Foliar Nutrient and Growth Response of Mixed-Conifer Stands on the Okanogan and Umatilla National Forests to Three Fertilization Treatments Item Info

Foliar Nutrient and Growth Response of Mixed-Conifer Stands on the Okanogan and Umatilla National Forests to Three Fertilization Treatments
Garrison, M.T.; Moore, J.A.; Shaw, T.M.; Mika, P.G.
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This paper summarizes results from two studies evaluating nutrient uptake in mixed conifer stands following fertilization with three nutrient combinations. The studies were conducted in northeastern Oregon and in central Washington by the Intermountain Forest Tree Nutrition Cooperative (lFTNC) in cooperation with the Umatilla and Okanogan National Forests. Four tree species were evaluated for nutrient uptake: Pseudotsuga menzeisii (Douglas-fir), Abies grandis (grand fir). Pinus eontona (lodgepole pine), and Pinus ponderosa (ponderosa pine). The fertilization treatments were nitrogen (N), nitrogen with potassium (K), and nitrogen with sulfur (5). One intent of the research was to determine whether fertilizing these stands would help basten the rotation and bring them into production sooner by increasing growth rates and decreasing mortality rates. Another objective was to examine how various species respond to fertilization when growing together in a mixture in the same stand. Most previous fertilization trials have been conducted in relatively pure, single species stands and involved only nitrogen.
research fertilizer timber (lumber) statistics
Garrison, M.T., J.A. Moore, P.G. Mika and T.M. Shaw, 1998. IFTNC Supplemental Report No. 1, Foliar nutrient and growth response of mixed-conifer stands on the Okanogan and Umatilla National Forests to three fertilization treatments. IFTNC, FWR, Univ. of Idaho, Moscow.
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"Foliar Nutrient and Growth Response of Mixed-Conifer Stands on the Okanogan and Umatilla National Forests to Three Fertilization Treatments", Intermountain Forestry Cooperative, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, https://www.lib.uidaho.edu/digital/iftnc/items/iftnc4806.html
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