Psychiana No. 3 Item Info

Psychiana No. 3 [transcript]

00:00:00:00 - 00:00:20:11 Unknown Speaker: Ladies and gentlemen. 50 years ago, within the memory of many listening to this program, people laughed at the idea of man flying through the air. 50 years ago, if anyone had advanced the theory that you could sit in your home and hear an orchestra playing half the world away, he would probably have been locked up as a madman.

00:00:20:14 - 00:00:51:09 Unknown Speaker: And yet, nowadays, the airplane and the radio are commonplace. That which was thought to be impossible has become a normal, natural, everyday sort of thing. Five years ago, a man living in Moscow, Idaho, announced the idea, a discovery just as revolutionary as the idea of flying and radio was a half century ago. He advanced the philosophy that pervading this universe is a powerful force, a force which men can use to turn failure into success, discontent into happiness.

00:00:51:11 - 00:01:24:22 Unknown Speaker: At first, this philosophy was met with doubt. Why such a thing was impossible, only it wasn’t impossible. People saw it actually work, so it produced definite, tangible results. Doubt turned into amazement. Amazement into acceptance. Today, that philosophy has invaded every civilized country on the globe, has thousands upon thousands of followers. And the man who gave this discovery to the world, who is today one of the most discussed figures in the realm of scientific thought, is in just a few moments, going to talk to you.

00:01:24:24 - 00:01:40:01 Unknown Speaker: What a tremendously interesting story he must have to tell that man. And you heard his name mentioned many times before is doctor Frank Robinson. And now we present your guide who will take you to Doctor Robinson’s home.

00:01:40:04 - 00:02:14:03 Unknown Speaker: Far away from the clamor and clash. And come out of the cities. Out where the silent, iron clad hills of northern Idaho are silhouetted against the calm sweep of sky, there stands a happy home. If you were to peep into this home at a certain hour of the day, you would see a man seated at the console of a magnificent pipe organ, and standing there, just outside the door, you would probably pause and listen.

00:02:14:05 - 00:02:33:26 Unknown Speaker: For every word.

00:02:33:29 - 00:03:19:02 Unknown Speaker: He.

00:03:19:05 - 00:03:24:10 Frank Bruce Robinson: May recommend not robbing you. Well, hello. By all means, come in.

00:03:24:16 - 00:03:35:19 Unknown Speaker: I’m sorry. We were a little late, but the truth of the matter is we stopped outside to listen to your play. You know, it would be downright barbaric to interrupt a selection as beautiful as that one.

00:03:35:22 - 00:03:38:07 Frank Bruce Robinson: That was a beautiful number one.

00:03:38:09 - 00:03:51:11 Unknown Speaker: You know, they say the age of miracles ended 2000 years ago. But when I think of a man so divinely inspired that he could compose music like that. Well, I think we still have miracles.

00:03:51:14 - 00:03:59:13 Frank Bruce Robinson: I’m afraid I can’t agree with you on that point. There never was, nor is there today any such thing as miracle.

00:03:59:16 - 00:04:02:22 Unknown Speaker: Well, doctor, that’s a pretty broad statement, isn’t it?

00:04:02:24 - 00:04:10:26 Frank Bruce Robinson: Yes, it is a broad statement. It is a statement I certainly would hesitate to make unless I could back it up with facts.

00:04:10:28 - 00:04:16:01 Unknown Speaker: What are these facts, Doctor Robinson? I’m interested. I’d like to hear them.

00:04:16:03 - 00:04:22:06 Frank Bruce Robinson: All right. I’ll tell you about them to begin with. What is your definition of a miracle?

00:04:22:08 - 00:04:32:06 Unknown Speaker: Well, my idea of a miracle is something that occurs contrary to natural law and act given by God.

00:04:32:09 - 00:04:42:18 Frank Bruce Robinson: Yes, that’s the general conception of a miracle. Something that occurred contrary to the natural laws governing the universe. Now, who made these laws?

00:04:42:22 - 00:04:44:08 Unknown Speaker: Why, God?

