Psychiana No. 13 Item Info

Psychiana No. 13 [transcript]

00:00:00:00 - 00:00:41:08 Unknown Speaker: You have heard the expression life begins at 40. I think Doctor Robinson, whom you are about to hear, has demonstrated that life begins not at any particular age, but whenever a person realizes the tremendous truth which pervades this universe. A truth so plain, so apparent, that only those who willfully close their eyes to it cannot see it. I say, Doctor Robinson has demonstrated this truth, has demonstrated it in thousands and thousands of cases where his system of philosophy, Scheana, as he calls it, has brought to people like you and me happier, fuller, richer lives has produced practical results.

00:00:41:10 - 00:00:56:24 Unknown Speaker: Certainly, every intelligent person must be interested in what Doctor Robinson has to say. And so, once again, we present your guide. We will take you to Doctor Robinson’s home in Moscow, Idaho, for another fascinating discussion.

00:00:56:26 - 00:01:27:11 Frank Bruce Robinson: Great philosophers are never born amidst the clamor and tumult of the cities, so it is but natural that we would expect to find the Doctor Robinson’s home in a spot like this. A spot where great hills gaze in silent serenity across peaceful valley where pine trees stand as though in meditation against the calm sky. In a little home a light burns in the window.

00:01:27:13 - 00:01:57:18 Frank Bruce Robinson: And should we peep in that window, we would see a man seated at the console of a pipe organ, playing a lullaby for his children.

00:01:57:20 - 00:02:14:21 Frank Bruce Robinson: And.

00:02:14:23 - 00:02:16:21 Frank Bruce Robinson: May I commend Doctor Robinson?

00:02:16:23 - 00:02:22:19 Frank Bruce Robinson: Hello? Yes, certainly. Come in here. Let me have your coat and hat.

00:02:22:22 - 00:02:24:08 Frank Bruce Robinson: Thank you. Doctor.

00:02:24:10 - 00:02:27:07 Frank Bruce Robinson: Sit down and make yourself comfortable. How have you been?

00:02:27:10 - 00:02:36:20 Frank Bruce Robinson: Oh, very well, thanks, but say, I didn’t mean to interrupt your music. You know, as a matter of fact, I tried to steal in without your noticing me.

00:02:36:22 - 00:02:45:12 Frank Bruce Robinson: I think I’ve had enough music for the moment. And if my judgment isn’t wrong, I have a notion that you’ve arrived with another load of question. Am I right?

00:02:45:18 - 00:02:56:15 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, not exactly a load, doctor, but one question anyway. You’ve often said that the Christian religion was largely borrowed from pagan mythology.

00:02:56:17 - 00:02:58:08 Frank Bruce Robinson: Yes. That’s correct.

00:02:58:10 - 00:03:10:13 Frank Bruce Robinson: Now, if that is so, what about the doctrine of the Trinity? I think you will have to admit that this is one phase of the Christian religion, which you will not find in any other religion in the world.

00:03:10:16 - 00:03:22:15 Frank Bruce Robinson: No, I do not admit that if you will follow the development of religion from earliest times, you will see very clearly where and how the doctrine of the Trinity originated.

00:03:22:17 - 00:03:28:14 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, just what do you mean by following the development of religion? What religion?

00:03:28:16 - 00:03:36:28 Frank Bruce Robinson: All religions, for all of them, sprang from the same source, the same set of circumstances. Let me give you a picture of man, not.

00:03:36:28 - 00:03:38:08 Frank Bruce Robinson: As he is today.

00:03:38:10 - 00:03:39:00 Frank Bruce Robinson: But man.

00:03:39:00 - 00:03:41:26 Frank Bruce Robinson: In the very earliest stages of his development.

00:03:41:28 - 00:03:44:25 Frank Bruce Robinson: The caveman, if you wish to call him that.

00:03:44:27 - 00:03:46:25 Frank Bruce Robinson: The very lowest form of savage.

00:03:46:27 - 00:03:49:05 Frank Bruce Robinson: Not greatly removed from an animal.

00:03:49:07 - 00:03:54:21 Frank Bruce Robinson: Probably possessing no spoken language. His grip upon life was precarious.

00:03:54:24 - 00:03:55:10 Frank Bruce Robinson: He lived in a.

