: And regardless of how empty it has been today, can bring into that life an abundance of peace, happiness, and material as well as spiritual supply.

00:07:13:26 - 00:07:42:14 Unknown Speaker: There isn’t one of you who has heard Doctor Robinson today, who hasn’t had some time stopped to wonder what life is all about. How does it happen that we are here? Since we are, why aren’t we all supremely happy? Why do such things as poverty, disease, sickness, unhappiness, crime? Why are they permitted to exist simply because we do not or will not understand the great laws that govern all creation.

00:07:42:17 - 00:08:11:06 Unknown Speaker: If we but knew if we but could but put ourselves in communication with the dynamic power of the God, impose. Establish intelligent communication with a source of power. We could abolish all this, and we could direct our steps into a brave new world where such things as poverty and suffering were impossible. You can have anything in life that you want and have it most abundantly, if you will.

00:08:11:06 - 00:08:44:11 Unknown Speaker: But stretch forth your hand to seek the pulse and dynamic power of the God realm. It is all around you as you listen to it. Its mighty impulses are pulsating through your being right now, going to waste because you are not in tune with the God love. Those same dancing flashes of power can perform miracles for you, can raise you to high places, can overwhelm you with an abundance of worldly possessions, can enter into your soul with the peace that passeth understanding.

00:08:44:14 - 00:08:55:01 Unknown Speaker: Doctor Robinson Mullaly with you. A few parting thoughts. Ponder on them. Carry them with you until Doctor Robinson joins you again.

00:08:55:04 - 00:09:27:20 Frank Bruce Robinson: My hands are reaching out to you wherever you are, with the key to all of life’s joy and richness. Won’t you come the small rest of the way? Won’t you let me help you? Write to me. Tell me what you want. And I will tell you how the great God law can bring it to you.

00:09:27:22 - 00:09:51:04 Unknown You.

00:09:51:06 - 00:10:04:25 Unknown See it with.

00:10:04:28 - 00:10:31:19 Unknown Speaker: The key to life is in your hands now. Won’t you enter into a fuller life? The life that is your life is one of God’s creatures. All you need do is send a simple letter or card to doctor Frank B Robinson at his home in Moscow, Idaho. Or to the station which brings you this transcribed message. Remember the address, doctor Frank B Robinson, Moscow, Idaho.

00:10:31:26 - 00:10:47:24 Unknown Speaker: Spelled MOFs C, O, W, or MKR of this station 33.

00:10:47:27 - 00:11:00:20 Unknown Everything.

00:11:00:22 - 00:11:04:22 Unknown And.

00:11:04:24 - 00:11:14:04 Unknown 30.

00:11:14:07 - 00:11:29:03 Unknown Three.

00:11:29:05 - 00:12:02:07 Unknown May 1330. Two. You see, we learned.

Good News - Power
Date Created (ISO Standard):
Radio program episode begins with assurance that there is a Power that can get people what they desire. Robinson then discusses his early life failures and childhood seeking of some force that could turn his failures into success. He asserts the God-Power can turn our failures into success and bring us material and spiritual abundance.
Robinson's Life Failure Success Material Abundance
Item Information:
radio program
Related Publication:
Good News
MG 101, Frank Bruce Robinson. Papers, 1929-1951, University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives,
Original Indentifier:
MG-101, Box 5, Tapes

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Preferred Citation:
"Good News - Power", Psychiana Digital Collection, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections,
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