00:04:44:10 - 00:05:07:20 Frank Bruce Robinson: Very well. Now, doesn’t it seem unreasonable to you that denomination’s all wise deity should make a set of laws governing the universe, and then turn right around and break them? Doesn’t it seem unreasonable that he should create laws and then he himself disregard those laws for the benefit of 1 or 2 individual? That’s hardly being fair, is it?

00:05:07:22 - 00:05:10:16 Frank Bruce Robinson: And yet we are taught that God is a just God.

00:05:10:19 - 00:05:24:08 Unknown Speaker: Well, the way you put it, that’s a hard question to answer. Doctor Robinson. All I can say is that the Bible’s which are the highest authority of Orthodox religions, they guard any number of miracles and describe them in.

00:05:24:08 - 00:05:26:13 Frank Bruce Robinson: Detail, for instance.

00:05:26:15 - 00:05:38:10 Unknown Speaker: Well, the miracles of virgin birth or resurrection. In fact, all the religious philosophy of Christendom are originally based upon them, so they must be true.

00:05:38:12 - 00:06:12:00 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, I’m going to have to make a startling statement, a statement that will cause many people to say why this man is a blasphemer. He does not believe in God. And the statement is this these stories of virgin births, crucifixions, resurrections and atonement are neither original with the Christian religion nor are they true. They are, all of them, duplicates of stories told by heathen and pagan religions long before the Christian era was ever thought of.

00:06:12:03 - 00:06:13:14 Unknown Speaker: Can you prove that, doctor?

00:06:13:17 - 00:06:46:07 Frank Bruce Robinson: I certainly can. In my last book, for instance, I gave positive, irrefutable evidence taken from myths which existed long before Christianity of at least 16 gods who were crucified according to these pagan myths. Most of these gods were born of virgins, and most of them rose from the tomb and ascended into heaven. Now, if what I say in my book is the fact, it means that many millions of Christian people have been taught an utterly false philosophy of life and God.

00:06:46:10 - 00:06:56:22 Frank Bruce Robinson: And if that is a fact, then the quicker we find out and tell those good people about it, the quicker they will realize that they had better look somewhere else to find God.

00:06:56:25 - 00:07:16:13 Unknown Speaker: But doctor, I’ve always been taught that by no possible means that I know God until after the great resurrection day, after the books have been opened. Then if our names were found written in the book, we should find peace and happiness in the hereafter. You mean to tell me that isn’t true?

00:07:16:15 - 00:07:47:11 Frank Bruce Robinson: Every religious organization teaching that story has erected a barrier against the human race. It says to us, you must enter the kingdom by this one way. There is no other door. But the facts about the truths of God as they actually exist. This goes a very different picture than that. For instead of there being only one gate or a barrier to the spiritual realm, let me say to you that this realm is wide open to whosoever wants to enter.

00:07:47:13 - 00:08:09:23 Frank Bruce Robinson: Furthermore, I say to you that there exists today a spiritual power which is God. And I further say to you that this spiritual power or law may be used by you personally and individually for every right thing your heart can possibly desire. Not in the hereafter, but in the here and now.

00:08:09:29 - 00:08:12:20 Unknown Speaker: That’s a pretty revolutionary teaching, doctor.

00:08:12:22 - 00:08:30:17 Frank Bruce Robinson: Yes, it’s a mighty revolutionary teaching. But I am in a position to prove that it is an absolutely true teaching that such a spiritual power or law does exist, that it can give us what we want for Fuller, happier, and more successful lives.

00:08:30:19 - 00:08:34:02 Unknown Speaker: Then why hasn’t the human race found this out long ago?

00:08:34:09 - 00:08:57:10 Frank Bruce Robinson: I’ll tell you why. Until just recently, humanity has been utterly oblivious to the stupendous operations here and now of the law of God, because it has never had the facts brought to its attention. It has been blinded by dogmas, creeds and traditions. But humanity is coming to see that these teachings do not work.

00:08:57:13 - 00:09:01:07 Unknown Speaker: In other words, you mean people are not as religious as they once were?

