Argonaut Issues from 2019
Cover | Title | Date | Subjects |
The Argonaut - January 17, 2019 | 2019-01-17 |
Rise through the ranks: Moscow Police chief worked his way up through the department after years of service; Moving Moscow’s finest: Moscow Police Department appears to be closing in on a new home; Petition calls for return of polling location to campus (p3); Reflecting Title IX procedures: UI announces sexual misconduct policy changes to better align with State Board’s policy, practice (p3); ORED rising to the occasion: UI department designs new way to award grants to faculty members (p4); Flipping the script: UI broadcasting and digital media student awarded $1,000 grant for short film project (p5); Funding film and TV studies: The film and television studies program faces challenges while celebrating its second year (p5); A playmaking future: New talent brings new faces for Vandal football this coming year (p8); ‘She is such a part of the Palouse area’: Idaho honored the Pullman native with a number of victories and personal bests (p8); A thrilling rematch: The young Vandals prepare for a matchup against the veteran Grizzlies squad on home turf (p9); Missoula road trip: The Vandals hope to continue recent dominance against Montana on the road (p9) MPD; Moscow Police Department; Chief of Police; Polling locations; Vandal Ideas; Martin Luther King essay contest; Presidential search; Title IX; State Board of Education; ORED; Office of Research and Economic Development; Faculty grants; Jeff Zenisek; Broadcasting and digital media; Radio and Television Center; Film and television studies; Dolly Parton; James Wan; Aquaman; Football; Track and Field; Men’s Basketball; Women's Basketball; Government shutdown; Gender stereotypes; Gillette |
The Argonaut - January 24, 2019 | 2019-01-24 |
In support of diversity: ASUI discusses bill condemning discriminatory behavior; Exploring new spaces: New anatomy lab opens for UI’s WWAMI students, bringing fresh equipment to campus; Tracking summer rain in Titan: Research team finds anomaly in data, offering possible insight on Earth evolution; ‘We will not tolerate hate’ (p3); Learning and listening (p3); Stocking up the cellar: Vandal Food Pantry offers non-perishables to students, community members in need (p4); Life beyond the lens: UI Prichard Art Gallery opens new photography exhibit exploring Guatemalan migration (p5); A different kind of science fiction: Campus book club created by Sustainability Center, Department of English launched Wednesday (p5); Pirates, plane crashes and ‘Present Laughter’: Department of Theatre Arts to showcase three plays during spring starting Wednesday (p6); Halfway to Boise: After a turbulent starts to the season, Idaho is poised to make noise in the Big Sky (p8); A battle for relevancy: Two former Big Sky powerhouses rematch in the middle of a rebuilding year for both teams (p8); Vandals’ winless weekend: Idaho’s tennis teams suffered losses to top-tier programs (p9)’ Records up the road: Idaho freshman breaks record, brings home victories from across the Washington border (p9) ASUI; Diversity; Discrimination; Nicole Skinner; WWAMI; Anatomy lab; Titan; Space research; Jupiter; Women’s March; March for Life; LCSC; Health education; Cooking classes; Career Fair; Vandal Food Pantry; Prichard Art Gallery; Vandal Entertainment; Department of Theatre Arts; Superhero films; Marvel; Avengers Endgame; Media; Movies; Women's Basketball; Men’s Basketball; Tennis; Track and Field; Politics; Social engagement; Presidential election; Border wall |
The Argonaut - January 31, 2019 | 2019-01-31 |
Vandal Alert, professor spark controversy: UI bans journalism professor from campus in Vandal Alert Wednesday, despite no threat; Students protest to support Bennett: Students participated in a march Wednesday to protest actions made by administration; UI chemistry professor dies on campus: Thomas Bitterwolf dies Wednesday afternoon in Malcolm Renfrew Hall, cause unknown; Budget cuts are coming: A structural deficit caused by declining enrollment has to be addressed by pending cuts, UI provost John Wiencek said (p3); Set up for success: Career Services provide insight on preparing for upcoming Spring Career Fair (p3); Hearing rescheduled for UI football player accused of rape: A new court date for former Idaho football player Kyree Curington set for 9 a.m. Feb 28. (p4); “We need to come together’ A look at past Vandal Entertainment options (p5); A panel of LGBTQA perspectives: LGBTQA Office to host open panel Thursday evening (p5); ‘People really care about these cookies’ Sisters Cookie Company retells the story of how one cookie turned into thousands (p6); A one-stop ‘Air Bud’ shop (p7); A taste of 30 countries: Annual Cruise