Argonaut Issues from 1955
Cover | Title | Date | Subjects |
The Argonaut - January 7th, 1955 | 1955-01-07 |
'Butch' WSC mascot (pg 1, c3) | ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c7) | Buildings and grounds (pg 2, c5) | Crrokham, Judy (pg 1, c7) | Faculty, English Department, U of I (pg 1, c6) | Faculty, Professor of Biological Science (pg 1, c1) | Faculty, U of I English Department (pg 1, c6) | Fellowships (Borah foundation) (pg 1, c3) | Freshmen team vs. WSC freshmen (pg 4, c6) | Intramural sports (pg 4, c1) | Kruger, James (pg 1, c7) | Lecturer, Explorer (pg 3, c4) | Length of vocations (pg 1, c1) | Scholarships and Grants (pg 1, c1) | Scholarships and Grants (pg 3, c4) | Willis Sweet Hall (pg 4, c1) Butch' WSC mascot; ASUI-Executive Board; Mosman, J.W.; Crrokham, Judy; Bickham, Robert S.; Lorie, Donald G.; Blotner, Joseph L.; Fellowships (Borah foundation); Basketball; Intramural sports; Kruger, James; Victor, Paul E.; Length of vocations; Scholarships and grants; Scholarships and grants; Willis Sweet Hall; |
The Argonaut - January 11th, 1955 | 1955-01-11 |
Academic Council (pg 1, c3) | Ailor, Steward (pg 1, c2) | ASME (pg 3, c6) | ASUI general manager. Photo (pg 1, c1) | Captain of N.R.C.T.C. University of Idaho (pg 2, c5) | Faculty, History department, U of I (pg 2, c7) | Faculty, U of I, Dean of women (pg 2, c1) | Faculty. English Department. University of Idaho (pg 1, c5) | Faculty. Journalism. University of Idaho (pg 3, c4) | Freshmen team vs. WSC freshmen (pg 4, c7) | G.I. Bill (pg 2, c1) | Intrasquad meet (pg 4, c4) | Length of vocations (pg 1, c4) | Organist (pg 1, c7) | Organizational meet (pg 2, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 4, c4) | Scabbard and blade (pg 1, c3) | Sigma Delta Chi (pg 1, c4) | Sigma Xi (pg 2, c5) | U of I Dean of student affairs, Dean of men. Photo (pg 1, c1) | University Symphony orchestra (pg 1, c4) | Varsity team vs. University of Washington (pg 4, c1) | Volleyball - WRA (pg 2, c4) | Women's recreational Association (WRA) (pg 2, c4) Academic Council; Ailor, Steward; ASME; Mix, Gale; Thomas, Thomas C.; Greever, William S.; Carter, Louise; Sherman, Theodore; Price, Granville; Basketball; Veterans; Swimming; Length of vocations; Biggs, E. Power; Iron Angles Rod and Cycle club; Anderson Lee; Bakes, Bob; Davis, Terrell; Dickey, Eugene; Hinckley, Karen; Kleffner, Philip 'Flip'; Knodle, Jack; Lau, Reid; Parker, Jack; Saad, Jim; Trefren, Margaret; Buhler, Jay; Scabbard and blade; Sigma Delta Chi; Sigma Xi; Decker, Charles O.; University Symphony orchestra; Basketball; Volleyball - WRA; Women's recreational Association (WRA); |
The Argonaut - January 14th, 1955 | 1955-01-14 |
'I' Club (pg 4, c8) | Anderson Lee (pg 1, c7) | ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c1) | Debate - Inland Empire Junior College Debate tournament (pg 1, c7) | Director, Alumni Relations (pg 1, c6) | Edwards, Monte R. (pg 2, c7) | Eidam, George (pg 4, c8) | Faculty, History department, U of I (pg 1, c7) | Faculty, U of I professor of Art (pg 1, c4) | Founders day (pg 1, c6) | Institute of European Studies (pg 1, c7) | International House (pg 2, c3) | Intramural sports (pg 4, c1) | Intramural sports (pg 4, c5) | Invitational meets (pg 4, c7) | Jones, Ingrid (pg 1, c7) | KUOI (pg 3, c8) | National Academy of Broadcasting (pg 2, c6) | Organist (pg 1, c2) | Pacific Coast conference (pg 4, c3) | Pianist (pg 1, c6) | Scandinavian Seminar for Cultural Studies (pg 2, c5) | University of Idaho Board of Regents (pg 1, c4) | University of Idaho vs. EWCE (pg 4, c5) I' Club; Anderson Lee; ASUI-Executive Board; Debate - Inland Empire Junior College Debate tournament; Lyle, James; Edwards, Monte R.; Eidam, George; Greever, William S.; Dunn, Alfred; Founders day; Institute of European Studies; International House; Intramural sports; Intramural sports; Skiing; Jones, Ingrid; KUOI; Scholarships; Biggs, E. Power; Pacific Coast conference; Janis, Byron; Scholarships; University of Idaho Board of Regents; Swimming; |
The Argonaut - January 18th, 1955 | 1955-01-18 |
Alumni (pg 1, c4) | Associated electrical engineers club (pg 1, c6) | ASUI-Social coordination council (pg 1, c2) | Betts, Daryl (pg 2, c6) | Buhler, Jay (pg 4, c5) | Campus chest (pg 1, c4) | Cosmopolitan Club (pg 1, c3) | Debate - Inland Empire Junior College Debate tournament (pg 1, c1) | Education honorary (pg 3, c6) | Foreign student (pg 1, c3) | French House (pg 1, c8) | Gifts to University of Idaho (pg 1, c1) | Gualt-Upham Hall (pg 1, c8) | Guy, James Douglas C. (pg 1, c1) | Kruger, James (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 4, c1) | Photo (pg 4, c6) | Popma, Ann (pg 1, c6) | R.O.T.C. (pg 1, c3) | Scholarships and Grants (pg 3, c3) | University of Idaho (pg 1, c3) | University of Idaho vs. EWCE (pg 4, c6) | Varsity team vs. University of Oregon, Eugene (pg 4, c3) Alumni; Associated electrical engineers club; ASUI-Social coordination council; Betts, Daryl; Buhler, Jay; Campus chest; Cosmopolitan Club; Debate - Inland Empire Junior College Debate tournament; Kappa Delta Pi; Stavik, Olaf; French House; Gifts to University of Idaho; Gualt-Upham Hall; Guy, James Douglas C.; Kruger, James; Buhler, Jay; Melton, Harlan 'Lefty'; Popma, Ann; R.O.T.C.; Scholarships and grants; Scholarships; Swimming; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - January 21st, 1955 | 1955-01-21 |
Alpha Chi Omega (pg 1, c3) | Anderson Lee (pg 1, c1) | Bacon, Cherie (pg 1, c3) | Bowling, Intramural (pg 4, c1) | Compton, Allen (pg 1, c3) | Debate, Intramural (pg 1, c3) | Delta Tau Delta (pg 1, c3) | Faculty, Political Science (pg 1, c2) | Intramural (pg 4, c1) | John I. Hillman (pg 1, c8) | Kenworthy, Milburn (pg 2, c6) | Kerns, Claudette (pg 1, c3) | Lawrence, Don (pg 1, c3) | Mortar Board (pg 1, c3) | Ridenbaugh Hall (pg 1, c3) | Scholarships (pg 2, c1) | Snow sculpture (pg 1, c8) | Student facilities fee (pg 1, c3) | University of Idaho vs. Montana (pg 4, c6) | Vocation (pg 1, c4) Alpha Chi Omega; Anderson Lee; Bacon, Cherie; Bowling, Intramural; Compton, Allen; Debate, Intramural; Delta Tau Delta; Borning, Bernard C.; Basketball; Scholarships; Kenworthy, Milburn; Kerns, Claudette; Lawrence, Don; Mortar Board; Ridenbaugh Hall; Scholarships; Snow sculpture; Student facilities fee; Swimming; Vocation; |
The Argonaut - February 1st, 1955 | 1955-02-01 |
Assistant irrigationist (pg 1, c4) | Basketball (pg 4, c3) | Bell, Roscoe Earnest (pg 3, c1) | Bowling, Intramural (pg 4, c6) | Buildings and grounds (pg 3, c3) | Corless, Joe (pg 3, c2) | Department of Agriculture. University of Idaho (pg 2, c5) | Enrollment - University of Idaho (pg 1, c7) | Faculty, U of I College of Mines (pg 1, c4) | Faculty, U of I Physical Education department. Photo (pg 4, c3) | Faculty. Architecture. University of Idaho (pg 3, c5) | Invitational meets (pg 4, c8) | Kappa Gamma (pg 3, c6) | Kappa Kappa Gamma (pg 3, c6) | Morrison, Lawrence (pg 2, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | Professional fraternity in education (pg 2, c5) | Scholarships and Grants (pg 1, c4) | Sponsored by the Intercollegiate Knights (pg 1, c3) | Stahley, J. Neil (Skip) (pg 4, c1) | University of Idaho Board of Regents (pg 1, c4) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College (pg 4, c1) McMaster, Galen M.; Bauscher, Bill; Bell, Roscoe Earnest; Bowling, Intramural; Buildings and grounds; Corless, Joe; Winner, H.A.; Enrollment - University of Idaho; Dotson, Jay Carrith; Boyle, L.J. (Packey); Prichard, Theodore J.; Skiing; Scholarships; Kappa Kappa Gamma; Morrison, Lawrence; Spring registration; Phi Delta Kappa; Scholarships and grants; Book Exchange; Stahley, J. Neil (Skip); University of Idaho Board of Regents; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - February 4th, 1955 | 1955-02-04 |
Associated Women Students (pg 1, c6) | ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c3) | Brede, Ruth Irene (pg 2, c4) | Cosmopolitan Club (pg 3, c7) | Dalke, Art (pg 3, c3) | Department of Mining (pg 1, c6) | FREM (pg 2, c5) | Gustafson, Patti (pg 1, c3) | International Farm Exchange student to the Far East. Photo (pg 1, c3) | KUOI (pg 1, c2) | Olson, Lou Ann (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Querna, Jane McClaren (pg 1, c4) | Religions emphasis week (pg 1, c2) | Sponsored by the Intercollegiate Knights (pg 1, c4) | Stahley, J. Neil (Skip) (pg 4, c5) | University of Idaho Board of Regents (pg 3, c2) | Varsity team vs. Oregon State College, Corvallis (pg 4, c2) Associated Women Students; ASUI-Executive Board; Brede, Ruth Irene; Cosmopolitan Club; Dalke, Art; Department of Mining; FREM; Gustafson, Patti; Misner, Art; KUOI; Olson, Lou Ann; Duffy, Bud; Hansen, Dale; Krueger, Ken; Nelson, Nan; Newman, Dewey; Reeb, Allen; Thompson, Dennis; Molstead, Joyce; Puls, Winnie Lou; Querna, Jane McClaren; Religions emphasis week; Book Exchange; Stahley, J. Neil (Skip); University of Idaho Board of Regents; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - February 8th, 1955 | 1955-02-08 |
American Institute of Electronic Engineers (pg 2, c3) | Bahr, John (pg 1, c8) | Blue Key -Talent show (pg 1, c4) | Enrollment - University of Idaho (pg 1, c6) | Faculty, Department of Physical Education, U of I (pg 3, c8) | Faculty, Political Science (pg 2, c7) | Faculty. Professor of Music. University of Idaho (pg 1, c8) | Freshman team vs. EWCE (Eastern Washington College of Education) (pg 4, c6) | Intramural (pg 4, c1) | Law, Lucy (pg 3, c5) | Metropolitan Opera BASSO. Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 4, c7) | Professor of Physical Education, U of I (pg 1, c3) | R.O.T.C. (pg 2, c3) | Religions emphasis week (pg 1, c2) | Scabbard and blade (pg 1, c1) | Varsity team vs. Oregon State College, Corvallis (pg 4, c3) American Institute of Electronic Engineers; Bahr, John; Blue Key -Talent show; Enrollment - University of Idaho; Greene, Leon G.; Borning, Bernard C.; Schwartz, Elwyn; Basketball; Law, Lucy; Hines, Jerome; Miller, Ray; Melton, Harlan 'Lefty'; Betts, Edith; R.O.T.C.; Religions emphasis week; Scabbard and blade; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - February 11th, 1955 | 1955-02-11 |
'Lute Song' - ASUI play (pg 1, c3) | ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c1) | Basketball (pg 6, c3) | Blood drive (pg 1, c4) | Blue key (pg 3, c4) | Campus chest (pg 1, c2) | Campus chest (pg 1, c8) | Cosmopolitan Club (pg 1, c6) | Department of Agriculture. University of Idaho (pg 3, c6) | Enrollment - University of Idaho (pg 1, c2) | Faculty, Department of Agriculture, U of I (pg 4, c6) | Faculty. Department of Agriculture (pg 4, c6) | Faculty. Department of Agriculture. University of Idaho (pg 4, c6) | Garvens, Elfriede (pg 3, c5) | Gifts to University of Idaho (pg 4, c1) | Hearn, Jim (pg 1, c3) | Institute of International Education (pg 1, c3) | Institute of International Education (pg 6, c3) | Invitational meets (pg 6, c1) | Navy ROTC - Eagle and Anchor Society (pg 1, c3) | Pershing rifles (pg 2, c8) | Phi Alpha Delta (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 6, c3) | Religions emphasis week (pg 1, c4) | Sigma Xi (pg 3, c6) | The 4-H club (pg 3, c2) | University of Idaho (pg 5, c1) | University of Idaho vs. OSC (pg 6, c1) Lute Song' - ASUI play; ASUI-Executive Board; Bauscher, Bill; Blood drive; Blue key; Campus chest; Campus chest; Cosmopolitan Club; Winner, H.A.; Enrollment - University of Idaho; Keith, T.B.; Wiese, A.C.; Seely, C.I.; Garvens, Elfriede; Gifts to University of Idaho; Hearn, Jim; Institute of International Education; Institute of International Education; Skiing; Navy ROTC - Eagle and Anchor Society; Pershing rifles; Phi Alpha Delta; Melton, Harlan 'Lefty'; Religions emphasis week; Sigma Xi; The 4-H club; Scholarships; Swimming; |
The Argonaut - February 15th, 1955 | 1955-02-15 |
'Lute Song' - ASUI play (pg 1, c7) | ASME (pg 1, c3) | Blue key (pg 1, c3) | Campus chest (pg 3, c3) | International relations club (pg 1, c3) | KUOI (pg 1, c7) | Religions emphasis week (pg 1, c7) | Sather, Jim (pg 4, c4) | Speech-All Idaho tournament (pg 1, c1) | University of Idaho vs. OSC (pg 4, c7) | Varsity team vs. University of Oregon, Eugene (pg 4, c4) Lute Song' - ASUI play; ASME; Blue key; Campus chest; International relations club; KUOI; Religions emphasis week; Sather, Jim; Speech-All Idaho tournament; Swimming; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - February 18th, 1955 | 1955-02-18 |
'Lute Song' - ASUI play (pg 1, c1) | Buhler, Jay (pg 4, c2) | Campus chest (pg 1, c2) | Freedom week (pg 1, c7) | Freshman team vs. Brigham Young University (pg 4, c5) | International relations club (pg 1, c3) | Intramural sports (pg 4, c1) | Phi Delta Theta (pg 4, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 4, c3) | R.O.T.C. (pg 1, c6) | Registrar (pg 1, c0) | Religions emphasis week (pg 1, c3) | Skating rink (pg 1, c7) | Speech-All Idaho tournament (pg 1, c2) | Student recruitment (pg 1, c8) | Theta Sigma (pg 2, c6) | University of Idaho vs. University of Washington (pg 4, c3) | Varsity team vs. Oregon State College, Corvallis (pg 4, c6) | Varsity team vs. University of Oregon, Eugene (pg 4, c6) Lute Song' - ASUI play; Buhler, Jay; Campus chest; Freedom week; Basketball; International relations club; Intramural sports; Phi Delta Theta; Carlman, Bob; Cole, Dave; Cornell, Blaine; Finch, Jake; Gaskill, Dale; Gleason, Earl; Goeble, Carl; Harrison, Ken; Helle, Jack; Hoioos, Rod; Hook, John; Kautz, Ed; Kizer, Ralph; Laut, John; Literal, Arden; Meschko, John; Newell, Marvin; Olney, Warren; Olson, Bob; Olson, Jack; Pieper, Rex; Playfair, Bob; Preston, Pete; Price, Elwin; Schwab, Dick; Smith, Laralle; Twitchell, Forrest; Wallace, Bill; Wilson, Allan; Howard, Jim; R.O.T.C.; Dusault, Donald D.; Religions emphasis week; Skating rink; Speech-All Idaho tournament; Student recruitment; Theta Sigma; Swimming; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - February 22nd, 1955 | 1955-02-22 |
'I' Club (pg 4, c4) | 'Lute Song' - ASUI play (pg 1, c4) | American Institute of Architects (pg 1, c2) | American Institute of Electronic Engineers (pg 2, c3) | Blue Key -Talent show (pg 1, c3) | Campus chest (pg 1, c3) | Cosmopolitan Club (pg 1, c4) | Cosmopolitan Club (pg 2, c3) | Faculty. Music Department. University of Idaho (pg 1, c3) | Fellowships (pg 1, c7) | Frost, Darlene (pg 1, c6) | Future Farmers of America (pg 2, c2) | Gem of the Mountains (pg 2, c1) | Institute of International Education (pg 1, c7) | National Student's Association (NSA) (pg 1, c8) | Pershing rifles (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Religions emphasis week (pg 1, c1) | Speech-All Idaho tournament (pg 1, c8) | Spurs (pg 2, c7) | Varsity team vs. University of Washington (pg 4, c1) | Wilson, Clyde (pg 2, c2) | Women's recreational Association (WRA) (pg 2, c6) | Women's recreational Association (WRA) (pg 3, c7) I' Club; 'Lute Song' - ASUI play; American Institute of Architects; American Institute of Electronic Engineers; Blue Key -Talent show; Campus chest; Cosmopolitan Club; Cosmopolitan Club; Schuldt, Agnes E.; Fellowships; Frost, Darlene; Future Farmers of America; Gem of the Mountains; Institute of International Education; National Student's Association (NSA); Pershing rifles; Carter, Dorothy; Crrokham, Judy; Flomer, Judy; Kruger, James; Leek, Nancy; Newman, Dewey; Rathbun, Lois; Religions emphasis week; Speech-All Idaho tournament; Spurs; Basketball; Wilson, Clyde; Women's recreational Association (WRA); Women's recreational Association (WRA); |
The Argonaut - February 25th, 1955 | 1955-02-25 |
'Butch' WSC mascot (pg 1, c3) | 'Lute Song' - ASUI play (pg 1, c3) | Air Force ROTC (pg 2, c1) | Army ROTC (pg 2, c1) | Campus chest (pg 2, c5) | Campus chest (pg 5, c4) | Cockrill, Fred (pg 4, c1) | Faculty. Boxing coach. University of Idaho (pg 4, c2) | Faculty. Department of Social Science . Dean of Letters and Sciences. Photo (pg 1, c3) | Faculty. Forestry department. University of Idaho. Photo (pg 1, c3) | Faculty. University of Idaho. Photo (pg 1, c3) | Fellowships (pg 1, c1) | Foreign student, Ski team. Photo (pg 1, c3) | Foreign student. Photo (pg 1, c5) | Gymnastics - meets (pg 6, c2) | International relations club (pg 4, c3) | Intramural (pg 6, c7) | Iron Angles Rod and Cycle club (pg 3, c3) | Jones, Ricky (pg 1, c8) | McPherson, Del (pg 1, c1) | Parker, Jack (pg 1, c1) | Pershing rifles (pg 4, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c5) | Photo (pg 6, c1) | Photo (pg 6, c3) | Photo (pg 6, c6) | Radio - Television guild (pg 5, c7) | Religions emphasis week (pg 1, c1) | Sigma Delta Chi (pg 5, c3) | Ski run (on skyline drive) (pg 5, c2) | Spurs (pg 1, c7) | Student recruitment (pg 5, c6) | Student. Photo (pg 6, c3) Butch' WSC mascot; 'Lute Song' - ASUI play; Air Force ROTC; Army ROTC; Campus chest; Campus chest; Cockrill, Fred; Young, Frank; Martin, Boyd A.; Tisdale, W.E.; Tracy, Robert K.; Fellowships; Gagnum, Helge; Kamal, Abdul; Stavik, Olaf; Gymnastics - meets; International relations club; Basketball; Iron Angles Rod and Cycle club; Jones, Ricky; McPherson, Del; Parker, Jack; Pershing rifles; Bergstrom, Siv; Cabrera, Jose; Johnson, Thane; Spence, Sally; Thomas, Darlene; Buhler, Jay; Falash, Robert 'Bob'; Melton, Harlan 'Lefty'; Sather, Jim; Goold, Bob; Hill, Herb; Radio - Television guild; Religions emphasis week; Sigma Delta Chi; Ski run (on skyline drive); Spurs; Student recruitment; Monson, Don; |
The Argonaut - March 1st, 1955 | 1955-03-01 |
'Lute Song' - ASUI play (pg 1, c7) | 1956-57 ASUI vice president. Photo (pg 1, c3) | ASME (pg 2, c4) | Associated Foresters (pg 3, c3) | Borah Conference (pg 1, c3) | Campus chest (pg 1, c7) | Cosmopolitan Club (pg 1, c4) | Faculty, Languages, U of I (pg 3, c7) | Foreign student-ski team (pg 6, c4) | Gymnastics - meets (pg 4, c2) | Helle, Jack (pg 4, c2) | International Farm Exchange student to the Far East. Photo (pg 1, c3) | Johnson, Bill (pg 1, c1) | Jr. men's service honorary (pg 1, c2) | Junior prom (pg 2, c6) | KUOI (pg 3, c4) | Phi Delta Theta (pg 4, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 4, c2) | Photo (pg 4, c4) | Photo (pg 4, c5) | Snow sculpture (pg 1, c1) | Townsend, Jim (pg 1, c3) | Varsity team vs. University of Oregon, Eugene (pg 4, c3) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College (pg 4, c1) Lute Song' - ASUI play; Burrows, Fred; ASME; Associated Foresters; Borah Conference; Campus chest; Cosmopolitan Club; Kappler, Richard G.; Berggren, Eric; Gymnastics - meets; Helle, Jack; Misner, Art; Johnson, Bill; Blue key; Junior prom; KUOI; Phi Delta Theta; Spurs; Anderson, Terry; Asker, Gary; Axtell, Ken; Burke, Max; Campbell, Ross; Cummingham, Paul; Day, Mike; Hamilton, Hugh; Hogge, Dave; Jones, Marlin; Knodle, Jack; Longfellow, Sonny; Maloney, Ross; Manning, Chuck; Martin, Lee; Michel, Marv; Newman, Dewey; Nolan, jim; Peterson, Bob; Pietsch, Gary; Yost, Geroge; Yost, Nathan; Sullivan, John L.; Falash, Robert 'Bob'; Melton, Harlan 'Lefty'; Sather, Jim; Saad, Jim; Snow sculpture; Townsend, Jim; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - March 4th, 1955 | 1955-03-04 |
'Lute Song' - ASUI play (pg 1, c4) | 'Singing Sigs' (pg 2, c7) | Arnold Air Society (pg 1, c6) | Arnold Air Society (pg 3, c7) | Art student's club (pg 2, c6) | ASUI-Social coordination council (pg 2, c4) | Basketball (pg 4, c4) | Borah Conference (pg 1, c1) | Buhler, Jay (pg 4, c1) | Campus chest (pg 1, c7) | Captain of N.R.C.T.C. University of Idaho (pg 1, c2) | Cosmopolitan Club (pg 2, c5) | Debate - Linfield College Annual meet (pg 1, c6) | Faculty, Department of History, U of I (pg 1, c4) | Faculty, U of I professor of Geography (pg 1, c4) | Faculty. U of I (pg 2, c5) | Fellowships (pg 1, c8) | Hell Divers (pg 2, c7) | Hess, Burdett Evan (pg 4, c5) | Intramural (pg 4, c7) | Mayfield, Mrs. Darwin (pg 2, c5) | Meets (pg 4, c2) | Merrill, Roy (pg 1, c6) | Navy ROTC - Eagle and Anchor Society (pg 3, c7) | NCAA national finals (pg 1, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 4, c4) | Scabbard and blade (pg 3, c7) | Scholarships and Grants (pg 1, c8) | Snow sculpture (pg 1, c6) Lute Song' - ASUI play; 'Singing Sigs'; Arnold Air Society; Arnold Air Society; Attic club; ASUI-Social coordination council; Mitchell, Jack; Borah Conference; Buhler, Jay; Campus chest; Thomas, Thomas C.; Cosmopolitan Club; Debate - Linfield College Annual meet; Hause, E. Malcolm; Caldwell, Dr. Harry; Mayfield, Darwin; Fellowships; Hell Divers; Hess, Burdett Evan; Basketball; Mayfield, Mrs. Darwin; Swimming; Merrill, Roy; Navy ROTC - Eagle and Anchor Society; Skiing; 'Lute Song' - ASUI play; Buhler, Jay; Scabbard and blade; Scholarships and grants; Snow sculpture; |
The Argonaut - March 8th, 1955 | 1955-03-08 |
'I' Club (pg 4, c5) | 'Lute Song' - ASUI play (pg 1, c3) | Alpha Epsilon Delta (pg 3, c3) | Army ROTC (pg 1, c1) | Arnold Air Society (pg 2, c8) | ASUI play (pg 1, c3) | Beta Theta Pi (pg 1, c7) | Blue Key -Talent show (pg 1, c3) | Campus chest (pg 1, c7) | Campus club (pg 1, c4) | Debate - Linfield College Annual meet (pg 1, c1) | Delta Delta Delta (pg 1, c4) | Faculty. Head of Elementary education. University of Idaho (pg 2, c3) | Foreign student (pg 2, c7) | Foreign student-ski team (pg 4, c6) | Holt, Dean (pg 1, c1) | Hostetler, Glen (pg 2, c6) | Idaho Senator. Photo (pg 1, c4) | Intercollegiate Bridge tournament (pg 1, c8) | Interfraternity council (pg 1, c7) | Kappa Kappa Gamma (pg 1, c7) | Kruger, James (pg 1, c7) | KUOI (pg 3, c8) | McDevitt, Charles (pg 1, c1) | NCAA national finals (pg 4, c6) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 4, c3) | Pi Beta Phi (pg 3, c3) | Professional fraternity in education (pg 1, c6) | Scholarships and Grants (pg 2, c3) | Sigma Nu (pg 1, c7) | Snow sculpture (pg 1, c3) | Speech-All Idaho tournament (pg 1, c1) | Vandaleers (pg 1, c8) I' Club; 'Lute Song' - ASUI play; Alpha Epsilon Delta; Army ROTC; Arnold Air Society; 'An Inspector calls'; Beta Theta Pi; Blue Key -Talent show; Campus chest; Campus club; Debate - Linfield College Annual meet; Delta Delta Delta; Otto, Henry J.; Vimuktanandana, Pornchai; Berggren, Eric; Holt, Dean; Hostetler, Glen; Borah, William E.; Intercollegiate Bridge tournament; Interfraternity council; Kappa Kappa Gamma; Kruger, James; KUOI; McDevitt, Charles; Skiing; Alpha Tau Omega; Kappa Alpha Theta; Phi Kappa Tau; Swimming team; Pi Beta Phi; Phi Delta Kappa; Scholarships and grants; Sigma Nu; Snow sculpture; Speech-All Idaho tournament; Vandaleers; |
The Argonaut - March 11th, 1955 | 1955-03-11 |
Activities, limits on (pg 1, c6) | Air Force ROTC (pg 2, c4) | Art student's club (pg 2, c4) | Associated Women Students (pg 1, c4) | ASUI elections (pg 2, c6) | ASUI play (pg 2, c1) | ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c1) | ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c3) | Bartlett, Patty (pg 1, c6) | Basketball (pg 4, c4) | Basketball coach. Photo (pg 4, c4) | Basketball. Photo (pg 4, c4) | Blue Key -Talent show (pg 1, c3) | Borah Conference (pg 1, c4) | Buildings and grounds (pg 1, c2) | Campus chest (pg 1, c6) | Debate (pg 1, c3) | Fellowships (pg 1, c3) | Foreign student-ski team (pg 4, c2) | Freshman week (pg 2, c2) | Intercollegiate Knights (pg 1, c8) | McDevitt, Charles (pg 1, c7) | NCAA national finals (pg 4, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 4, c1) | Photo (pg 4, c4) | Sather, Jim (pg 4, c4) | Scholarships and Grants (pg 1, c3) | Skating rink (pg 1, c1) | The 4-H club (pg 3, c6) | Vandaleers (pg 2, c3) | Webb, Jay (pg 4, c4) | Women's 'I' club (pg 2, c1) Activities, limits on; Air Force ROTC; Attic club; Associated Women Students; Independent party; 'An Inspector calls'; ASUI-Executive Board; Bartlett, Patty; Basketball; Hodges, Harlan; Bauscher, Bill; Blue Key -Talent show; Borah Conference; Buildings and grounds; Campus chest; Debate; Fellowships; Berggren, Eric; Freshman week; Intercollegiate Knights; McDevitt, Charles; Skiing; Tate, Stanton; Melton, Harlan 'Lefty'; Falash, Robert 'Bob'; Hoots, Tom; Melton, Harlan 'Lefty'; Monson, Don; Shaw, Jim; Sullivan, John L.; Sather, Jim; Scholarships and grants; Skating rink; The 4-H club; Vandaleers; Webb, Jay; Women's 'I' club; |
The Argonaut - March 15th, 1955 | 1955-03-15 |
American Institute of Electronic Engineers (pg 2, c4) | Art student's club (pg 2, c5) | Bakes, Bob (pg 1, c1) | Bakes, Bob (pg 1, c3) | Baseball (pg 4, c1) | Bedke, Ernie (pg 1, c3) | Benfer, Nancy (pg 1, c1) | Benfer, Nancy (pg 1, c3) | Blue Key -Talent show (pg 1, c1) | Blue Key -Talent show (pg 1, c4) | Campus chest (pg 1, c1) | Football (pg 4, c8) | Freshman week (pg 1, c1) | Freshman week (pg 1, c2) | Fullbright (pg 1, c1) | Henderson, Rochelle (pg 1, c1) | Hurdstrom, Karen (Karin) (pg 1, c3) | International Tribal Association (pg 3, c3) | Intramural sports (pg 4, c6) | Jergenson, Keith (pg 1, c3) | Kappa Kappa Gamma (pg 1, c1) | Kleffner, Philip 'Flip' (pg 4, c1) | KUOI (pg 2, c6) | Lister, Twink (pg 1, c1) | Lister, Twink (pg 1, c3) | McDevitt, Charles (pg 1, c3) | Miller, Ray (pg 1, c3) | Milton, John (pg 1, c1) | Nelson, Marigay (pg 1, c1) | Nelson, Marigay (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Scholarships and Grants (pg 1, c7) | Skating rink (pg 1, c8) | Tate, Stanton (pg 1, c3) American Institute of Electronic Engineers; Attic club; Bakes, Bob; Bakes, Bob; Baseball; Bedke, Ernie; Benfer, Nancy; Benfer, Nancy; Blue Key -Talent show; Blue Key -Talent show; Campus chest; Football; Freshman week; Freshman week; Scholarships; Henderson, Rochelle; Hurdstrom, Karen (Karin); Scholarships; Intramural sports; Jergenson, Keith; Kappa Kappa Gamma; Kleffner, Philip 'Flip'; KUOI; Lister, Twink; Lister, Twink; McDevitt, Charles; Miller, Ray; Milton, John; Nelson, Marigay; Nelson, Marigay; Borah Conference; Scholarships and grants; Skating rink; Tate, Stanton; |
