Argonaut Issues from 1991
Cover | Title | Date | Subjects |
The Argonaut - January 15th, 1991 | 1991-01-15 |
Basketball, Women's (pg 8, c2) | Corporate Business (pg 3, c1) | Obituary (pg 2, c3) | Registration (pg 1, c1) | Russian (pg 2, c3) | Swedish student (pg 3, c1) | Teach-In (Gulf crisis) (pg 1, c1) | Teach-in (pg 1, c1) | U of I vs. Weber State University (pg 7, c0) | UI vs. Northern Arizona (pg 7, c1) | UI vs. University of Nevada, Reno (pg 7, c1) | Varsity team (pg 8, c2) | Varsity team vs. Idaho State College (pg 7, c1) | Wind causes damage (pg 1, c0) Basketball, Women's; Course offerings; Caldwell, Dr. Harry; Registration; Course offerings; Karlsson, Magnus; Teach-In (Gulf crisis); Gulf crisis; Basketball; Basketball, Women's; Weather; |
The Argonaut - January 18th, 1991 | 1991-01-18 |
U.S. goes to war: Iraq retaliates, bombs Israel; War impacts UI students; Human Rights/MLK Day celebrated (p2); Roth still rocking (p7); Coeur d’Alene to celebrate King (p8); Radio contest to award $500 (p8); Lady Vandals look to continue winning streak on road (p11) War; Human rights; MLK Day; Rock and Roll; Radio; Lady Vandals |
The Argonaut - January 22nd, 1991 | 1991-01-22 |
Celebration - speaker (pg 3, c1) | Farmer, James (pg 3, c1) | Gulf war (pg 1, c2) | President of U of I. Director for center for Economic Education at U of I (pg 2, c0) | UI vs. Idaho State University (pg 7, c1) | UI vs. Weber State (pg 7, c1) | Varsity team vs. Montana State College. Photo - L Perry (pg 7, c4) King, Martin Luther, Jr.; Farmer, James; Muslim students; Gibb, Richard; Basketball, Women's; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - January 25th, 1991 | 1991-01-25 |
'A New Order for a New Century' (pg 1, c1) | Awareness group. Draft (pg 2, c3) | Fees (pg 1, c0) | Performer (pg 7, c1) | Promotions (pg 11, c1) | Registration - late (pg 2, c3) | Resignations and appointments (pg 3, c1) | Speaker (pg 1, c1) | Speaker. Photo (pg 1, c3) | Varsity team vs. Boise State University. Photo, R. Boyd (pg 10, c4) Borah Symposium; Students for Peace; Fees; Johnson, Michael; Basketball, Women's; Registration - late; ASUI-Senate; Rosenthal, Eldon; Farmer, James; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - January 29th, 1991 | 1991-01-29 |
'A New Order for a New Century' (pg 1, c2) | English professor. Writes book (pg 10, c1) | Matches (pg 9, c3) | Meets (pg 7, c4) | Registration - late (pg 6, c1) | Retirement (pg 2, c3) | Student. Co-owner of landscape business (pg 3, c1) | UI vs. Eastern Washington State (pg 7, c4) | UI vs. Weber State. Photo-H. DeJonh (pg 7, c4) | University of Idaho vs. Eastern Washington University (pg 7, c1) Borah Symposium; Olsen, Lance; Tennis; Indoor track; Registration - late; Yoder, Amos; Kernen, Craig; Pfaff, Jason; Basketball, Women's; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - February 1st, 1991 | 1991-02-01 |
Afri-Sound (Band) (pg 7, c1) | Anti-hazing legislation (pg 1, c1) | Basketball player. Photo (pg 12, c1) | Borah Symposium (pg 2, c3) | Concerts (pg 7, c1) | Holiday schedule (pg 15, c3) | Housing shortage (pg 1, c1) | Indoor (pg 11, c5) | Lectures (pg 15, c3) | Lionel Hampton/Chevron Jazz festival (pg 7, c4) | Speaker (pg 2, c3) | Student insurance (pg 2, c3) | Student. Photo (pg 6, c1) | UI vs. Portland State (pg 11, c1) | Varsity team vs. Southern Utah State (pg 11, c1) | Yellow Ribbon project (pg 15, c1) Afri-Sound (Band); Hazing; Boyd, Richard; Borah Symposium; Concerts; Holiday schedule; Housing shortage; Track; Middle east series; Lionel Hampton/Chevron Jazz festival; Vanhaeverbeke, Guy; Student insurance; Prudhom, Jon; Basketball, Women's; Basketball; Yellow Ribbon project; |
The Argonaut - February 5th, 1991 | 1991-02-05 |
Basketball player (pg 7, c1) | Borah Symposium (pg 1, c4) | Clean-up (pg 2, c3) | Entertainer. Photo (pg 13, c1) | Fee increase (pg 1, c1) | Indoor (pg 8, c4) | Medline (pg 3, c4) | Speaker (pg 1, c4) | The Perch (pg 1, c1) | U of I vs. Weber State University. Preview (pg 9, c0) | UI vs. Portland State (pg 10, c1) | Varsity team vs. Southern Utah State (pg 7, c4) Freeman, Sammie; Borah Symposium; Paradise Creek; Deluca, Tom; Residence Hall Association; Track; Database; Vanhaeverbeke, Guy; The Perch; Basketball; Basketball, Women's; |
The Argonaut - February 8th, 1991 | 1991-02-08 |
Effluent discharge (pg 1, c3) | Men's track coach (pg 13, c1) | Naggie's Dream (Band) (pg 7, c3) | Recruits and recruiting (pg 12, c1) | Student. Photo (pg 2, c3) | Student. Photo exhibit (pg 8, c1) | Textbooks - Stolen (pg 1, c3) | U of I vs. Weber State University (pg 11, c0) | Varsity team vs. Idaho State College (pg 11, c4) Aquaculture lab; Keller, Mike; Naggie's Dream (Band); Football; Decker, Sheri; Abraham, Ezra; Textbooks - Stolen; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - February 12th, 1991 | 1991-02-12 |
