Fixed-point and offsite-point recharge and discharge for calibration of Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer Model Version 2, as built; Technical report 2010005, ESPAM2 design document DDW-V2-08 as built "fixed/offsite" Item Info
- Title:
- Fixed-point and offsite-point recharge and discharge for calibration of Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer Model Version 2, as built; Technical report 2010005, ESPAM2 design document DDW-V2-08 as built "fixed/offsite"
- Authors:
- Contor, Bryce A.
- Date Created (ISO Standard):
- 2010-11-04
- Description:
- This report is a Design Document for the calibration of the Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer Model Version 2 (ESPAM 2). Its goals are similar to the goals of Design Documents for ESPAM 1.1: To provide full transparency of modeling data, decisions and calibration; and to seek input from representatives of various stakeholders so that the resulting product can be the best possible technical representation of the physical system (given constraints of time, funding and personnel). It is anticipated that for some topics, a single Design Document will serve these purposes prior to issuance of a final report. For other topics, a draft document will be followed by one or more revisions and a final "as-built" Design Document. Superseded Design Documents will be maintained in a "superseded" file folder on the project Website, and successive versions will be maintained in a "current" folder. This will provide additional documentation of project history and the development of ideas. The ESPAM1.1 recharge tools and algorithms included three mechanisms for representing fluxes between the aquifer that could be represented as singlepoint fluxes into or out of the aquifer. These were the Fixed-point data set, the Scenario-point data set and the Offsite-point data set. The Fixed-point data set (intermediate file extension *.fpt) was designed to represent fluxes that did not enter into any other water-budget calculation. In ESPAM1.1 it was used for various components in the calibration water-budget, as described below. The recharge tools simply added the values to the volume for the appropriate model grid cell and stress period, without performing calculations. Since the MODFLOW code represents all fluxes into or out of the aquifer as if they occurred exactly and only at the center of the model cell, a point data set can reasonably used for any flux that occurs, even if in reality it is spatially distributed. The Scenario-point data set (intermediate file extension *.scn) was also designed to represent fluxes that did not enter into any other water-budget calculations, but was intended specifically for hypothetical fluxes that might be considered in applying the model to scenarios to investigate hydrologic or management questions. Its treatment in the recharge tools and algorithms was identical to the Fixed-point data set, but it was not used in calibration of ESPAM1.1. The Offsite-pumping data set (intermediate file extension *.off) was designed to represent pumping from wells that were distant from the irrigated place of use, where the water was not part of diversion data included in the diversions data sets. The calculation algorithms applied this water as a pumping withdrawal and also included it in canal-seepage and irrigated-lands calculations. The Fixed-point and Offsite-point data sets are retained in ESPAM2 water budget calculations, with essentially the same roles and definitions. This design document describes the particular water-budget components represented using these data sets and the details of the calculations.
- Subjects:
- Aquifers Computer models Groundwater recharge Groundwater discharge
- Location:
- Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer; Southern Idaho
- Collection:
- Boise Basin
- Series:
- IWRRI number:
- 201005
- Rights:
- In copyright, educational use permitted. Educational use includes non-commercial reproduction of text and images in materials for teaching and research purposes. For other contexts beyond fair use, including digital reproduction, please contact the University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives Department at libspec@uidaho.edu. The University of Idaho Library is not liable for any violations of the law by users.
- Publisher:
- Idaho Water Resources Research Institute; University of Idaho
- Contributing Institution:
- University of Idaho
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- application/pdf
- Cataloger:
- Preferred Citation:
- "Fixed-point and offsite-point recharge and discharge for calibration of Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer Model Version 2, as built; Technical report 2010005, ESPAM2 design document DDW-V2-08 as built "fixed/offsite"", Idaho Waters Digital Library, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, https://www.lib.uidaho.edu/digital/iwdl/items/iwdl-201005.html
- Rights:
- In copyright, educational use permitted. Educational use includes non-commercial reproduction of text and images in materials for teaching and research purposes. For other contexts beyond fair use, including digital reproduction, please contact the University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives Department at libspec@uidaho.edu. The University of Idaho Library is not liable for any violations of the law by users.
- Standardized Rights:
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC-EDU/1.0/