Argonaut Issues from 1982
Cover | Title | Date | Subjects |
The Argonaut - January 12th, 1982 | 1982-01-12 |
Art and Architecture, College of (pg 5, c1) | Assistant track coach (pg 17, c2) | Associated Students of Idaho (pg 2, c2) | ASUI-Programs Department (pg 3, c1) | Basketball player (pg 10, c3) | Basketball player (pg 14, c1) | Bozeman, Carl Scott (pg 1, c1) | Christmas tour (pg 1, c1) | Christmas tour (pg 11, c1) | Continuing education (pg 19, c1) | Definition (pg 2, c2) | East end addition (pg 27, c1) | Food services (pg 6, c3) | Governor of Idaho (pg 2, c5) | Gymnastics - meets (pg 13, c1) | Handicapped students - Campus accessibilities (pg 26, c1) | Head football coach (pg 16, c1) | Idaho cooperative fisheries research unit (pg 7, c1) | Idaho water resources research institute (pg 7, c1) | Idaho. State legislature (pg 2, c5) | Lecture notes program (pg 18, c1) | President of U of I (pg 20, c1) | Rush, Imo Gene (pg 20, c5) | Sharples, Patsy (pg 13, c3) | Snow close university (pg 22, c0) | Spring registration (pg 16, c1) | Steam tunnels (pg 22, c1) | Student housing (pg 18, c1) | Tuition controversy (pg 1, c1) | University food service (pg 6, c3) | University of Idaho Board of Regents (pg 2, c5) | Varsity team vs. Gonzaga University (pg 12, c4) | Varsity team vs. Iowa State College (pg 11, c3) | Varsity team vs. Northern Arizona University (pg 13, c2) | Varsity team vs. Oregon State College, Corvallis (pg 11, c4) | Varsity team vs. San Jose State (pg 11, c2) | Varsity team vs. St. Martin's (pg 11, c1) | Varsity team vs. University of Nevada at Los Vegas (pg 13, c1) | Varsity team vs. University of Oregon, Eugene (pg 12, c3) | Varsity team vs. Western Montana (pg 11, c1) | With WSU and other universities (pg 25, c1) Art and Architecture, College of; Bashian, Allen; Associated Students of Idaho; ASUI-Programs Department; Sobotta, Karin; Hopson, Phil; Bozeman, Carl Scott; Basketball; Continuing education; Tuition; Kibbie Dome; Student union building; Evans, John; Gymnastics - meets; Handicapped students - Campus accessibilities; Erickson, Dennis; Idaho cooperative fisheries research unit; Idaho water resources research institute; Idaho. State legislature; Lecture notes program; Gibb, Richard; Rush, Imo Gene; Sharples, Patsy; Weather; Spring registration; Steam tunnels; Student housing; Tuition controversy; University food service; University of Idaho Board of Regents; Basketball; Basketball; Basketball; Microwave link; |
The Argonaut - January 15th, 1982 | 1982-01-15 |
Bozeman, Carl Scott (pg 3, c1) | Dial Classic (pg 8, c5) | Enrollment - University of Idaho (pg 1, c1) | Faculty council (pg 3, c3) | Fees (pg 2, c4) | Former University of Idaho professor who brought suit against the University of Idaho (pg 1, c1) | Learning skill center (pg 5, c1) | Meets (pg 8, c4) | National Conscience Day (pg 5, c1) | Special services project (pg 5, c1) | Swenson, Allen (pg 3, c3) | Tuition fees (pg 2, c4) | University curriculum committee (pg 3, c3) | University of Idaho Board of Regents (pg 2, c2) | Varsity team vs. Idaho State College (pg 8, c1) | Varsity team vs. Weber State University (pg 8, c2) Bozeman, Carl Scott; Basketball, Women's; Enrollment - University of Idaho; Faculty council; Fees; Pace, Lois; Learning skill center; Swimming; National Conscience Day; Special services project; Swenson, Allen; Tuition fees; University curriculum committee; University of Idaho Board of Regents; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - January 19th, 1982 | 1982-01-19 |
ASUI-Senate (pg 2, c5) | Basketball player. Photo (pg 5, c4) | Borah Symposium (pg 9, c1) | Dean of College of Agriculture (pg 1, c1) | Dial Classic (pg 5, c1) | Eastern Washington invitational (pg 8, c1) | Enrollment limitations (pg 2, c2) | KUID TV - State funding cut (pg 11, c1) | Outdoor program (pg 9, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 3, c1) | Quarterback, UI football team. Photo (pg 8, c3) | U of I president. Photo (pg 1, c1) | Varsity team (pg 7, c1) | Varsity team vs. Boise State University (pg 18, c1) | Varsity team vs. Idaho State College. Photo (pg 5, c1) | Varsity team vs. Weber State University. Photo (pg 5, c3) ASUI-Senate; Hopson, Phil; Borah Symposium; Miller, Ray; Basketball, Women's; Track - Cross country; Enrollment limitations; KUID TV - State funding cut; Outdoor program; Student union building; Byers, Brad Juggler; Hobart, Ken; Hartung, Dr. Ernest W.; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - January 22nd, 1982 | 1982-01-22 |
Commencement (pg 1, c1) | Faculty council (pg 2, c2) | Fees (pg 1, c1) | Former University of Idaho professor who brought suit against the University of Idaho (pg 6, c1) | In-State tuition - legislative bill (pg 1, c1) | In-State tuition - legislative bill (pg 2, c2) | Institute for Resource Management (pg 3, c1) | Jazz festival (pg 9, c1) | Roof suit (pg 1, c4) Commencement; Faculty council; Fees; Pace, Lois; In-State tuition - legislative bill; In-State tuition - legislative bill; Institute for Resource Management; Jazz festival; Kibbie Dome; |
The Argonaut - January 26th, 1982 | 1982-01-26 |
ASUI-Budget (pg 2, c2) | Campus street closure (pg 11, c1) | Campus street modification (pg 11, c1) | Credit Union, Student (pg 7, c4) | Cross country runner. Photo (pg 7, c1) | Dean of College of Letters and Science (pg 6, c4) | Faculty council (pg 3, c1) | In-State tuition - legislative bill (pg 1, c1) | Police (pg 10, c2) | Propose new building site (pg 3, c1) | Spring registration (pg 1, c1) | UI vs. Gonzaga (pg 10, c4) ASUI-Budget; Campus street closure; Campus street modification; Credit Union, Student; Crang, Sherrie; Rowe, Galen; Faculty council; In-State tuition - legislative bill; Police; Agricultural Engineering, Dept. of; Spring registration; Basketball, Women's; |
The Argonaut - January 29th, 1982 | 1982-01-29 |