the World event hosts hands-on international booths on campus (p7); Clearing the air: A frenzied Vandal team hunts for a Big Sky win over the Lumberjacks (p8); Vandals face road test in the Southwest: Women hit the road hoping to pick up weekend sweep (p8); One last dive: Idaho swim and dive didn't disappoint in their final home meet of the season Saturday (p9); Wrapping up at UW: Idaho performs well at the UW invitational (p9) Vandal Alerts; Denise Bennett; Protest; Moscow ZPolice Department; Lewiston Police Department; College of Letters Arts and Social Sciences; Thomas Bitterwolf; Chemistry department; Malcolm Renfrew Hall; Budget; Budget deficit; Career Fair; Career Services; Sexual Assault; Assault hearing; Vandal Entertainment; LGBTQA; Sisters Cookie Company; Air Bud; Movies Media; Entertainment; Cruise the World event; Cuisine; Food; Men’s Basketball; Women's Basketball; Swim and dive; Track and Field; Women’s Golf; Northern Arizona University; University of Washington; Government shutdown; Sexual safety; Student Success Program |
The Argonaut - February 07, 2019 | 2019-02-07 |
Friend, educator and leader: UI community remembers faculty member and local leader Tom Bitterwolf; Vandal Alerts: ‘Room to improve”: UI receives backlash following Vandal Alert, recognizes needed improvement in timelines of future alerts; Professional development; Senate condemns intolerance: ASUI cenounces cultural intolerance on campus; Reinventing on-campus living: Colten Hoff was tired of traditional college housing, so he reimagined his options (p3); Just an everyday love story: Safari Pearl owners share how their love for one another helped create multiple businesses (p5); Sampling a culture: Nepalese Students’ Association host annual celebration Sunday (p5); A year of trial and error at campus Co-op: Campus Co-op celebrates a year of high-quality food options at UI (p5); Working from the ground up: Idaho hopes to build off of a troubling season to prepare for success in the future surrounded by young players (p7); Idaho Athlete of the week: The Vandal Nation staff makes their pick for Vandal Athlete of the Week (p8) Tom Bitterwolf; Cancer; Vandal Alerts; Career-prep; Intolerance; ASUI Senate; Van life; Campus housing; College housing; Safari Pearl Comics; Nepalese Students’ Association; Culture; Moscow Co-op; Campus Co-op; Panda Express; Vandal athletics; Men’s Basketball; Hockey; Palouse Ice Rink; Washington State University; Track and Field; Women's Basketball; Women’s Golf; Burnout; Halftime show; Well Space |
The Argonaut - February 15, 2019 | 2019-02-15 |
Storming through the Palouse: Snow storms bring spike in traffic accidents and school closures across Moscow and Pullman; Parking stalls: A previously free parking lot has been turned into permit only, sparking discourse about parking availability at the University of Idaho; Staben teaching leave approved: State Board of Education approves UI President Staben’s transitional leave; Snow woes: Streets and sidewalks covered in snow and ice pose challenges to people with disabilities (p3); ISEM courses saved: General education will see changed but ISEM courses remain for now (p3); Growing a family business: Local business owners share a love for taking on new ventures together (p5); Empowering campus events: UI Office of Multicultural Affairs sponsors variety of events celebrating Black History Month (p5); Awarding advocacy and activism: UI Women’s Center hosts Virginia Wolf Awards, nominations open (p5); A program all its own: UI’s Virtual Technology and Design Program offers unique learning opportunities for students (p6); New faces for Vandal Football: Idaho finishes with a strong recruiting period, ranking in the top 50 of the FCS at No. 37 Winter weather; Winter storms; Snow; Ice; School closures; Traffic accidents; Dangerous weather; Moscow Police Department; University campus closures; Chuck Staben; University president; State Board of Education; Disability access; ISEM courses; General Education requirements; City of Moscow; Local businesses; Women’s Center; Monarch Motel; VTD; Virtual Technology and Design; Football recruiting; Vandal Nation; Campus parking; Vaccinations; PETA; Health; Diet; Heart health |
The Argonaut - February 21, 2019 | 2019-02-21 |
