Good News - Purpose of the Program Item Info

Good News - Purpose of the Program [transcript]

00:00:00:00 - 00:00:10:05 Unknown Speaker: Good news.

00:00:10:08 - 00:00:32:27 Unknown Speaker: Ha ha ha ha ha! Yes! Good news. And the peaceful program coming to you from the hearts and minds of people sincerely interested in helping you attain that most desirable state. Peace of mind.

00:00:32:29 - 00:01:01:14 Unknown Speaker: Good news. The peaceful program projects. No bad news. No ominous predictions. No remorseful revelry. No worrisome speculation, but seeks only to cheer and encourage by bringing to mind, through music, song and commentary a greater realization of those eternal values that make for peaceful lives and a peaceful world.

00:01:01:16 - 00:01:29:03 Unknown Speaker: Incidentally, nothing is more conducive to peace of mind than the pleasant conviction that you have received the utmost value for your money when buying a product. The knowledge that it is the best makes for satisfaction, a sense of security and pride of ownership. So try your best to buy the best. Remember, the company that deals only in supreme values is a company sincerely interested in human values.

00:01:29:05 - 00:01:39:06 Unknown Speaker: Such a company is the one sponsoring good news. The peaceful program.

00:01:39:08 - 00:02:01:10 Unknown Speaker: In keeping with our theme that the peaceful life is most desirable. The laughing voice of Al Marino, the romantic baritone, is heard singing let the rest of the world go by.

00:02:01:12 - 00:02:28:12 Unknown Speaker: With song long like your up, up good intro I’d like I could leave it all behind. And go and find some play made. That’s known to God.

00:02:28:12 - 00:02:34:17 Unknown All of your just us.

00:02:34:18 - 00:03:33:29 Unknown Speaker: What? Oh, call our own. We’re far find perfect peace where joys never cease. Other air may never kindly ask us. Well, Bill, the sweet little nest. Somewhere in the world. And let the rest of the world go of us.

00:03:34:02 - 00:04:03:03 Unknown Speaker: Now for the news. Good news. In a world living in the shadow of fair. Just organized by war and rumors of war. Shaken by crime, disaster and despair. The following items culled from America’s enlightening press shines forth, accentuating the essential integrity and Nobili of the human race. In Ohio, a collie dog was solemnly presented with a high school diploma.

00:04:03:06 - 00:04:10:00 Unknown Speaker: In California, the state legislature has introduced a bill to lower the price of haircuts for bald headed men.

00:04:10:02 - 00:04:10:23 Unknown Speaker: Or.

00:04:10:26 - 00:04:34:18 Unknown Speaker: Gifts from all over the country, ranging from fuzzy dolls to a whiskey bottle equipped with a nipple, have been sent to Mr. and Mrs. Bill plenty, who became the proud parents of a baby girl. Mrs. Bo is better known as gravel Dirty, but the weatherman says the sun will shine tomorrow. And Al Marano, the romantic baritone, is waiting to sing.

00:04:34:19 - 00:04:46:17 Unknown Speaker: The world is waiting for the sun. I’ve.

00:04:46:19 - 00:05:41:11 Unknown Speaker: Gone in the lazy west. Rides the moon on the night. In your lone star. Shimmering saw in a bird of blue. While I am calling and calling you sweet. Lately you’re dreaming. The dawn comes slowly. Stray. Saving wake. And loving your more breed out.

00:05:41:11 - 00:05:51:05 Unknown Riding up dear.

00:05:51:07 - 00:06:33:17 Unknown Speaker: The world is waiting for the soul. Sunrise. Every rose is heavy with you. Oh, the crush on high. His sleep. He made his calling.

00:06:33:20 - 00:06:49:19 Unknown Hard. His college single.

00:06:49:21 - 00:06:52:13 Unknown Speaker: And now more news. Good news?

00:06:52:20 - 00:07:25:21 Unknown Speaker: Yes. Good news indeed. The frontiers of good news. The peaceful program, in accord with President Truman’s recent price adjustment recommendation, are making it possible through reduced prices for you to attain that most desirable of peace of mind that results from satisfactory purchase of a guaranteed dependable product at a reasonable price. Yes, there is a special reward in trying your best and buying the brand, and from the sponsors of this program you can expect only the best.

00:07:25:23 - 00:07:43:13 Unknown Speaker: Right? The true Al Marano, the romantic baritone expresses it so much better as he sings, when I’ve done my best.

00:07:43:16 - 00:08:59:05 Unknown Speaker: When I have done my best cry. My friends don’t understand that my lord will carry me home. after I have done my best. well, people read that my lord will carry me home. Many great man sorrows. have witnessed on my part. by tomorrow alone, he will man my warm bed.

00:08:59:05 - 00:09:07:27 Unknown Speaker: Hot. And I have done my best for thee.

00:09:08:00 - 00:09:15:07 Unknown Then, bed.

00:09:15:10 - 00:09:44:19 Unknown Speaker: told me, my lord will carry me. Oh.

00:09:44:22 - 00:09:59:19 Unknown Speaker: Good news. The peaceful program with Al Mariner, the romantic baritone, accompanied by Martin Thorn at the organ, is heard over this station every night at 8:00. Good news and commentary by Michael Caine. Your announcer is Jack Lowe.

00:09:59:21 - 00:10:03:20 Unknown Speaker: And then you’re your good news item to the station to which you are listening.

00:10:03:23 - 00:10:22:03 Unknown Speaker: Good news from, And good night to you.

Good News - Purpose of the Program
Date Created (ISO Standard):
Radio program episode outlines the purpose of the 'Good News' radio program, to broadcast positive and peaceful things rather than negative. Episode includes organ music and songs sung by Al Marino, jokes made in the face of war, and urges listeners to buy quality-made products for better piece of mind.
Peace Good News Quality Products World War Organ
Item Information:
radio program
Related Publication:
Good News
MG 101, Frank Bruce Robinson. Papers, 1929-1951, University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives,
Original Indentifier:
MG-101, Box 5, Tapes

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"Good News - Purpose of the Program", Psychiana Digital Collection, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections,
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