Dietician. Photo (pg 3, c1) | Jazz musician. Photo (pg 7, c1) | Matches. S. Anderson - Photo (pg 14, c4) | Meets (pg 16, c4) | NASA (pg 6, c1) | New services (pg 2, c3) | Rally (pg 1, c1) | U of I. Photo (pg 3, c1) | UI vs. Nevada - Reno (pg 16, c1) | UI vs. Northern Arizona (pg 16, c1) | Varsity team vs. Idaho State College (pg 13, c4) | Yellow Ribbon project (pg 1, c4) Schwantes, Mary; Brown, Ray; Harris, Gene; Tennis; Indoor track; University of Idaho - Grants received; Career Service center; Persian gulf war; Dietician; Basketball, Women's; Basketball; Yellow Ribbon project; |
The Argonaut - February 15th, 1991 | 1991-02-15 |
Basketball player. Photo (pg 9, c4) | Food service employee (pg 3, c2) | Idaho Jazz festival. Photo (pg 12, c4) | International Friendship Association (pg 1, c1) | Lionel Hampton/Chevron Jazz festival (pg 12, c4) | Outdoor program offerings (pg 3, c1) | Pre-festival concert (pg 13, c1) | Student financial aid (pg 1, c4) | UI vs. Northern Arizona. Photo -O. Mixon (pg 7, c4) Freeman, Sammie; De Mattia, Margaret; Gillespie, Dizzy; International Friendship Association; Lionel Hampton/Chevron Jazz festival; Outdoor program offerings; Lionel Hampton/Chevron Jazz festival; Student financial aid; Basketball, Women's; |
The Argonaut - February 19th, 1991 | 1991-02-19 |
Basketball marathon for charity (pg 2, c3) | Formerly Physical Science building. Clean-up grant (pg 2, c3) | Law professor. Trapped in Pakistan (pg 1, c1) | List of performers (pg 6, c1) | Senator (pg 1, c4) | Senator. (Bill to assist interns) (pg 1, c4) | Speaker (pg 1, c4) | Tournaments (pg 10, c1) | UI vs. Montana State University (pg 9, c4) | UI vs. University of Montana (pg 9, c4) | Varsity team vs. University of Nevada at Reno (pg 9, c1) Kappa Sigma; Renfrew hall; Gallant, Ken; Lionel Hampton/Chevron Jazz festival; Benson, Betty; Benson, Betty; Fevar Stephan; Indoor track; Basketball, Women's; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - February 22nd, 1991 | 1991-02-22 |
Art exhibit (pg 12, c1) | Art exhibit (pg 12, c4) | Basketball player. Photo (pg 7, c1) | Basketball player. Reinstated. Photo (pg 7, c1) | Comedy T.V. show (pg 13, c1) | Commencement speaker (pg 3, c3) | Fuel pellets (pg 1, c3) | Increase (pg 1, c3) | Indoor (pg 9, c4) | KUID-TV (pg 6, c1) | Matches (pg 10, c1) | Photo - Dizzy Gillespie (pg 11, c4) | Renovation (pg 2, c3) | Student alumni relation board (pg 2, c3) | Student counseling center (pg 2, c3) | Student financial aid (pg 1, c1) | UI vs. Boise State University (pg 9, c1) | University of Idaho vs. University of Montana. Preview (pg 8, c0) | Varsity team vs. Montana State College. Preview (pg 8, c1) Art exhibit; Art exhibit; Sievers, Dawn; Martin, Clifford; 'Project Pandemonium'; Commencement speaker; McClure, James A.; Kirkland, Larry; Recycling project; Fees; Track; KUID-TV; Tennis; Lionel Hampton/Chevron Jazz festival; Pedestrian mall; Student alumni relation board; Student counseling center; Student financial aid; Basketball, Women's; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - February 25th, 1991 | 1991-02-25 |
Student. Home video winner (pg 1, c1) Flabel, Steve; |
The Argonaut - March 1st, 1991 | 1991-03-01 |
Coffee House - SAUI (pg 7, c1) | Idaho Public Employee Association officer (pg 6, c1) | Performer (pg 7, c1) | Persian gulf teach-in (pg 1, c1) | Play. Photo (pg 7, c4) | Speaker (pg 1, c1) | Student financial aid (pg 1, c4) Coffee House - SAUI; McGraw, Evelyn; Surface, Pat; Persian gulf teach-in; 'Artist Descending a Staircase'; Weddington, Sarah; Student financial aid; |
The Argonaut - March 5th, 1991 | 1991-03-05 |
Auction (pg 9, c1) | Borah Symposium (pg 1, c4) | Borah Symposium speaker (pg 1, c4) | Campus clean-up (pg 1, c4) | Fees (pg 1, c4) | Lecture (pg 2, c3) | Mardi Gras (pg 9, c4) | Renovation (pg 3, c3) | Speaker (pg 2, c3) | Tournaments (pg 7, c1) | U of I vs. Weber State University (pg 7, c0) | UI vs. Boise State University (pg 8, c1) | University of Idaho vs. Eastern Washington University (pg 7, c4) | Varsity team vs. Idaho State College (pg 8, c1) | Women's history month (pg 2, c3) Prichard Art Gallery; Borah Symposium; Hudson, Heather; Campus clean-up; Environmental Science club; Fees; Martin, Grace; Mardi Gras; Morril Hall; Offen, Karen; Indoor track; Basketball; Basketball, Women's; Basketball; Women's center programs; |
The Argonaut - March 8th, 1991 | 1991-03-08 |
Basketball player (pg 12, c4) | Classes (pg 2, c3) | Employment workshop (pg 3, c3) | Grading system (pg 1, c1) | Increase (pg 1, c4) | National Women's Day (pg 1, c4) | Play review. Photo (pg 9, c1) | Social work (pg 3, c1) | U of I vs. Weber State (pg 11, c0) | Varsity team vs. Nevada-Reno. Photo - S. Freeman (pg 13, c4) Mixon, Otis; UI Enrichment program; International student; Grading system; Fees; National Women's Day; 'How I spent my summer'; Degrees - proposed; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - March 12th, 1991 | 1991-03-12 |
