Union Pacific System Oregon-Washington Railroad & navigation Company General Passenger Department Bulletin NO. 103-1920 Cancelling Bulletin No. 97-1920. Reopening Camas Prairie Railroad between Riparia, Washington and Lewiston, Idaho. Portland, Oregon, August 2, 1920. Item Info

Union Pacific System Oregon-Washington Railroad & navigation Company General Passenger Department Bulletin NO. 103-1920 Cancelling Bulletin No. 97-1920. Reopening Camas Prairie Railroad between Riparia, Washington and Lewiston, Idaho. Portland, Oregon, August 2, 1920.
Date Created (ISO Standard):
Union Pacific System Oregon-Washington Railroad & navigation Company General Passenger Department Bulletin NO. 103-1920 Cancelling Bulletin No. 97-1920. Reopening Camas Prairie Railroad between Riparia, Washington and Lewiston, Idaho. Portland, Oregon, August 2, 1920. To All Agents and Connecting Lines: Referring to our Bulletin No. 97 of the 26th ultimo and other communication concerning closing of the Camas Prairie Railroad between Riparia and Lewiston, we are very glad to announce that it will be open again for all traffic August 4th, with first train leaving lewiston, namely, No. 7, 9:20 AM August 4th; returning leaving Riparia Train No. 8, 12:55 PM same day, No. 5 leaving Lewiston 6:50 PM also August 4th and No. 6 leaving Riparia 5:00 AM August 5th. Please note well that the first trip of No. 6 from Riparia will be August 5th. Sale of Tickets may be resumed accordingly. The Tri-weekly Portland-Lewiston sleeper will again be operated between Portland and Lewiston, with first trip leaving Portland Train No. 12, Thursday, August 5th, returning Leaving Lewiston, Friday, August 6th. Issued by WM. McMurray, General passenger Agent. Binder Index No. 8. 1 Page.
bulletins amendments (administrative records)
General Manager:
R. E. Hanrahan
Company Namem:
Union Pacific System
Camas Prairie Railroad Time Tables collection, 1909-1997, MG 202, University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives
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Preferred Citation:
"Union Pacific System Oregon-Washington Railroad & navigation Company General Passenger Department Bulletin NO. 103-1920 Cancelling Bulletin No. 97-1920. Reopening Camas Prairie Railroad between Riparia, Washington and Lewiston, Idaho. Portland, Oregon, August 2, 1920.", Camas Prairie Railroad Time Tables, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, https://www.lib.uidaho.edu/digital/camasrailroad/items/cprr003.html
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