Lionel Hampton’s legacy: The Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival provides inspiration for students; Behind the curtain: Volunteers set the stage for the 2019 Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival; Moscow to vote on MPD move: Moscow City Council approved a bond ordinance, residents to vote on ordinance in May; CTC provider resigns: UI Counselling and Testing Center creates interim plan in absence of psychiatric nurse practitioner (p3); A slice of the Moscow dining experience: Sodexo introduces Papa John’s to campus near dormitories (p3); Cooking on a budget: Moscow Food Co-op to host a class about healthy eating on a budget Saturday (p4); “Life happens right here”: Owners of Swan Family Ink discuss their many services in healing arts (p5); Past connections and ‘Present Laughter’: UI theater professor discusses journey to Moscow and upcoming play, premiering March 1 (p5); Supporting furry friends: Tapped hosts fundraiser for service dogs (p7); Helping lead the Vandals: Isabelle Hadden looks to lead Vandals to their most successful season yet (p8); Idaho back home: Vandals return to Memorial Gym to hosts Northern Arizona (p9); Seeking a second win on the road: Idaho hopes to keep Lumberjack shooters at bay (p9) Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival; Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival; Volunteering; Moscow Police Department; City of Moscow; Moscow City Council; Counseling and Testing Center; Papa John’s; On-campus dining; Cooking; Moscow Co-op; Recreation; Arts; Swan Family Ink; heater; Media; Movies; Community; Kenworthy; Academy Awards; Service Dogs; Women's Basketball; Men’s Basketball; Colin Kaepernick; Gender gap; Race; Netflix; PETA |
The Argonaut - February 28, 2019 | 2019-02-28 |
Five finalists named for UI presidency: The state Board of Education announced the names of five contenders vying to become the UI’s 19th president; Loss in the Vandal family; Finding home: Greek life organizations without on-campus housing thrive off campus; New physician keeps eye on returning to campus: Moscow Family Medicine’s new physician assistant discusses a possible return to campus (p3); PIKE ends initiation week: UI PIKE chapter transitions to member education instead of traditional initiation week (p4); Beyond frozen cream and sugar: Panhandle Cone and Coffee to open in downtown Moscow early March (p5); Searching for lost literature: UI professor uncovers, researches archived American literature (p6); Step up and turn up the beat: An in-depth look at some of the best female singers right now (p7); Cricket player to golfer: An ankle injury led to an athletic career shift for Idaho’s Sean Langham (p8); End-of-season push: Idaho hits the road again to try and keep the top spot in the conference (p9); Idaho assembles for final homestand of the season: The Vandals continue their fight for a second Big Sky Conference win (p9) University president; Chuck Staben; 19th president; Scott Green; Collin Sather; Greek life; Greek system; Moscow Family Medicine; PIKE; Pi Kappa Alpha; Panhandle Cone & Coffee; Local business; City of Moscow; Downtown Moscow; American literature; Zachary Turpin; Female singers; Music; Media; Billie Eilish; Maren Morris; Lizzo; Julia Michaels; H.E.R; Grammys; Cricket; Golf; Women's Basketball; Men’s Basketball; Track and Field; Shotput; Student involvement; Winter weather |
The Argonaut - March 07, 2019 | 2019-03-07 |
New president named by April: The university of Idaho looks to choose its 19th president; Presidential preview; Women’s Center: Where it’s going, where it’s been: Women’s Center location has changed several times, and it could move again; Former football player please not guilty to rape charges: Former Idaho football player accused of rape pled not guilty in Latah District Court Thursday (p3); ‘Much more than just books’ Latah County library offers resources, events for all community members (p5); Tea, cake amd ‘HERstory’: Women’s Center, Global Student Success Program to honor International Women’s Day (p5); Dirt covered hands and green thumbs: UI Plant Soil and Science Club open to those with an interest in growing, learning and selling plants (p6); Engineering a team: Idaho hockey team captain Kasey Peach helps move club toward the future of change and progress (p7); Closing out Cowan: A historic season could end in pectacular fashion for the team (p8); Idaho pushes for relevancy in season close: Idaho looks to carry momentum from win into the weekend contests (p8) University president; Chuck Staben; State Board of Education; UNLV; UC Davis; Oklahoma State University; Women’s Center; Memorial Gym; Sexual Assault; Latah District Court; Rape charges; Latah County Library; Global Student Success Program; International Women’s; Day; Succulent sale; Plant Soil and Science Club; Hockey; Club sports; Women's Basketball; Men’s Basketball; Student involvement; Bernie Sanders; Presidential election |
The Argonaut - March 21, 2019 | 2019-03-21 |