00:09:01:08 - 00:09:27:02 Frank Bruce Robinson: Oh, no, I do not mean that. There never was a time in the history of mankind when men and women were more religious and eager for authentic information regarding God than they are today. But people today are intelligent. They are beginning to think you cannot hand them a stone and say, this is a piece of bread. You cannot hand them a scorpion and say, this is a fish.

00:09:27:04 - 00:09:56:04 Frank Bruce Robinson: For people today know the difference between religious dogma and religious truth. I am going to give you facts which, if you absorb them, will change your entire religious thinking and will put into your hands a spiritual law so stupendous and so powerful that through the workings of the spiritual law and through its power, you may make of your life here and now, whatever you choose to make of it.

00:09:56:06 - 00:10:30:00 Frank Bruce Robinson: Of course, if you prefer unhappiness to happiness, if you prefer poverty to material abundance, you may have them. That is your privilege. But I am banking upon the fact that you and the vast majority are more than anxious to listen to facts about who and what God is and how he manifests here and now. For I am saying to you that this great, dynamic, unseen power is manifesting on this earth for your specific and personal benefit and for no one.

00:10:30:02 - 00:10:46:26 Unknown Speaker: Well, doctor, if you’re going to show me truths about this power, which personally I can use to obtain happiness and success, I’m not so narrow that I refuse to listen. In fact, I’d like to have you go right on right now and tell me some more about your philosophy.

00:10:46:28 - 00:10:49:18 Frank Bruce Robinson: I’m afraid there isn’t time for any more discussion.

00:10:49:21 - 00:10:56:29 Unknown Speaker: Hey, hey. I hadn’t realized how two minutes was slipping by. Well, there’s at least time for a little more music, isn’t there?

00:10:57:01 - 00:11:04:01 Frank Bruce Robinson: Yes. We might be able to squeeze in a little more. any particular selection you would like to hear?

00:11:04:04 - 00:11:07:22 Unknown Speaker: Do you know, my Paradise?

00:11:07:24 - 00:11:46:00 Frank Bruce Robinson: that’s a real melody. I’ll play it for you.

00:12:23:10 - 00:12:51:06 Unknown Speaker: As our guide said, surely there is no one so narrow that he or she would refuse to listen to facts that might mean greater happiness, more abundant success, a fuller and more profitable life. Be sure to tune in to Doctor Robinson’s next little discussion. Your announcer will give you the time and date in just a moment. Or, if you prefer to get his complete message, the complete outline of his philosophy without waiting for his next broadcast, write to him.

00:12:51:08 - 00:13:19:02 Unknown Speaker: The outline will be sent to you immediately, without cost to you, without obligating you in the slightest degree. Just write to doctor Frank Robinson. Radio department, Moscow, Idaho. I repeat that doctor Frank Robinson. Radio department, Moscow, Idaho. Be sure to mention radio department so that your request will not get mixed up with the thousands of letters from Doctor Robinson’s duty.

00:13:19:05 - 00:13:42:07 Unknown Speaker: You don’t have to write a letter. A postcard will do. Simply say send me your outline. Sign your name and address and send the card to doctor Frank Robinson. Radio department, Moscow, Idaho. We return you now to your local announcer.

Psychiana No. 3
MacGregor & Sollie Studios
Date Created (ISO Standard):
Fifteen minute radio broadcast. Episode begins with 'guide' and Robinson discussing the nature of miracles. Robinson refutes central Christian miracles like the crucifixion, resurrection, and the others as duplicated from other myths. Robins refutes heaven as a barrier created between us and God, but Psychiana affirms that we have access to all the things we want here and now on earth by communing with God and the God-Power.
Here and Now Afterlife Miracles Doctrine Parallels God-Power Success Material Abindance
Item Information:
radio program
MG 101, Frank Bruce Robinson. Papers, 1929-1951, University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives,
Original Indentifier:
MG-101, Box 5, Tapes

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Preferred Citation:
"Psychiana No. 3", Psychiana Digital Collection, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections,
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