Hydrogeologic conditions in the Boise Front geothermal aquifer. Research report 2003-05 Item Info

Hydrogeologic conditions in the Boise Front geothermal aquifer. Research report 2003-05
Petrich, Christian R.
Date Created (ISO Standard):
An extensive low-temperature geothermal aquifer system underlies the Boise area along the Boise Foothills. The aquifer system lies within the Boise Front groundwater management Area. Proposed increases in thermal water use have led to concerns about potential long-term impacts to the geothermal aquifer system, and the ability of current aquifer monitoring to detect possible changes. The purpose of this study was to provide insight and tools for the long-term management of the Boise geothermal aquifer system. Specific objectives included (1) conducting a mass measurement (i.e., "simultaneous" measurement of numerous wells over a short period of time) of water levels and/or pressures in the geothermal wells, (2) developing a relational database using existing data, (3) reviewing hydrologic conditions in the aquifer, and (4) constructing a numerical model to simulate aquifer productions. The primary areas of interest for this study included the Harris Ranch, downtown Boise-Table Rock, and Stewart Gulch areas. This report provides a summary of hydrogeologic conditions in the geothermal aquifer system. A description of numerical model construction and simulations results are presented in a separate volume (Zyvoloski et al., 2003). [...] The downtown Boise-Table Rock and Stewart Gulch areas have experienced a number of water level decreases and increases since the early 1980s. Despite these observations, it is not possible to conclude that there has not been water level response in the Stewart Gulch area from geothermal withdrawals in the downtown area, or vice versa. Conceptually, faulting along the Boise Front would provide a basis for hydraulic connections between these areas. Although geothermal water in these areas has different chemistry characteristics and residence times (Mariner et al., 1989), the water shares a common source (Idaho Batholith granitics). It is conceivable that stresses from the downtown area could influence water levels in the Stewart Gulch area, or vice versa, depending on the magnitude and duration of the stress. However, such effects, if present, were not discernible in the available data from these two areas.
Hydrogeology Geothermal resources Wells Computer models
Boise Front; Southern Idaho
Boise Basin
IWRRI number:
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Idaho Water Resources Research Institute; University of Idaho
Contributing Institution:
University of Idaho

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"Hydrogeologic conditions in the Boise Front geothermal aquifer. Research report 2003-05", Idaho Waters Digital Library, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, https://www.lib.uidaho.edu/digital/iwdl/items/iwdl-200305.html
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