Psychiana No. 15 Item Info

Psychiana No. 15 [transcript]

00:00:00:00 - 00:00:24:24 Unknown Speaker: In the past several years, a new word has come into our language. Or rather, I should say, into many languages. Or you hear it used in practically every civilized country in the world. That word is Scheana. What does it mean? What is there about it that has brought it into such widespread use? Just this psyche. Anna is the name of a system of philosophy.

00:00:24:27 - 00:00:46:22 Unknown Speaker: A system of thought which has made thousands upon thousands of converts. And why has it made so many converts? Because it is something they can apply in their daily lives, because it actually works, because it enables them to get out of life, things they’ve never been able to get before. Wouldn’t you like to hear about this philosophy? I’m sure any thinking person would.

00:00:46:25 - 00:01:02:19 Unknown Speaker: And so we are about to introduce the man who evolved that philosophy that you may hear about it from his own lips. Hear him discuss it from his study in his own home. That man is doctor Frank Robinson. And your guide will take you to him.

00:01:02:22 - 00:01:33:04 Unknown Speaker: So once more, we arrive in the little town of Moscow, nestling among the hills of northern Idaho, and approach the home of Doctor Robinson. Here is the very center, the very birthplace of a philosophy which is rapidly changing human thought, giving men an entirely new conception of their creator. We might expect some elaborate sort of palace up and ceremony, but what we find is a simple, pleasant, comfortable home.

00:01:33:06 - 00:02:03:19 Unknown Speaker: We might expect two hours of waiting before we are admitted to Doctor Robinson study, but instead we find the door ajar in anticipation of our arrival as we enter. Doctor Robinson is seated at the console of his magnificent pipe organ, and we tiptoe softly into the room so as not to interrupt his playing.

00:02:03:21 - 00:02:14:04 Unknown Service for.

00:02:14:06 - 00:02:21:13 Unknown Our.

00:02:21:15 - 00:03:08:09 Unknown Friend who?

00:03:08:12 - 00:03:11:24 Frank Bruce Robinson: Oh, hello. Sneaking in on me again?

00:03:11:26 - 00:03:16:06 Unknown Speaker: Yes. And I’m sorry you turned around. Otherwise, we might have had more music.

00:03:16:08 - 00:03:21:26 Frank Bruce Robinson: Oh, I was only killing a little time while waiting for you. I’m not really a musician, you know.

00:03:22:02 - 00:03:28:15 Unknown Speaker: Well, next time, I’m going to wait outside the house because you always stop playing when I come in.

00:03:28:17 - 00:03:31:20 Frank Bruce Robinson: Oh, wait. You didn’t come here to listen to me play at all?

00:03:31:20 - 00:03:32:29 Unknown Speaker: Now, that’s not true, doctor.

00:03:33:05 - 00:03:37:09 Frank Bruce Robinson: I really I’ll wager you’re all ready to try to stump me with a question.

00:03:37:10 - 00:03:40:10 Unknown Speaker: Well, I have got a question, but.

00:03:40:12 - 00:03:44:27 Frank Bruce Robinson: I thought so. All right. Out with it. What is it this time?

00:03:45:00 - 00:03:56:22 Unknown Speaker: Doctor Robinson, do you remember some time ago when we were talking, you said that the principle which governs the universe, the God law, as you called it, created the earth?

00:03:56:24 - 00:03:59:28 Frank Bruce Robinson: Yes. I recall making that statement many times.

00:04:00:02 - 00:04:07:27 Unknown Speaker: Well, why do you prefer to believe that the Earth was created by this God law instead of the account which is given in Genesis?

00:04:07:29 - 00:04:19:20 Frank Bruce Robinson: That’s a very good question. And my answer is that I regard the story of the creation as it is set forth in Genesis as contradictory. In other words, Genesis contradicts itself.

00:04:19:23 - 00:04:22:11 Unknown Speaker: I don’t think I quite follow that, doctor.

00:04:22:14 - 00:04:40:10 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, let’s start back a little way and analyze the whole subject. To begin with. You will admit, won’t you? That of two contradictions one must be found if one person says an object is white and another says it is black. One of those statements must of necessity be false.

00:04:40:18 - 00:04:42:08 Unknown Speaker: Yes, I’ll admit that.

00:04:42:11 - 00:04:53:26 Frank Bruce Robinson: Now, you will also admit, I think, that the Bible is held up to us as a divinely inspired document, and that we are told we must believe everything in it without question.

