Preliminary assessment of ground water management alternatives for Idaho. Technical completion report, A-078-IDA Item Info
- Title:
- Preliminary assessment of ground water management alternatives for Idaho. Technical completion report, A-078-IDA
- Authors:
- Ralston, Dale R.; duPont, Suzie
- Date Created (ISO Standard):
- 1982-12
- Description:
- Many if not most of Idaho's groundwater basins may be presently pumped at rates that exceed natural recharge. The general objective of this project is to provide a preliminary assessment of alternative management schemes for problems of overdraft of groundwater basins. Four study basins were selected to represent the range of groundwater development problems and the various stages of present resource management. groundwater development in the Moscow Basin has resulted in a steady rate of water level decline in what is likely a ''mining'' situation. Local areas of water level decline have resulted from recent development of groundwater in the Mountain Home area. A portion of this area is presently declared critical under present statutes. Water levels are slowly declining in the Camas Prairie area as a result of changing from dry land to irrigated agriculture. Impacts from pumpage in this area may interfere with prior downstream surface water rights. The Raft River Basin was declared critical in 1963. Impacts from groundwater development include more than 100 feet of water level decline and some indications of land subsidence. Management factors have been divided into three groups: hydrologic, development and legal guidelines. Hydrologic factors of importance to management are the water level response of a basin to pumpage and the effects that water level declines have on recharge and discharge amounts. The development factors, the pumpage rate in relation to recharge, the depth to water and annual rate of decline and the potential for increased pumpage. The important legal guidelines are limits on adverse impacts on other users, a no-mining limit on pumpage and a limit on reasonable pumping lifts. A basin classification system has been presented as a first step in a statewide management program. The classification system includes four factors reflecting management factors.
- Subjects:
- overdraft groundwater basins groundwater development
- Collection:
- Series:
- Water for Idaho
- IWRRI number:
- 198213
- Rights:
- In copyright, educational use permitted. Educational use includes non-commercial reproduction of text and images in materials for teaching and research purposes. For other contexts beyond fair use, including digital reproduction, please contact the University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives Department at libspec@uidaho.edu. The University of Idaho Library is not liable for any violations of the law by users.
- Publisher:
- University of Idaho
- Contributing Institution:
- University of Idaho
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- application/pdf
- Cataloger:
- wbv
- Date Digitized:
- 2012
- Preferred Citation:
- "Preliminary assessment of ground water management alternatives for Idaho. Technical completion report, A-078-IDA", Idaho Waters Digital Library, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, https://www.lib.uidaho.edu/digital/iwdl/items/iwdl-198213.html
- Rights:
- In copyright, educational use permitted. Educational use includes non-commercial reproduction of text and images in materials for teaching and research purposes. For other contexts beyond fair use, including digital reproduction, please contact the University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives Department at libspec@uidaho.edu. The University of Idaho Library is not liable for any violations of the law by users.
- Standardized Rights:
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC-EDU/1.0/