00:03:55:10 - 00:04:01:20 Frank Bruce Robinson: World of inimical forces. Death continually stalked him. Death from wild beasts.

00:04:01:22 - 00:04:04:02 Frank Bruce Robinson: From storms, from floods.

00:04:04:04 - 00:04:08:26 Frank Bruce Robinson: And he attributed all this to the work of the evil spirit. In the flash.

00:04:08:26 - 00:04:14:04 Frank Bruce Robinson: Of lightning he saw one kind of evil spirit, another in the wind, another in the.

00:04:14:04 - 00:04:17:12 Frank Bruce Robinson: Great grass fires which swept across the plain.

00:04:17:14 - 00:04:28:05 Frank Bruce Robinson: According to his belief, evil spirits encompassed him on every hand, and he walked in mortal terror of them. As time flowed on, as intelligence developed.

00:04:28:07 - 00:04:40:11 Frank Bruce Robinson: Certain of these primitive men saw an advantage in this situation. They set themselves up as sorcerers, medicine men, men who claimed to certain power over these evil spirits.

00:04:40:13 - 00:04:42:13 Frank Bruce Robinson: And they exacted from their fellow men.

00:04:42:17 - 00:04:55:17 Frank Bruce Robinson: Fees for protecting them from the spirit, sacrifices for appeasing the spirits. In time these medicine men became a priesthood, and the many spirits became gods.

00:04:55:19 - 00:05:07:21 Frank Bruce Robinson: Go back to the religion of the ancient Romans, the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Chaldeans. You will find each of them possessing many gods. You see, the idea is certainly not new.

00:05:07:23 - 00:05:13:00 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, what about the ancient Jews? Theirs was a religion of one God, was it not?

00:05:13:03 - 00:05:17:05 Frank Bruce Robinson: No, it was not. The Jews did worship one God.

00:05:17:07 - 00:05:20:12 Frank Bruce Robinson: But they admitted the existence of many gods.

00:05:20:15 - 00:05:22:02 Frank Bruce Robinson: The Jewish faith was simply.

00:05:22:02 - 00:05:36:21 Frank Bruce Robinson: That of Yahweh, or Jehovah was greater than other gods. Why? In the very first commandment is the admission that there were other gods. Listen, thou shalt have no other gods. Thou shalt not bow down.

00:05:36:21 - 00:05:38:15 Frank Bruce Robinson: To him, nor worship him.

00:05:38:18 - 00:05:42:13 Frank Bruce Robinson: Yes, that’s right. I’d never thought of that before.

00:05:42:15 - 00:05:45:26 Frank Bruce Robinson: So, in originating the doctrine of the Trinity.

00:05:45:29 - 00:05:49:05 Frank Bruce Robinson: The early Christian fathers simply reduced the.

00:05:49:05 - 00:05:54:29 Frank Bruce Robinson: Number of God. That is all. They made three into one. But what about.

00:05:54:29 - 00:06:02:03 Frank Bruce Robinson: The Holy Ghost? You don’t mean to tell me that this is also a borrowed superstition?

00:06:02:05 - 00:06:08:10 Frank Bruce Robinson: Yes. It is just the same as all the rest of the precepts of orthodox belief. In ancient India.

00:06:08:17 - 00:06:08:24 Frank Bruce Robinson: We.

00:06:08:24 - 00:06:13:08 Frank Bruce Robinson: Find the Holy Ghost is a dove. And Mr. Higgins tells us that brother.

00:06:13:10 - 00:06:14:14 Frank Bruce Robinson: The incarnate God of.

00:06:14:14 - 00:06:16:11 Frank Bruce Robinson: The Hindus, is often seen.

00:06:16:13 - 00:06:21:24 Frank Bruce Robinson: With cloven tongues of fire upon his head. I think you will recall that both of.

00:06:21:24 - 00:06:22:14 Frank Bruce Robinson: These figures.

00:06:22:20 - 00:06:25:06 Frank Bruce Robinson: The dove and the tongues of flame, are.

00:06:25:06 - 00:06:34:16 Frank Bruce Robinson: Mentioned as symbolizing the Holy Ghost in our New Testament, which came into existence hundreds of years later. No, the Holy Ghost story is.