Dance production (pg 14, c4) | Death announcement (pg 1, c1) | Idaho Student Lobby (pg 3, c3) | Increase (pg 1, c0) | Mardi Gras (pg 11, c1) | Matches (pg 8, c1) | Outdoor program offerings (pg 15, c2) | Overseas (pg 2, c3) | Summer session (pg 2, c3) | UI vs. University of Montana. Photos. (pg 7, c4) | Wetland Water Filter project (pg 6, c1) Contemporary Climates'; Perry, Michael; Idaho Student Lobby; Fees; Mardi Gras; Men's Tennis; Outdoor program offerings; Teaching jobs; Summer session; Basketball, Women's; Wetland Water Filter project; |
The Argonaut - March 15th, 1991 | 1991-03-15 |
Architecture (pg 1, c4) | Britain (pg 2, c4) | Frisbee golf (pg 2, c1) | Grading system (pg 1, c4) | Local chapter (pg 2, c4) | Matches. K. Heimburger - Photo (pg 7, c3) | Meeting (pg 1, c1) | Perry, Michael (pg 3, c3) | restructuring (pg 1, c1) Student awards; Summer study programs; Frisbee golf; Grading system; Sororities; Tennis; ASUI-Senate; Perry, Michael; ASUI-Senate; |
The Argonaut - March 26th, 1991 | 1991-03-26 |
'Fugue' (pg 11, c0) | 'Greenhouse effects' research (pg 1, c3) | Dance production (pg 1, c4) | Endowment (pg 2, c3) | Matches. M. Orrod - Photo (pg 7, c1) | Offerings (pg 3, c3) | Plant scientist (pg 1, c3) | Professor. TV appearance (pg 1, c1) Literary magazine; 'Greenhouse effects' research; 'Contemporary Climates'; Martin Institute for peace studies and conflict resolutions; Tennis; UI Enrichment program; Trent, Anthony; Machlis, Gary; |
The Argonaut - March 29th, 1991 | 1991-03-29 |
ASUI-coffeehouse series (pg 7, c1) | ASUI-Senate (pg 3, c3) | Borah Symposium (pg 1, c1) | Borah symposium speaker (pg 1, c1) | Coordinator - Minority Student Program (pg 2, c3) | Dance production. Photo (pg 7, c1) | Debate - Press/Military (pg 1, c4) | Games (pg 9, c1) | Honors convention (pg 2, c3) | Matches (pg 9, c1) | Musician. Photo (pg 7, c1) | Outdoor program offerings (pg 6, c4) | Program coordinator (pg 2, c3) | Student financial aid (pg 1, c1) | Student. Truman scholarship (pg 2, c1) | Women's center programs (pg 3, c1) ASUI-coffeehouse series; ASUI-Senate; Borah Symposium; Cockburn, Alexander; Fukuyama, Frank; Allen, Diane; 'Contemporary Climates'; Debate - Press/Military; Baseball club; Honors convention; Tennis; McIntosh, Beth; Outdoor program offerings; Minorities; Student financial aid; Pals Karena; Women's center programs; |
The Argonaut - April 2nd, 1991 | 1991-04-02 |
Borah Symposium (pg 1, c1) | Budget (pg 1, c4) | Forum (pg 1, c0) | Matches (pg 10, c1) | Meets (pg 10, c1) | Meets (pg 8, c4) | Tennis player. Photo (pg 7, c4) | Warehouse space (pg 1, c4) | Workshops (pg 2, c3) Borah Symposium; ASUI-Senate; Discrimination; Women's Tennis; Golf; Track; Orrod, Magnus; Outdoor program; Career Service center; |
The Argonaut - April 5th, 1991 | 1991-04-05 |
Anti-hazing (pg 1, c4) | Blue Key -Talent show (pg 8, c1) | Borah Symposium (pg 2, c3) | Budget (pg 6, c4) | Comedy night (pg 8, c1) | election reforms (pg 6, c4) | Entertainment (pg 8, c1) | Family weekend (pg 3, c3) | Greek awards banquet (pg 6, c1) | Greek week (pg 7, c1) | Hazing alleged (pg 1, c0) | Increase (pg 1, c5) | Kappa Sigma (pg 1, c1) | Selling Macintosh computers (pg 2, c3) | Spring practice (pg 14, c4) | Tennis player. Photo (pg 13, c4) Hazing; Blue Key -Talent show; Borah Symposium; ASUI-Senate; Comedy night; ASUI-Senate; Family weekend; Family weekend; Greek awards banquet; Greek week; Kappa Sigma; Fees; Hazing; Computer Services; Football; Forde, Merlene; |
The Argonaut - April 9th, 1991 | 1991-04-09 |
Borah Symposium (pg 1, c4) | Meets (pg 13, c1) | Paradise Creek (pg 1, c1) | Women's movement (pg 3, c3) | Women's Tennis (pg 12, c1) Borah Symposium; Track; Paradise Creek; Women's center; Women's Tennis; |
The Argonaut - April 12th, 1991 | 1991-04-12 |
Band. Photo (pg 7, c1) | Bike loans (pg 3, c5) | Chamber Music Series (pg 7, c1) | Chancellor system (pg 1, c4) | Charity fund raising (pg 3, c1) | Election results (pg 1, c4) | Fund-raising (pg 1, c4) | International week (pg 3, c3) | Meets (pg 11, c1) | Recycling (pg 2, c3) | Registration (pg 1, c1) | Scholarship fundraiser (pg 7, c1) | Spring practice. K. Dunn - Photo (pg 9, c4) Whole Noyse; International Friendship Association; Chamber Music Series; Chancellor system; Greeks; ASUI-Senate; Library expansion and renovation; International week; Track; Recycling; Registration; 'Drama Aid'; Football; |
The Argonaut - April 16th, 1991 | 1991-04-16 |
Art exhibit (pg 9, c1) | Exchange program - Students (pg 1, c1) | Faculty. Photo on page 6 (pg 2, c3) | Games (pg 8, c1) | Matches (pg 7, c4) | Meets (pg 7, c1) | More hazing (pg 1, c0) Art exhibit; Exchange program - Students; Passanante, Joy; Baseball club; Tennis; Track; Kappa Sigma; |
The Argonaut - April 19th, 1991 | 1991-04-19 |
Candidate forum (pg 1, c4) | Golfer. Photo (pg 9, c4) | Kappa Sigma (pg 1, c4) | Matches. Big Sky championships (pg 10, c1) | Replacing plastics (pg 3, c3) | Sanctions against fraternity (pg 1, c4) | Student. Senior recital (pg 8, c3) | Teaching forum (pg 1, c1) | University of Idaho and Washington State University shuttle service (pg 1, c1) ASUI-Senate; Brown, Travis; Hazing; Tennis; University Dining services; Kappa Sigma; Hagerott, Down Martin; Teaching forum; University of Idaho and Washington State University shuttle service; |
The Argonaut - April 23rd, 1991 | 1991-04-23 |
Benefit game (pg 8, c1) | Big Sky conference championship (pg 7, c1) | Class offerings (pg 3, c3) | Games (pg 7, c1) | Increase (pg 1, c4) | Play (pg 12, c1) | Proposal defeated (pg 1, c4) | Spring practice (pg 9, c1) Basketball; Tennis; Class offerings; Baseball club; Fees; 'A? My Name is Alice'; Chancellor system; Football; |
The Argonaut - April 26th, 1991 | 1991-04-26 |
Chemistry explosion (pg 1, c1) | Incidents (pg 1, c1) | Information (pg 3, c3) | Local chapter (pg 1, c5) | Minimum GPA (pg 2, c4) | Play (pg 7, c1) | Spring practice. Silver and Gold game (pg 9, c4) Chemistry explosion; Dormitories; Graduate school; Sororities; ASUI-Senate; 'A? My Name is Alice'; Football; |
The Argonaut - April 30th, 1991 | 1991-04-30 |
First female battalion leader (pg 2, c3) | Idaho invitational (pg 8, c5) | Matches. Big Sky championships (pg 7, c1) | Meets (pg 7, c4) | New building (pg 1, c0) | Professor of Military Science, welcomed home (pg 1, c1) | Re-accredited (pg 1, c1) | Spring practice. Silver and Gold game (pg 7, c4) | Student. First female battalion leader (pg 2, c3) | Teacher evaluation (pg 6, c1) R.O.T.C. - Navy; Golf; Women's Tennis; Track; College of Mines and Earth Resources; Baker, Bruce; Landscape Architecture Department; Football; Reynolds, Colleen; Teacher evaluation; |
The Argonaut - May 3rd, 1991 | 1991-05-03 |
Controversial dance booklet (pg 1, c1) | Matches (pg 9, c1) | New manager (pg 8, c1) | Policy (pg 1, c3) | Student. Denied access to KUID facilities (pg 1, c3) | Textbook buyback (pg 1, c1) Delta Tau Delta; Men's Tennis; KUOI radio station - staff; KUID-TV; Fleming, Babe; Textbook buyback; |
The Argonaut - May 7th, 1991 | 1991-05-07 |
Big Sky championship (pg 9, c1) | Blooms day participation (pg 8, c1) | Curriculum (pg 3, c1) | Human Rights March (pg 1, c4) | Matches (pg 7, c1) | New lot controversy (pg 1, c1) | Spring tour (pg 2, c1) | Wedding announcement (pg 1, c4) Track - University of Idaho; R.O.T.C.; Summer school; Human Rights March; Men's Tennis; Parking expansion; Vandaleers; Zinser, Elisabeth; |
The Argonaut - May 10th, 1991 | 1991-05-10 |
ASUI-Awards (pg 6, c3) | Big Sky championship (pg 11, c4) | Finalist (pg 1, c1) | Human Rights March (pg 1, c3) | Mountaineering class (pg 13, c1) | Photo contest (pg 7, c4) | Recruits and recruiting (pg 11, c1) | Recycling (pg 2, c4) | Reinstated (pg 1, c4) ASUI-Awards; Track - University of Idaho; Financial vice president; Human Rights March; Mountaineering class; Gem of the Mountains; Basketball; Recycling; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; |
The Argonaut - August 22nd, 1991 | 1991-08-22 |
ASUI-Senate (pg 7, c4) | Football player (pg 19, c4) | Football player (pg 22, c1) | Football player. Photo (pg 26, c4) | Gets new equipment (pg 7, c1) | Housing shortage (pg 1, c1) | Incompletes policy (pg 3, c1) | International Friendship Association (pg 7, c1) | KUOI (pg 7, c1) | Men's rush (pg 10, c1) | New house. Photo (pg 14, c1) | Photo - H. McEwen (pg 18, c3) | Photo (pg 11, c1) | Registration (pg 3, c1) | Sharon 'Andrew' Akhavan (pg 1, c0) | Student counseling center (pg 8, c4) | Student honoraries (pg 3, c5) | Student union building (pg 2, c3) | Suicide victim (pg 1, c4) | Team (pg 18, c1) | Two players quit (pg 17, c1) | Volleyball player. Photo (pg 27, c3) ASUI-Senate; Nussmeier, Doug; Pearce, Devon; Saffo, Will; KUOI; Housing shortage; Incompletes policy; International Friendship Association; KUOI; Men's rush; Alpha Kappa Lambda; Women's volleyball; Library expansion and renovation; Registration; Suicide; Student counseling center; Student honoraries; Student union building; Akhavan, Sharon 'Andrew' (Student); Track - Cross country; Football team; Roes, Christie; |
The Argonaut - August 27th, 1991 | 1991-08-27 |
Conditioning and practices (pg 10, c3) | Dormitories (pg 1, c0) | Football team (pg 10, c1) | Hanging dummy (pg 1, c4) | Multi-purpose room (pg 11, c1) | New location (pg 11, c1) | P.E. instructor. Interim outdoor program director. Photo (pg 12, c4) | Pepe rally (pg 8, c4) | Photo (pg 3, c3) | Recycling (pg 7, c1) | Student loans (pg 1, c0) | Vandal card (I.D. card) (pg 2, c3) | Vandal sports announcer. Photo (pg 10, c1) | Water contamination (pg 2, c3) Women's volleyball; Dormitories; Football team; Pranks; Memorial gymnasium; Early Childhood Learning center; Tangen-Foster, Jim; 'New student tradition night'; Student firefighter; Recycling; Student loans; Vandal card (I.D. card); Curtis, Bob; Water contamination; |
The Argonaut - August 30th, 1991 | 1991-08-30 |
Exchange program - Students (pg 6, c4) | First Afro-American house (pg 1, c4) | Football Coach. Photo (pg 10, c1) | Football player. Pro career. Photo (pg 11, c1) | Fraternity (pg 1, c4) | Housing (pg 1, c0) | Photo (pg 7, c1) | Pro career (pg 11, c1) | Registration (pg 3, c3) | Student. Photo (pg 13, c1) | Tribunal council (pg 3, c1) | Women's volleyball (pg 10, c3) Exchange program - Students; Fraternities; Valero, Art; Oliver, Charlie; Phi Beta Sigma; Housing; Business Incubator; Friesz, John; Registration; O'Hagan, John; Interfraternity council; Women's volleyball; |
The Argonaut - September 3rd, 1991 | 1991-09-03 |
Anthropology professor. Obituary (pg 1, c4) | Football player. Photo (pg 8, c1) | Football player. Pro career. Photo (pg 8, c1) | Groundbreaking (pg 1, c1) | KUOI (pg 2, c3) | Power plant (pg 6, c1) | Preseason (pg 7, c3) | Professor. Named Dean of Letter Science (pg 1, c4) | Runner. Photo (pg 10, c1) | Tournaments. Safeco volleyball classic (pg 7, c3) Leonhardy, Frank; Washington, Marvin; Schlereth, Mark; Library expansion and renovation; KUOI; Power plant; Football team; Olsson, Kurt O.; Olden, Mark; Women's volleyball; |
The Argonaut - September 6th, 1991 | 1991-09-06 |
Frisbee golf (pg 13, c1) | GDI week (pg 3, c1) | Groundbreaking (pg 1, c1) | Night watch (pg 1, c4) | Office of cooperative education (pg 1, c4) | Palouse region crisis line (pg 2, c3) | Photo (pg 16, c3) | Student health Insurance (pg 3, c1) | Student killed in auto accident (pg 1, c4) | Student support services (pg 16, c1) | U of I (pg 2, c3) | Videos and manuals (pg 18, c4) Frisbee golf; GDI week; Library expansion and renovation; Night watch; Office of cooperative education; Palouse region crisis line; Delahoyde, Dr. Michael; Student health Insurance; Dunlop, Pytt Andrew; Student support services; Dietician; Logging - Training; |
The Argonaut - September 10th, 1991 | 1991-09-10 |
Bus system (pg 3, c1) | Charity drive (pg 1, c4) | Defense (pg 7, c1) | Exchange program - Students (pg 1, c1) | Leadership skill retreat (pg 1, c1) | Prevention (pg 2, c3) | Tournaments (pg 9, c1) | University of Idaho vs. Sonoma State (pg 7, c1) Bus system; 'Teeter-A-Thon'; Football team; Exchange program - Students; Leadership skill retreat; Hazing; Women's volleyball; Football; |
The Argonaut - September 13th, 1991 | 1991-09-13 |
Art exhibit (pg 2, c3) | GDI week (pg 1, c4) | Martin Institute for peace studies and conflict resolutions (pg 2, c3) | Photo (pg 13, c4) | POW/MIA recognition ceremony (pg 18, c1) | Track - Cross country (pg 9, c4) | University of Idaho alumni (pg 8, c4) | University of Idaho vs. Southwest Texas State University (pg 7, c1) | Volleyball team (pg 7, c3) Art exhibit; GDI week; Martin Institute for peace studies and conflict resolutions; 'Sleestscks' (Band); POW/MIA recognition ceremony; Track - Cross country; Stoneman, Bill; Football; Volleyball team; |
The Argonaut - September 17th, 1991 | 1991-09-17 |
African American Student Association (AASA) (pg 3, c1) | Bicycle racks (pg 6, c0) | Dad's day (Father's day)` (pg 1, c1) | Football player (pg 18, c3) | Football player. Photo (pg 7, c1) | GDI week (pg 2, c3) | Matches (pg 8, c4) | Meets (pg 9, c4) | Photos (pg 1, c1) | Salmon research (pg 1, c4) | Student health center (pg 12, c1) | University of Idaho vs. Southwest Texas State University (pg 7, c1) | Water contamination (pg 1, c4) African American Student Association (AASA); Bicycles; Dad's day (Father's day)`; Smith, Shawen; Robinson, Jeff; GDI week; Women's volleyball; Track - Cross country; Fire - Apartment house; Salmon research; Student health center; Football; Water contamination; |
The Argonaut - September 20th, 1991 | 1991-09-20 |
Backyard wildlife habitat (pg 1, c4) | BSU president. Fired (pg 1, c1) | Emerald city invitational (pg 8, c1) | Exploring global issues, an intercultural perspective (pg 3, c1) | Fired (pg 1, c1) | Football kicker (pg 8, c3) | Football player. Photo (pg 11, c3) | Foreign exchange student (pg 6, c1) | Friends unlimited (pg 1, c1) | Lecture series (pg 2, c3) | Legal advise (pg 3, c1) | Matches (pg 7, c1) | Math and Science (pg 1, c4) | MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan) (pg 6, c1) | Outdoor program (pg 8, c4) | Student health center (pg 2, c3) | Student-produced TV program (pg 14, c3) | Track - Cross country (pg 9, c4) | UI Enrichment program (pg 2, c3) | UI vs. Montana State University. Photo (pg 7, c3). Fire raises questions of building neglect; PCEI works for creek clean-up; UI new home to nature conservancy; ASUI Attorney General offers student legal advice (p3); Vandals look to keep drum rolling (p7); Chinese restaurant serves up culinary pleasure (p11); Tase T. Lentil visits Palouse (p12) Backyard wildlife habitat; Keiser, John; Track - Cross country; Exploring global issues, an intercultural perspective; Boise State University - President; Doyle, Thayne; Murphy, Yo; Leon, Minerva; Friends unlimited; Public Relations Student society of America (PRSSA); Legal advise; Women's volleyball; Teacher education; MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan); Outdoor program; Student health center; 'Mostly Moscow'; Track - Cross country; UI Enrichment program; Football; Fire; Nature Conservancy; Law; Food; Lentil Festival |
The Argonaut - September 24, 1991 | 1991-09-24 | ||
The Argonaut - September 27th, 1991 | 1991-09-27 |
Budget request to board of regents (pg 1, c1) | Exploring global issues, an intercultural perspective (pg 1, c5) | FFA - Officers (pg 2, c3) | Matches. Photo (pg 7, c4) | President of U of I. Photo (pg 6, c0) | Racial diversity forum (pg 1, c1) | Statistics (pg 2, c3) | Student. FFA officer (pg 2, c3) | University of Idaho vs. Northern Iowa (pg 7, c1) | Volleyball player. Photo (pg 8, c3) Budget request to board of regents; Exploring global issues, an intercultural perspective; FFA - Officers; Women's volleyball; Gibb, Richard; Racial diversity forum; Rape; Hyatt, Marci; Southwichk, Renae; Football; Hanks, Amie; |
The Argonaut - October 1st, 1991 | 1991-10-01 |
BSU president. Fired (pg 1, c1) | Coalition for Central America (pg 6, c4) | Director of Admissions (pg 1, c4) | First Afro-American house. Photo (pg 1, c1) | Fraternity. Photo (pg 1, c1) | Goals (pg 2, c3) | Matches. Photo - D. Porter (pg 7, c3) | Off-Road vehicle presentation (pg 2, c1) | U of I. Position reinstated (pg 1, c4) | University of Idaho vs. Northern Iowa (pg 7, c1) | University of Idaho vs. Northern Iowa (pg 8, c3) Keiser, John; Coalition for Central America; Brown, Peter T.; Fraternities; Phi Beta Sigma; ASUI-Senators; Women's volleyball; Off-Road vehicle presentation; Director of admission; Football; |
The Argonaut - October 4th, 1991 | 1991-10-04 |
Charity fund raising (pg 1, c4) | Charity fundraising (pg 1, c4) | Opinion of President Bush (pg 2, c3) | Panel discussion (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 13, c3) | Play (pg 15, c1) | Ski team (pg 12, c1) | Speaker (pg 1, c1) | Student display (pg 15, c4) | Track - Cross country (pg 12, c1) | UI vs. Northern Arizona University. Photo (pg 7, c1) Greeks; Delta Tau Delta; Political Science professors; Exploring global issues, an intercultural perspective; Juggling club; 'Millay'; 'Shadowy Waters'; Ski team; James, Peter; Architecture, Dept of; Track - Cross country; Women's volleyball; |
The Argonaut - October 8th, 1991 | 1991-10-08 |
ASUI-Senate (pg 1, c1) | Charity fund raising (pg 16, c1) | Charity fundraising. Photo on p.19 (pg 16, c1) | Eastern Washington invitational (pg 10, c5) | Faculty women's club (pg 3, c1) | Matches (pg 7, c1) | Photo (pg 2, c3) | Student-produced TV program (pg 15, c1) | Students for peace and cannabis action network (CAN) (pg 1, c5) | University of Idaho vs. University of Nevada - Reno. Photo p.7 (pg 8, c1) ASUI-Senate; Greeks; Delta Tau Delta; Track - Cross country; Faculty women's club; Women's volleyball; Wetlands - UI; 'Mostly Moscow'; Students for peace and cannabis action network (CAN); Football; |
The Argonaut - October 11th, 1991 | 1991-10-11 |
Basketball (pg 7, c1) | Football player. Photo (pg 8, c3) | Former student. City council race (pg 3, c1) | Idaho invitational (pg 10, c4) | Meeting (pg 2, c3) | More minorities on campus (pg 2, c3) | Rush infraction (pg 1, c1) | Senator. Campus visit (pg 1, c1) | Time commitment (pg 8, c1) | University of Idaho vs. Weber State University. Pre-game (pg 7, c1) | Women's volleyball (pg 10, c1) Midnight with the Vandals; Taylor, Chris; Kagi, Tina; Track - Cross country; ASUI-Senate; Minorities; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Craig, Larry; Football; Women's volleyball; |
The Argonaut - October 15th, 1991 | 1991-10-15 |
Art galleries (pg 10, c1) | Auditorium chamber music series (pg 11, c4) | Congressmen visit campus (pg 1, c4) | Exploring global issues, an intercultural perspective (pg 2, c3) | Idaho invitational (pg 7, c1) | Minorities (pg 3, c1) | Saturday brass quintet (pg 11, c4) | Shared leave policy (pg 1, c4) | Suicide publicity criticized (pg 2, c3) | UI vs. Montana State University (pg 7, c1) | UI vs. University of Montana (pg 7, c1) | University of Idaho vs. Weber State University (pg 7, c1) | University of Idaho vs. Weber State University. Offense (pg 8, c1) Art galleries; Auditorium chamber music series; Congressmen visit campus; Exploring global issues, an intercultural perspective; Track - Cross country; Minorities; Saturday brass quintet; Shared leave policy; Minorities; Women's volleyball; Women's volleyball; Football; |
The Argonaut - October 18th, 1991 | 1991-10-18 |
Exploring global issues, an intercultural perspective (pg 3, c1) | Football team (pg 8, c1) | Meeting (pg 1, c1) | PEPSI scholarship contest (pg 1, c4) | Sanctions (pg 1, c3) | Second annual (pg 2, c3) | Student volunteer program (pg 2, c1) | Wicks, Grace (pg 2, c3) | Women's volleyball (pg 7, c1) Exploring global issues, an intercultural perspective; Football team; ASUI-Senate; PEPSI scholarship contest; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Rifle target shoot; 'Into the Streets'; Wicks, Grace; Women's volleyball; |
The Argonaut - October 22nd, 1991 | 1991-10-22 |
David Tanenbaum (pg 12, c1) | Football player. Breaks record (pg 1, c0) | Homecoming - events (pg 2, c3) | Invitational meets (pg 10, c1) | Student killed in auto accident (pg 1, c1) | Student volunteers (pg 15, c3) | Survey of 1987-88 classes (pg 1, c1) | UI alumni (pg 11, c1) | UI vs. Idaho State University (pg 7, c1) | UI vs. Idaho State University. Pre-game (pg 7, c1) | UI vs. Weber State University (pg 7, c1) Guitar series; Dunn, Kasey; Homecoming - events; Track - Cross country; Mondahl, Scott; Wildfire; Outcomes assessment; Lyle, James; Women's volleyball; Football; Women's volleyball; |
The Argonaut - October 25th, 1991 | 1991-10-25 |
1927 guidelines (pg 7, c5) | Alumni Office - Activities (pg 2, c3) | ASUI-Senate (pg 6, c1) | Dance theater (pg 29, c3) | Football player. Photo (pg 18, c1) | Football player. Quits team. Photo (pg 17, c1) | Greek system (pg 1, c4) | Homecoming - Traditions (pg 4, c5) | Homecoming (pg 6, c3) | Injuries (pg 24, c1) | Minority recruiter and counseling (pg 3, c1) | Photo (pg 22, c5) | Reaccredited (pg 7, c1) | Reunion (pg 2, c3) | Reunions (pg 5, c1) | Tenants association (pg 5, c3) | U of I vs. Eastern Washington University (pg 17, c1) | Vandal basketball fan club (pg 28, c1) | Volleyball player. Photo (pg 23, c1) | Women's volleyball (pg 21, c1) Women Students; Alumni Office - Activities; ASUI-Senate; Dance theater; Ala' Ilima-Daley, Elia; Hickman, buster; Greek system; Homecoming - Traditions; Homecoming; Football team; Coronado, Ben; Hilbert, Tom; Art and Architecture, College of; Pep Band; Reunions; Tenants association; Football; Vandal basketball fan club; McEwen, Heather; Women's volleyball; |
The Argonaut - October 29th, 1991 | 1991-10-29 |
Greeks (pg 2, c3) | Parapsychology (pg 12, c1) | Response to sanctions (pg 1, c1) | Speaker (pg 12, c1) | Student killed in auto accident (pg 1, c1) | Theophilus (pg 2, c3) | Trick or treat (pg 2, c3) | U of I vs. Eastern Washington University (pg 7, c4) | U of I vs. Eastern Washington University (pg 8, c3) | UI alumni, hostage in Lebanon (pg 1, c1) | UI vs. University of Nevada-Reno (pg 7, c1) | Wandermere invitational (pg 11, c1) Halloween Activities; Class offerings; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Smith, C.Shaw; Nelson, Denny; Halloween Activities; Theophilus Tower; Football; Turner, Jesse; Women's volleyball; Track - Cross country; |
The Argonaut - November 1st, 1991 | 1991-11-01 |
'Hello Walk' (pg 2, c1) | Director, School of Music. Resigns. Photo (pg 1, c2) | Faculty. Department of Social Science . Dean of Letters and Sciences. Distinguished Idahoan Award (pg 1, c1) | Fisheries laboratory (pg 2, c3) | Football player. Photo (pg 8, c1) | Regional conference (pg 2, c3) | UI employees (pg 1, c2) | UI vs. LCSC (pg 7, c1) Hello Walk'; Miller, Robert; Martin, Boyd A.; Fisheries laboratory; Sugg, Tom; Residence Hall Association; Bobsledding, Olympic; Women's volleyball; |
The Argonaut - November 5th, 1991 | 1991-11-05 |
Auditorium chamber music series (pg 14, c1) | Cultural diversity week (pg 2, c3) | Persian gulf war (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 14, c1) | Speaker (pg 1, c3) | Speaker (pg 2, c3) | Speaker on Hazing (pg 1, c3) | Student work (pg 5, c4) | Student. Alcohol-related death (pg 1, c1) | UI vs. Boise State (pg 7, c1) | Volleyball player. Photo (pg 8, c1) | Women's sports (pg 7, c1) Auditorium chamber music series; Cultural diversity week; Persian gulf war; Ridge sting quartet; Hazing; Political concerns board; Smith, C. Shaw; Westol, Dave; Art exhibit; Brodwater, Alan Matthew; Women's volleyball; Porter, Dee; Women's sports; |
The Argonaut - November 8th, 1991 | 1991-11-08 |
Attorney general. Speaks at UI (pg 1, c1) | New units (pg 2, c3) | Speaker (pg 1, c4) | Varsity vs. Northern Arizona University (pg 7, c1) | Women's volleyball (pg 7, c1) Echohawk, Larry; Student housing; Charge, Doris Leader; Football; Women's volleyball; |
The Argonaut - November 12th, 1991 | 1991-11-12 |