00:04:53:29 - 00:04:57:01 Unknown Speaker: And I’ll admit that also very well.

00:04:57:03 - 00:05:18:28 Frank Bruce Robinson: Now let’s review the Genesis account of the creation. The first chapter specifically declares that Genesis creation took place in six days. On the first day, light and day and night were created. Yet Mark used the sun, which causes day and night was not created until the fourth day. How are you going to believe that?

00:05:19:01 - 00:05:21:24 Unknown Speaker: Say. I never thought of it in that way before.

00:05:21:26 - 00:05:47:27 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, lots of people haven’t thought of it. But setting aside that discrepancy on the second day, the firmament of heaven, whatever that is, was created on the third day. The dry land, the seas and growing thing on the fourth day. The sun, moon and star. On the fifth day, every living creature that moveth in the waters and every winged fowl.

00:05:47:29 - 00:06:01:23 Frank Bruce Robinson: And on the sixth day all manner of beasts and cattle. And then afterwards, on that same day, God created man in his own image, male and female created he them. Is that correct?

00:06:01:25 - 00:06:04:08 Unknown Speaker: And nearly as I remember. That’s correct.

00:06:04:10 - 00:06:31:14 Frank Bruce Robinson: Thus, according to the first chapter of Genesis, in six days all creation, including man and woman, was finished. Now let’s review the second chapter, beginning with the fourth verse, which states, these are the generations of the heavens and of the earth. When they were created in the day when the Lord God made the earth and the heavens. So here we have the earth and heavens being created in one day.

00:06:31:17 - 00:06:38:29 Frank Bruce Robinson: While in the former account, the heavens did not appear until the second day, and the earth was not formed until the third day.

00:06:39:02 - 00:06:40:24 Unknown Speaker: Yes, I see.

00:06:40:26 - 00:07:05:23 Frank Bruce Robinson: But that is not the only contradiction in the first account. Genesis 112. After creating the dry land God commanded, and the earth brought forth grass, herb yielding seed, tree bearing fruit, and so on. But in the second account, Genesis two five, no plant of the field was yet in the earth, and no herb of the field had yet sprung up.

00:07:05:25 - 00:07:32:23 Frank Bruce Robinson: And here is another contradiction in the first version. Genesis 124 and 25 God made every beast and animal on the sixth day before man was created. But the second version tells us that man was created first, and after that God formed every beast of the field and brought them to man. And here is still another glaring contradiction, according to the first statement.

00:07:32:24 - 00:08:04:29 Frank Bruce Robinson: All of creation, including man and woman, was finished on the sixth day. But in the second account, we have man created alone and put in the Garden of Eden alone, and then follows the creation of woman from Man’s Rib. If we had time, I could cite many more contradictions, but the point I am making is this here in the Bible itself, supposedly a divinely inspired document, we have two totally contradictory stories of the creation of the Earth.

00:08:05:01 - 00:08:20:16 Frank Bruce Robinson: Consequently, one of them must be false. If one of them is false, then it cannot be divinely inspired. And if a portion of the Bible is not divinely inspired, we may reasonably doubt the inspiration of all of it.

00:08:20:18 - 00:08:26:05 Unknown Speaker: But if the story of creation is not divinely inspired, how do you account for it?

00:08:26:08 - 00:08:52:18 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, from the fact that it contains two widely varying and conflicting accounts, I would say that it is the work not of Moses, but of two different writers and probably a third who pieced these two accounts together. And here is something else. Genesis states that the Garden of Eden contains every created species of animal and plant. It must have been a tremendous proportions.

00:08:52:21 - 00:08:59:16 Frank Bruce Robinson: And yet we are told one man, Adam, was able to dress and to keep it. does that sound reasonable?

00:08:59:23 - 00:09:02:05 Unknown Speaker: No, I’ll admit that it does not.

00:09:02:07 - 00:09:19:10 Frank Bruce Robinson: And can you or any other intelligent person believe that the earth was created in six days when every fact of geology, astronomy, and anthropology shows conclusively that our world was countless ages in the process. Information.

00:09:19:12 - 00:09:31:08 Unknown Speaker: The doctor couldn’t. The word day, as it appears in Genesis, have been used simply in a figurative sense? In other words, a day might have meant many thousands of years.