00:06:34:16 - 00:06:38:08 Frank Bruce Robinson: Certainly not new. As a matter of fact, the origin.

00:06:38:08 - 00:06:44:02 Frank Bruce Robinson: Of the tradition respecting this fabulous and mythical being is very easily traced to the.

00:06:44:02 - 00:06:45:11 Frank Bruce Robinson: Ancient medical.

00:06:45:16 - 00:06:48:27 Frank Bruce Robinson: Conception of the deity in which stems first.

00:06:49:00 - 00:06:52:09 Frank Bruce Robinson: Brahma, the father, second, the word.

00:06:52:11 - 00:06:55:13 Frank Bruce Robinson: And third, the Holy Spirit.

00:06:55:13 - 00:06:56:10 Frank Bruce Robinson: Or the God of.

00:06:56:10 - 00:07:04:20 Frank Bruce Robinson: Regeneration. The Brahmins considered the Holy Ghost as the living, vital, active agent. In both the first and second.

00:07:04:20 - 00:07:07:04 Frank Bruce Robinson: Births of man or God.

00:07:07:07 - 00:07:26:22 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, that’s all very surprising to me, Doctor Robinson, and I imagine it’s very surprising to most people. But let me ask you this granting that the Holy Ghost is something taken from pagan and heathen religions is their Holy Ghost the same as the one mentioned in the New Testament?

00:07:26:25 - 00:07:27:29 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well.

00:07:28:02 - 00:07:29:03 Frank Bruce Robinson: What is the Holy.

00:07:29:03 - 00:07:30:07 Frank Bruce Robinson: Ghost mentioned in the New.

00:07:30:07 - 00:07:44:01 Frank Bruce Robinson: Testament? How is it defined? How is it described? I’ll answer that question for you. It is described in so many different ways that we really have no definition, no accurate description at all.

00:07:44:03 - 00:07:45:09 Frank Bruce Robinson: For example.

00:07:45:11 - 00:07:59:21 Frank Bruce Robinson: In John 2426 we are told the Holy Ghost is a person or person or God. In Luke 322, the Holy Ghost changes into a dove. In Matthew 1316, the Holy Ghost becomes a spirit.

00:07:59:24 - 00:08:01:10 Frank Bruce Robinson: While in John 130.

00:08:01:10 - 00:08:05:13 Frank Bruce Robinson: Two he is presented to us as an inanimate, senseless.

00:08:05:13 - 00:08:08:03 Frank Bruce Robinson: Object. In John five seven.

00:08:08:06 - 00:08:09:29 Frank Bruce Robinson: The Holy Ghost becomes a god.

00:08:10:01 - 00:08:14:27 Frank Bruce Robinson: And in acts two one we are told it is a mighty rushing wind.

00:08:15:00 - 00:08:18:04 Frank Bruce Robinson: In acts 1038, the Holy Ghost.

00:08:18:06 - 00:08:22:22 Frank Bruce Robinson: I presume, from its method of application, is an item in John.

00:08:22:22 - 00:08:28:11 Frank Bruce Robinson:

  1. The Holy Ghost is blind, while in acts two three the Holy Ghost.

00:08:28:14 - 00:08:35:08 Frank Bruce Robinson: Sits upon people, probably in the form of a bird, as it John’s baptism. Now in acts two one.

00:08:35:15 - 00:08:42:03 Frank Bruce Robinson: The Holy Ghost appears as fire, while in acts 817 the Holy Ghost is a magnetic.

00:08:42:03 - 00:08:46:28 Frank Bruce Robinson: Aura imparted by the laying on of hands. In Mark one eight.

00:08:47:00 - 00:09:00:05 Frank Bruce Robinson: The Holy Ghost is the medium of baptism. In acts 2825, the Holy Ghost has vocal organs and speech. In Hebrews six four, the Holy Ghost is measured out.

00:09:00:08 - 00:09:02:04 Frank Bruce Robinson: In Luke 322.

00:09:02:06 - 00:09:05:14 Frank Bruce Robinson: The Holy Ghost appears with a tangible body.

00:09:05:17 - 00:09:07:21 Frank Bruce Robinson: In Luke one five, and in other.