‘Everybody makes mistakes’: Jadzia Graves speaks about life as an engineering student; ICCU Arena plans move forward: The Idaho State Board of Education approved UI’s funding request, contingent on approval; Covering climate change: New York Times climate change reporter Kenra Pierre-Lois to speak at annual ethics symposium (p3); The freshmen are coming: UIdaho Bound has a few changes this year to scheduling but is still the same (p3); A new grading scale: UI Faculty Senate passed new plus and minus grading system Tuesday (p4); President to professor: Chuck Staben still considering tenured biology position (p5); Twenty minutes once a week: Drop-in Mindfulness Meditation hits five years and still going (p5); CTC is covered for now: CTC search for provider continues, retired psychiatrist comes back to help fill in gap (p6); Mind, body and stress: Health Huts across campus help students to learn about available resources (p6); Claiming the stage: DancersDrummersDreamers offer sights, sounds for the eyes and ears (p7); To juice or not to juice? Local business owners, UI nutritionists provide differing perspectives on juice cleansing (p7); Returning to the rodeo: Professor earns %50,000 fellowship for Gay Rodeo Oral history project (p8); Connecting through art: UI Prichard Gallery showcases art, research of CAA faculty (p9); Education and advocacy: League of Women Voters emperors locals to partake in democratic process (p10); Remembering Collin: UI community members Collin Sather (p11); daho shotput athlete ready for season success: After remarkable indoor season, Short looks to build upon success into the outdoor season (p12); Back and even better: Idaho soccer is heading to Pullman for the first spring game of the season (p13); Postseason possibilite: Idaho returns to action for a second round of postseason play (p14) Engineering; Engineering program; STEM; Women in engineering; SWE; Idaho Central Credit Union; State Board of Education; New York Times; Climate change; Kendra Pierre-Lois; Freshmen; UIdaho Bound; Orientation; Faculty Senate; Chuck Staben; Scott Green; Denise Bennett; Meditation; Mindfulness; CTC; Counseling and Testing Center; Health and wellness; Mental health; DDD; Dancers Drummers Dreamers; Disability Awareness Month; Juice diet; Gay Rodeo; Oral history; Rebecca Scofield; UI History Department; Prichard Art Gallery; Hozier; Music; Arts; Entertainment; League of Women Voters; Politics; Political efficacy; Football; Men’s Basketball; Track and Field; Women's Basketball; Soccer; NFL; AAF; March Madness; University president; Menstruation; Scams; Student Union Building |
The Argonaut - March 28, 2019 | 2019-03-28 |
ASUI election guide: Voting for ASUI elections will run 7 a.m. April 1 through 5 p.m. April 3; Identity crisis: Identity changes parking enforcement in wake of problems; Return of the SUB: ASUI seeks to rename the Idaho Commons to create more student spaces on campus; Steel House to close: Cheapest living option for women to close after spring graduation; Parking charges in bulk: Ten changes set for parking next year, including permit increases (pA3); Mold: An unwanted roommate: Palouse Properties provides mold preventing techniques (pA4); Moscow, UI trek toward two wheels: The city and university come together for alternative transportation (pA5); The mammoth in the room: UI undergraduates scan mammoth bones at Gritman Medical Center (pA6); Teaching across the pond: UI professors selected to lead USAC programs at overseas universities during summer 2020 (A7); Rochester to Moscow: Director Roger Rowley discusses strengths, challenges of the UI Prichard Gallery (pA8); Idaho’s postseason hopes stay alive: Idaho advances in the WNIT with epic comeback (pB1); Oh so sweet: Idaho will travel to the desert in hopes of continuing their postseason (pB1); The battle has begun: With basketball season coming to a close, the hardwood has been lifted and the turf is back (pB2); Another chance: Vandal Football marks their first spring practice this past Monday (pB2); A time of growth and learning: Idaho soccer set to start 2019 off on the right foot (pB3); Women win, men fall: The Idaho women’s tennis team dominated in conference play over the weekend (pB4); A strong open: Idaho claims a number of victories, personal bests, in outdoor season opener (pB4) ASUI Senate; ASUI elections; ASUI president; ASUI Vice President; Identity; Parking; SUB; Student Union Building; Idaho Commons; Steel House; Campus housing; Parking and Transportation; Parking permits; Parking costs; Bicycle community; Transportation; Mammoth studies; Gritman Medical Center; Prichard Art Gallery; Movies; Media; Women's Basketball; Football; Soccer; Women's tennis; Men’s Tennis; Track and Field; Summer courses; Presidential election; Presidential candidate; Female leadership; Feminism; Equality; Apple TV Plus; Broadcasted entertainment; Google; Google Stadia; Domestic abuse; Spain |
Showing 1 to 10 of 38 entries