Hydrogeologic analysis of the southern Rathdrum Prairie area, Idaho Item Info

Hydrogeologic analysis of the southern Rathdrum Prairie area, Idaho
Sagstad, Steven R.
Date Created (ISO Standard):
Many industrial, municipal and domestic water users on the Rathdrum prairie depend solely on water from the underlying groundwater flow system. The source and character of recharge to the aquifer may be significant constraints on the future development of the Rathdrum Prairie. The groundwater system in the southern portion of the Rathdrum Prairie in Idaho was investigated to determine the characteristics and magnitude of recharge to the glacial aquifer from the Spokane River in the reach between Lake Coeur d'Alene to Post Falls. Particular emphasis was placed upon the occurrence of zinc in the flow regime, originating from long term mining activities in the Coeur d'Alene-Spokane River drainage. The study, conducted in the summer of 1975, included measurements of water levels in wells and collection of samples for quality analysis. The configuration of the water table near the Spokane River indicates recharge through the channel bottom. The hydrogeologic conditions of the glacial aquifer indicate an average hydraulic conductivity of 10,000 gallons per day per square foot. Results of the study show that fine grained channel sediments largely control the magnitude of recharge through the channel bottom. The rate of groundwater recharge from the Spokane River above Post Falls in estimated to be 230 cubic feet per second (cfs) an important indication of groundwater movement and recharge characteristics. Studies of selected cations show that concentrations increase away from the Spokane River into the aquifer system. Comparison of the water quality data reveal that no statistically significant difference exists at the .05 level of significance between the Spokane River and the glacial aquifer adjacent to the river. Concentrations of zinc in the groundwater system are found to be generally below 0.01 parts per million (ppm).
groundwater recharge groundwater movement aquifer characteristics
Rathdrum Prairie; Kootenai County, Idaho
Coeur d'Alene Basin
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University of Idaho
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University of Idaho
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"Hydrogeologic analysis of the southern Rathdrum Prairie area, Idaho", Idaho Waters Digital Library, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, https://www.lib.uidaho.edu/digital/iwdl/items/iwdl-cda_sagstad_1977.html
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