Associated Students of Idaho (pg 2, c2) | ASUI-Political concern committee (pg 2, c2) | ASUI-Senate (pg 2, c4) | Commencement (pg 7, c1) | Drawing (pg 8, c1) | Exchange students (pg 6, c1) | Faculty council (pg 7, c1) | Food Services (pg 3, c1) | Golden girls (pg 17, c1) | Gymnastics - meets (pg 19, c1) | In-State tuition - legislative bill (pg 2, c5) | Issues and forums (pg 8, c1) | KUID TV - State funding cut (pg 1, c1) | KUID-FM (pg 1, c4) | Leary, Timothy (pg 8, c1) | Meets (pg 19, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | UI vs. Gonzaga (pg 19, c1) | UI vs. Seattle University (pg 19, c1) | UI vs. Western Washington University (pg 19, c1) | Varsity team vs. Montana State College (pg 8, c1) Associated Students of Idaho; ASUI-Political concern committee; ASUI-Senate; Commencement; Sabbatical leave; Exchange students; Faculty council; Student union building; Golden girls; Gymnastics - meets; In-State tuition - legislative bill; Issues and forums; KUID TV - State funding cut; KUID-FM; Leary, Timothy; Swimming; Career planning and placement center; Basketball, Women's; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - February 2nd, 1982 | 1982-02-02 |
ASUI-Senate (pg 3, c1) | College of Forestry - Enrollment (pg 7, c1) | Faculty council (pg 3, c1) | Hot water leak (pg 3, c1) | Human Race All Comers track meet. Photo (pg 9, c4) | SUB underground. Photo (pg 6, c1) | Swimmer. Photo (pg 9, c3) | Tax increase to fund education (pg 2, c2) | UI graduate student (pg 1, c1) | UI vs. Seattle University (pg 10, c1) | UI vs. Western Washington University (pg 10, c1) | Varsity team vs. Boise State University. Photo (pg 1, c1) ASUI-Senate; College of Forestry - Enrollment; Faculty council; Steel house; Track - University of Idaho; Student union building; Moravec, Don; Tax increase to fund education; Morse, John; Basketball, Women's; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - February 5th, 1982 | 1982-02-05 |
Association for Intercollegiate Athletic for Women (pg 7, c1) | ASUI - Departments (pg 2, c2) | ASUI-Senate (pg 3, c1) | Clock. Photo (pg 1, c1) | Core curriculum (pg 3, c1) | Eastern Washington invitational (pg 7, c4) | Engineer for KUID. Photo (pg 15, c1) | Faculty council (pg 3, c1) | History (pg 15, c1) | In-State tuition - legislative bill (pg 3, c1) | In-State tuition - legislative bill (pg 8, c1) | Institute for Resource Management (pg 8, c1) | Meets (pg 7, c4) | National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) (pg 7, c1) | President of U of I (pg 8, c1) | Student union building (pg 14, c1) | UI vs. Lewis and Clark State (pg 7, c1) | Varsity team vs. Northern Arizona University (pg 6, c1) | Varsity team vs. University of Nevada at Reno (pg 6, c1) Association for Intercollegiate Athletic for Women; ASUI - Departments; ASUI-Senate; Administration building (1907-; Core curriculum; Track - Cross country; Wise, George; Faculty council; KUID-TV; In-State tuition - legislative bill; In-State tuition - legislative bill; Institute for Resource Management; Swimming; National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA); Gibb, Richard; Student union building; Basketball, Women's; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - February 9th, 1982 | 1982-02-09 |
ASUI-Political concern committee (pg 2, c1) | Basketball coach (pg 1, c0) | Basketball player. Photo (pg 9, c1) | College of Engineering (pg 2, c2) | Dartmouth Intensive Language Methods (French) (pg 6, c1) | Faculty council (pg 2, c2) | Foreign Language and Literature Department (pg 6, c1) | In-State tuition - legislative bill (pg 1, c1) | Learning skill center (pg 12, c1) | Meets (pg 11, c1) | Palouse Empire Mall (pg 14, c3) | Retention committee (pg 6, c1) | Theophilus Tower (pg 13, c1) | Tournaments (pg 10, c4) | Vandal indoor track and field meet (pg 7, c1) | Varsity team vs. University of Nevada at Reno (pg 6, c1) ASUI-Political concern committee; Monson, Don; Haatvedt, Kevin; Haskins, Matt; Murchison, Antwine; College of Engineering; Dartmouth Intensive Language Methods (French); Faculty council; Foreign Language and Literature Department; In-State tuition - legislative bill; Learning skill center; Swimming; Palouse Empire Mall; Retention committee; Theophilus Tower; Volleyball; Track; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - February 12th, 1982 | 1982-02-12 |
'Burning Stake' coffee house (pg 12, c5) | A.S.U.I. - supplied typewriters (pg 8, c1) | ASUI-Programs Department (pg 2, c2) | Bomb threat (pg 1, c1) | Bunker Hill Mine (pg 8, c1) | Computer sciences, Department of (pg 1, c1) | Faculty council (pg 2, c2) | Fees (pg 1, c1) | Fire drills (pg 10, c1) | Gymnastics - meets (pg 19, c3) | In-State tuition - legislative bill (pg 1, c1) | KUID TV - State funding cut (pg 11, c1) | Lecture notes program (pg 3, c1) | Meets (pg 19, c2) | Navy ROTC -Tournament (pg 15, c1) | Physical Education requirement (pg 10, c1) | Pound lecture in the humanities (pg 15, c2) | Professor of Veterinary Medicine. Photo (pg 14, c1) | Theophilus Tower (pg 1, c1) | Todd, Vivian Edmiston (pg 12, c1) | UI vs. Central Washington (pg 18, c2) | Varsity team vs. Idaho State College (pg 18, c1) | Varsity team vs. Weber State University (pg 18, c1) | Washington Invitational Ski meet (pg 19, c1) Burning Stake' coffee house; A.S.U.I. - supplied typewriters; ASUI-Programs Department; Student union building; Bunker Hill Mine; Computer sciences, Department of; Faculty council; Fees; Fire drills; Gymnastics - meets; In-State tuition - legislative bill; KUID TV - State funding cut; Lecture notes program; Swimming; Navy ROTC -Tournament; Physical Education requirement; Pound lecture in the humanities; Stauber, Eric; Theophilus Tower; Todd, Vivian Edmiston; Basketball, Women's; Basketball; Skiing; |
The Argonaut - February 16th, 1982 | 1982-02-16 |
'College Bowl' team (pg 3, c1) | Career planning and placement center (pg 10, c1) | Computer sciences, Department of (pg 1, c1) | In-State tuition - legislative bill (pg 2, c5) | Meets (pg 8, c3) | Photo (pg 6, c1) | Rules and regulations (pg 2, c2) | Salaries (pg 3, c1) | UI vs. Central Washington (pg 8, c4) | Vandal indoor track and field meet. Photo (pg 8, c1) | Varsity team vs. Idaho State College (pg 9, c1) | Varsity team vs. Weber State University (pg 9, c1) College Bowl' team; Career planning and placement center; Computer sciences, Department of; In-State tuition - legislative bill; Swimming; Buildings and grounds; ASUI-Senate; College of Law; Basketball, Women's; Track; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - February 19th, 1982 | 1982-02-19 |
