Effect of Root Plug Incorporated Controlled-Release Fertilizer upon Two-Year Survival, Growth and Nutrient Status of Planted Ponerosa Pine Seedlings Item Info

Effect of Root Plug Incorporated Controlled-Release Fertilizer upon Two-Year Survival, Growth and Nutrient Status of Planted Ponerosa Pine Seedlings
Fan, Z.; Moore, J.A.; Shafii, B.
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Three controlled-release fertilizers (fast release (FR), moderate release (MR) and slow release (SR)) were incorporated in the root plug at rates of0.8, 1.6 or 3.2 grams per seedling at the time of sowing as supplements to nursery supplied soluble fertilizer. Effects on seedling growth, survival and foliar nutrient status of the "160/90" container ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Doug. ex Laws) were evaluated after outplanting. At the end of the second growing season, fertilized seedlings had significantly greater caliper and height than unfertilized seedlings. Fertilization significantly increased relative height growth rate, but did not significantly increase relative caliper growth rate. Most treatments had lower caliper growth rates than the controls. The differences between the 3.2 grams ofMR or SR fertilizer treatments and the controls were statistically significant. Height growth response was attributable to fertilizer doses rather than fertilizer types. The 3.2 grams of MR or SR fertilizer treatments produced significantly higher mortality (55 and 36 %, respectively) than the controls. The mortality was strongly correlated with root growth potential. Foliar N and Mo concentrations were significantly influenced by fertilization during the first growing season. During the second growing season, foliar Cu, Fe and K concentrations were found to be deficient or nearly deficient even after fertilization.
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Fan, Z., J.A. Moore and B. Shafii. 2000. IFTNC Supplemental Report No. 1, Effect of Root Plug Incorporated Controlled Release Fertilizer Upon Two-Year Survival Growth and Nutrient Status of Planted Ponderosa Pine Seedlings. IFTNC, FWR, Univ. of Idaho, Moscow.
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"Effect of Root Plug Incorporated Controlled-Release Fertilizer upon Two-Year Survival, Growth and Nutrient Status of Planted Ponerosa Pine Seedlings", Intermountain Forestry Cooperative, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, https://www.lib.uidaho.edu/digital/iftnc/items/iftnc4823.html