ASUI-Candidate forum (pg 1, c1) | Basketball player. Photo (pg 8, c3) | Blood drive (pg 1, c5) | Hunger banquet (pg 1, c5) | Philanthropic project (pg 1, c5) | Slide donation (pg 3, c1) | Snowball fight (pg 3, c4) | Varsity team (pg 7, c1) | Varsity vs. Northern Arizona University (pg 7, c1) ASUI-Candidate forum; Lightfoot, Orlando; Blood drive; Hunger banquet; 'A Day of Fasting'; Slide donation; Snowball fight; Basketball; Football; |
The Argonaut - November 15th, 1991 | 1991-11-15 |
AIDS Awareness (pg 2, c3) | Meets (pg 9, c1) | Photo - K. Moeller (pg 12, c1) | Presentation (pg 1, c4) | Student concerns forum (pg 1, c1) | Tournaments (pg 13, c3) | UI to purchase (pg 1, c1) | UI vs. Weber State University. Pre-game (pg 10, c1) | University of Idaho vs. University of Montana. Pre-game (pg 9, c3) | Varsity team vs. Simon Fraser (pg 9, c3) AIDS Awareness; Track - Cross country; Basketball, Women's; ADD (Mother Against Drunk Driving); Student concerns forum; Tennis; Value Inns by Cavanaugh's; Women's volleyball; Football; |
The Argonaut - November 19th, 1991 | 1991-11-19 |
'Have Boise State night' (pg 1, c4) | B.F.A. thesis show (pg 15, c1) | Challenge course (pg 2, c0) | District meet (pg 13, c4) | Football player. Photo (pg 10, c3) | Recruitment (pg 2, c3) | Reforms (pg 1, c4) | UI vs. Simon Fraser (pg 9, c3) | UI vs. Weber State University (pg 12, c1) | University of Idaho vs. University of Montana (pg 9, c1) Have Boise State night; Art exhibit; Air Force ROTC; Track - Cross country; Dunn, Kasey; Peace Corps; ASUI-Elections; Basketball, Women's; Women's volleyball; Football; |
The Argonaut - November 22nd, 1991 | 1991-11-22 |
'Have Boise State night' (pg 1, c1) | Assistant football coach. Photo (pg 9, c1) | Cavanaugh's Wheatland Classic (pg 13, c1) | Clardia (pg 3, c1) | Construction bond (pg 1, c4) | Results (pg 1, c1) | UI vs. Boise State University. Pre-game (pg 9, c1) | Varsity team (pg 10, c3) | Water - improvements (pg 2, c3) Have Boise State night; Cox, Mike; Basketball, Women's; Fossil beds; Construction bond; ASUI-Elections; Football; Basketball; Water - improvements; |
The Argonaut - December 3rd, 1991 | 1991-12-03 |
AIDS Awareness (pg 3, c1) | Campus mail (pg 8, c3) | Financial and quality control project (pg 1, c4) | Mark IV. Safeco classic. Photo (pg 12, c1) | Play. Photos (pg 17, c1) | Police liaison officer (pg 1, c4) | Racist literature on campus (pg 1, c1) | Varsity team - Great Alaska shootout (pg 12, c4) | Varsity team vs. New Orleans (pg 12, c4) | Varsity team vs. WSU. Pre-game (pg 15, c3) AIDS Awareness; Campus mail; Financial and quality control project; Basketball, Women's; 'The Beggar's Opera'; Bruce, Dan; Police liaison officer; Racist literature on campus; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - December 6th, 1991 | 1991-12-06 |
Freedom Bowl Classic. Pre-game. Photo-M. Moeller (pg 7, c3) | National Center for Advanced Transportation Technology (pg 1, c1) | Speaker (pg 2, c3) | Varsity team vs. WSU (pg 7, c1) Basketball, Women's; National Center for Advanced Transportation Technology; Coalition for Central America; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - December 10th, 1991 | 1991-12-10 |
American Indian Science and Engineering society (AISES) (pg 3, c3) | Assistant vice president (pg 3, c1) | Assistant vice president for Auxiliary services. Appointment (pg 3, c1) | Basketball player (pg 20, c3) | Basketball Player. Photo (pg 17, c1) | Basketball, Women's (pg 17, c1) | Campus sculpture (pg 2, c1) | Day Care (pg 4, c1) | Fall Semester 1991 events (pg 1, c1) | Former student. Sculpture (pg 2, c1) | Idaho Student Lobby (pg 5, c3) | Pan-Hellenic residence (pg 1, c4) | Pearl Harbor commemoration (pg 1, c1) | Play. Review (pg 25, c1) | Teacher evaluation (pg 2, c3) | University of Idaho vs. Sacramento State. Pre-Game (pg 21, c3) American Indian Science and Engineering society (AISES); Auxiliary service; Eisenbarth, Jeffery G.; Moeller, Kelly; Mathews, Scott; Basketball, Women's; Campus sculpture; Scholarships; Fall Semester 1991 events; Numbers, Joe; Idaho Student Lobby; Pan-Hellenic residence; Pearl Harbor commemoration; 'The Beggar's Opera'; Teacher evaluation; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - December 13th, 1991 | 1991-12-13 |
Assault (pg 1, c1) | Christmas concert (pg 20, c1) | Financial aid - applications (pg 2, c3) | IFA coordinator. Photo (pg 3, c1) | International Friendship Association (pg 3, c1) | Library expansion and renovation (pg 4, c1) | Play (pg 20, c1) | Protection of campus evergreens (pg 4, c5) | Snow removal (pg 1, c1) | Speaker (pg 1, c3) | UI vs. Southwest Missouri State. Pre-Game (pg 14, c3) | University of Idaho vs. Sacramento State. Photo - O Lightfoot (pg 14, c1) Crime; Vandaleers; Financial aid - applications; Trail, JoAnn; International Friendship Association; Library expansion and renovation; 'The Beggar's Opera'; Trees; Snow removal; Vincent, Bruce; Basketball, Women's; Basketball; |