ASUI-Political concern committee (pg 3, c1) | ASUI-Senate (pg 2, c2) | Bowling team (pg 11, c1) | College Republican National Committee (pg 2, c4) | Gymnastics - meets (pg 10, c1) | In-State tuition - legislative bill (pg 1, c1) | KUID-FM (pg 3, c1) | Meets (pg 11, c1) | Nightline (pg 3, c1) | UI vs. Central Washington. Photo (pg 10, c1) | Varsity team vs. University of Montana. Photo (pg 1, c1) ASUI-Political concern committee; ASUI-Senate; Bowling team; College Republican National Committee; Gymnastics - meets; In-State tuition - legislative bill; KUID-FM; Swimming; Nightline; Basketball, Women's; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - February 23rd, 1982 | 1982-02-23 |
Assistant to President Gibb. Photo (pg 11, c1) | ASUI-Senate (pg 2, c2) | Basketball player. Photo (pg 8, c3) | Big Sky Indoor championship (pg 8, c1) | Campus lighting (pg 9, c0) | College of Mines and Earth Resources (pg 10, c0) | College of Mines and Earth Resources (pg 7, c0) | Dean, College of Mines (pg 10, c1) | In-State tuition - legislative bill (pg 1, c4) | Language laboratory (pg 2, c0) | Meets (pg 9, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | Pound lecture in the humanities (pg 3, c1) | Tournaments (pg 8, c1) | UI vs. Portland State. Photo (pg 7, c3) | Varsity team vs. Montana State College. Photo (pg 7, c1) | Women's gymnastics (pg 9, c1) Armstrong, Terry; ASUI-Senate; Frazier, Zane; Track - University of Idaho; Campus lighting; College of Mines and Earth Resources; College of Mines and Earth Resources; Miller, Maynard M.; In-State tuition - legislative bill; Language laboratory; Swimming; Steinem, Gloria; Pound lecture in the humanities; Volleyball; Basketball, Women's; Basketball; Women's gymnastics; |
The Argonaut - February 26th, 1982 | 1982-02-26 |
ASUI-Senate (pg 2, c5) | Big Sky conference playoff. Ticket sales (pg 14, c1) | Bomb threat (pg 8, c4) | Bowling team (pg 16, c1) | Cheating (pg 7, c1) | Food Services (pg 3, c1) | Handicapped students - Campus accessibilities (pg 8, c1) | Iranian student association (pg 1, c1) | KUID TV - State funding cut (pg 1, c1) | Mountain West Athletic conference (pg 14, c4) | Muslim Student Association of Persian speaking group (pg 1, c1) | Play. Photo (pg 9, c1) | Rodoe team (pg 14, c4) | Ski team (pg 16, c1) | Steam tunnels (pg 1, c4) | Student judicial council (pg 7, c4) | Student National Education Association (pg 8, c4) | Tenured faculty - job elimination (pg 3, c1) | Theophilus Tower (pg 7, c1) | UI vs. Alaska/Fairbanks (pg 15, c1) | University of Idaho and Washington State University cooperation (pg 3, c4) | Varsity team vs. Boise State University (pg 15, c1) ASUI-Senate; Basketball; Delta Chi; Bowling team; Cheating; Student union building; Handicapped students - Campus accessibilities; Iranian student association; KUID TV - State funding cut; Mountain West Athletic conference; Muslim Student Association of Persian speaking group; The children's hour; Rodoe team; Ski team; Steam tunnels; Student judicial council; Student National Education Association; Tenured faculty - job elimination; Theophilus Tower; Basketball, Women's; University of Idaho and Washington State University cooperation; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - March 2nd, 1982 | 1982-03-02 |
Big Sky Indoor championship (pg 8, c4) | Faculty council (pg 2, c5) | Pound lecture in the humanities (pg 3, c1) | Stereo lounge (pg 6, c3) | Tax increase to fund education (pg 2, c2) | UI vs. Gonzaga (pg 8, c3) | Varsity team vs. Boise State University (pg 7, c1) | Women's gymnastics (pg 7, c4) Track - University of Idaho; Faculty council; Pound lecture in the humanities; Wallace complex; Tax increase to fund education; Basketball, Women's; Basketball; Women's gymnastics; |
The Argonaut - March 5th, 1982 | 1982-03-05 |
ASUI-Senate (pg 2, c2) | Big Sky conference playoff. Photo (pg 13, c4) | Bill to create a central station (pg 1, c4) | Cheer leaders (pg 8, c3) | Day Care center (pg 8, c1) | Exhibits (pg 3, c1) | Gymnast. Photo (pg 13, c1) | Illustration (pg 1, c0) | Photo (pg 11, c1) | Play. Photo (pg 10, c1) | Power outage (pg 1, c1) | Professor of Political Science. Photo (pg 7, c1) | UI vs. Lewis and Clark State. Photo (pg 16, c1) | UI vs. Western Washington University. Photo (pg 16, c1) | Women's center (pg 3, c4) | Women's history week (pg 3, c4) | Women's rush (pg 8, c1) ASUI-Senate; Basketball; KUID-TV; Cheer leaders; Day Care center; University museum; Knauber, Theresa; Steam tunnels; Dance marathon (to benefit muscular dystrophy); The children's hour; Power outage; Duncombe, Sydney; Basketball, Women's; Women's center; Women's history week; Women's rush; |
The Argonaut - March 9th, 1982 | 1982-03-09 |
Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women Swimming and Diving Championships (pg 6, c1) | Big Sky conference playoff. Photo (pg 1, c1) | Bill to create a central station (pg 1, c1) | Bomb threats (pg 3, c1) | Budget-Idaho legislature allowance to U of I (pg 2, c2) | Faculty council (pg 2, c2) | Fires in university dormitories (pg 1, c5) | Golf course (pg 14, c2) | Learning skill center (pg 3, c1) | Men's rugby (Blue Mountain Rugby club) (pg 6, c3) | Outdoor program (pg 12, c4) | P.E. instructor. Photo (pg 13, c1) | Rodoe team (pg 13, c1) | Ski team (pg 6, c3) | Swimmer. Photo (pg 6, c1) | UI vs. Seattle University. Photo (pg 7, c3) | UI vs. Western Washington University. Photo (pg 7, c3) | Wheelpeople bicycle club (pg 14, c2) | Women's gymnastics (pg 6, c4) Swimming; Basketball; KUID-TV; Bomb threats; Budget-Idaho legislature allowance to ; Faculty council; Fires in university dormitories; Golf course; Learning skill center; Men's rugby (Blue Mountain Rugby club); Outdoor program; Tangen-Foster, Jim; Rodoe team; Ski team; Bechtholdt, Nancy; Basketball, Women's; Wheelpeople bicycle club; Women's gymnastics; |
The Argonaut - March 12th, 1982 | 1982-03-12 |
Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women Swimming and Diving Championships (pg 13, c4) | Basketball player (pg 14, c3) | Bill to create a central station (pg 1, c1) | Budget-Idaho legislature allowance to U of I (pg 2, c4) | Enrollment - University of Idaho (pg 3, c1) | Faculty council (pg 1, c4) | Foreign students (pg 6, c5) | Former University of Idaho professor who brought suit against the University of Idaho (pg 3, c5) | Handicapped students - Campus accessibilities (pg 3, c1) | Honors program (pg 2, c2) | Law suit against UI president Gibb, state board of regents and Raymond Miller (Dean of Agriculture) (pg 3, c5) | Learning skill center (pg 3, c1) | National Collegiate Athletic Association tournament (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 7, c5) | Spring tour (pg 9, c1) | Tennis (pg 15, c1) | UI vs. Western Washington University (pg 14, c3) | University year for action (UYA) (pg 6, c1) | Women's Tennis (pg 15, c1) Swimming; Kellerman, Brian W.; Owens, Kenny; KUID-TV; Budget-Idaho legislature allowance to ; Enrollment - University of Idaho; Faculty council; Foreign students; Pace, Lois; Handicapped students - Campus accessibilities; Honors program; Law suit against UI president Gibb, state board of regents and Raymond Miller (Dean of Agriculture); Learning skill center; Basketball; Fitzgerald, Ella; Vandaleers; Tennis; Basketball, Women's; University year for action (UYA); Women's Tennis; |
The Argonaut - March 23rd, 1982 | 1982-03-23 |
Amnesty International (pg 1, c3) | Basement of Janssen Engineering building (pg 7, c1) | Borah Symposium (pg 2, c2) | Career planning and placement center (pg 2, c4) | College of Agriculture - Cooperative extension (pg 7, c3) | Department of Home Economics (pg 7, c3) | Faculty council (pg 2, c2) | Federal cutbacks (pg 1, c0) | Grounds crew (pg 7, c1) | Home Economics extension (pg 7, c3) | Learning skill center (pg 1, c1) | Long range planning guide (pg 6, c3) | National Collegiate Athletic Association tournament. Photo (pg 8, c1) | Student counseling center (pg 3, c1) | Student victims (pg 1, c5) | Swimmer (pg 10, c1) | UI vs. BIOLA (pg 8, c3) | Varsity team vs. Oregon State College, Corvallis. Photos (pg 8, c1) | Women's gymnastics (pg 10, c1) Amnesty International; Nuclear reactor; Borah Symposium; Career planning and placement center; College of Agriculture - Cooperative extension; Department of Home Economics; Faculty council; Student loans; Grounds crew; Home Economics extension; Learning skill center; Faculty planning; Basketball; Student counseling center; Rape; Bechtholdt, Nancy; Basketball, Women's; Basketball; Women's gymnastics; |
The Argonaut - March 26th, 1982 | 1982-03-26 |
ASUI-Senate (pg 3, c1) | Basketball coach (pg 13, c0) | Basketball player (pg 13, c1) | Basketball, Women's (pg 14, c3) | Bill to create a central station (pg 1, c1) | Borah Symposium (pg 1, c3) | Cheating (pg 2, c1) | Idaho. State legislature (pg 1, c1) | Learning skill center (pg 1, c1) | Little sister rush (pg 11, c1) | Meets (pg 13, c5) | Power outage (pg 11, c4) | Spring practice (pg 13, c1) | Student play. Photo (pg 7, c1) | University Gallery (pg 9, c1) | Utah Symphony (pg 1, c1) ASUI-Senate; Monson, Don; Owens, Kenny; Basketball, Women's; KUID-TV; Borah Symposium; Cheating; Idaho. State legislature; Learning skill center; Little sister rush; Track; Power outage; Football; 'Moonchildren'; University Gallery; Utah Symphony; |
The Argonaut - March 29th, 1982 | 1982-03-29 |
ASUI-Senate (pg 2, c2) | Basketball (pg 8, c1) | Commencement exercises (pg 10, c1) | Dormitories (pg 11, c1) | Idaho/Rome international studies (pg 3, c3) | Physical plant (pg 11, c1) | Student victims (pg 6, c1) | Tennis (pg 9, c1) | Track runner. Photos (pg 7, c1) ASUI-Senate; Basketball; Commencement exercises; Dormitories; Art and Architecture, College of; Physical plant; Rape; Tennis; Trott, John; |
The Argonaut - April 2nd, 1982 | 1982-04-02 |
ASUI-Senate (pg 14, c5) | Commencement exercises (pg 14, c5) | Faculty council (pg 14, c2) | Gymnastics coach. Photo (pg 5, c1) | Handicapped awareness day (or week) (pg 15, c1) | Handicapped students - Campus accessibilities (pg 15, c4) | Jay Gano award (pg 6, c3) | Learning skill center (pg 14, c2) | Oz Thompson Award (pg 6, c3) | Photo (pg 12, c1) | Ronnie White Award (pg 6, c3) | Tennis (pg 5, c1) | Women's gymnastics (pg 5, c1) ASUI-Senate; Commencement exercises; Faculty council; Rasmussen, Wanda; Handicapped awareness day (or week); Handicapped students - Campus accessibilities; Basketball; Learning skill center; Basketball; Borah Symposium; Basketball; Tennis; Women's gymnastics; |
The Argonaut - April 6th, 1982 | 1982-04-06 |
Associated Students of Idaho (pg 1, c4) | Bookstore, Student (pg 2, c2) | Campus street closure (pg 1, c1) | Campus street modification (pg 1, c1) | East end addition. Photo (pg 3, c1) | KUID TV - Staff (pg 4, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | Tennis (pg 7, c2) | University of Idaho Board of Regents (pg 1, c4) | Women's Tennis (pg 7, c4) Associated Students of Idaho; Bookstore, Student; Campus street closure; Campus street modification; Kibbie Dome; KUID TV - Staff; Vandalism; Tennis; University of Idaho Board of Regents; Women's Tennis; |
The Argonaut - April 9th, 1982 | 1982-04-09 |
Agricultural Engineering building (pg 8, c1) | Associated Students of Idaho (pg 3, c1) | ASUI-Budget (pg 3, c1) | Bill to create a central station (pg 1, c1) | Competence review (pg 2, c2) | Cross-Campus alliance (pg 3, c4) | Faculty - salary (pg 1, c1) | Issues and forums (pg 4, c1) | Photography center (pg 4, c1) | Salaries (pg 1, c1) | University of Idaho Board of Regents (pg 1, c1) Agricultural Engineering building; Associated Students of Idaho; ASUI-Budget; KUID-TV; Competence review; Cross-Campus alliance; Faculty - salary; Issues and forums; Photography center; College of Law; University of Idaho Board of Regents; |
The Argonaut - April 13th, 1982 | 1982-04-13 |
