Good News Item Info

Good News [transcript]

00:00:00:00 - 00:00:32:20 Unknown Speaker: Ladies and gentlemen, five years ago, a man living in Moscow, Idaho, made a statement that startled the whole world, came out with the news of an amazing discovery and amazing philosophy. It was so revolutionary that at first, people were staggered by it. Then the illuminating truth of it burst upon them. In the course of one year. That discovery, coming from a little city up in Idaho, was being discussed in every civilized country on the globe.

00:00:32:22 - 00:00:59:21 Unknown Speaker: Once the securing thousands and tens of thousands of followers was changing people’s entire lives, from unhappiness and failure to happiness and success. The man who made this discovery, who evolved this new philosophy is doctor Frank B Robinson. And in just a few moments, you will hear his voice, hear him give transcribed flashes of truth that will be a revelation to you.

00:00:59:23 - 00:01:27:06 Unknown Speaker: First, however, your guide will take you to Doctor Robinson’s home. Travel with us to the source of a new peace. To a haven in Moscow, Idaho.

00:01:27:09 - 00:01:50:21 Unknown Speaker: We are now in Moscow, Idaho. The journey has not seemed long, despite our anticipating. Can we, who come carrying nothing but doubt and fear and pain? Find that last peace and comfort. They are high on that hill. As the home of doctor Frank B Robinson. It stands as a symbol of what we seek. With windows flung wide and the open door.

00:01:50:24 - 00:02:20:03 Unknown Speaker: This home seems to back us on. Into a new hope. Do you hear that music? The very power of its tone sends forth a hymn of thanksgiving. There sits Doctor Robinson at the console of his magnificent organ.

00:02:20:05 - 00:02:37:01 Unknown Speaker: Somehow courage is reflected from every sunlit corner in this home. Doctor Robinson, we have come to you that you may light our darkened way. Tell us how to see that light, doctor. How to understand and discover miracles. What are miracles?

00:02:37:04 - 00:02:43:23 Frank Bruce Robinson: There are no such things as miracles. What we call miracles are nothing but the God law and actual operation.

00:02:43:27 - 00:02:45:00 Unknown Speaker: The God law.

00:02:45:02 - 00:03:05:07 Frank Bruce Robinson: I can explain that best by reading you a letter from the student of psyche, Hannah, who lives in Granby, Connecticut. An excerpt from his letter states, Dear doctor, health is what I want the most. All other things being secondary and to be had later. Once I have regained my strength, I am certain I shall step out to success.

00:03:05:11 - 00:03:11:06 Unknown Speaker: And you say that it will not take a miracle to help this man regain his health, so that he can step out to success.

00:03:11:08 - 00:03:29:21 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, let me ask you a question. Do you not think that the power which brought life to this earth in the first place, and which moment by moment sustains it, cannot sustain that life in perfect physical health? Why should it take a miracle to do that? A miracle is something that reverses the natural processes.

00:03:29:23 - 00:03:31:20 Unknown Speaker: Of course that is true, isn’t it?

00:03:31:26 - 00:03:54:13 Frank Bruce Robinson: Now, as a matter of fact, the invisible life impulse which manifest in your physical body is the same life as God. But don’t misunderstand me. I don’t mean that your physical body is God, but I do mean that the invisible life impulse which gives you the power to think, to work, to eat, or to exist, that envisage life is God.

00:03:54:14 - 00:04:01:07 Unknown Speaker: Then, if that is in fact all the wisdom and intelligent power of the God realm is at our disposal here and now.

00:04:01:07 - 00:04:08:21 Frank Bruce Robinson: Exactly here and now. And because the motivating spirit in your material body is the life of God.

00:04:08:22 - 00:04:16:25 Unknown Speaker: Once that fact is realized thoroughly, I can understand how it happens that you receive so many thousands of letters from thankful persons and doctor.

00:04:16:27 - 00:04:28:28 Frank Bruce Robinson: Thousands of letters and telegrams, radiogram calls for help come to me from all over the world. Here’s an example of what transpires. You see this wire? Yes. Well, read it.

00:04:29:01 - 00:04:32:22 Unknown Speaker: The power of the God Law has worked. May God bless you.

00:04:32:25 - 00:04:58:05 Frank Bruce Robinson: Now, in this particular case, our mother had a request. I assure this good mother that the gods are good and would respond to her request. And it did. Now, here’s a letter from a friend who writes as follows. Dear Doctor Robinson, I feel so grateful to you. I am improving in every way. I am looking better, feeling better, and actually am better.