The Argonaut - March 18th, 1955 | 1955-03-18 |
1956-57 ASUI executive board. Photo (pg 1, c3) | American Association of University Women (pg 2, c5) | Army ROTC (pg 1, c8) | Associated Women Students (pg 1, c3) | ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c3) | Basketball (pg 4, c6) | Borah Conference (pg 1, c6) | Debate - U of I vs. University of London (pg 1, c4) | Fisher, Viola (pg 1, c2) | Hell Divers (pg 4, c7) | Holt, Dean (pg 1, c4) | International relations club (pg 1, c3) | KUOI (pg 1, c3) | McDevitt, Charles (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Swimming (pg 4, c6) | University of Idaho vs. Washington State College (pg 4, c1) | Vocation (pg 11, c2) Remsberg, Jane; American Association of University Women; Army ROTC; Associated Women Students; ASUI-Executive Board; Basketball; Borah Conference; Debate - vs. University of London; Fisher, Viola; Hell Divers; Holt, Dean; International relations club; KUOI; McDevitt, Charles; Campbell, Janet; Borley, Lester; Copeman, Jennifer; Swimming; Track; Vocation; |
The Argonaut - March 22nd, 1955 | 1955-03-22 |
Associated Women Students (pg 1, c2) | ASUI play (pg 1, c4) | Basketball coach (pg 4, c7) | Brown, Karen (pg 1, c8) | Delta, Gamma (pg 2, c5) | Faculty, U of I English Department (pg 1, c8) | Freshman week (pg 1, c8) | Gary, Wilbur (pg 1, c2) | Gary, Wilbur (pg 4, c2) | Howard Tour (pg 1, c2) | Idaho club (pg 4, c4) | Interfraternity ball (pg 1, c1) | Intramural sports (pg 4, c4) | Kappa Sigma (pg 4, c4) | KUOI (pg 2, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Pi Beta Phi (pg 2, c5) | Radio - Television guild (pg 3, c5) | Skating rink (pg 1, c6) | Song fest (pg 1, c3) | Sprague, Mrs. Paul W. (pg 1, c2) | Steel house (pg 3, c6) | Subia, Joe (pg 1, c8) | Third party (pg 1, c6) | Vandaleers (pg 1, c6) | Westergun, Knute (pg 1, c8) Associated Women Students; 'An Inspector calls'; Hodges, Harlan; Brown, Karen; Delta, Gamma; Blotner, Joseph L.; Freshman week; Gary, Wilbur; Gary, Wilbur; Howard Tour; Idaho club; Interfraternity ball; Intramural sports; Kappa Sigma; KUOI; Crrokham, Judy; Holmes, Gretchen; Tiegs, Barbara; Pi Beta Phi; Radio - Television guild; Skating rink; Song fest; Sprague, Mrs. Paul W.; Steel house; Subia, Joe; Third party; Vandaleers; Westergun, Knute; |
The Argonaut - March 25th, 1955 | 1955-03-25 |
Associated Women Students (pg 1, c4) | Borley, Lester (pg 1, c6) | Copeman, Jennifer (pg 1, c6) | Debate (pg 1, c3) | Debate (pg 1, c6) | Delta Sigma Phi (pg 1, c6) | Faculty, U of I, Assistant professor of Civil Engineering. Photo (pg 6, c4) | Foreign student (Ski team). Photo (pg 6, c4) | Foreign student, Ski team. Photo (pg 6, c4) | Foreign student. Photo (pg 6, c4) | High school. Photo (pg 3, c3) | Holt, Dean (pg 1, c3) | Holt, Dean (pg 1, c6) | Hutchison, Betty Lu (pg 2, c4) | Iron Angles Rod and Cycle club (pg 2, c7) | McDevitt, Charles (pg 1, c3) | McDevitt, Charles (pg 1, c6) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 3, c3) | Scabbard and blade (pg 1, c2) | Sigma Delta Chi (pg 3, c1) | Sigma Xi (pg 1, c2) | The Idaho Argonaut (pg 3, c4) | Theta Sigma (pg 3, c7) | Third party (pg 1, c1) | University of Idaho (pg 1, c2) | University singers (pg 1, c3) | Varsity team vs. Montana State College (pg 6, c2) Associated Women Students; Borley, Lester; Copeman, Jennifer; Debate; Debate; Delta Sigma Phi; Byers, Roland O.; Ullevalseter, Reidar; Gagnum, Helge; Ringheim, Byran; Annual journalism conference; Holt, Dean; Holt, Dean; Hutchison, Betty Lu; Iron Angles Rod and Cycle club; McDevitt, Charles; McDevitt, Charles; Armstrong, Clara; Hamilton, Joella; Benson, Lowell; Erickson, Clara; Fisher, Joan; Hammon, Lois; Hanson, Joyce; Livingston, Janice; Maurer, Marlene; Mokie, Joan; Nelson, Norma; Peery, Carol; Sorrell, Jackie; Spence, Kathy; Thorpe, Valene; Van Orman, Norene; Vanderwood, Gary; Wheeler, Janis; Wollan, Janet; Worlton, Tom; Scabbard and blade; Sigma Delta Chi; Sigma Xi; The Idaho Argonaut; Theta Sigma; Third party; Military Ball; University singers; Baseball; |
The Argonaut - March 29th, 1955 | 1955-03-29 |
Admission requirements and regulations (pg 1, c4) | American Institute of Electronic Engineers (pg 1, c5) | Arnold Air Society (pg 3, c4) | Associated Women Students (pg 1, c4) | ASUI play (pg 1, c6) | ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c7) | Cosmopolitan Club (pg 1, c3) | Debate - U of I vs. Montana School of Mines (pg 1, c3) | Extra curricular activities (pg 1, c4) | Faculty. Architecture. University of Idaho (pg 2, c1) | Hansel, Jim (pg 1, c0) | Interfraternity ball (pg 1, c3) | Intramural - Women (pg 1, c6) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Preferential voting (pg 1, c7) | Sigma Tau (pg 1, c8) | Skating rink (pg 1, c1) | Smith, Keith (pg 1, c8) | University of Idaho Board of Regents (pg 1, c8) | University singers (pg 1, c1) | Vandal flying club (pg 1, c7) Admission requirements and regulations; American Institute of Electronic Engineers; Arnold Air Society; Associated Women Students; 'An Inspector calls'; ASUI-Executive Board; Cosmopolitan Club; Debate - vs. Montana School of Mines; Extra curricular activities; Prichard, Theodore J.; Hansel, Jim; Interfraternity ball; Basketball; Popma, Ann; Preferential voting; Sigma Tau; Skating rink; Smith, Keith; University of Idaho Board of Regents; University singers; Vandal flying club; |
The Argonaut - April 1st, 1955 | 1955-04-01 |
Admission requirements and regulations (pg 4, c7) | Air Force ROTC (pg 1, c2) | Art student's club (pg 1, c8) | ASUI play. Photo (pg 1, c1) | ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c2) | Captain of N.R.C.T.C. University of Idaho (pg 1, c3) | Cosmopolitan Club (pg 1, c3) | Delta Sigma Phi (pg 5, c3) | Evans, Mary Ann (pg 1, c5) | Faculty, Department of Art, U of I (pg 4, c5) | Faculty. Department of Language (pg 4, c8) | Faculty. Language Department. University of Idaho (pg 4, c8) | Faculty. School of Music. U of I (pg 5, c7) | Intercollegiate Knights (pg 1, c3) | Interfraternity ball (pg 1, c4) | Phi Delta Theta (pg 6, c4) | Photo (pg 6, c5) | Preferential voting (pg 3, c1) | University singers (pg 4, c1) | University Symphony orchestra (pg 4, c1) | Vandaleers (pg 4, c2) | Vocation (pg 1, c7) | Willamette relays (pg 6, c1) Admission requirements and regulations; Air Force ROTC; Attic club; 'An Inspector calls'; ASUI-Executive Board; Thomas, Thomas C.; Cosmopolitan Club; Delta Sigma Phi; Evans, Mary Ann; Kirkwood, Mary; Wallace, William E.; Wolfe, Warren J.; MaCklin, Hall M.; Intercollegiate Knights; Interfraternity ball; Phi Delta Theta; Cycler, Michael; Emerine, Steve; Emerson, Ken; Faulkner, Jim; Foster, Tiny; McCullough, Larry; Turner, John; Preferential voting; University singers; University Symphony orchestra; Vandaleers; Vocation; Track; |
The Argonaut - April 5th, 1955 | 1955-04-05 |
Alpha Zeta (pg 4, c4) | Associated Foresters (pg 1, c8) | ASUI elections (pg 1, c1) | Debate (pg 1, c2) | Delta Sigma Phi dream girl (pg 1, c4) | Delta, Gamma (pg 4, c1) | Evans, Mary Ann (pg 1, c2) | Faculty, Department of Agriculture, U of I (pg 1, c4) | Faculty, Department of Agriculture. University of Idaho (pg 1, c4) | Faculty, Head of Dairy Science (pg 4, c3) | Faculty, Head of Mechanical Engineering, U of I (pg 1, c4) | Football (pg 6, c5) | Glades, Karl (pg 4, c7) | Kappa Alpha Theta (pg 1, c6) | Kerr, T.S. (pg 1, c4) | KUOI (pg 4, c5) | Little International (pg 4, c3) | Little International (pg 4, c7) | Pacific Coast conference (pg 6, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Preferential voting (pg 3, c1) | Russian student editors visit (pg 1, c6) | Social Science honorary (pg 3, c4) | Student government party (pg 1, c1) | Summer theater (pg 4, c1) | United party (pg 1, c1) | University of Idaho Board of Regents (pg 1, c4) | University of Idaho. First queen (pg 1, c8) | University singers (pg 1, c8) | Varsity team vs. Whitman College (pg 6, c1) | Willamette relays (pg 6, c7) | Women's recreational Association (WRA) (pg 4, c1) Alpha Zeta; Associated Foresters; Independent party; Debate; Delta Sigma Phi dream girl; Delta, Gamma; Evans, Mary Ann; Hungerford, Charles William; Rinehart, Edward F.; Fourt, D.L.; Gauss, H.F.; Football; Glades, Karl; Kappa Alpha Theta; Kerr, T.S.; KUOI; Little International; Pacific Coast conference; Library - New building (1957); Brown, Karen; Harworth, Gale; Lange, Jane; Roberts, Betty Jo; Vaagen, Vivian; Preferential voting; Russian student editors visit; Pi Gamma Mu; Student government party; Summer theater; United party; University of Idaho Board of Regents; Military Ball; University singers; Baseball; Track; Women's recreational Association (WRA); |
The Argonaut - April 15th, 1955 | 1955-04-15 |
Air Force ROTC (pg 5, c6) | Alpha Epsilon Delta (pg 4, c5) | ASUI elections (pg 1, c3) | ASUI executive board 1955-56 (pg 1, c2) | ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c3) | Bahr, John (pg 1, c2) | Bakes, Bob (pg 1, c1) | Burgher, Darwin (pg 5, c8) | Candidates. Photos (pg 1, c1) | Corbett, Jim (pg 1, c2) | Debate - Pacific Forensic League meets (pg 1, c4) | Dodle, Dick (pg 6, c1) | Duffy, Bud (pg 1, c2) | Eidam, George (pg 1, c2) | Eimers, Richard (pg 5, c5) | Faculty, Department of Sociology, U of I (pg 4, c3) | Football (pg 6, c6) | Fullbright (pg 2, c6) | Gaskins, Richard (Dick) (pg 1, c2) | Gillis, John (pg 1, c1) | Golf team (pg 6, c6) | International relations club conference (pg 2, c7) | Intramural softball (pg 6, c6) | Keith, Jody (pg 1, c1) | Kleffner, Philip 'Flip' (pg 6, c5) | Krauss, Karen Lee (pg 1, c2) | Kruger, James (pg 1, c2) | Little International (pg 1, c7) | Lynch, Jim (pg 1, c2) | McDevitt, Charles (pg 1, c1) | McPike, Roger (pg 1, c2) | Mix, John (pg 1, c2) | Newman, Dewey (pg 1, c2) | O'Callaghan, Mike (pg 1, c1) | Payne, John (pg 1, c2) | Phi Mu Alpha (pg 4, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c0) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Popma, Ann (pg 2, c7) | Preferential voting (pg 1, c7) | Rojan, Carol (pg 1, c2) | Russell, Jim (pg 1, c2) | Russian student editors visit (pg 4, c4) | Skating rink (pg 1, c7) | Spoerhase, Jim (pg 5, c5) | Stephens, Aubrey (pg 6, c1) | Tennis (pg 6, c4) | Thompson, Dennis (pg 1, c1) | Thornock, John (pg 1, c2) | Thorton, Marcia (pg 1, c2) | University concert band (pg 1, c4) | University of Idaho - Cost of attending (pg 2, c1) | University of Idaho Board of Regents (pg 1, c7) | University of Idaho Board of Regents (pg 3, c5) | University of Idaho vs. University of Oregon (pg 6, c2) | University of Idaho vs. University of Washington (pg 6, c1) | University of Idaho. Photo (pg 1, c3) | Varsity team vs. EWCE (EWSC) (pg 6, c6) | Varsity team vs. Lewiston Broncos (pg 6, c6) | Varsity team vs. Spokane Indians (pg 6, c4) | Varsity team vs. Whitworth (pg 6, c6) | Waring, Gail (pg 4, c1) | Warner, Tom (pg 1, c1) Air Force ROTC; Alpha Epsilon Delta; Student government party; Denny, Dick; ASUI-Executive Board; Bahr, John; Bakes, Bob; Burgher, Darwin; ASUI-Executive Board; Corbett, Jim; Debate - Pacific Forensic League meets; Dodle, Dick; Duffy, Bud; Eidam, George; Eimers, Richard; Harmsworth, Harry; Football; Scholarships; Gaskins, Richard (Dick); Gillis, John; Golf team; International relations club conference; Intramural softball; Keith, Jody; Kleffner, Philip 'Flip'; Krauss, Karen Lee; Kruger, James; Little International; Lynch, Jim; McDevitt, Charles; McPike, Roger; Mix, John; Newman, Dewey; O'Callaghan, Mike; Payne, John; Phi Mu Alpha; Warner, Tom; Saad, Jim; Campbell, Janet; Byrne, Shirley; Fox, Sheri; Horsman, Eleanor; Jensch, Marcia; Oberg, Susie; Popma, Ann; Preferential voting; Rojan, Carol; Russell, Jim; Russian student editors visit; Skating rink; Spoerhase, Jim; Stephens, Aubrey; Tennis; Thompson, Dennis; Thornock, John; Thorton, Marcia; University concert band; University of Idaho - Cost of attending; University of Idaho Board of Regents; University of Idaho Board of Regents; Track; Baseball; Military Ball; Baseball; Waring, Gail; Warner, Tom; |
The Argonaut - April 19th, 1955 | 1955-04-19 |
Adamson, Bob (pg 4, c4) | American Institute of Electronic Engineers (pg 1, c2) | Art student's club (pg 1, c2) | ASME (pg 1, c6) | ASUI elections (pg 1, c8) | ASUI elections (pg 3, c0) | ASUI executive board 1955-56. Photo (pg 1, c0) | ASUI president 1955-56 (pg 1, c7) | ASUI president 1955-56. Photo (pg 1, c0) | ASUI-Elections (pg 1, c0) | Candidate qualifications (pg 3, c0) | Debate - National Tournament at West Point (pg 1, c7) | Debate - Pacific Forensic League meets (pg 1, c1) | Freshmen team vs. WSC freshmen team (pg 4, c1) | Gillis, John (pg 1, c0) | Gymnastics (pg 4, c8) | Holt, Dean (pg 1, c7) | Intercollegiate Knights (pg 2, c3) | Leadership training conference (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c0) | Photo (pg 4, c1) | Photo (pg 4, c8) | Spurs (pg 2, c3) | Student government party (pg 1, c8) | United party (pg 1, c8) | University of Idaho vs. University of Oregon (pg 4, c8) | Vandaleers (pg 1, c2) Adamson, Bob; American Institute of Electronic Engineers; Attic club; ASME; Independent party; Independent party; Denny, Dick; McDevitt, Charles; McDevitt, Charles; ASUI-Elections; Student government party; United party; Debate - National Tournament at West Point; Debate - Pacific Forensic League meets; Baseball; Gillis, John; Gymnastics; Holt, Dean; Intercollegiate Knights; Leadership training conference; Bahr, John; Bakes, Bob; Campbell, Janet; Corbett, Jim; Duffy, Bud; Eidam, George; Gaskins, Richard (Dick); Keith, Jody; Krauss, Karen Lee; Kruger, James; Lynch, Jim; McPike, Roger; Mix, John; Newman, Dewey; O'Callaghan, Mike; Payne, John; Rojan, Carol; Russell, Jim; Saad, Jim; Thompson, Dennis; Thornock, John; Thorton, Marcia; Kleffner, Philip 'Flip'; Gourley, Louis; Spurs; Student government party; United party; Track; Vandaleers; |
The Argonaut - April 21st, 1955 | 1955-04-21 |
1956-57 ASUI president. Photo (pg 3, c3) | Arboretum (pg 1, c4) | Associated Foresters (pg 2, c1) | Associated Foresters (pg 2, c5) | Associated Foresters (pg 3, c8) | ASUI elections (pg 1, c6) | ASUI executive board 1955-56. Photo (pg 1, c4) | ASUI president 1955-56. Photo (pg 1, c4) | ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c5) | Basketball (pg 4, c1) | Buhler, Jay (pg 4, c1) | Debate - Pacific Forensic League meets (pg 3, c1) | Faculty. Architecture. University of Idaho (pg 3, c4) | Faculty. Department of Forestry. University of Idaho (pg 2, c4) | Forestry week (pg 2, c1) | Gaskins, Richard (Dick) (pg 1, c6) | Golf (pg 4, c6) | Gymnastics (pg 4, c1) | Intercollegiate Knights (pg 3, c3) | Kroush, Dixie (pg 3, c3) | Miller, Spencer R. (pg 3, c8) | Pershing rifles (pg 3, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c6) | Photo (pg 4, c1) | Sigma Gamma Epsilon (pg 3, c3) | Spurs (pg 3, c3) | Student government party (pg 1, c6) | Student government party (pg 4, c4) | United party (pg 1, c6) | University of Idaho vs. University of Washington (pg 4, c2) Weeks, Dick; Arboretum; Associated Foresters; Associated Foresters; Associated Foresters; Independent party; Denny, Dick; McDevitt, Charles; ASUI-Executive Board; Bauscher, Bill; Buhler, Jay; Debate - Pacific Forensic League meets; Prichard, Theodore J.; Shattuck, Charles Huston; Forestry week; Gaskins, Richard (Dick); Golf; Gymnastics; Intercollegiate Knights; Kroush, Dixie; Miller, Spencer R.; Pershing rifles; Eidam, George; Gaskins, Richard (Dick); Gillis, John; Krauss, Karen Lee; Newman, Dewey; O'Callaghan, Mike; Rojan, Carol; Thornock, John; Bakes, Bob; Saad, Jim; Monson, Don; Sigma Gamma Epsilon; Spurs; Student government party; Student government party; United party; Baseball; |
The Argonaut - April 22nd, 1955 | 1955-04-22 |
1956-57 ASUI president. Photo (pg 1, c6) | Alpha Zeta (pg 1, c6) | Alpha Zeta (pg 4, c2) | Art student's club (pg 1, c1) | ASUI president 1955-56 (pg 1, c1) | ASUI-Budget (pg 1, c3) | ASUI-Elections (pg 1, c1) | ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c8) | Cosmopolitan Club (pg 3, c6) | Debate - National Tournament at West Point (pg 1, c1) | Debate - Pacific Forensic League meets (pg 1, c3) | Delta, Gamma (pg 1, c6) | Faculty, U of I Dramatics (pg 1, c1) | Faculty, U of I professor of Geography (pg 1, c3) | Faculty. Department of Philosophy. University of Idaho (pg 2, c7) | Fellowships (U.S. Steel to Dr. Caldwell) (pg 1, c3) | Hell Divers (pg 6, c6) | Holmes, Gretchen (pg 1, c6) | Intercollegiate Knights (pg 1, c4) | Intramural softball (pg 6, c6) | Intramural sports (pg 6, c3) | K.R.L.C. (pg 4, c3) | KUOI (pg 1, c6) | Little International (pg 1, c6) | Phi Beta Kappa (pg 3, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Shoemaker, Denny (pg 6, c3) | Sigma Tau (pg 5, c1) | Summer theater (pg 1, c1) | Tennis (pg 6, c6) | Track. Photo (pg 6, c4) | U of I vs. WSC (pg 6, c4) | Vandaleers (pg 1, c3) Weeks, Dick; Alpha Zeta; Alpha Zeta; Attic club; McDevitt, Charles; ASUI-Budget; ASUI-Elections; ASUI-Executive Board; Cosmopolitan Club; Debate - National Tournament at West Point; Debate - Pacific Forensic League meets; Delta, Gamma; Collette, Jean; Caldwell, Dr. Harry; Moore, Edward C.; Fellowships (U.S. Steel to Dr. Caldwell); Hell Divers; Holmes, Gretchen; Intercollegiate Knights; Intramural softball; Intramural sports; K.R.L.C.; KUOI; Little International; Phi Beta Kappa; Holmes, Gretchen; Kroush, Dixie; Kuga, Tad; Little International; Shoemaker, Denny; Sigma Tau; Summer theater; Tennis; Church, Larry; Golf; Vandaleers; |
The Argonaut - April 26th, 1955 | 1955-04-26 |
Art student's club (pg 2, c5) | ASME (pg 1, c3) | ASUI-Constitution-Amendments and Revision (pg 2, c3) | ASUI-Elections (pg 1, c3) | Cosmopolitan Club (pg 3, c3) | Debate - National Tournament at West Point (pg 3, c3) | Delta Chi (pg 4, c5) | Freshmen team vs. WSC freshmen team (pg 4, c4) | Intramural softball (pg 1, c5) | Johnson, Thane (pg 1, c6) | K.R.L.C. (pg 1, c8) | Knodle, Jack (pg 1, c3) | Little International (pg 1, c1) | Living groups (pg 1, c7) | May fete (pg 1, c6) | New uniforms (pg 4, c6) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | President, University of Idaho. Photo (pg 1, c4) | Rodeo club (pg 4, c1) | Sharp, Duane (pg 1, c1) | Sigma Alpha Iota (pg 3, c3) | Sturgess, Virginia (pg 3, c3) | U of I faculty, Humanities Department (pg 3, c5) | U of I vs. WSC (pg 4, c2) | University of Idaho (pg 1, c1) | University of Idaho vs. University of Washington (pg 4, c2) | Vandaleers (pg 1, c4) | Willis Sweet Hall (pg 1, c6) Attic club; ASME; ASUI-Constitution-Amendments and Revision; ASUI-Elections; Cosmopolitan Club; Debate - National Tournament at West Point; Delta Chi; Baseball; Intramural softball; Johnson, Thane; K.R.L.C.; Knodle, Jack; Little International; Grade Averages; May fete; Baseball; Delta Sigma Phi dream girl; Kappa Alpha Theta; Roberts, Betty Jo; Theophilus, Donald R.; Vandal riders; Sharp, Duane; Sigma Alpha Iota; Sturgess, Virginia; Coe, Charles Norton; Golf; Military Ball; Baseball; Vandaleers; Willis Sweet Hall; |
The Argonaut - April 29th, 1955 | 1955-04-29 |
Andres, Cleora (pg 2, c7) | ASUI-Elections (pg 1, c4) | ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c8) | Dancing honorary (pg 3, c3) | Education honorary (pg 2, c7) | Faculty, Dean of Agriculture, U of I (pg 1, c8) | Faculty, Dean of Agriculture, U of I. Photo (pg 1, c4) | Faculty. Associate Director of Student Affairs (pg 2, c5) | Football (pg 4, c4) | Freshman orientation (pg 2, c5) | Intramural softball (pg 4, c1) | Junior prom (pg 1, c3) | Little International (pg 2, c3) | May fete (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Pietsch, Gary (pg 1, c6) | President, University of Idaho. Photo (pg 1, c4) | Sigma Alpha Epsilon (pg 4, c1) | Sigma Delta Chi (pg 1, c6) | Starr, Charles (pg 2, c3) | Summer theater (pg 1, c6) | Thompson, Dennis (pg 2, c5) | U of I vs. U of W (pg 4, c4) | University of Idaho (pg 1, c7) | University of Idaho Board of Regents (pg 1, c8) | University of Idaho vs. University of Washington (pg 4, c4) | University of Idaho vs. Whitman (pg 4, c4) | University of Idaho vs. Whitman (pg 4, c6) | Vandal flying club (pg 2, c4) | Varsity team vs. Oregon State College (pg 4, c1) | Varsity team vs. University of Oregon (pg 4, c1) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College (pg 4, c6) Andres, Cleora; ASUI-Elections; ASUI-Executive Board; Orchesis; Kappa Delta Pi; Kraus, J.E.; Kraus, J.E.; Wicks, Guy; Football; Freshman orientation; Intramural softball; Junior prom; Little International; May fete; Byrne, Shirley; Fox, Sheri; Horsman, Eleanor; Jensch, Marcia; Oberg, Susie; Pietsch, Gary; Theophilus, Donald R.; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Sigma Delta Chi; Starr, Charles; Summer theater; Thompson, Dennis; Golf; Military Ball; University of Idaho Board of Regents; Tennis; Track; Track; Vandal flying club; Baseball; |
The Argonaut - May 3rd, 1955 | 1955-05-03 |
Air Force ROTC (pg 3, c6) | Associated Foresters (pg 1, c4) | ASUI play (pg 1, c3) | Basketball (pg 1, c5) | Cox, Ray (pg 1, c8) | Education honorary (pg 2, c3) | ESTES vs. Shoup Case (pg 1, c8) | Faculty - University of Idaho Library (pg 2, c6) | Gem of the Mountains (pg 2, c7) | Goeble, Carl (pg 1, c4) | Interfraternity council (pg 1, c5) | Little International (pg 2, c1) | May fete (pg 1, c6) | National recognition (pg 2, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c5) | Scholarships and Grants (pg 2, c8) | Scott, Harvey (pg 1, c6) | Sigma Delta Chi (pg 1, c6) | Sigma Xi (pg 1, c7) | Song fest (pg 1, c1) | Starr, Charles (pg 2, c1) | Summer theater (pg 1, c3) | University of Idaho - Awards (pg 2, c6) | University of Idaho vs. University of Washington (pg 4, c2) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College (pg 4, c1) | West, Tom (pg 1, c5) | Williams, Fred (pg 1, c6) | Women journalism honorary (pg 2, c4) Air Force ROTC; Associated Foresters; 'The Moon is Blue'; Bauscher, Bill; Cox, Ray; Kappa Delta Pi; ESTES vs. Shoup Case; Webbert, Charles A.; Gem of the Mountains; Goeble, Carl; Interfraternity council; Little International; May fete; Theta Sigma; Hell Divers; Anderson, Kristine; Benfer, Nancy; Brewer, Barbara; Costello, Mary; Hall, Loyce; Pi Beta Phi; Pugh, Katherine 'Punky'; Scholarships and grants; Scott, Harvey; Sigma Delta Chi; Sigma Xi; Song fest; Starr, Charles; Summer theater; University of Idaho - Awards; Tennis; Baseball; West, Tom; Williams, Fred; Theta Sigma Phi; |
The Argonaut - May 6th, 1955 | 1955-05-06 |
Dancing honorary (pg 1, c6) | Daubert, Darrell (pg 2, c3) | ESTES vs. Shoup Case (pg 1, c3) | May fete (pg 1, c1) | Phi Beta Kappa (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 4, c6) | President, University of Idaho. Photo (pg 1, c4) | Song fest (pg 1, c7) | University of Idaho vs. Oregon State College (pg 2, c1) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College (pg 4, c4) Orchesis; Daubert, Darrell; ESTES vs. Shoup Case; May fete; Phi Beta Kappa; North Idaho College of Education; Hell Divers; Theophilus, Donald R.; Song fest; Track; Baseball; |
The Argonaut - May 10th, 1955 | 1955-05-10 |
Air Force ROTC (pg 1, c3) | Air Force ROTC (pg 2, c5) | Alpha Epsilon Delta (pg 2, c2) | Alpha Zeta (pg 1, c8) | Army ROTC (pg 2, c2) | ASME (pg 1, c2) | ASME (pg 1, c8) | ASME (pg 2, c1) | Associated Miners of U of I (pg 1, c2) | ASUI play (pg 1, c6) | Board and room rate (pg 1, c8) | Clara Armstrong. Photo (pg 1, c4) | Commencement speakers (pg 1, c4) | Cosmopolitan Club (pg 1, c1) | Cosmopolitan Club (pg 1, c4) | Cosmopolitan Club (pg 2, c4) | Faculty, Department of Music, U of I (pg 1, c1) | Faculty. Language Department. University of Idaho (pg 2, c3) | Fellowships (P.F.I.) (pg 2, c7) | Football (pg 4, c7) | Fullbright (pg 1, c5) | Gary, Wilbur (pg 4, c1) | Hargraves, Roy (pg 1, c6) | Hilgenberg, Cal (pg 4, c5) | Hostetler, Glen (pg 1, c2) | International House (pg 2, c4) | Intrasquad. Photo (pg 4, c5) | Madrigal singers (pg 1, c1) | Mcalister, Bob (pg 2, c7) | Modern Language Association (pg 2, c3) | Moore, W.N. (pg 2, c2) | O'Connell, Thomas B. (pg 1, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 4, c5) | Radio - Television guild (pg 1, c3) | Sigma Gamma Epsilon (pg 1, c2) | Summer theater (pg 1, c6) | Trefren, Margaret (pg 1, c7) | University of Idaho vs. Oregon State (pg 4, c3) | University of Idaho vs. Oregon State College (pg 4, c1) | University of Idaho vs. University of Oregon (pg 4, c3) | Varsity team vs. University of Oregon (pg 4, c5) Air Force ROTC; Alpha Epsilon Delta; Alpha Zeta; Army ROTC; ASME; ASME; ASME; Associated Miners of ; 'The Taming of the Shrew'; Dormitories; May queen; Commencement speakers; Cosmopolitan Club; Cosmopolitan Club; Cosmopolitan Club; Forney, Keith S.; Wolfe, Warren J.; Fellowships (P.F.I.); Football; Scholarships; Gary, Wilbur; Hargraves, Roy; Hilgenberg, Cal; Hostetler, Glen; International House; Football; Madrigal singers; Mcalister, Bob; Modern Language Association; Moore, W.N.; O'Connell, Thomas B.; Hinckley, Karen; Junior prom; May fete; Bittner, Ray; Resa, Eivind; Radio - Television guild; Sigma Gamma Epsilon; Summer theater; Trefren, Margaret; Tennis; Track; Tennis; Baseball; |
The Argonaut - May 13th, 1955 | 1955-05-13 |
Air Force ROTC (pg 1, c3) | American Society of Civil Engineers (pg 2, c4) | Cheer leaders (pg 1, c2) | Faculty, Mathematics, U of I (pg 3, c4) | Faculty, Track coach, U of I (pg 4, c6) | Faculty. English Department. U of I (pg 3, c4) | Faculty. English department. University of Idaho (pg 3, c4) | Faculty. University of Idaho (pg 3, c4) | Football (pg 4, c1) | Hargraves, Roy (pg 1, c1) | Intramural sports (pg 4, c1) | Junior prom (pg 1, c7) | Lewis-Clark Normal School (pg 2, c6) | Madrigal singers (pg 1, c2) | Rodeo club (pg 1, c3) | Sigma Chi (pg 1, c7) | Song fest (pg 1, c7) | Theta Sigma (pg 1, c8) | Track - University of Idaho (pg 4, c6) | University of Idaho - number (pg 1, c1) | University of Idaho Board of Regents (pg 3, c4) | University of Idaho vs. Washington State College (pg 4, c6) | University Symphony orchestra (pg 1, c6) | Varsity team vs. University of Oregon (pg 4, c1) Air Force ROTC; American Society of Civil Engineers; Cheer leaders; Jenkins, Ted R.; Jollie, Alma B.; Hiserman, Stanley J.; Milstead, John; Tolleson, Floyd C.; Cunkle, Charles H.; Football; Hargraves, Roy; Intramural sports; Junior prom; Lewis-Clark Normal School; Madrigal singers; Vandal riders; Sigma Chi; Song fest; Theta Sigma; Track - University of Idaho; Graduates; University of Idaho Board of Regents; Tennis; University Symphony orchestra; Baseball; |
The Argonaut - May 15th, 1955 | 1955-05-15 |
524 Bachelor and 113 Master degrees to be presented at 60th commencement; Argonaut has 91% readership; Olympics postponed; Commissions go to 42 in AFROTC; Grads to shine at concert; U. orchestra to perform; 32 men to get commissions; Frosh honorary elects Jan Wilms as new president; AWS schedules campus exchanges for coming year; 23 army men to get awards at inspection; Normal School ready to accept fall applications (p2); WSC, Whitman, and Idaho tie (p3); Gourley cops mile, two mile in Iron-Man performance (p4); Husky depth too strong as vandals lose 87-44 (p4); Zags get stroke win in college invitational (p4) Graduation; Awards; Commissions; AFROTC; Army; Navy; University orchestra; Debate; Football; Track and Field; Northern Division track meet; Inland Empire invitational; Golf; Horseshoes; Intramural Softball; Intramural Horseshoe |
The Argonaut - May 17th, 1955 | 1955-05-17 |
Air Force ROTC (pg 1, c3) | Chandler, Jerry (pg 1, c1) | Commencement - number graduating (pg 2, c1) | Freshmen team vs. WSC freshmen team (pg 4, c1) | Gem of the Mountains (pg 1, c1) | Golf (pg 4, c2) | Intramural softball (pg 4, c4) | KUOI (pg 1, c1) | Larson, Elwyn (pg 1, c7) | Phi Mu Alpha (pg 1, c8) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c6) | Pietsch, Gary (pg 1, c1) | Sigma Alpha Iota (pg 1, c8) | Steele, James (pg 1, c1) | Steele, James (pg 1, c4) | The Idaho Argonaut (pg 1, c1) | Theta Sigma (pg 1, c3) | University of Idaho - number (pg 2, c1) | Women journalism honorary (pg 1, c3) Air Force ROTC; Chandler, Jerry; Commencement - number graduating; Baseball; Gem of the Mountains; Golf; Intramural softball; KUOI; Larson, Elwyn; Phi Mu Alpha; Chandler, Jerry; Pietsch, Gary; Thornock, John; Pietsch, Gary; Sigma Alpha Iota; Steele, James; Steele, James; The Idaho Argonaut; Theta Sigma; Graduates; Theta Sigma Phi; |
The Argonaut - May 24th, 1955 | 1955-05-24 |
Alumni Office (pg 1, c1) | ASUI play (pg 1, c8) | Beer, George S. (pg 1, c2) | Cosmopolitan Club (pg 1, c4) | Delta Sigma Rho (pg 1, c8) | Foreign student (pg 2, c3) | Freshmen's scholastics honorary (pg 2, c2) | Fuller, Sandra (pg 1, c2) | Gillis, John (pg 1, c2) | Henderson Bernie (pg 1, c4) | Kerr, T.S. (pg 2, c5) | Knutson, Glen R. (pg 1, c2) | Phi Gamma Delta (pg 4, c4) | Photo (pg 5, c3) | Reeb, Allen (pg 1, c2) | Russell, Jim (pg 1, c4) | Sigma Tau (pg 2, c3) | Student union building (pg 2, c6) | Stump, Sharon (pg 1, c2) | Summer theater (pg 1, c8) | Wilson, Karen (pg 1, c2) Alumni Office; 'Ten Knights in a Bar-Room'; Beer, George S.; Cosmopolitan Club; Delta Sigma Rho; Muller-Karger, Frank; Phi Eta Sigma; Fuller, Sandra; Gillis, John; Henderson Bernie; Kerr, T.S.; Knutson, Glen R.; Phi Gamma Delta; Gillis, John; Reeb, Allen; Russell, Jim; Sigma Tau; Student union building; Stump, Sharon; Summer theater; Wilson, Karen; |
The Argonaut - May 27th, 1955 | 1955-05-27 |
Alpha Zeta (pg 1, c1) | Armstrong, Clara (pg 11, c0) | ASME (pg 3, c1) | ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c4) | ASUI-Pins (pg 3, c2) | Beta Epsilon Chi (pg 4, c5) | Bonham, Jane (pg 4, c3) | Brede, Ruth Irene (pg 2, c6) | Cheer leader dramatics. Photo (pg 6, c6) | Commencement speakers and Guests (pg 1, c6) | Debate (pg 3, c2) | Dickey, Eugene (pg 2, c8) | Doman, Ross (pg 3, c1) | Eric Railroad (pg 4, c4) | Faculty, Chemical Engineering, U of I (pg 4, c7) | Faculty, Head of Mechanical Engineering, U of I (pg 2, c7) | Gifts to University of Idaho (pg 3, c3) | Gifts to University of Idaho (pg 4, c3) | Gotsch, Hans (pg 5, c8) | Henriksson, Sonia (pg 11, c0) | Hurdstrom, Karen (Karin) (pg 1, c4) | Independent caucus (pg 3, c4) | Intramural (pg 6, c6) | Mortensen, Glen (pg 3, c4) | National Forestry honorary (pg 5, c7) | Navy ROTC (pg 2, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c6) | Photo (pg 10, c0) | Photo (pg 113, c6) | Photo (pg 13, c0) | Photo (pg 13, c6) | Photo (pg 3, c1) | Photo (pg 4, c3) | Photo (pg 6, c1) | Photo (pg 6, c4) | Photo (pg 6, c6) | Photo (pg 7, c1) | Querna, Jane McClaren (pg 1, c6) | Roberts, Betty Jo (pg 11, c0) | Rodeo club (pg 6, c8) | Scholarships and Grants (pg 4, c2) | Spurs (pg 4, c3) | Steward, Marilyn (pg 11, c0) | University of Idaho - Expansion (pg 1, c3) | Warner, Karen (pg 11, c0) | Willis Sweet Hall (pg 1, c8) | Women journalism honorary (pg 1, c6) | Women journalism honorary (pg 5, c3) | Wood, Arlene (pg 11, c0) | Zapp, Carol Ann (pg 11, c0) Alpha Zeta; Armstrong, Clara; ASME; ASUI-Executive Board; ASUI-Pins; Beta Epsilon Chi; Bonham, Jane; Brede, Ruth Irene; Carlisle, Dale; Commencement speakers and Guests; Debate; Dickey, Eugene; Doman, Ross; Scholarships; Jobe, L.A.; Gauss, H.F.; Gifts to University of Idaho; Gifts to University of Idaho; Gotsch, Hans; Henriksson, Sonia; Hurdstrom, Karen (Karin); Independent caucus; Golf; Mortensen, Glen; Xi Sigma Pi; Navy ROTC; Lee, Nancy; Leek, Nancy; Williams, Linda; Gill, Lexie; Williams, Fred; Burns, Nancy; Hinckley, Karen; Holmes, Gretchen; Olson, Lou Ann; Payne, Freda; Warner, Barbara; Baseball, team; Hess, Burdett Evan; Intramural sports; Phi Delta Theta; Picnic area; University of Idaho - Campus; Golf team; Track - University of Idaho; Gary, Wilbur; Richards, Byron; Jones, Ricky; Querna, Jane McClaren; Roberts, Betty Jo; Vandal riders; Scholarships and grants; Spurs; Steward, Marilyn; University of Idaho - Expansion; Warner, Karen; Willis Sweet Hall; Theta Sigma Phi; Theta Sigma Phi; Wood, Arlene; Zapp, Carol Ann; |
The Argonaut - September 23rd, 1955 | 1955-09-23 |
'Don Juan in Hell (pg 1, c4) | 1st president, 1892-1897 (pg 3, c1) | Army ROTC (pg 4, c6) | ASUI executive board 1955-56. Photo (pg 5, c3) | ASUI president 1955-56. Photo (pg 1, c1) | Change of management (pg 3, c2) | Class of 1906 (pg 4, c4) | Enrollment - University of Idaho (pg 1, c7) | Faculty, Agriculture, U of I (pg 2, c3) | Faculty, Civil Engineering, U of I (pg 2, c3) | Faculty, Department of Physical Education, U of I (pg 3, c7) | Faculty, Entomology, U of I (pg 2, c3) | Faculty, U of I college of law (pg 7, c2) | Faculty, U of I mathematics (pg 2, c3) | Faculty, U of I physical education (pg 2, c3) | Faculty, U of I Political Science - Law. Photo (pg 1, c3) | Faculty, U of I Political science (pg 2, c3) | Faculty. Arts and Architecture. University of Idaho (pg 2, c3) | Faculty. Botany. University of Idaho (pg 2, c3) | Faculty. Civil Engineering. U of I (pg 2, c3) | Faculty. Civil Engineering. University of Idaho (pg 2, c3) | Faculty. Department of Social Science . Dean of Letters and Sciences (pg 3, c7) | Faculty. Department of Social Science .Appointed as Dean of Letters and Sciences (pg 4, c5) | Faculty. Music Department. University of Idaho (pg 2, c3) | Faculty. Secretarial studies (pg 2, c3) | Faculty. University of Idaho Civil Engineering (pg 2, c3) | Football team member (pg 8, c5) | French House (pg 3, c1) | Gault Hall (pg 3, c1) | Gault Hall (pg 3, c5) | Gem of the Mountains (pg 1, c2) | Hilder, Ed (pg 8, c4) | Homecoming (pg 1, c1) | Improvements (pg 7, c1) | Kuhns, Dwight M. (pg 2, c4) | Lewis-Clark Normal School (pg 4, c0) | Pep Band (pg 1, c7) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 3, c1) | Photo (pg 3, c4) | Photo (pg 3, c5) | Photo (pg 5, c3) | Photo (pg 7, c3) | Pietsch, Carol (pg 5, c3) | President, University of Idaho. Photo (pg 1, c8) | Rhodes (pg 4, c4) | Scholarships and Grants (pg 3, c3) | University of Idaho Board of Regents (pg 3, c3) | University of Idaho president, 1920-1928 (pg 3, c1) | University of Idaho vs. University of Washington (pg 8, c4) | Upham Hall (pg 3, c1) | Upham Hall (pg 3, c5) | Willis, Howard (pg 8, c4) | Young, Frank (pg 