Agricultural Engineering building (pg 1, c1) | All Idaho meet (pg 7, c3) | Basketball coach (pg 7, c0) | Basketball player (pg 6, c1) | Basketball player (pg 7, c1) | Bookstore, Student (pg 2, c2) | Electrical Van (Built by mechanical engineering students (pg 11, c1) | Greek week (pg 6, c1) | Learning skill center (pg 1, c1) | Natural Resources week (pg 1, c1) | Parents' weekend (pg 1, c1) | Tennis (pg 9, c3) | Theophilus Tower (pg 3, c1) Agricultural Engineering building; Track - University of Idaho; Monson, Don; Brose, Denise; Hopson, Phil; Bookstore, Student; Electrical Van (Built by mechanical engineering students; Greek week; Learning skill center; Natural Resources week; Parents' weekend; Tennis; Theophilus Tower; |
The Argonaut - April 16th, 1982 | 1982-04-16 |
ASUI-Senate (pg 6, c1) | Bookstore, Student (pg 6, c1) | Credit Union, Student (pg 21, c4) | Dick and Pat Snyder tournament (pg 19, c1) | Dormitories (pg 15, c1) | Employee insurance (pg 16, c1) | Endowed chair (pg 20, c3) | Federal budget cuts (pg 20, c3) | Ground zero week (pg 2, c1) | KUID TV - Staff (pg 22, c4) | Liden, Maudie (pg 21, c1) | Parents' weekend (pg 1, c1) | Pfeiffer, Wallace (pg 2, c2) | Photos (pg 7, c0) | Recruits and recruiting (pg 17, c1) | Repair (pg 3, c1) | Rodeo (pg 1, c1) | Sigma Nu (pg 22, c2) | Spring practice. Photos (pg 19, c0) | Tennis (pg 18, c3) | Theophilus Tower (pg 14, c1) | University of Idaho Foundation (pg 2, c2) | Vandalism (pg 20, c1) | Vandalism (pg 22, c1) ASUI-Senate; Bookstore, Student; Credit Union, Student; Golf; Co-operatives; Employee insurance; College of Engineering; Student financial aid; Ground zero week; KUID TV - Staff; Liden, Maudie; Parents' weekend; Pfeiffer, Wallace; Merry Widow (Operetta); Basketball; Kibbie Dome; Rodeo; Sigma Nu; Football; Tennis; Theophilus Tower; University of Idaho Foundation; Vandalism; Vandalism; |
The Argonaut - April 20th, 1982 | 1982-04-20 |
Federal budget cuts (pg 1, c1) | Golf (pg 9, c4) | Kladnik, Ken (pg 9, c1) | Life Science building - addition (pg 12, c1) | Rules and regulations (pg 2, c2) | Spring practice (pg 9, c1) | Tennis (pg 9, c3) | The 4-H club (pg 8, c4) | University of Idaho vs. Washington State University (pg 9, c1) Student financial aid; Golf; Kladnik, Ken; Life Science building - addition; ASUI-Senate; Football; Tennis; The 4-H club; Track; |
The Argonaut - April 23rd, 1982 | 1982-04-23 |
Appropriate technology extension network (ATEN) (pg 11, c1) | ASUI-Senate (pg 2, c2) | Campus lighting (pg 11, c0) | Day Care center (pg 14, c2) | Electrical Engineering department (pg 1, c1) | Federal budget cuts. Protest march (pg 1, c1) | GDI week (pg 3, c1) | KUID-TV (pg 1, c4) | Professor of Electrical Engineering (pg 1, c1) | Recruits and recruiting (pg 13, c3) | Recruits and recruiting (pg 13, c5) | Relocation of hall residents (pg 3, c1) | Repair (pg 14, c1) | Roof suit (pg 14, c1) | Sharples, Patsy (pg 13, c4) | Tennis (pg 13, c1) | University of Washington invitational (pg 12, c3) | Women's Tennis (pg 12, c1) | Zakrajsek, Dorothy (pg 10, c1) Appropriate technology extension network (ATEN); ASUI-Senate; Campus lighting; Day Care center; Electrical Engineering department; Student financial aid; GDI week; KUID-TV; Maki, Gary; Women's volleyball; Basketball; Theophilus Tower; Kibbie Dome; Kibbie Dome; Sharples, Patsy; Tennis; Track; Women's Tennis; Zakrajsek, Dorothy; |
The Argonaut - April 27th, 1982 | 1982-04-27 |
Candidates. Photos (pg 0, c0) | Candidates. Photos (pg 3, c1) | College of Forestry, Wildlife and Range Science (pg 11, c3) | Dormitories (pg 10, c1) | Faculty council (pg 2, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | Relocation of hall residents (pg 1, c1) | Student insurance (pg 10, c1) | University of Washington invitational (pg 7, c1) ASUI-Elections; ASUI-Elections; College of Forestry, Wildlife and Range Science; Dormitories; Faculty council; Ground zero week; Theophilus Tower; Student insurance; Track; |
The Argonaut - April 30th, 1982 | 1982-04-30 |
ASUI-Budget (pg 2, c2) | ASUI-Elections (pg 1, c4) | Former University of Idaho professor who brought suit against the University of Idaho (pg 1, c1) | Golf (pg 8, c5) | Institute for Resource Management (pg 1, c4) | Law suit against UI president Gibb, state board of regents and Raymond Miller (Dean of Agriculture) (pg 1, c1) | President of U of I. Drawing (pg 1, c1) | Student insurance (pg 1, c1) | Tennis (pg 8, c3) | Women's Tennis (pg 8, c5) ASUI-Budget; ASUI-Elections; Pace, Lois; Golf; Institute for Resource Management; Law suit against UI president Gibb, state board of regents and Raymond Miller (Dean of Agriculture); Gibb, Richard; Student insurance; Tennis; Women's Tennis; |
The Argonaut - May 4th, 1982 | 1982-05-04 |
ASUI-Elections (pg 1, c1) | ASUI-Senate (pg 2, c3) | Budget-Idaho legislature allowance to U of I (pg 1, c3) | Faculty council (pg 2, c2) | Marching band (pg 10, c0) | Meets (pg 8, c2) | Spring practice (pg 7, c1) | Tennis (pg 7, c3) | University of Idaho Board of Regents (pg 1, c1) ASUI-Elections; ASUI-Senate; Budget-Idaho legislature allowance to ; Faculty council; Marching band; Track; Football; Tennis; University of Idaho Board of Regents; |
The Argonaut - May 7th, 1982 | 1982-05-07 |
Bill to create a central station (pg 1, c4) | Credit Union, Student (pg 8, c5) | Faculty council (pg 2, c2) | Gem of the Mountains (pg 1, c3) | Golf (pg 7, c1) | Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (pg 2, c2) | NCWSA division II regional tennis championships (pg 7, c1) | Rallies (pg 1, c1) | Test taking tips (pg 8, c1) | University of Idaho Board of Regents (pg 1, c4) KUID-TV; Credit Union, Student; Faculty council; Gem of the Mountains; Golf; Idaho National Engineering Laboratory; Women's Tennis; Rallies; Test taking tips; University of Idaho Board of Regents; |
The Argonaut - August 24th, 1982 | 1982-08-24 |