00:04:58:07 - 00:05:15:02 Frank Bruce Robinson: I get up in the morning after having had a wonderful night at the town street, and then I have a flash on my cheeks and I carry it with me through the entire day. I can’t tell you what thrilling experiences have come to me through my knowledge, at last, of the power of the God’s law.

00:05:15:05 - 00:05:23:12 Unknown Speaker: I notice another letter on your desk. Your doctor, a man who says, I want you to know that I have regained my health. So that I feel 20 years younger.

00:05:23:15 - 00:05:52:21 Frank Bruce Robinson: Yes. That man lives in Cordell, Oklahoma. He and his wife have written to me many times that they are at last on the road to health and happiness. But I don’t want you to get the impression that psyche is a divine healing movement. It is nothing of the sort. You see, when these letters telling of such amazing results first began to come to me inside of 30 days from the date on which I first released this teaching, I was very much surprised at the number of persons stating that their health had been restored.

00:05:52:26 - 00:05:54:05 Unknown Speaker: How do you explain that?

00:05:54:07 - 00:06:01:03 Frank Bruce Robinson: I can only explain it by virtue of the fact that this must be only one of the many phases of the operations of the gardener.

00:06:01:08 - 00:06:04:02 Unknown Speaker: But, Doctor Robinson, when one is really ill.

00:06:04:07 - 00:06:21:06 Frank Bruce Robinson: Then get the best medical advice you can and follow it. Do that because the knowledge of medicine itself comes from the invisible realm of the Spirit of God. If the remedy for an illness already exists, how foolish you would be to expect the God Lord to do something it has already done.

00:06:21:07 - 00:06:25:01 Unknown Speaker: In other words, you refer, for instance, to the antitoxin that are now available.

00:06:25:02 - 00:06:42:07 Frank Bruce Robinson: Precisely. The man who discovered the various empty toxins that today exist. Receive their knowledge from the power of the Great God Law. There can be no question at all about that. All knowledge, in its final analysis, comes from the power of the great creative life spirit, which is God.

00:06:42:14 - 00:06:46:14 Unknown Speaker: And that would apply in the realm of engineering and science, as well as medicine. I suppose.

00:06:46:14 - 00:07:08:04 Frank Bruce Robinson: Right. In other words, the power of the God law provided through the illumined mind of some medical man. The fact that diptheria could be cured by the application of an antitoxin. Now every discovery, whether it be in the field of science or medicine or any other field, comes directly from this great source of all intelligence, which is God.

00:07:08:06 - 00:07:13:23 Unknown Speaker: If, however, cases exist which medical science does not understand, or which they admit they cannot handle.

00:07:13:24 - 00:07:35:05 Frank Bruce Robinson: Yes, well, then you can go direct to the realm of the gods law itself, and from there secure whatever you so much desire. But you would be making all kinds of a mistake to expect God to manifest the healing in you. If he had already opened up the way and placed the remedy at your disposal through competent, qualified medical practitioner.

00:07:35:10 - 00:07:40:17 Unknown Speaker: And I suppose there are many cases, Doctor Robinson, where it is not the body which is broken, but the spirit.

00:07:40:25 - 00:07:51:29 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, I’ve had many letters telling me of cases like that. One woman wrote to me that her surgeon told her her spirit was broken, and that was the one reason why she was suffering physical disability.

00:07:52:00 - 00:07:54:12 Unknown Speaker: How would you explain that one spirit being broken?

00:07:54:13 - 00:08:17:15 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, I say that cannot happen when you talk about one spirit being broken. You’re talking about the life of the spirit of the great God law. And of course, that cannot be broken. Cannot? No. All right. Now, look at it this way. Man is a combination of the physical body with the life spirit, which is God. This life spirit, which is God, first brought life to this planet.

00:08:17:22 - 00:08:19:08 Unknown Speaker: Does that include all life?

00:08:19:10 - 00:08:43:04 Frank Bruce Robinson: Yes. All life. Both plants, animal and human. As humans, you and I and the rest of the world. Moment by moment, derive our invisible life from the great source of all life, which is God. Or as I call it, the life spirit I see. All right. Now it is the recognition of this fact which puts at our disposal all the power of the God realm.

00:08:43:07 - 00:08:50:13 Frank Bruce Robinson: But never forget that the motivating impulse of your human body cannot die. It can never be broken.