00:09:07:21 - 00:09:09:23 Frank Bruce Robinson: Texts we are taught that people are filled.

00:09:09:23 - 00:09:12:12 Frank Bruce Robinson: With the Holy Ghost. In Matthew 11.

00:09:12:12 - 00:09:17:06 Frank Bruce Robinson: 15, the Holy Ghost fills all people as a ponderous substance.

00:09:17:08 - 00:09:19:03 Frank Bruce Robinson: While in Luke four one.

00:09:19:05 - 00:09:20:11 Frank Bruce Robinson: The Holy Ghost is a.

00:09:20:11 - 00:09:24:03 Frank Bruce Robinson: God with him, a god in acts 2111.

00:09:24:07 - 00:09:27:17 Frank Bruce Robinson: The Holy Ghost is a being of either male or female.

00:09:27:17 - 00:09:30:00 Frank Bruce Robinson: Gender. And in John 132.

00:09:30:06 - 00:09:30:29 Frank Bruce Robinson: The Holy Ghost.

00:09:31:01 - 00:09:33:29 Frank Bruce Robinson: Has no gender. In Matthew one.

00:09:33:29 - 00:09:37:21 Frank Bruce Robinson: 18, the Holy Ghost becomes a vicarious agent.

00:09:37:27 - 00:09:39:04 Frank Bruce Robinson: In the procreation.

00:09:39:04 - 00:09:39:07 Frank Bruce Robinson: Of.

00:09:39:07 - 00:09:40:17 Frank Bruce Robinson: Another god.

00:09:40:20 - 00:09:43:24 Frank Bruce Robinson: And such are the ever shifting scenes presented.

00:09:43:24 - 00:09:46:08 Frank Bruce Robinson: In the scriptural panorama of the Holy.

00:09:46:08 - 00:09:47:29 Frank Bruce Robinson: Ghost. So you see.

00:09:48:02 - 00:09:53:12 Frank Bruce Robinson: It’s going to be a little difficult to really find out what this mythical being really is.

00:09:53:14 - 00:09:56:11 Frank Bruce Robinson: Yes, that certainly is confusing, isn’t it?

00:09:56:13 - 00:10:00:26 Frank Bruce Robinson: I can think of nothing more confusing or more meaningless.

00:10:00:28 - 00:10:13:05 Frank Bruce Robinson: Here in the Christian Bible we have the Holy Ghost undergoing a perpetual metamorphosis, being variously presented on different occasions as a person, a dove, a spirit.

00:10:13:08 - 00:10:24:13 Frank Bruce Robinson: An inanimate object, a god, the wind, an ointment, a breath, cloven tongues of fire, a bird or some other flying animal, a revelator.

00:10:24:16 - 00:10:36:22 Frank Bruce Robinson: Medium or element for baptism. An intelligent speaking being, a bodiless, senseless being, a measurable fluid substance, a being possessing a body.

00:10:36:25 - 00:10:40:21 Frank Bruce Robinson: A God dwelling within a God. And finally, the author.

00:10:40:21 - 00:10:43:22 Frank Bruce Robinson: Or subject of the incarnation of the second God.

00:10:43:22 - 00:10:44:22 Frank Bruce Robinson: In the Trinity.

00:10:44:25 - 00:10:47:28 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, doctor, that has certainly opened my eyes.

00:10:48:01 - 00:10:50:24 Frank Bruce Robinson: Now I realize that there are poor, ignorant.

00:10:50:26 - 00:11:00:06 Frank Bruce Robinson: Yet believing Christians who are in mortal terror of this thing called the Holy Ghost. They are afraid they might have committed the unpardonable sin.

00:11:00:09 - 00:11:02:29 Frank Bruce Robinson: But let me assure them that they need not lose any.

00:11:02:29 - 00:11:09:06 Frank Bruce Robinson: Sleep over this matter. There is authentic church history for the following story.

00:11:09:08 - 00:11:14:11 Frank Bruce Robinson: One of the old Bible translators, a very high official in a certain church organization.

00:11:14:18 - 00:11:15:19 Frank Bruce Robinson: Was translating.

00:11:15:19 - 00:11:21:04 Frank Bruce Robinson: The Bible from one of the old manuscripts. Now, here’s the way he did it.