Alternatives to violence (pg 23, c1) | American studies major (pg 20, c1) | Basketball player. Photo (pg 13, c1) | Campus lighting (pg 19, c0) | Dean of College of Business and Economics (pg 20, c1) | Dormitories (pg 4, c1) | Drawings (pg 23, c1) | East end addition (pg 11, c3) | Faculty council (pg 21, c1) | Fees (pg 1, c1) | Food Services (pg 22, c1) | Forestry - Nursery (pg 19, c4) | Former University of Idaho professor who brought suit against the University of Idaho (pg 11, c1) | Gem of the Mountains (pg 26, c4) | Gymnastics (pg 14, c4) | Idaho Repertory theatre (pg 31, c3) | KUID-TV (pg 1, c1) | Law student (pg 2, c1) | Law suit against UI president Gibb, state board of regents and Raymond Miller (Dean of Agriculture) (pg 11, c1) | Lecture notes program (pg 8, c3) | Photo (pg 13, c1) | Photo (pg 22, c1) | Roof suit (pg 11, c1) | Student financial aid (pg 23, c4) | Team (pg 16, c4) | Women's team (pg 17, c1) Alternatives to violence; American studies major; Owens, Kenny; Campus lighting; McQuillen, Charles; Dormitories; Campus street modification; Kibbie Dome; Faculty council; Fees; Food Services; Forestry - Nursery; Pace, Lois; Gem of the Mountains; Gymnastics; Summer theater; KUID-TV; Sterling, Maud; Law suit against UI president Gibb, state board of regents and Raymond Miller (Dean of Agriculture); Lecture notes program; Football; Women's rush; Kibbie Dome; Student financial aid; Track - Cross country; Track - Cross country; |
The Argonaut - August 27th, 1982 | 1982-08-27 |
ASUI-Senate (pg 1, c4) | Career planning and placement center (pg 6, c4) | Credit Union, Student (pg 2, c2) | Federal budget cuts (pg 11, c1) | Handicapped students - Campus accessibilities (pg 2, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 12, c1) | President of U of I. Photos (pg 13, c1) | Returning students (pg 1, c1) ASUI-Senate; Career planning and placement center; Credit Union, Student; Student financial aid; Handicapped students - Campus accessibilities; Fall registration; Artis, Andy; Gibb, Richard; Returning students; |
The Argonaut - August 31st, 1982 | 1982-08-31 |
College Work Study (pg 1, c1) | Core curriculum (pg 1, c1) | Crime (pg 6, c4) | Department of Home Economics (pg 2, c1) College Work Study; Core curriculum; Crime; Department of Home Economics; |
The Argonaut - September 3rd, 1982 | 1982-09-03 |
ASUI-Senate (pg 2, c2) | Football player (pg 12, c3) | Garbage-to-steam-plant (pg 1, c3) | Remodeling (pg 3, c1) | Schedule (pg 12, c1) | Special services project (pg 5, c1) ASUI-Senate; Seman, Steve; Garbage-to-steam-plant; Memorial gymnasium; Basketball; Special services project; |
The Argonaut - September 7th, 1982 | 1982-09-07 |
Campus Beautification project (pg 8, c1) | Campus street modification (pg 8, c1) | College of Engineering (pg 1, c3) | Football (pg 11, c1) | Golf course (pg 11, c1) | Graduate school (pg 5, c1) | Institute for Resource Management (pg 1, c4) | Library (pg 2, c2) | Photo (pg 7, c1) | Student counseling center (pg 1, c1) | Volleyball team (pg 11, c1) | Women's team. Photo (pg 9, c1) Campus Beautification project; Campus street modification; College of Engineering; Football; Golf course; Graduate school; Institute for Resource Management; Library; Caldwell, Dr. Harry; Student counseling center; Volleyball team; Track - Cross country; |
The Argonaut - September 10th, 1982 | 1982-09-10 |
A.S.U.I. - supplied typewriters (pg 2, c2) | ASUI-Senate (pg 1, c1) | Elephant Man - Play (pg 7, c1) | KUID-FM (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | University Gallery (pg 8, c2) | University of Idaho vs. Washington State University (pg 12, c1) A.S.U.I. - supplied typewriters; ASUI-Senate; Elephant Man - Play; KUID-FM; McConnell Hall; University Gallery; Football; |
The Argonaut - September 14th, 1982 | 1982-09-14 |
Accreditation (pg 2, c2) | Department of Engineering (pg 3, c1) | Pelleur invitational (pg 8, c1) | Relocation of hall residents (pg 1, c1) | Student financial aid (pg 1, c1) | Tournaments. Photo (pg 9, c1) Business and Economics, College of; Video microwave sets; Track - Cross country; Theophilus Tower; Student financial aid; Women's volleyball; |
The Argonaut - September 17th, 1982 | 1982-09-17 |
ASUI-General Operating Budget (pg 1, c4) | Chrisman Hall (pg 1, c1) | Police (pg 1, c1) ASUI-General Operating Budget; Chrisman Hall; Police; |
The Argonaut - September 21st, 1982 | 1982-09-21 |
Associate English professor (pg 3, c1) | Campus lighting (pg 1, c0) | Course reductions (pg 2, c1) | Dean of College of Letters and Science (pg 3, c1) | Football player. Photos (pg 10, c1) | Legal aid clinic (pg 3, c3) | Pelleur invitational (pg 9, c4) | Philosophy professor (pg 3, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | Sharples, Patsy (pg 9, c4) | Tournaments. Photo on p.11 (pg 9, c1) | UI vs. College of Pacific (pg 9, c1) | University of Idaho vs. Washington State University. Photos (pg 8, c1) | Women's team (pg 9, c4) | Women's track/cross-country (pg 9, c4) Barber, David; Campus lighting; Religious studies; Rowe, Galen; Hickey, Kerry; Legal aid clinic; Track - Cross country; Gier, Nicholas; Sigma Alpha Epsilon Olympics (SAE Olympics); Sharples, Patsy; Women's volleyball; Football; Track - Cross country; Crabtree, Caroline E.; |
The Argonaut - September 24th, 1982 | 1982-09-24 |
ASUI-Senate (pg 1, c1) | ASUI-Senate (pg 2, c1) | Chairman of Psychology department (pg 3, c1) | Core curriculum (pg 1, c1) | Football team (pg 14, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | Swimming team (pg 15, c1) ASUI-Senate; ASUI-Senate; Solso, Robert L.; Core curriculum; Football team; Arboretum - (Shattuck Arboretum addition); Swimming team; |
The Argonaut - September 28th, 1982 | 1982-09-28 |
Go to health fun run (pg 9, c4) | Interleague games. Photo (pg 9, c1) | Photo (pg 11, c4) | Student financial aid (pg 1, c1) | University of Idaho vs. Portland State University. Photo (pg 7, c1) | Women's volleyball (pg 7, c1) | Women's volleyball coach. Photo (pg 7, c1) Go to health fun run; Women's volleyball; Army ROTC; Student financial aid; Football; Women's volleyball; Burk, Amanda; |
The Argonaut - October 1st, 1982 | 1982-10-01 |
1942 BS - Forestry (pg 8, c1) | AAUP censure report on 'Financial Exigency' UI 1981 (pg 1, c1) | ASUI-Senate (pg 3, c1) | Budget - U of I (pg 2, c1) | Football team (pg 15, c1) | Handicapped students - Access to and use of UI facilities (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 17, c4) | Queen. 1946 photo (pg 18, c1) | Queen. 1952 photo (pg 18, c1) | Queen. 1955 photo (pg 18, c1) | Queen. 1974 photo (pg 18, c1) Habib, Philip; American Association of University Professors; ASUI-Senate; Budget - ; Football team; Handicapped students - Access to and use of UI facilities; Spirit squad; Homecoming; Homecoming; Homecoming; Homecoming; |
The Argonaut - October 5th, 1982 | 1982-10-05 |
AAUP censure report on 'Financial Exigency' UI 1981 (pg 1, c1) | R.O.T.C. - All services (pg 3, c2) | Sharples, Patsy (pg 9, c1) | UI vs. Montana State University (pg 8, c1) | University of Idaho vs. Weber State University. Photo (pg 1, c1) | Women's team (pg 9, c1) American Association of University Professors; R.O.T.C. - All services; Sharples, Patsy; Women's volleyball; Football; Track - Cross country; |
The Argonaut - October 8th, 1982 | 1982-10-08 |
ASUI-Senate (pg 2, c2) | Faculty council (pg 2, c2) | Football team (pg 10, c1) | Photo on p.1 (pg 8, c1) | Student financial aid (pg 1, c4) | Volleyball player. Photo (pg 8, c2) ASUI-Senate; Faculty council; Football team; Elephant Man - Play; Student financial aid; Johns, Beth Ann; |
The Argonaut - October 12th, 1982 | 1982-10-12 |
Campus Beautification project (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 8, c2) | Sharples, Patsy (pg 11, c3) | Student counseling center (pg 1, c1) | UI vs. Idaho State University (pg 8, c4) | UI vs. Weber State University (pg 8, c4) | University of Idaho vs. Northern Iowa (pg 8, c1) | Women's team - Stanford invitational tournament (pg 9, c1) Campus Beautification project; Women's volleyball; Sharples, Patsy; Student counseling center; Women's volleyball; Women's volleyball; Football; Track - Cross country; |
The Argonaut - October 15th, 1982 | 1982-10-15 |
AAUP censure report on 'Financial Exigency' UI 1981 (pg 1, c1) | ASUI-Senate (pg 2, c1) | Budget - U of I (pg 1, c1) | Career planning and placement center (pg 2, c2) | Football team (pg 12, c1) | Golf team (pg 14, c1) | Library (pg 2, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c0) | Student evaluation of teaching programs and teachers (pg 1, c1) | Women's volleyball team (pg 12, c5) American Association of University Professors; ASUI-Senate; Budget - ; Career planning and placement center; Football team; Golf team; Library; Campus lighting; Student evaluation of teaching programs and teachers; Women's volleyball team; |
The Argonaut - October 19th, 1982 | 1982-10-19 |
Assistant dean of Student Advisory Services (pg 14, c0) | Exchange students (pg 14, c2) | Head football coach. Photos (pg 8, c1) | Institute for Resource Management (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 10, c1) | Photo only (pg 1, c1) | Quarterback, UI football team. Gannett Award. Photos (pg 8, c1) | Repair (pg 6, c5) | Student advisory services (pg 14, c1) | UI vs. Boise State (pg 7, c1) | UI vs. Montana State University. Non-Game. Photos (pg 8, c1) | UI vs. Portland State University (pg 7, c1) | University of Idaho vs. University of Montana (pg 7, c1) | Varsity team. Photos (pg 9, c1) Bush, Colann (Corky); Exchange students; Erickson, Dennis; Institute for Resource Management; Crabtree, Caroline E.; Campus Beautification project; Hobart, Ken; Kibbie Dome; Student advisory services; Women's volleyball; Football; Women's volleyball; Football; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - October 22nd, 1982 | 1982-10-22 |
ASUI-Senate (pg 2, c2) | Budget - U of I (pg 1, c1) | Crabtree, Caroline E. (pg 23, c1) | Faculty council (pg 1, c4) | Football team (pg 20, c1) | Idaho Task force higher education (pg 1, c1) | Lecture series. R. Leakey. Photo (pg 3, c1) | Photo (pg 18, c1) | Photos (pg 16, c0) | Practice. Photo only (pg 22, c4) | Resource Management Institute. Photos (pg 16, c0) | Serials Librarian. Photo (pg 10, c1) | Social science librarian. Photo (pg 10, c1) | Student counseling center (pg 8, c1) | Women's team (pg 23, c1) | Women's volleyball team (pg 22, c1) ASUI-Senate; Budget - ; Crabtree, Caroline E.; Faculty council; Football team; Idaho Task force higher education; Institute for Resource Management; Football team; Institute for Resource Management; Basketball; Redford, Robert; Baird, Lynn; Baird, Dennis; Student counseling center; Track - Cross country; Women's volleyball team; |
The Argonaut - October 26th, 1982 | 1982-10-26 |
AAUP censure report on 'Financial Exigency' UI 1981 (pg 1, c1) | Idaho Federation of Teachers (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 6, c1) | Photo only (pg 1, c1) | Police (pg 3, c1) | UI mascot. Photo (pg 6, c1) | UI vs. Boise State University (pg 8, c3) | UI vs. Montana State University (pg 10, c1) | UI vs. Montana State University (pg 9, c1) | UI vs. University of Montana (pg 10, c1) | Walter David - football player. Photo (pg 8, c1) | Women's team - Mountain west athletic conference cross-country championship (pg 9, c4) American Association of University Professors; Idaho Federation of Teachers; Joe Vandal; Aggie Days; Police; Bob Vandal; Football; Women's volleyball; Football; Women's volleyball; Jones, Wally; Track - Cross country; |
The Argonaut - October 29th, 1982 | 1982-10-29 |
ASUI-Senate (pg 2, c2) | Budget - U of I (pg 3, c1) | Crime (pg 1, c1) | Faculty council (pg 1, c4) | Soccer (pg 17, c1) | UI vs. Boise State University (pg 16, c3) ASUI-Senate; Budget - ; Crime; Faculty council; Soccer; Football; |
The Argonaut - November 2nd, 1982 | 1982-11-02 |
Day Care center (pg 3, c2) | Enrollment - University of Idaho (pg 2, c2) | Photo only (pg 11, c1) | Resident advisors (pg 14, c3) | Spokane invitational (pg 11, c3) | Swimming team (pg 11, c3) | UI vs. Boise State University. Photo (pg 8, c1) | UI vs. Idaho State University (pg 11, c1) | UI vs. Weber State University (pg 11, c1) | Women's center (pg 3, c1) Day Care center; Enrollment - University of Idaho; Women's volleyball team; Resident advisors; Track - Cross country; Swimming team; Football; Women's volleyball; Women's volleyball; Women's center; |
The Argonaut - November 5th, 1982 | 1982-11-05 |
