Drama production of 'Diary of Anne Frank' [02] Item Info
- Title:
- Drama production of 'Diary of Anne Frank' [02]
- Date Created (ISO Standard):
- 1960
- Description:
- Cast members perform a group scene together during a drama production of 'Diary of Anne Frank'. Directed by Jean Collette. Cast includes Earl Pederson, Donna Morgan, Vicki Seibert, William Johnston, Gary Whitmore, Sally Willbanks, Diane Fawson, Angie Arrien, Lorenzo Nelson, and Sam Collet.
- Subjects:
- actors (performing artists) scenes (depictions) plays (performed works)
- Campus Event:
- Theater
- Campus Organization:
- Diary of Anne Frank
- Latitude:
- 46.72554
- Longitude:
- -117.01102
- Donor:
- University of Idaho. Photo Center.
- Source:
- PG2 University of Idaho Student Organizations Collection
- Source Identifier:
- 141-067b
- Type:
- Image;StillImage
- Format:
- image/jpeg
- Preferred Citation:
- "Drama production of 'Diary of Anne Frank' [02]", University of Idaho Student Organizations Collection, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections,
- Rights:
- No Copyright, material listed in Public Domain. Digital reproduction granted by the University of Idaho Library. For more information, please contact University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives Department at
- Standardized Rights: