Jess Taylor and Dorothy Taylor Interview #2, 08/25/1971 Item Info

Jess Taylor and Dorothy Taylor Interview #2, 08/25/1971 [transcript]

00;00;00;00 - 00;00;14;25 John Smith One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four.

00;00;14;27 - 00;00;23;25 John Smith All right, now we’re in business. Okay, Now we can talk about Mr. Lewis. He said he was a Welshman. And about five seven?

00;00;23;27 - 00;00;24;13 Jess Taylor Yes.

00;00;24;14 - 00;00;26;23 John Smith Was he born in Wales?

00;00;26;25 - 00;00;36;24 Jess Taylor I believe so. Yeah. As well as I remember the conversation he was born in, in Wales.

00;00;36;26 - 00;00;44;28 John Smith And then he came over here in time to enlist the cause or to get into the. Was he actually in the army when he was in Vicksburg?

00;00;45;00 - 00;00;48;03 Jess Taylor Well, yes. Union Army. Yeah.

00;00;48;05 - 00;00;53;13 John Smith But he wasn’t in the Army as a soldier when he was a scout. Or was he?

00;00;53;15 - 00;01;06;03 Jess Taylor Well, no, I couldn’t say exactly as to that, but I know that is that he was a scout with Ben Paine and that the reason he was alive.

00;01;06;05 - 00;01;28;01 John Smith Did he have any comment? You know, all the fuss that was made about the Battle of Little Big Horn and whether Ben should have been where he was or whether he should have gotten in sooner to help Custer and everything that which was ever say anything about how he how that thing went or how he thought Reno and Benton and Custer had behaved at that point?

00;01;28;03 - 00;01;56;21 Jess Taylor Yes, they was very specific and stating that Carter was the glory Hunter. And he decided that that his command and was equal. Any Indian didn’t make any difference how many. And these three different commands were.

00;01;56;21 - 00;01;57;25 John Smith Supposed.

00;01;57;28 - 00;02;17;01 Jess Taylor To coordinate and hit this bigger encampment of Indians in an acquired native manner. But he said, Tucker, he just didn’t hold up. He just went right on in and they just cut him off and surrounded him for for Reno on. Ben Dean got close in.

00;02;17;03 - 00;02;17;17 John Smith Another word.

00;02;17;17 - 00;02;19;18 Jess Taylor And then the Indians left.

00;02;20;04 - 00;02;21;07 John Smith So, Custer, it waited.

00;02;21;12 - 00;02;27;03 Jess Taylor Yeah. If another word. If he had followed out the plan. Yeah.

00;02;27;05 - 00;02;31;00 John Smith That’s a little different from some of the versions that the Custer lovers would.

00;02;31;02 - 00;02;36;03 Jess Taylor Well, he said try to cut to it. Get north now. That was all.

00;02;36;06 - 00;02;38;04 John Smith I would figure with some of the other.

00;02;38;04 - 00;03;08;21 Jess Taylor Facts. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Well, he was very specific on that, that they would cut your fall because in place of waiting for these three commands to get in the proper position. And that’s why he got right right on in and caught the Indian that surrounded him get the job under thousands up. Yeah. And he didn’t stand to go through the shell and probably if they would have all three coordinated there, they might not have hit the Indians anyway.

00;03;08;21 - 00;03;10;27 John Smith You know, if they had at least had a better.

00;03;10;29 - 00;03;12;16 Jess Taylor But they’d had a champ.

00;03;12;19 - 00;03;17;17 John Smith Yeah. Did he. Had he served with the seventh Cavalry very long before this?

00;03;17;18 - 00;03;36;07 Jess Taylor I don’t think so. I don’t think so. I think that he was probably more or less traveling here and there and doing different things. But any time it was a fight, my. It’s a good guy, but they’ve never.

00;03;36;10 - 00;03;43;28 John Smith Managed to get him to go. Good Welshmen for you? Yeah. Did he have any family? No. No. Bachelor. That’s right.

00;03;44;00 - 00;03;47;12 Jess Taylor Yeah. Never. As far as I know, he’d never been married.

00;03;47;14 - 00;04;01;23 John Smith Yeah. How they happened to. Presumably they must have liked you or he wouldn’t have sold the ranch to you. But how do you happen to be so willing to sell it on your first approach? Do you have any idea?

00;04;01;25 - 00;04;24;21 Jess Taylor Well, it would, just because they’ve taken a liking to. And I found out afterwards that they, Garth Granger and the others had approached him on the approach to this ranch, and he just wasn’t into it. But apparently we just rather clicked and. And that was all he was doing.

00;04;24;23 - 00;04;29;11 John Smith Yeah. And how many years that he lived there in his cabin after you bought the ranch?

00;04;29;13 - 00;04;51;01 Jess Taylor Well, just that winter when he gave me this information. And the next spring, there was other ranches up the. Up the creek and the big creek headquarters that was called, which was a forest Service.

00;04;51;01 - 00;04;52;15 John Smith Headquarters, you know.

00;04;52;17 - 00;05;19;28 Jess Taylor And they kept after Dave to come visit him. Well, it was in April and it was rainy and it was cold, and I didn’t want to see him take out. But they’ve had three horses of his own. And I kept telling him that I couldn’t find the horses. Was Don proud? I wanted to see some decent weather.

00;05;19;29 - 00;05;20;21 John Smith Sure.

00;05;20;24 - 00;05;43;00 Jess Taylor And but one day they came out against the fence and that was that. So I. I caught his horses and, saddle up. Saddle them up and put a pack saddle on one and, his saddle on another. And which were the McClellan.

00;05;43;03 - 00;05;44;04 John Smith He liked, you know, like them.

00;05;44;08 - 00;06;12;08 Jess Taylor But it been on that and the creek was pretty well up and so he went across the bridge there foot the trail was on the opposite side of Big Creek and I forwarded the horses and but before Dave left, they said, now there’s this trunk here. And I think he had a premonition or something that he wouldn’t be back.

00;06;12;26 - 00;06;35;00 Jess Taylor And he said, Now, if I don’t come back all that, then this trunk is yours. And, well, he got wet, and they got cold, and it went into pneumonia, and they came into Big Creek headquarters with the ambulance and taken him out. And he passed away.

00;06;35;03 - 00;06;36;15 John Smith Where did he die? And so far.

00;06;36;15 - 00;06;49;23 Jess Taylor As I know, in Cascade, and I’ve always thought that he was buried there, but now I can’t make a statement to that effect. But I presume that is. Yeah.

00;06;49;25 - 00;06;52;17 John Smith And this would have been in what, 1934?

00;06;52;20 - 00;06;59;10 Jess Taylor Yes, that was the spring of 1934.

00;06;59;13 - 00;07;01;19 John Smith And he was, what, 93 then?

00;07;01;25 - 00;07;03;14 Jess Taylor Yes, he was 93 years old.

00;07;03;17 - 00;07;06;00 John Smith Was he pretty pretty husky, Pretty hard.

00;07;06;07 - 00;07;11;16 Jess Taylor yes, he was. He could get right around and get mental and get in it.

00;07;11;16 - 00;07;19;05 John Smith What? How he went from your ranch all the way down to the big creek? Yeah, the ranger station. Yeah.

00;07;19;05 - 00;07;23;01 Jess Taylor That was about 30 to 34 mile.

00;07;23;04 - 00;07;23;26 John Smith All by himself.

00;07;23;27 - 00;07;39;06 Jess Taylor Yeah, Grandma’s gotten this long old. They were just along the trail with the tail bell. That was, you know, it helped him on various occasions. And he stayed overnight with him. And then he went on up to Big Creek headquarters.

00;07;39;27 - 00;07;41;12 John Smith Where was Mister Bill’s ranch?

00;07;41;15 - 00;07;53;25 Jess Taylor Yeah, it’s about 17 miles above us.

00;07;53;27 - 00;07;56;06 John Smith We’re doing more it now.

00;07;56;09 - 00;08;02;14 Jess Taylor That that was at the. We’ll be right here doing more three miles below the end of the right.

00;08;02;15 - 00;08;10;00 John Smith Yeah, Yeah, yeah, yeah. So he stayed there and then went to Big rig.

00;08;10;01 - 00;08;10;14 Jess Taylor Had one.

00;08;10;16 - 00;08;14;05 John Smith Did it, Got big rig every so it was a big.

00;08;14;07 - 00;08;25;08 Jess Taylor I think they would already changed it to Big Creek if I remember right. But I think the post office was still. yeah. Yeah. And then, and then afterwards they changed that to big.

00;08;25;08 - 00;08;29;21 John Smith Grid and the road, which was good enough. Then they could get an ambulance in there.

00;08;29;21 - 00;08;33;11 Jess Taylor Yeah, that was a new road but yeah. Yeah. It’ll get them built in.

00;08;33;14 - 00;08;35;24 John Smith Decent every April that that road’s open you.

00;08;35;26 - 00;08;42;23 Jess Taylor Know, and I don’t know yet how they managed to get in that year and that’s it must have been a very light.

00;08;42;23 - 00;08;43;25 John Smith Snow.

00;08;43;27 - 00;08;59;14 Jess Taylor Or big rain or something. And I think probably back in that time they, they, they had taken the big grader and opened it up. You know where they don’t do that now. Yeah, that that’s what I presume happened And it might have been, you know, below normal snow year.

00;08;59;17 - 00;09;09;15 John Smith Yeah. Was Mr. Lewis actually around when Sergeant Egan was were wounded or when he was killed, you know?

00;09;09;17 - 00;09;19;18 Jess Taylor Yes, he was all, all three commanders were on Soldier Bar.

00;09;20;27 - 00;09;35;04 Jess Taylor And they split up there. Bernard to come by, and I think, the other two commanders were going for Walk Umatilla. That was. That was a,

00;09;35;07 - 00;09;35;25 John Smith That was a.

00;09;36;02 - 00;09;36;26 Jess Taylor Walk the other way.

00;09;36;28 - 00;09;37;25 John Smith No. Right.

00;09;37;28 - 00;09;56;22 Jess Taylor Yeah. And but that was the second time that they had been in on this Indian camping, and they didn’t get the Indian that, that. And then Bernard evidently came in pretty much on his own and captured the Indians over in the, what was their summer hunting grounds. The camp over on head of Papoose Creek.

00;09;56;24 - 00;09;58;25 John Smith Bernard or Vera Farrell there.

00;09;58;26 - 00;10;29;22 Jess Taylor Yeah. And of course, I stated he had these Indian scouts and they found the encampment and there was nobody but they papoose and and squaws. There. The bugs were apparently out hunting. And of course, they gathered in the squaws and Papoose, and then they started coming in, giving themselves up, and they. They never burning guns with them.

00;10;30;15 - 00;10;37;28 Jess Taylor So I presume that those guns are there in a cave somewhere in that country.

00;10;38;00 - 00;10;41;25 John Smith Was there Bush Creek named because of that? That’s right.

00;10;41;27 - 00;10;50;20 Jess Taylor Papoose Creek. And there’s Bernard Creek. And there’s Eagle Creek. Yeah, They all have names derived from this campaign.

00;10;50;23 - 00;10;53;27 John Smith What kind of rifles did the Indians probably have then?

00;10;54;00 - 00;11;00;03 Jess Taylor Well, they would be black powder and possibly the whole army issue or about anything they could get a.

00;11;00;11 - 00;11;01;22 John Smith Of whatever they.

00;11;01;25 - 00;11;03;29 Jess Taylor Were. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

00;11;04;01 - 00;11;17;19 John Smith Did Mr. Lewis have any particular feeling about the campaign itself, about the sheet beaters? Did he figure that they were worth rounding up, that it was necessary to have the campaign in the first place?

00;11;17;21 - 00;11;38;12 Jess Taylor Well, now to, to go back, what started this, roundup situation in the first place was that the Indians got the blame for it, and they killed a couple of ranchers and.

00;11;38;12 - 00;11;40;25 John Smith Burned a haystack.

00;11;40;27 - 00;11;53;19 Jess Taylor Over on Johnson Creek that was on their out. And you say the big grid that is as much of a out as they were was back in the old days. And, but they said that they even sure they didn’t have any.

00;11;53;19 - 00;11;54;12 John Smith Do it.

00;11;54;14 - 00;11;56;11 Jess Taylor Is that renegade did let them.

00;11;56;13 - 00;11;57;20 John Smith Come bannock to.

00;11;57;20 - 00;12;07;27 Jess Taylor Come in. Well or there possibly even white men. yeah he said he said they the sheet beaters weren’t that weren’t that type, they weren’t looking for trouble.

00;12;07;29 - 00;12;14;03 John Smith What did he say about the, the going down in Long Valley that got blamed on the sheet beaters too.

00;12;14;05 - 00;12;23;13 Jess Taylor Well that was me. I think that was wrong about the same time. And that gave the army an excuse to to move in.

00;12;23;16 - 00;12;30;16 John Smith But as Mr. Lewis was feeling was that the chief beaters left to themselves didn’t need to be rounded up. No.

00;12;30;19 - 00;12;32;19 Jess Taylor No. If the Renegades would stay out of them and leave them.

00;12;32;19 - 00;12;33;19 John Smith Alone, you know.

00;12;33;21 - 00;12;55;12 Jess Taylor And he said then where they derived the name sheet theaters was that there was thousands of sheet mountain, Big Orange and Rocky Mountain, big arms in that country. And that was mainly what they insisted on. And that’s that they were no help. No their. Great sheet.

00;12;55;14 - 00;12;56;24 John Smith That’s interesting.

00;12;56;26 - 00;13;10;29 Jess Taylor Yeah. And then the sheep in the 1880s, he. We got that disease. Among the sheep, not only in Idaho, but all over the continent, I think. Pretty largely.

00;13;11;20 - 00;13;12;13 John Smith I didn’t know about that.

00;13;12;14 - 00;13;18;13 Jess Taylor Yes. And that they presume that it was derived from contact with the tame sheep?

00;13;18;15 - 00;13;19;06 John Smith No.

00;13;19;09 - 00;13;31;08 Jess Taylor And when it got into the wild, cheap way, it just gets taken them off that and all they did, they just couldn’t cope with it. Their native good. The time sheep, for that matter.

00;13;32;20 - 00;13;33;17 John Smith Too interesting.

00;13;33;19 - 00;13;50;04 Jess Taylor Yeah. And that’s that’s a matter of record. And it was in the 1880s that this that this happened. They were even in the locker of a country where I live for a period there’s canyon there that that just lots of old sheep arms in them in them.

00;13;50;05 - 00;13;51;21 John Smith As though that bunch of them had died.

00;13;51;26 - 00;13;57;14 Jess Taylor Right there in same vein there And that was what the old time.

00;13;57;16 - 00;14;22;13 John Smith I’ll be darned right. Well, then, if the sheepherders had stayed in there, the disease probably would have forced them to move out and find something else to subsist on anyway, wouldn’t it?

00;14;22;16 - 00;14;30;12 Jess Taylor Well, it would have been very likely. And then the deer started to move in.

00;14;30;15 - 00;14;31;01 John Smith After the.

00;14;31;01 - 00;14;47;06 Jess Taylor Sheep were asleep. And then, it was probably, in the early forties.

00;14;47;06 - 00;14;48;05 John Smith Before there was.

00;14;48;08 - 00;14;55;00 Jess Taylor Any elk really in the big creek area. They had to go over the ridge and Chamberlain for out.

00;14;55;03 - 00;14;55;26 John Smith That’s interesting.

00;14;56;00 - 00;14;59;20 Jess Taylor And then, then they’ll start moving and now we’ve got more elk and they’ve got in the chamber.

00;14;59;24 - 00;15;02;00 John Smith Yeah. Yeah.

00;15;02;03 - 00;15;13;07 Jess Taylor I wouldn’t say more, but they split a given territory, right? Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, we have a world feed there and big winter rain.

00;15;14;00 - 00;15;26;08 John Smith Yeah. Have you talked to Maurice about the succession of. Of the different game in that area? No. I wonder what the disease was. Is there ever been any way along?

00;15;26;08 - 00;15;28;16 Jess Taylor I think them. Yeah.

00;15;29;01 - 00;15;35;05 John Smith Yeah. And the sheep were. Well, never did come back then to where it was before. no.

00;15;35;08 - 00;15;35;26 Jess Taylor No.

00;15;35;29 - 00;15;52;21 John Smith But the the the small growler was small number of sheep in there now is not do them so much to over killing is that is by man is it was to this disease from which the sheep hogs never recovered.

00;15;52;23 - 00;16;21;07 Jess Taylor Yes, yes. It’s just right then the sheep are down really just wasn’t hardly any sheep left and there was another factor entered into it during the Depression in the thirties. Why? They was a place for minor on very near every bar along the middle park and got it all through the country. And these sheep are at lower elevations, their high elevation.

00;16;22;08 - 00;16;30;12 Jess Taylor you’ll find them about anywhere and I’m sure that they kill lots of sheep. And I know they did.

00;16;32;13 - 00;16;34;22 John Smith Just for food and. yeah, Yeah.

00;16;34;25 - 00;16;35;26 Jess Taylor Just a matter of survival.

00;16;35;28 - 00;16;38;02 John Smith Sure. And there was a hand is tied.

00;16;38;02 - 00;16;38;16 Jess Taylor To the hand, you.

00;16;38;16 - 00;16;45;27 John Smith Know? Yeah. Yeah. Do you think the sheep will ever come back in there to their former numbers if they’re protected?

00;16;46;02 - 00;17;22;19 Jess Taylor Well, I wouldn’t think so. and not that I believe they’re restricted there any more than they were. Well, of course they did cover a wider carrion, wider territory in, that future time. All right. Yeah. In other words, I think that they have the territory to make a very favorable comeback. Yeah, and the feed one. And that’s one reason that we’ve absolutely got to have the stay and take on these out.

00;17;23;16 - 00;17;29;24 Jess Taylor Because they’re in direct competition with the deer and treat both on the on the drought particularly.

00;17;29;26 - 00;17;33;22 John Smith But until the forties as you say, they weren’t even in their, in there.

00;17;34;00 - 00;17;39;27 Jess Taylor we might see an off year or maybe two or three here, something like that. But they would be.

00;17;40;00 - 00;17;51;21 John Smith Elk were they. Pretty plentiful. The elk over in Chamberlain way way back. Or were they barely late comers to the Chamberlain area also. Yeah, well.

00;17;51;24 - 00;17;59;25 Jess Taylor I was in there my first trip in 1924 and, they would not have Elkin. Are they.

00;17;59;26 - 00;18;00;18 John Smith In Chamberlain?

00;18;00;18 - 00;18;03;28 Jess Taylor Yeah. Yeah, they have crossed back and forth that way.

00;18;04;04 - 00;18;05;25 John Smith You know, we can get grocery, right?

00;18;05;28 - 00;18;07;07 Jess Taylor Yeah. Yeah.

00;18;07;10 - 00;18;08;28 John Smith How’d you get in there in 1924?

00;18;08;28 - 00;18;10;04 Jess Taylor And I feel pretty good.

00;18;10;04 - 00;18;11;15 John Smith True that. Yeah.

00;18;11;17 - 00;18;12;25 Jess Taylor That’s about a month trip.

00;18;12;28 - 00;18;14;09 John Smith Just to get there.

00;18;14;12 - 00;18;15;00 Jess Taylor In and out.

00;18;15;11 - 00;18;19;07 John Smith boy. Not crowded the way it is now.

00;18;19;09 - 00;18;25;08 Jess Taylor And then there was,

00;18;25;11 - 00;18;28;16 John Smith There was lots of deer.

00;18;28;19 - 00;19;10;20 Jess Taylor Really. Too many deer. And then about 35, we had a bad taste of pick. And not only on deer, but on it. Yeah, they were just a tick cycle. And that killed lots of deer, particularly the what would be the year. And in the spring, they hadn’t wintered. Well, and apparently it take will pick a poor animal even in a half, even a domestic.

00;19;12;12 - 00;19;19;25 Jess Taylor And, and it was a there was a really a kill on the, on the young deer due to the takes.

00;19;19;27 - 00;19;22;28 John Smith Was the trouble with the tick fever in humans that way.

00;19;22;28 - 00;19;25;00 Jess Taylor Too. That you know, that the different species.

00;19;25;00 - 00;19;25;19 John Smith Of.

00;19;25;22 - 00;19;30;15 Jess Taylor Of the different is. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

00;19;30;18 - 00;19;39;16 John Smith So that disease then actually has played a big part in the game cycles and the domestic animals all through there and.

00;19;39;18 - 00;19;42;16 Jess Taylor That’s right. The hunting pressure was now.

00;19;42;18 - 00;19;46;13 John Smith Yeah. Yeah. Something that a lot of people don’t even realize.

00;19;46;16 - 00;20;01;04 Jess Taylor Well and that’s something that they. That the game department don’t realize cause they’re all shooting a lot of areas but no doubt about it. But then they don’t take into consideration these games that.

00;20;01;06 - 00;20;08;27 John Smith You know so that they’re whether over shooting them or not and leaving out one of the big things one.

00;20;08;27 - 00;20;09;06 Jess Taylor Of the big.

00;20;09;06 - 00;20;10;12 John Smith Factory you know.

00;20;10;14 - 00;20;38;00 Jess Taylor Something that they can contend with and now. Well I would say we have an overpopulation of elk and the deer or practically on a plateau. We have enough there, but we get we could stand more deer. And for several years I was convinced that the sheep are increasing. But it seems to me now that they’re just about.

00;20;38;02 - 00;20;38;28 John Smith That.

00;20;39;00 - 00;21;02;23 Jess Taylor And that for over two years, possibly three, we had a very poor lamb crop. At least two you. Well, Maurice noticed the the situation too. Well, and now that’s the game show up in the in the shape of.

00;21;02;25 - 00;21;08;03 John Smith Any particular feeling as to why they account for just.

00;21;08;05 - 00;21;10;14 Jess Taylor One of those things you can’t account.

00;21;10;14 - 00;21;14;14 John Smith For. But it wasn’t a matter of survival. LAMB Or too many born.

00;21;14;14 - 00;21;15;25 Jess Taylor They they they just want.

00;21;16;03 - 00;21;16;28 John Smith They get is.

00;21;17;03 - 00;21;21;10 Jess Taylor Great. You get, you know, great. You know.

00;21;21;12 - 00;21;35;07 John Smith You know, and a lot of things to consider. Well, back to the history of this thing. Did you and Mr. Lewis get a chance to talk much about the history of the area in there other than the sheepherder camping?

00;21;35;09 - 00;22;04;13 Jess Taylor Well, after the sheep campaign in 1879, then it appeared that they would come in the big creek for a period and maybe go over on the South Park or some other portion of the area there. But eventually it came back and settled on what is now the Taylor Ranger then and on Beckwith.

00;22;04;18 - 00;22;09;17 John Smith What was he doing with himself during that time? Just working on other ranches, apparently.

00;22;09;17 - 00;22;27;16 Jess Taylor And he did some hunting. Yeah, he had the, some of the male brothers in there and, that type of hunters. And I have the correspondence, you know, pertaining to that. That was all on the.

00;22;27;17 - 00;22;28;29 John Smith Come.

00;22;29;01 - 00;22;49;20 Jess Taylor And there’s, there’s quite a, I, a write up in The New Yorker and the tabloid at the New York Times. I believe it is, in regard to these cougar cougar hunting shows, how many dogs. big whole pages, you know, and I heard.

00;22;49;20 - 00;22;52;02 John Smith That this would have been about when.

00;22;52;04 - 00;23;00;18 Jess Taylor That would been, probably long 30. Probably right after the Depression.

00;23;00;21 - 00;23;09;05 John Smith Yeah. Would you say he was the first of the Packers and guides and and game hunters in that area?

00;23;09;07 - 00;23;32;16 Jess Taylor One of the very first. Yeah. In fact, the first time I met Dave was when I was passing through the country in 1924, and I met him on the trail, even as he’d been up the Big Creek headquarters and got his supplies and were going back down big grid. And that’s the first time that I met him. Prior to that, I,

00;23;32;27 - 00;23;33;14 John Smith then.

00;23;33;16 - 00;23;44;17 Jess Taylor The big quick, headquarters being placed in there and a kind of a store where they had to go, cleared a warrant for their supply, and that that would give quite.

00;23;44;17 - 00;23;46;07 John Smith A creek way up over the some.

00;23;46;08 - 00;23;49;12 Jess Taylor Yeah. And that’s where he bought it for the war.

00;23;49;15 - 00;23;52;01 John Smith You know, and even getting in to Warren wasn’t easy.

00;23;52;01 - 00;23;58;27 Jess Taylor Yeah. And another one that’s very familiar with that country back there in the early days is Harry Shuttleworth right here. And boy.

00;23;59;00 - 00;24;00;24 John Smith Was he a guy that, you know.

00;24;00;24 - 00;24;11;14 Jess Taylor But he was in there hunting and he was mainly instrumental or one of those instrumental in having that, set aside by the legislature as pretty much.

00;24;12;09 - 00;24;13;21 John Smith yeah, I’ve seen his name there.

00;24;13;25 - 00;24;14;24 Jess Taylor Yeah. Yeah.

00;24;14;24 - 00;24;16;07 John Smith He and the Governor.

00;24;16;09 - 00;24;24;03 Jess Taylor Baldridge and various part personnel we know. quite a few of them, you know, and I have the picture that shows.

00;24;24;03 - 00;24;25;25 John Smith A whole group.

00;24;25;27 - 00;24;28;29 Jess Taylor Taken by Ansgar Johnson.

00;24;29;20 - 00;24;31;04 John Smith okay. The interest.

00;24;31;07 - 00;24;37;23 Jess Taylor That shows all the personnel that was interested in that survey.

00;24;37;25 - 00;24;42;13 John Smith Did they make a pretty extensive survey before they set the thing up as a primitive area?

00;24;42;19 - 00;24;43;22 Jess Taylor yeah. Yeah.

00;24;43;29 - 00;24;45;05 John Smith To determine the boundaries.

00;24;45;05 - 00;25;00;13 Jess Taylor Determine the boundaries. And, that was one of the main stipulations, was that there would be no time limit to keep within the boundaries, their of view.

00;25;01;26 - 00;25;10;22 Jess Taylor Cattle or and particularly imagine pack grains were to be part of the situation and the ranches that were there. Yeah.

00;25;10;24 - 00;25;14;29 John Smith Yeah. But in other words, cattle grazing, but no sheep. Yeah. Yeah.

00;25;15;02 - 00;25;27;26 Jess Taylor And they really weren’t too enthusiastic about the cattle and the park Service then. But then, and I have the minutes of those about me.

00;25;29;04 - 00;25;39;28 Jess Taylor Yeah, yeah. And we have all of these things, you know. Well someday when we. When you have the time. Why, we pleased to bring them up.

00;25;40;04 - 00;25;45;29 John Smith do you have a copy of the original survey two. yeah. Included. Yeah, yeah.

00;25;46;02 - 00;25;55;12 Jess Taylor Yeah. I had to do that. And even today, it’s surprising how accurate those maps are.

00;25;55;15 - 00;26;18;19 John Smith Was there any provision in the original survey or any original agreement or anything that, as to how the area would be handled in the future? In other words? Well, I’m wondering if there’s anything in the original setting aside of the land that should be considered when they get to the so-called reclassification that well.

00;26;18;22 - 00;26;29;25 Jess Taylor It was to be administered by the U.S. Park Service and they, it was the project was.

00;26;29;25 - 00;26;32;02 John Smith Approved.

00;26;32;05 - 00;26;49;00 Jess Taylor By the, Department of Agriculture. The partner, and it was to be administered by the Park Service, the trails built and, grading and so on.

00;26;49;03 - 00;26;59;18 John Smith It was all Forest Service land at that time on all federal. Yeah. Yeah. And all the holdings that were in there at the time were protected. That’s right. Yeah.

00;27;00;04 - 00;27;30;19 Jess Taylor you see, the Lewis Ranch was patented in 1927, and, it was designated as Forest Service entry 809, 64 and 6800 acres. Metzenbaum on pure bait, and it’s still underway.

00;27;30;22 - 00;27;33;12 John Smith Now we’re doing. Yeah. And all the markers are still there.

00;27;33;12 - 00;27;47;07 Jess Taylor So it’s all a memory monument, here probably five years ago. And there’s these regular steel or aluminum poles with a cap on them. And each the nine corners is an irregular shape.

00;27;47;11 - 00;27;48;06 John Smith Yeah, yeah, yeah.

00;27;48;08 - 00;27;50;16 Jess Taylor Meet them down.

00;27;50;19 - 00;27;59;00 John Smith Well, then, actually, Mr. Lewis had it for only, like, six, six years or so before you bought it. Yeah. Yeah.

00;27;59;02 - 00;28;32;05 Jess Taylor He had resided though there off and on for I don’t know how many years. And then he went into permanent residence and I have cards on them from Governor Baldridge and so on that I believe from Harry shallower requesting the governor to please use his good offices and the help. they get a patent to this land.

00;28;32;08 - 00;28;40;16 Jess Taylor And as much as he had confirmed with the Homestead laws and as far as he was able and so on, I have that correspondence.

00;28;40;19 - 00;28;44;15 John Smith Why would he homestead an odd sized piece of land like that?

00;28;44;21 - 00;28;47;10 Jess Taylor Well done. Surveyed.

00;28;47;13 - 00;28;49;27 John Smith He didn’t know how many acres he had and no.

00;28;49;29 - 00;28;55;22 Jess Taylor Example that after to survey it and and then of course they, they could figure it out.

00;28;55;24 - 00;29;00;10 John Smith He could have, he could have pushed the boundaries quite a bit farther out under the Homestead Act.

00;29;00;13 - 00;29;02;26 Jess Taylor Yes. He could have taken 160.

00;29;03;02 - 00;29;03;20 John Smith Yeah.

00;29;03;22 - 00;29;08;00 Jess Taylor But then why take the hills when you have a valley, you know.

00;29;08;02 - 00;29;11;21 John Smith In other words, he took all the land that was really practical. Practically.

00;29;11;23 - 00;29;14;20 Jess Taylor Yes. Yeah, it just man at the bottom. That’s what it, that’s right.

00;29;14;23 - 00;29;18;05 John Smith Yeah. In order to get beyond those, those acres.

00;29;18;09 - 00;29;20;25 Jess Taylor And of course we have a we have the map prior to that.

00;29;20;26 - 00;29;42;18 John Smith You know. Yeah. And they were just very realistic and just took the part that was practical and lived there. It makes good sense that some of them. Well, did he, did he travel around much north of the Salmon River. Do you know which there was.

00;29;42;21 - 00;29;44;20 Jess Taylor No indication.

00;29;44;23 - 00;29;50;13 John Smith Most of his contacts were south and pretty much in what is now the primitive area.

00;29;50;15 - 00;29;56;15 Jess Taylor Yeah. Even when he was over on the South Park, he was probably within what is now the boundary.

00;29;56;15 - 00;29;58;13 John Smith Of the cranberry.

00;29;58;15 - 00;30;14;12 Jess Taylor And there’s one particular incident that might be of interest. He had three or four had a heart and some heart. These come in and then all these horses.

00;30;14;15 - 00;30;15;18 John Smith Came in from.

00;30;15;21 - 00;30;42;00 Jess Taylor Back there at the old trail in the country, comes out over the top of the West Bank and down the ridge. And of course they let him report and he said they thought they had me and they, they, they were safe, but they said I’d taken my small rifle and took it out on the tracks and I finally caught up with them and they were going out one side of a prairie.

00;30;42;01 - 00;31;00;03 Jess Taylor And just as I was coming in on the other, they evidently had a hard to do their own to them, to. And he said, I open up on them and he said, I hit one of them. And it’s also a matter of record that a 44 slug was taken out of a man at a later date by a doctor.

00;31;01;06 - 00;31;15;20 Jess Taylor And he said, if I had my big rifle, which was an eight That I believe God, poor guys getting or a possibly a male brother. Now. But I have a correspondence on that too. He said if I had them big rifle I’ve got them.

00;31;15;20 - 00;31;19;09 Dorothy Taylor But gosh I.

00;31;19;10 - 00;31;24;03 Jess Taylor Ain’t got half of that you yet. All the words you shot and.

00;31;26;00 - 00;31;27;04 John Smith Must’ve been quite a good.

00;31;27;08 - 00;31;41;00 Jess Taylor Mile little out there, you know. But yeah, you did that. You didn’t. What a fool with he’d been I think probably shot a time or two and he showed me scars. All right. Ami or a good grizzly got a hold. Me.

00;31;41;02 - 00;31;41;29 John Smith Can I?

00;31;42;21 - 00;31;52;22 Jess Taylor But he had these cougar dogs, and they were the $50 bounty on cougar at that time. So he that one time the state owed me $800. And in Ballymoney.

00;31;52;24 - 00;31;55;22 John Smith Yeah. Well it would go a long ways in those days.

00;31;55;25 - 00;31;57;17 Jess Taylor $800 M was a lot of money.

00;31;57;17 - 00;31;58;26 John Smith Sure. Yeah.

00;32;00;02 - 00;32;06;01 John Smith So did he train his own dogs? Yeah. Pardon? Did he train his own dog? yeah, Yeah.

00;32;06;11 - 00;32;34;09 Jess Taylor yeah, yeah. his original stock it owner was Norwegian Bear, though. And they were, when he left, he only had the he had three dogs left him. And Jack was this Jack He called him. He was still able to run and he had a little black one. I don’t know where he fit in. And he had a whisker.

00;32;34;11 - 00;32;36;12 Jess Taylor Well, there. And these pictures.

00;32;36;12 - 00;32;38;10 John Smith To you, you look there.

00;32;38;13 - 00;32;56;13 Jess Taylor And, But when he went up the Big Creek headquarters, after they taken him on out, why they had to dispose of all with whatever happened to little black men, I don’t know. But Jack came back. Back. And as long as I at the ranch. Why? He was my dog. He did like a shot river where I went.

00;32;57;03 - 00;32;57;19 Jess Taylor Yeah.

00;32;57;22 - 00;32;58;11 John Smith How long did he.

00;32;58;11 - 00;33;02;06 Jess Taylor But he was a he would get the one man dog. Absolutely.

00;33;03;02 - 00;33;06;04 John Smith Yeah. How long did he live then? After.

00;33;06;06 - 00;33;32;21 Jess Taylor Well, I left the last day. I left, along about August of 35, and he was there at that time. And then I gave him the some one. And that knowing, you know, that he would go, you know, and what I think you would find and keep him and kill me.

00;33;33;11 - 00;33;41;13 John Smith yeah? Now, you say you left in 35. You had been in after you bought the ranch. You moved in there and stayed there.

00;33;41;19 - 00;34;09;17 Jess Taylor That fall of 34. Yeah. And then the I believe it was the next August. that would be, that would be 35. Why? I came out to Boise. And then we didn’t do it. I didn’t do anything further with the ranch until after World War Two. I was a building contractor here in Boise for about ten years prior to World War Two.

00;34;09;17 - 00;34;16;29 Jess Taylor And I was in the war for two years. And then I came back and followed the contracting business here for.

00;34;17;01 - 00;34;22;08 John Smith The party for.

00;34;22;10 - 00;34;48;12 Jess Taylor About four years. Went by, too, and came back at 44. And, and I decided that, I better go back and do something with that place. It was always my idea to make a get crank out and, I’ve kept it.

00;34;48;12 - 00;34;49;16 John Smith All those years.

00;34;49;18 - 00;35;09;17 Jess Taylor And I, and I even had one inquiry on. I come from a doctor wanting to buy that place, but I just felt that, that place belonged to me. And, it was really right that I should keep it and do something with it.

00;35;09;19 - 00;35;13;17 John Smith When did you first open up the landing strip there? I wonder the plane?

00;35;13;20 - 00;35;51;16 Jess Taylor Well, we went back in and, in the spring of 1948, I were building I was building houses here, and I rounded up all of my odds and and into a house. Prac developed. And then I was selling that, and then I was moving down. I had been, you know, in position to go a time or two before, but something intervened like World.

00;35;51;16 - 00;35;53;04 John Smith War Two, you know.

00;35;53;06 - 00;36;33;12 Jess Taylor And postpone and so, Dorothy, I was working with a real estate agency here in Boise at that time, and she came out to bless the house and she didn’t sell the house, but, we got interested in each other, and, I, I told her what my plans were, and that I was going down there, and it were just something that everyone couldn’t cope with.

00;36;33;14 - 00;36;39;00 Jess Taylor And, said, You’ve made your mind up.

00;36;39;00 - 00;36;41;01 John Smith And I said, Yes. She first approached.

00;36;41;01 - 00;36;45;22 Jess Taylor Me, and that’s great, but I might slip out. And I know if I didn’t want quote.

00;36;46;14 - 00;37;06;09 Jess Taylor And so I said, Well, I’m going into the ranch and I’ll be gone 17 days, you see, that had land on top of the bottom and, you know, and walk up there and then arrange for a plane to come back. Certain base, take me up on wooden box. And they was the old man in the mountains.

00;37;06;09 - 00;37;07;01 John Smith He was.

00;37;07;03 - 00;37;19;10 Jess Taylor He was the main player of the back country out of Boise at that time. And, so I came back in 17 days and he was waiting for me out to the Floating Feather Airport. So,

00;37;19;13 - 00;37;21;07 John Smith We were married. Good enough.

00;37;21;08 - 00;37;24;14 Jess Taylor And what in that ranch,

00;37;24;16 - 00;37;33;24 John Smith When did the let’s see, when you went down and shoulder from the landing fields and sold your bar, then you had to get in for a degree or degree and then come across the bridge back to your place.

00;37;33;24 - 00;37;40;04 Jess Taylor You know, you had to board the creek below the place because that would get the twain ready. At that time, it wasn’t half great.

00;37;40;07 - 00;37;42;00 John Smith So to get your stock to, too.

00;37;42;02 - 00;37;43;20 Jess Taylor Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

00;37;43;23 - 00;37;45;15 John Smith Yeah.

00;37;45;18 - 00;37;58;11 Jess Taylor And, we pack just what we need it up from 200 bar. Just enough to get along with him. And in the meantime, we went to work on the airstrip.

00;37;58;13 - 00;38;00;07 John Smith And it was the year.

00;38;00;09 - 00;38;03;16 Jess Taylor After we started really, for a plane.

00;38;03;18 - 00;38;08;11 John Smith What good was going on? Who brought the first plane in?

00;38;08;17 - 00;38;12;00 Jess Taylor It was a boy from Maggie by the name of Rick Pratt, Dear.

00;38;12;29 - 00;38;13;15 John Smith yeah.

00;38;15;16 - 00;38;22;18 John Smith Okay. You said a boy from. From Turkey Barbara to the first plane. Yeah. Yeah.

00;38;22;21 - 00;38;32;08 Jess Taylor And we didn’t have any particular instruction on building the.

00;38;32;08 - 00;38;35;17 John Smith Airport.

00;38;35;19 - 00;38;51;17 Jess Taylor But we the more we cleared out, it was it was solid timber and break, and the more we cleared out, the better it looked. And we finally came out as one of the few very good in that country to approach and takeoff, you know.

00;38;51;19 - 00;38;53;23 John Smith Yeah. How’d you get the stumps down?

00;38;53;25 - 00;38;55;10 Jess Taylor Blow them out. Dynamite.

00;38;56;00 - 00;39;06;07 Jess Taylor Yeah. I had a big team. They weighed over 1800 pounds, these big team buildings. And if anything wasn’t pretty solid, they did pull it off.

00;39;06;09 - 00;39;12;24 John Smith Yeah. And all the rest of them. yeah. Then you drag it would drag it with your team and. Yeah, well.

00;39;13;00 - 00;39;40;14 Jess Taylor We plowed with a garden plow, you see, we had rather primitive equipment and we plowed with its garden plow just plain old walking plow and plowed all, all the areas that were never bent high. And then I had the slip scraper that I had packed into that country, and, in, 1933.

00;39;40;16 - 00;39;44;02 John Smith When you. When you first set. Right? Yeah.

00;39;44;05 - 00;40;01;06 Jess Taylor Well, I backed out in a big Greek. Edgar. And so I went up and brought that down, and I had a big it had a boilerplate note put on it. Not more than 14 inches out in front of three water plate. And real nice to.

00;40;01;06 - 00;40;02;03 John Smith Try.

00;40;02;05 - 00;40;20;26 Jess Taylor Not to take that big team and just slide by. And we graded every inch of that airplane and then I took on a big drag birch and it went up and down and it smoothed it off.

00;40;20;28 - 00;40;26;13 John Smith For anybody who looks at it now, think that’s always been that way. Doesn’t that mean understand what you started with?

00;40;26;13 - 00;40;28;29 Jess Taylor No, they have no idea the amount of work I can get.

00;40;28;29 - 00;40;31;01 John Smith That airplane.

00;40;31;04 - 00;40;35;04 Jess Taylor I feel beaver on.

00;40;35;06 - 00;40;41;02 John Smith It seems to stand up pretty well now. Gets a little wet once in a while. I guess that’s all your business. Yeah.

00;40;41;04 - 00;40;47;27 Jess Taylor Yeah, but that could be eliminated. Do you give me about another about it?

00;40;47;29 - 00;40;48;13 John Smith What would you do?

00;40;48;13 - 00;40;52;00 Jess Taylor Just to the point down the road. Yeah. No, I blow about ten feet.

00;40;52;00 - 00;40;52;25 John Smith Over.

00;40;52;27 - 00;41;00;18 Jess Taylor And now I cut most of that out. well, with a little more powder, I could shake it up a little more, and it takes more of an out.

00;41;00;19 - 00;41;17;18 John Smith Matter to drain it and make it all. Does it have would it have been practical to have used the ranch without a strip, or did you have to have a strip before you could make the guest ranch? yeah, absolutely. They the whole.

00;41;17;18 - 00;41;19;03 Jess Taylor Situation changed on the.

00;41;19;03 - 00;41;20;14 John Smith Airstrip, you know.

00;41;20;17 - 00;41;24;14 Jess Taylor Without an airstrip back in that you you have no.

00;41;24;16 - 00;41;31;19 John Smith Yeah. When I before you had the trail, you know, you didn’t always have the trail down along Big Creek.

00;41;31;26 - 00;41;32;01 Jess Taylor yeah.

00;41;32;01 - 00;41;35;07 John Smith The headquarters then. Yeah. That was an old trail that had been there going.

00;41;35;12 - 00;41;58;01 Jess Taylor Yes. And then those trails were all built back in that country about 1924. And they was one nail down Big Creek. And you’ve been out the Big Horn bridge there to cross the big arm bridge and cross the old suspension bridge that used to be in there. The heart rate down went on up the middle park.

00;41;58;27 - 00;42;08;16 Jess Taylor This this ranger that was in the country in the early days down of them, he’s the, He’s the one who did all that great work in there, who.

00;42;08;16 - 00;42;16;04 John Smith Provided Redwood and so on that Mr. Dodge made very many changes in there since he came in.

00;42;16;06 - 00;42;29;00 Jess Taylor Well, of course, they cut the new trail. you see that? Of course, a lot of it followed the old trail. Yeah, but they cut a new trail and did a lot of work on it all the way up and down big.

00;42;29;02 - 00;42;32;29 John Smith When did they build the bridge? At that monumental The end of the road?

00;42;33;02 - 00;42;40;00 Jess Taylor Well, that’s been in there quite a few years, I would presume, at least, Ten, 12.

00;42;40;00 - 00;42;45;04 John Smith Years. Yeah. When was the new bridge put in there? And here in.

00;42;49;20 - 00;42;57;00 Jess Taylor I can’t give you the exact date on that, but it’s been in there. Probably have made year.

00;42;57;03 - 00;43;05;22 John Smith Yeah, you had just a swinging bridge, you know, that was. We never had any way to get back on board until that bridge.

00;43;05;26 - 00;43;09;02 Jess Taylor And in high water you just didn’t cross.

00;43;09;04 - 00;43;12;15 John Smith Even though part of your pasture was on the other side of the river.

00;43;12;16 - 00;43;14;19 Jess Taylor You may have to keep your heart on the side.

00;43;14;21 - 00;43;15;00 John Smith And as.

00;43;15;00 - 00;43;16;11 Jess Taylor You were, you might want to use.

00;43;16;11 - 00;43;19;03 Dorothy Taylor Them.

00;43;19;06 - 00;43;23;20 John Smith Again. this has been well.

00;43;23;22 - 00;43;31;10 Jess Taylor Well, to. And that was the time we packed a big white cook stove up on.

00;43;31;11 - 00;43;34;21 John Smith Hard and Soldier Bar.

00;43;34;23 - 00;44;02;28 Jess Taylor And another. Then we had Bill would take us into Soldier Bar in the middle of the winter, landed on ski, and we got him turned around to take off. And then we came off the bar and we had a black pup that way required about that long and we had a two whiskey and a little thing that he could carry him.

00;44;03;00 - 00;44;33;14 Jess Taylor And I had all I could pack on a pack for probably 50, £60, and I pulled a five gallon kind of coal, oil, kerosene behind me to get off the hill with the I could get it that far. And then, of course, 19 break there at that time. Then we crossed back and but there the made very market starting out on a trip like you folks that’s an awful little bit of with.

00;44;33;17 - 00;44;36;13 Dorothy Taylor I was.

00;44;36;15 - 00;44;40;26 John Smith A man who knew what was important.

00;44;40;29 - 00;44;41;23 Dorothy Taylor I’ll always remember.

00;44;41;23 - 00;44;48;28 John Smith That and I don’t blame you. Tell us about the cook stove. That that sounds kind of interesting to get in the stove.

00;44;49;00 - 00;44;52;26 Jess Taylor Well, we have a picture of that on top of our you can add that to the collection of.

00;44;52;27 - 00;44;53;25 John Smith You should.

00;44;53;28 - 00;44;56;07 Jess Taylor You know, it’s in black and white.

00;44;56;10 - 00;45;00;09 John Smith Well, the white cooks do all that but.

00;45;00;11 - 00;45;01;04 Dorothy Taylor Quite well.

00;45;01;04 - 00;45;01;16 Jess Taylor Now.

00;45;01;20 - 00;45;01;25 Dorothy Taylor Yeah.

00;45;01;25 - 00;45;29;08 Jess Taylor That’s what we had all off the cook stove would take off, had the grapes out but the shipping white on that cook. So with £550 and after we got everything stripped off it we could still had plenty and we had a boy to help with and Dorothy and I. And the only way we could get that on hearth, we got this cook that we see under a leaning tree.

00;45;29;11 - 00;45;30;03 John Smith You know.

00;45;30;05 - 00;45;31;06 Jess Taylor And with a.

00;45;31;06 - 00;45;32;03 John Smith Rope.

00;45;32;05 - 00;45;52;06 Jess Taylor Around the tree and it’s laying on the cook stove, there’s no way, no way to get anything through the cook. No, we had to build the flame on it on a rope. Tie it down there. There’s no way to get at real protocol. And so we we lifted the cook stove as high as we could, and she’d take up on the rope, see, on this.

00;45;52;06 - 00;45;56;07 John Smith Term, you know, no bark attack or anything, you know. No, you on.

00;45;56;11 - 00;46;08;27 Jess Taylor And then we and she’d take off like we got her high enough to get me this big old harpoon and I built a compact on each side of it out of the POW and by the way, we never tried the bath.

00;46;09;03 - 00;46;11;16 John Smith Never chip one gun.

00;46;11;19 - 00;46;24;09 Jess Taylor And put one of those on each side of the wrecker, you know, square it up. And we learned to cook stove down on top of him. And analyzed it down. Look at it.

00;46;24;11 - 00;46;25;17 John Smith Yet he had.

00;46;25;20 - 00;46;28;07 Jess Taylor Walked off the weight over 1800 pounds here.

00;46;28;09 - 00;46;29;25 John Smith On those big rig.

00;46;30;03 - 00;46;45;25 Jess Taylor yeah yeah and grazing know on and but we had the big crate twice with that that control gear and it was pretty precarious, you know, we’d have to stop and take up on it every so often. And when we finally got her up there.

00;46;45;27 - 00;46;48;01 John Smith Were you ever tempted to bet?

00;46;48;03 - 00;46;52;18 Dorothy Taylor Yes. So this had everything that we might be.

00;46;54;27 - 00;46;56;04 Jess Taylor we lived in camp there.

00;46;56;06 - 00;46;57;27 John Smith For two years, but.

00;46;58;00 - 00;46;59;03 Jess Taylor Winter and summer.

00;46;59;06 - 00;47;01;03 John Smith And 48 and 49. Yeah.

00;47;01;05 - 00;47;07;25 Jess Taylor Cooler than that. That 48 and 49 winter time on the top of that kind of cash.

00;47;07;27 - 00;47;09;15 John Smith But you stayed there all year long.

00;47;09;17 - 00;47;15;00 Jess Taylor Yeah, well, we had to get out the log for our own, you know, you get them out in the wintertime.

00;47;15;02 - 00;47;16;15 John Smith Did you get most of them.

00;47;16;17 - 00;47;18;12 Jess Taylor Right up Pioneer.

00;47;18;15 - 00;47;23;18 John Smith Right up behind the. Yeah. Yeah. And then get them down on the snow. Yeah well.

00;47;23;18 - 00;47;25;15 Jess Taylor I had this these too big.

00;47;25;15 - 00;47;27;11 John Smith Or.

00;47;27;14 - 00;47;29;03 Dorothy Taylor Difficult that finally.

00;47;29;05 - 00;47;38;00 John Smith Were you ever tempted to build a trail from soldier Bar down on the south side of the creek down to the right? That would be quite a chore, because the terrain. Well.

00;47;38;02 - 00;47;38;18 Jess Taylor It’s lovely.

00;47;38;18 - 00;47;44;14 John Smith There. That area. Yeah. If you stayed on or read to go up to the ridge and over and way down to.

00;47;44;15 - 00;47;46;15 Jess Taylor Yeah. And that.

00;47;46;17 - 00;47;49;16 Dorothy Taylor Way to get through there, it would be very practical.

00;47;49;22 - 00;47;50;22 Jess Taylor Now.

00;47;50;24 - 00;48;00;16 John Smith To say that again, you know, this is all, this is too good to miss that you built the trail would go on the one that goes up Rush Creek you no.

00;48;00;18 - 00;48;21;07 Jess Taylor The one that you see the new trail was up like this and they’re around the fence for a new trail. You know, the old trail, A neutral road right along, you know, on water. Great. Yeah, right. And so we gave money to there. Give them a ride away. And part of it on our land. Part of it had a lot of it just goes like this.

00;48;21;08 - 00;48;33;02 Jess Taylor I don’t know about it. And then I contracted to build that trail up. They didn’t bomb me. I got by pretty good on that government.

00;48;33;02 - 00;48;33;14 John Smith Of course.

00;48;33;14 - 00;48;37;17 Jess Taylor The we didn’t have to get me, you know.

00;48;37;23 - 00;48;42;28 John Smith Yeah, I understand.

00;48;43;00 - 00;48;44;17 Jess Taylor And that’s why I got an American.

00;48;44;17 - 00;48;48;07 John Smith Your money for the trip that resulted in.

00;48;48;10 - 00;48;49;14 Jess Taylor Not that black people.

00;48;49;14 - 00;48;53;12 John Smith Yeah that yeah that was the Alaska were in there.

00;48;53;14 - 00;49;12;16 Jess Taylor Yeah, yeah, yeah. I made the money for that too. I made that 100 the we had guests in there when we were still in town and they used to come in and get, you know, in here and then they were in the cabin with a double cabin and.

00;49;12;18 - 00;49;13;03 John Smith Then I.

00;49;13;03 - 00;49;38;15 Dorothy Taylor Had to let you go from California area down in of this city. And they and. And they came up to me and thank you. The things you scared them out of the fire from recall brought them in and you know, here I am. Thank you. Thank you. If I ever had to drive down there.

00;49;38;18 - 00;49;45;21 John Smith Certainly you should think that’d be one of the fun things of that. Again, strange. The kind of people you get to meet.

00;49;45;22 - 00;49;47;11 Jess Taylor Yeah, we had a.

00;49;47;14 - 00;49;48;19 John Smith Couch with them and everything.

00;49;48;19 - 00;49;51;15 Jess Taylor We had come in belt.

00;49;51;21 - 00;49;52;19 John Smith do you, Coleman?

00;49;52;19 - 00;50;11;14 Jess Taylor I don’t know. Yeah. And he came in first with his stepson, which was a boy about 20 years old, fishing. And then he came back roaring old family. And then we have John Ray, and he was chairman. Boom. Crockett. He’s an African on the farm. And that president notice.

00;50;11;17 - 00;50;12;09 Dorothy Taylor You know, I had.

00;50;12;13 - 00;50;13;06 Jess Taylor This for the third.

00;50;13;06 - 00;50;14;04 John Smith Year.

00;50;14;07 - 00;50;15;04 Dorothy Taylor And then.

00;50;15;06 - 00;50;16;19 Jess Taylor He came in and he brought, you know.

00;50;16;19 - 00;50;17;28 Dorothy Taylor That I could grow.

00;50;18;00 - 00;50;19;21 John Smith And it would grow that way real.

00;50;19;22 - 00;50;24;22 Jess Taylor Quick. That. Yeah. On the recommendation of other people, right? Yeah. Yeah.

00;50;24;24 - 00;50;28;10 John Smith And each person that found out what you had to offer would tell.

00;50;28;12 - 00;50;29;25 Jess Taylor Them what your job in worth.

00;50;29;29 - 00;50;40;06 John Smith You keep spreading that way. Sure. Yeah. And then you operated it actually for about 20 years as a guest for the 23rd year? Yeah.

00;50;40;08 - 00;50;41;05 Dorothy Taylor Yeah.

00;50;41;08 - 00;50;45;00 John Smith You’re not taking guests in there now, though, under the present arrangement.

00;50;45;03 - 00;50;46;13 Jess Taylor Well, gift hunter. Yeah.

00;50;46;16 - 00;50;49;19 John Smith Giving out a hunting season, but not during the summer, right?

00;50;49;20 - 00;50;51;24 Jess Taylor He didn’t want to work anymore.

00;50;51;27 - 00;50;52;13 John Smith Right?

00;50;52;16 - 00;59;43;24 Dorothy Taylor All right.

Jess Taylor and Dorothy Taylor Interview #2, 08/25/1971
Date Created (Archival Standard):
25 August 1971
Date Created (ISO Standard):
Interview with Jess Taylor and Dorothy Taylor, interviewed by John Smith at the Taylor Ranch in Cascade, Idaho.
Taylor Ranch, Cascade, Idaho
David (Cougar Dave) Lewis Papers, MG 190, University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives
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Preferred Citation:
"Jess Taylor and Dorothy Taylor Interview #2, 08/25/1971", Cougar Dave Collection, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections,
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