00:08:50:16 - 00:08:53:11 Unknown Speaker: Then what does happen in cases like this?

00:08:53:13 - 00:09:06:26 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, what happens is just simply this. A sense of fear so completely dominates you, so completely permeates your entire life that the present existence of the power of the great God Law is absolutely forgotten.

00:09:06:28 - 00:09:12:21 Unknown Speaker: Then that what happens when one doesn’t know that a dynamic spiritual power does really exist here or now?

00:09:12:23 - 00:09:25:14 Frank Bruce Robinson: Yes. Let me illustrate that fact, please. You go into a room which is absolutely dark. It has no windows. It is what you call pitch black. Now, you couldn’t shovel out that darkness? Of course, could you?

00:09:25:15 - 00:09:26:13 Unknown Speaker: No.

00:09:26:15 - 00:09:41:12 Frank Bruce Robinson: You couldn’t, because as a matter of fact, darkness does not exist. Darkness is only the absence of light. Well, then, fear two is only the absence of the knowledge of the present existence of the living God law.

00:09:41:13 - 00:09:49:10 Unknown Speaker: And of course, without fear, all obstacles can be overcome. No matter how great. All problems can be solved, conquered or removed.

00:09:49:12 - 00:09:51:23 Frank Bruce Robinson: Truer words were never spoken.

00:09:51:26 - 00:10:04:04 Unknown Speaker: Doctor Robinson, you have given us a message of power today. A new meaning for the understanding of God as we go our way. Would you please play one song to make this day complete before?

00:10:04:06 - 00:10:33:02 Frank Bruce Robinson: Yes. That request is gladly granted. I often sit here alone, playing my pipe organ. The power of its melody brings me closer to every one of my students. I feel their faith and it spurs me on with an eagerness to reach every traveler on the troubled pathway of life.

00:10:33:04 - 00:11:10:09 Unknown Speaker: Let your songs pour out in gladness. Then reaching with a glorious voice. All who seek the truth. And as you play I’m going to read you a personal message. Your words addressed to all earnest seekers of the truth. Whoever you are, whatever you want to become. Doctor Robinson has this message for you. He wants you to know that no matter how rocky and jagged the road you traverse, no matter how stormy the sea of your life, there is a power near you now, a divine power you may draw upon for life, spirit, and sustenance for material and spiritual fulfillment.

00:11:10:12 - 00:11:34:09 Unknown Speaker: You can discover this power, if you will. Write to Doctor Robinson at Moscow, Idaho, for his free 6000 word digest pages. Filled with vivid realities and the story of psyche and at no cost to you. A 6000 word digest will be mailed, along with a picture of Doctor Robinson in person, as he sits here at the console of his own magnificent organ.

00:11:34:12 - 00:11:59:04 Unknown Speaker: Now, in the words of Doctor Robinson. May the spirit of eternal peace and power abide with you forever.

00:11:59:06 - 00:12:29:01 Unknown Speaker: The key to a richer life is in your hands. Take it and unlock the door. To all the happiness you can use. Unlock the door by simply sending a postcard to a doctor. Frank B Robinson, Moscow, Idaho. Or to the station. Which brings you this message of hope and encouragement. You will receive immediately a handsome photograph of Doctor Robinson and the 6000 word digest, which describes the very first revelation of the power of psyche.

00:12:29:01 - 00:12:53:22 Unknown Speaker: Anna. These will be sent at no cost to you. If you write today to doctor Frank B Robinson. Moscow, Idaho. Spelled mos c o w or in care of this station.

00:12:53:25 - 00:13:06:11 Unknown Speaker: Or.

Good News
The Izzard Company
Date Created (ISO Standard):
Radio program corresponding with transcript of Radio Psychiana - Series for Dr. Frank B. Robinson No. 3. Episode begins proclaiming the growth of Pyschiana and then takes listeners to Robinson's home in Moscow, Idaho, describing its appearance. A dialogue begins between a 'guide' and Robinson about miracles, healing, the God-Law, the mail Robinson receives, and the 'Life Impulse' or 'motivating spirit' that allows people to think and live with God.
God-Law Life Spirit Mircales Healing Sudent Letters Testimonials
Item Information:
radio program
Related Publication:
Good News
MG 101, Frank Bruce Robinson. Papers, 1929-1951, University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives,
Original Indentifier:
MG-101, Box 5, Tapes

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"Good News", Psychiana Digital Collection, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections,
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