ASUI-Elections (pg 2, c2) | Enrollment limitations (pg 1, c1) | Football team (pg 12, c1) | Navy ROTC - Marching band (pg 3, c3) | Photo (pg 13, c2) | Repair. Photo (pg 1, c1) | Student financial aid (pg 1, c4) | Washington-Alaska-Montana-Idaho medical school program (pg 3, c1) ASUI-Elections; Enrollment limitations; Football team; Navy ROTC - Marching band; ASUI-Elections; Kibbie Dome; Student financial aid; WAMI program; |
The Argonaut - November 9th, 1982 | 1982-11-09 |
Golf course (pg 11, c1) | Idaho relays (pg 9, c1) | Interleague games (pg 9, c1) | Meets - women's team (pg 9, c1) | Meets (pg 9, c1) | Photo (pg 11, c3) | Photo (pg 9, c1) | UI vs. Idaho State University (pg 8, c4) | Women's swimming (pg 9, c1) | Women's team (pg 7, c1) | Women's track coach. Photo (pg 7, c1) Golf course; Swimming; Women's volleyball; Swimming; 'College Bowl' team; Outdoor program; Football; Women's swimming; Track - Cross country; Norris, Roger; |
The Argonaut - November 12th, 1982 | 1982-11-12 |
Admission requirements and regulations (pg 1, c1) | Alcohol Awareness week (pg 3, c1) | ASUI-Senators (pg 9, c1) | Basketball player. Photo (pg 18, c1) | Crime (pg 1, c3) | Football team (pg 18, c1) | Libel suit against (pg 1, c3) | UI vs. Northern Arizona University (pg 18, c1) | Varsity team vs. Athletic in Action (AIA) (pg 18, c1) | Women's volleyball team (pg 19, c3) Admission requirements and regulations; Alcohol Awareness week; ASUI-Senators; Owens, Kenny; Crime; Football team; The Idaho Argonaut; Football; Basketball; Women's volleyball team; |
The Argonaut - November 16th, 1982 | 1982-11-16 |
Football team (pg 7, c1) | Meets - women's team (pg 7, c5) | Meets (pg 7, c5) | Sharples, Patsy (pg 7, c5) | Varsity football player. Photo (pg 6, c1) | Varsity team vs. Athletic in Action (AIA) (pg 7, c5) | Women's volleyball team (pg 7, c5) Football team; Swimming; Sharples, Patsy; Jackson, Shawn; Basketball; Women's volleyball team; |
The Argonaut - November 19th, 1982 | 1982-11-19 |
Admission requirement (pg 12, c4) | Admission requirements and regulations (pg 2, c2) | Football team (pg 9, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | Play (pg 6, c1) | Student evaluation of teaching programs and teachers (pg 3, c2) | Tournaments (pg 10, c3) College of Education; Admission requirements and regulations; Football team; ASUI-Elections; 13 Rue De L'Amour; Student evaluation of teaching programs and teachers; Volleyball; |
The Argonaut - November 30th, 1982 | 1982-11-30 |
Awards, Sport Magazine pre-season All-American Team awards (pg 7, c4) | Basketball player. Photo (pg 7, c1) | Basketball player. Sport award (pg 7, c4) | Football - Awards, Gannett All-American team (pg 8, c1) | Football player. Co-captain (pg 8, c1) | History professor (pg 12, c1) | Idaho/Mark IV Thanksgiving classic (pg 7, c1) | Michael Frame lectures (pg 10, c1) | Student evaluation of teaching programs and teachers (pg 1, c1) | Sun Met Classic (Fresno) (pg 7, c1) | University of Idaho vs. University of Montana. Photo (pg 6, c1) | University of Idaho vs. University of Nevada - Reno. Photo p.6 (pg 8, c3) | Varsity team (pg 7, c1) | Wilderness Resource distinguished lecture series, lecturer. (pg 10, c1) Basketball; Brose, Denise; Kellerman, Brian W.; Football - Awards, Gannett All-American team; Merriman, Sam; Proctor, William L.; Basketball, Women's; Wilderness resource distinguished lecture series; Student evaluation of teaching programs and teachers; Basketball; Football; Basketball; Frome, Michael; |
The Argonaut - December 3rd, 1982 | 1982-12-03 |
A.S.U.I. - supplied typewriters (pg 3, c4) | ASUI-Senate (pg 3, c1) | Crime (pg 2, c1) | Football - Awards, East-West Shrine All-Star game team selection (pg 15, c4) | Football - Big Sky All-American team (pg 15, c4) | Life Science building - addition (pg 2, c2) | MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan) (pg 13, c1) | NCAA division I-AA playoffs (pg 14, c1) | NCAA division I-AA playoffs (pg 15, c1) | Photography professor. Photo (pg 6, c1) | Play (pg 10, c1) | Quarterback, UI football team (pg 15, c4) | Roof suit (pg 3, c1) | University of Idaho Foundation (pg 11, c1) | University of Idaho vs. University of Washington. NCAA division I-AA playoffs (pg 14, c1) | Wilderness Resource distinguished lecture series, lecturer. Photo (pg 12, c1) A.S.U.I. - supplied typewriters; ASUI-Senate; Crime; Football - Awards, East-West Shrine All-Star game team selection; Football - Big Sky All-American team; Life Science building - addition; MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan); Football; Woolston, William P.; 13 Rue De L'Amour; Hobart, Ken; Kibbie Dome; University of Idaho Foundation; Football; Frome, Michael; |
The Argonaut - December 7th, 1982 | 1982-12-07 |
Accreditation (pg 1, c1) | Basketball player. Photo (pg 6, c3) | Basketball player. Photo only (pg 5, c4) | NCAA division I-AA playoffs (pg 7, c1) | Photo (pg 6, c1) | U of I vs. Eastern Kentucky State - NCAA playoffs (pg 7, c1) | UI vs. Lewis and Clark State. Photo (pg 6, c1) | Varsity team (pg 5, c1) | Varsity team vs. WSU. Photo (pg 5, c1) College of Education; Brose, Denise; McIntosh, Leslie Michele; Hopson, Phil; Football; Basketball, Women's; Football; Basketball, Women's; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - December 10th, 1982 | 1982-12-10 |
ASUI-Senators (pg 2, c3) | Basketball Player. Photo (pg 17, c1) | College of Forestry, Wildlife and Range Science (pg 1, c1) | Faculty council - Pre-registration committee (pg 1, c1) | Faculty council (pg 1, c1) | Faculty council (pg 1, c4) | Golf course tree (pg 3, c5) | Lecture notes program (pg 2, c1) | Quarterback, UI football team (pg 19, c1) | Ski team (pg 18, c5) | University of Idaho vs. University of Washington (pg 19, c1) | Varsity team vs. Eastern Washington State (pg 0, c1) | Varsity team vs. St. Martin's (pg 18, c1) | Women's swimming (pg 19, c1) ASUI-Senators; Arnold, Stanley Wayne; Sweeney, Joe Jr.; College of Forestry, Wildlife and Range Science; Faculty council - Pre-registration committee; Faculty council; Faculty council; Crime; Lecture notes program; Hobart, Ken; Ski team; Swimming; Basketball; Women's swimming; |