00:11:21:06 - 00:11:23:10 Frank Bruce Robinson: Whenever he was ready for the Holy Ghost to.

00:11:23:10 - 00:11:26:29 Frank Bruce Robinson: Come and help him out, he would summon his secretary.

00:11:27:02 - 00:11:31:06 Frank Bruce Robinson: Who would pull a silken bow cord. Very shortly after.

00:11:31:06 - 00:11:32:19 Frank Bruce Robinson: The ringing of the bell.

00:11:32:22 - 00:11:33:24 Frank Bruce Robinson: The Holy Ghost.

00:11:33:27 - 00:11:36:28 Frank Bruce Robinson: In the form of a pigeon, would fly into the room in.

00:11:36:28 - 00:11:38:22 Frank Bruce Robinson: Which the old fellow was transcribing.

00:11:38:22 - 00:11:40:14 Frank Bruce Robinson: His Bible.

00:11:40:16 - 00:11:45:18 Frank Bruce Robinson: It would fast on its feet in the old man’s hair, lean over, and stick its bell.

00:11:45:18 - 00:11:50:08 Frank Bruce Robinson: Into the mouth of the old church man, and thus impart to him the proper.

00:11:50:08 - 00:11:51:00 Frank Bruce Robinson: Translation.

00:11:51:00 - 00:11:54:04 Frank Bruce Robinson: Of the manuscript. Then when the ghost.

00:11:54:04 - 00:11:55:17 Frank Bruce Robinson: Thought that this old chap.

00:11:55:19 - 00:12:03:23 Frank Bruce Robinson: Had absorbed enough to keep him going, it would flap its wings, fly away, and return again at the sound of the bell icon.

00:12:03:23 - 00:12:08:21 Frank Bruce Robinson: Doctor, you’re not telling me that such a fantastic story is really believed.

00:12:08:23 - 00:12:15:27 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, it’s written in the encyclopedia of one of the largest church organizations in existence today.

00:12:15:29 - 00:12:21:20 Frank Bruce Robinson: As for believing it, well, you can use your own judgment about that.

00:12:21:23 - 00:12:34:15 Frank Bruce Robinson: You’ve given me a lot to think over, doctor. And for the present at least, I’m through asking questions. But we still have a little time left. And, could we have some music news for.

00:12:34:17 - 00:12:40:10 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, I think perhaps we have time for one number anyway. What shall it be?

00:12:40:12 - 00:12:42:11 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, I’ll leave that to you.

00:12:42:13 - 00:12:49:15 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, here’s one that my little Alfred likes. Sonny boy.

00:12:49:17 - 00:13:43:20 Frank Bruce Robinson: With.

00:13:43:22 - 00:14:06:28 Unknown Speaker: Have the facts. Which Doctor Robinson revealed surprised you? I’m sure they have. And yet, what you have just heard is only a small part of Doctor Robinson’s philosophy. Why not get the complete outline of it? There is no charge. You will not be obligated in any way. You have only to write to Doctor Robinson and say, send me your free outline of Scheana.

00:14:07:01 - 00:14:33:05 Unknown Speaker: Address your letter to doctor Frank Robinson. Care of the station to which you are listening, or to doctor Frank Robinson. Moscow, Idaho. If you send your letter to Moscow, Idaho, be sure to include in the address the words radio Department. We return you now to your local announcer, who will tell you the time and date of Doctor Robinson’s next broadcast.

00:14:33:07 - 00:14:41:07 Unknown Speaker: Move.

Psychiana No. 13
MacGregor & Sollie Studios
Date Created (ISO Standard):
Fifteen minute radio broadcast corresponds with radio transcript Psychiana No. 13. Broadcast begins with 'guide' asking Robinson questions about the Trinity, to which Robinson discusses his version of the origin of religious beliefs throughout time, from cavemen, and claims the Trinity is not unique to Christianity but derived from other religions. He calls other religions 'superstitions.'
Christianity Criticizing Orthodox Reilgions
Item Information:
radio program
MG 101, Frank Bruce Robinson. Papers, 1929-1951, University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives,
Original Indentifier:
MG-101, Box 5, Tapes

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Preferred Citation:
"Psychiana No. 13", Psychiana Digital Collection, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections,
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