00:09:31:11 - 00:09:56:25 Frank Bruce Robinson: Yes, I was expecting that question. Now, let me tell you something. In the story of creation, the word for day in the he is the Hebrew word yum. this same word is used in the Old Testament 11 153 times, and in no instance doesn’t mean anything more than 24 hours. Why then, should a different interpretation be put upon it in the book of Genesis?

00:09:56:28 - 00:10:25:26 Frank Bruce Robinson: However, to answer your question directly, Genesis itself defines the word yom by saying quote and the evening in the morning was the first yom, the first day when the Book of Genesis mentions the word day. It means evening and morning. That is 24 hours. And in the phrase evening and morning, evening comes first. Due to the fact that the Jewish day began at sunset.

00:10:25:28 - 00:10:49:16 Frank Bruce Robinson: No, the old Hebrew writers who concocted the story of the creation were not subtle enough to put any interpretation upon the word other than its literal meaning. When they said that God created the earth in six days and rested on the seventh day meant actual 24 hour day. And do you know why they selected six days instead of some other number?

00:10:49:18 - 00:10:51:18 Unknown Speaker: No, I do not.

00:10:51:20 - 00:11:21:21 Frank Bruce Robinson: Because the writers, without very much doubt, had in mind a similar story of creation, namely the Babylonian story. Moreover, these six successive steps in creation also occur in the end Avesta, the sacred writings of the Pharisees and in several other pagan myths. Like most of the supposedly divinely inspired accounts of which the Bible is composed. The story of the creation was taken from pagan mythology.

00:11:21:23 - 00:11:33:04 Unknown Speaker: Well, all this has been very enlightening, Doctor Robinson. And now there is something else I would like to ask you. Do you differ with the Bible explanation of heaven and hell?

00:11:33:06 - 00:11:35:25 Frank Bruce Robinson: Yes, I most assuredly do.

00:11:35:28 - 00:11:38:13 Unknown Speaker: Well, you, tell me why.

00:11:38:15 - 00:11:48:04 Frank Bruce Robinson: That’s a pretty large question to answer, and I’m afraid we’ll have to put it off until some other time. If you’ll notice that there. We only have a few moments left.

00:11:48:08 - 00:11:54:26 Unknown Speaker: So I didn’t realize that it was getting that late. But anyway, we have time for some music, haven’t we?

00:11:54:29 - 00:12:04:07 Frank Bruce Robinson: Yes, I guess we have time for that. And here’s the number I’m going to play.

00:12:04:09 - 00:12:24:07 Frank Bruce Robinson: For.

00:12:24:09 - 00:12:29:00 Unknown Speaker: Recognizes why. Yes, it’s my Paradise and a favorite of mine.

00:12:29:02 - 00:12:35:05 Frank Bruce Robinson: It’s a favorite of mine, too. And I’m playing it by special request.

00:13:04:28 - 00:13:11:08 Unknown The.

00:13:11:11 - 00:13:15:22 Unknown First.

00:13:15:24 - 00:13:37:11 Unknown I had.

00:13:37:13 - 00:13:58:16 Unknown Speaker: These 15 minute programs are much too short for Doctor Robinson to give you his complete message of psyche on us. But you can have that complete message without charge and without obligating yourself in the slightest degree. In fact, Doctor Robinson will be glad to send it to you. Simply write him a letter or a postcard and say, please send me your complete outline.

00:13:58:19 - 00:14:22:15 Unknown Speaker: Then address your letter to doctor Frank Robinson, care of the station to which you are listening, or to doctor Frank Robinson. Moscow, Idaho. If you write to Moscow, Idaho, be sure to include in the address the words Radio Department. Doctor Robinson will be on the air again very soon, and we return you now to your local announcer, who will give you the exact time and date.

00:14:22:17 - 00:14:34:14 Unknown Speaker: You.

Psychiana No. 15
MacGregor & Sollie Studios
Date Created (ISO Standard):
Fifteen minute radio broadcast corresponds with radio transcript Psychiana No. 15. Episode begins with 'guide' asking Robinson questions about the creation of the world via the God-Law and Genesis. Through dialogue, Robinson discusses contradictions that he finds in the book of Genesis that lead him to believe in the God-Law rather than Biblical accounts of Creation.
Creation Stories Criticizing Orthodox Reilgions
Item Information:
radio program
MG 101, Frank Bruce Robinson. Papers, 1929-1951, University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives,
Original Indentifier:
MG-101, Box 5, Tapes

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Preferred Citation:
"Psychiana No. 15", Psychiana Digital Collection, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections,
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