8, c7) Don Juan in Hell; Gault, Franklin B.; Army ROTC; Denny, Dick; McDevitt, Charles; Student union building; Foster, Carol H.; Enrollment - University of Idaho; Barlow, Kimber; Benow, W. Burnett; Greene, Leon G.; Gittins, Arthur R; Brockelbank, William J.; Amir-Moez, Ali; Falash, Tom; Dobbler, Clifford; Cross, Claud B.; Page, Clayton M.; O'Connell, Jesse E.; Mecham, James G.; Sibley, Earl A.; Martin, Boyd A.; Martin, Boyd A.; Morrison, Harry S., Jr.; Mainers, Geraldine; Taylor, Clifford A.; Football team member; French House; Gault Hall; Gault Hall; Gem of the Mountains; Hilder, Ed; Homecoming; The Bucket; Kuhns, Dwight M.; Lewis-Clark Normal School; Pep Band; Avery, Janice; Blick, Shirley; Bryne, Shirley; Campbell, Janet; Costello, Margaret; Ghiglieri, Sally; Hansen, Donna; Henry, Shirley; Judd, Lois; Meek, Mary Lin; Oberg, Susie; Popma, Ann; French House; Gault Hall; French House; ASUI-Executive Board; Eidam, George; Gaskins, Richard (Dick); Krauss, Karen Lee; Newman, Dewey; O'Callaghan, Mike; Thornock, John; Evans, Sandi; Hatch, Kim; Helander, Sharon; Zaltnik, Elaine; Pietsch, Carol; Theophilus, Donald R.; Scholarships; Scholarships and grants; University of Idaho Board of Regents; Upham, A.H. (Alfred); Football; Upham Hall; Upham Hall; Willis, Howard; Young, Frank; |
The Argonaut - September 27th, 1955 | 1955-09-27 |
Buildings and grounds (pg 4, c2) | Derr, Allen (pg 1, c6) | Edmundson, Clarence (Heck) (pg 1, c3) | Enrollment - University of Idaho (pg 1, c7) | Faculty, Plant Pathology, U of I (pg 1, c1) | Faculty, U of I Law (pg 1, c2) | Faculty, U of I professor of Art (pg 1, c2) | Faculty, U of I professor of Geography (pg 1, c1) | Faculty. Chairman of Speech. University of Idaho (pg 1, c1) | Faculty. Department of Agriculture Engineering (pg 3, c8) | Faculty. Department of Music. U of I (pg 1, c2) | Faculty. Plant pathology. University of Idaho (pg 1, c1) | Fall registration (pg 1, c7) | Fraternities and sorority rush (pg 2, c3) | Fraternities and sorority rush (pg 3, c1) | Fullbright (pg 2, c7) | Lewis-Clark Normal School (pg 1, c3) | New tennis courts (pg 4, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 4, c4) | Po-Ping Wong (pg 1, c1) | Rodeo club (pg 4, c2) | Sheppard, Richard (Dick) (pg 4, c6) | Tau Kappa Epsilon (TKE) (pg 1, c6) | Town Men's Association (pg 1, c3) | University of Idaho vs. University of Utah (pg 4, c1) | Vandal flying club (pg 2, c6) Buildings and grounds; Derr, Allen; Edmundson, Clarence (Heck); Enrollment - University of Idaho; Finley, Arthur M.; Bell, George M.; Dunn, Alfred; Caldwell, Dr. Harry; Whitehead, Albert Edward; Martin, James W.; Lockery, Glen R.; Raeder, J. M.; Raeder, J.; Fall registration; Fraternities and sorority rush; Fraternities and sorority rush; Scholarships; Lewis-Clark Normal School; New tennis courts; 'Don Juan in Hell; Walker, Wayne; Po-Ping Wong; Vandal riders; Sheppard, Richard (Dick); Tau Kappa Epsilon (TKE); Town Men's Association; Football; Vandal flying club; |
The Argonaut - September 30th, 1955 | 1955-09-30 |
Anderson Lee (pg 1, c3) | ASUI play (pg 1, c4) | Homecoming (pg 1, c6) | Improvements (pg 1, c7) | Intramural (pg 4, c1) | Intramural sports (pg 4, c1) | KUOI (pg 3, c3) | List of honoraries (Campus) (pg 2, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 4, c2) | Radio - Television guild (pg 3, c6) | Rodeo (Vandal riders) (pg 4, c7) | Rodeo club (pg 4, c7) | Skating rink (pg 1, c3) | Student deferment (pg 1, c1) | Town Men's Association (pg 3, c2) | Willis, Howard (pg 4, c4) | Women's recreational Association (WRA) (pg 4, c4) Anderson Lee; 'My sister Eileen'; Homecoming; The Bucket; Football; Intramural sports; KUOI; List of honoraries (Campus); 'Don Juan in Hell; Norby, Larry; Radio - Television guild; Rodeo (Vandal riders); Vandal riders; Skating rink; Selective service act; Town Men's Association; Willis, Howard; Women's recreational Association (WRA); |
The Argonaut - October 4th, 1955 | 1955-10-04 |
'Don Juan in Hell (pg 1, c8) | Consultant (pg 3, c7) | Cosmopolitan Club (pg 1, c8) | Department of Agriculture. University of Idaho (pg 2, c6) | Golf (pg 4, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c6) | Photo (pg 4, c3) | Public events speaker - Education (pg 1, c1) | Public events speaker - Education (pg 2, c3) | R.O.T.C. (pg 1, c4) | Team (pg 4, c1) | U of I vs. Arizona (pg 4, c3) | UI vs. College of Pacific (pg 4, c6) | University of Idaho graduate. Naval cadet (pg 2, c6) | Vandal flying club (pg 1, c4) Don Juan in Hell; Evenden, James C.; Cosmopolitan Club; Winner, H.A.; Golf; Homecoming; Baxter, Bill; Hutchins, Robert Maynard; Hutchins, Robert Maynard; R.O.T.C.; Track - Cross country; Football; Pierson, Jay T. Jr.; Vandal flying club; |
The Argonaut - October 7th, 1955 | 1955-10-07 |
Author (pg 1, c8) | French House (pg 3, c6) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Public events speaker - Education (pg 1, c1) | Public events speaker - music. Photo (pg 3, c1) | Radio - Television guild (pg 3, c3) | Rodeo club (pg 6, c5) | UI vs. College of Pacific (pg 6, c1) | Willis, Howard (pg 6, c4) Guthrie, A. B.; French House; Homecoming; Hutchins, Robert Maynard; Willson, Meredith; Radio - Television guild; Vandal riders; Football; Willis, Howard; |
The Argonaut - October 11th, 1955 | 1955-10-11 |
'My sister Eileen' (pg 1, c7) | Borah Foundation (pg 2, c7) | Enrollment - University of Idaho (pg 1, c4) | Football - Freshman (pg 4, c5) | French House (pg 1, c3) | Odham, Charles (pg 2, c7) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 4, c1) | Public events speaker - Education (pg 1, c2) | Public events speaker - music (pg 1, c5) | Sigma Delta Chi (pg 1, c8) | Sigma Xi (pg 3, c5) | UI vs. College of Pacific (pg 4, c1) My sister Eileen'; Borah Foundation; Enrollment - University of Idaho; Football - Freshman; French House; Odham, Charles; Homecoming; Hilder, Ed; Hutchins, Robert Maynard; Willson, Meredith; Sigma Delta Chi; Sigma Xi; Football; |
The Argonaut - October 14th, 1955 | 1955-10-14 |
'Inspirational Football Player Award' (pg 6, c3) | Football - Awards (pg 6, c3) | Football (pg 6, c2) | Football. Photo (pg 6, c4) | Football. Photo (pg 6, c7) | Hell Divers (pg 6, c7) | Music (pg 1, c6) | Photo (pg 6, c5) | Photo (pg 6, c6) | Public events speaker - music - Photo (pg 1, c3) | United Nations week (pg 1, c2) | University of Idaho vs. WSC (pg 1, c6) | University of Idaho vs. WSC (pg 6, c1) Edmundson, Clarence (Heck); Football - Awards; Aldrich, Larry; Jones, Marsh; Gerpheide, Pete; Hell Divers; Scholarships; Walker, Wayne; Willis, Howard; Willson, Meredith; United Nations week; Football; |
The Argonaut - October 18th, 1955 | 1955-10-18 |
'Inspirational Football Player Award'. Photo (pg 1, c4) | ASME (pg 3, c4) | Associated Women Students (pg 3, c4) | Blood drive (pg 1, c1) | Board of regents (pg 1, c1) | Cosmopolitan Club (pg 1, c4) | Dancing honorary (pg 3, c8) | Debate, Intramural (pg 1, c6) | International relations club (pg 1, c4) | Public events speaker - music (pg 1, c3) | Rodeo club (pg 4, c3) | Scholarships (pg 1, c7) | Senator form Idaho (pg 1, c7) | United Nations week (pg 1, c4) | University of Idaho vs. WSC. Photo (pg 1, c3) | University of Idaho vs. WSC. Photo (pg 4, c1) Edmundson, Clarence (Heck); ASME; Associated Women Students; Blood drive; Remsberg, John D.; Cosmopolitan Club; Orchesis; Debate, Intramural; International relations club; Willson, Meredith; Vandal riders; Scholarships; Welker, Herman; United Nations week; Football; |
The Argonaut - October 21st, 1955 | 1955-10-21 |
Arnold Air Society (pg 3, c3) | ASUI play (pg 1, c4) | Cosmopolitan Club (pg 1, c3) | Faculty, Physical Education, U of I. Photo (pg 1, c1) | Faculty, Professor of Business. Photo (pg 1, c6) | Fellowships (Woodrow Wilson) (pg 1, c6) | Home Economics - Guest lecture. Photo (pg 3, c4) | Intramural Tennis (pg 4, c6) | Intramural track (pg 4, c6) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 4, c1) | Photo (pg 4, c3) | R.O.T.C. (pg 1, c8) Arnold Air Society; 'My sister Eileen'; Cosmopolitan Club; Kirkland, Eric; Hart, Donald J. (Dean); Fellowships (Woodrow Wilson); Berry, Olive; Intramural Tennis; Turkey Trot; Red cross; Rodeo (Vandal riders); McCarty, Mickey; R.O.T.C.; |
The Argonaut - October 25th, 1955 | 1955-10-25 |
ASUI play. Photo (pg 1, c3) | Blood drive (pg 1, c6) | Field trip (pg 3, c2) | Intramural track (pg 4, c4) | Photo (pg 4, c1) | Riggers, Wilton (pg 4, c4) | U of I in Lewis-Clark league (pg 4, c2) | United party (pg 1, c1) My sister Eileen'; Blood drive; Department of Geology; Turkey Trot; McCarty, Mickey; Rodeo (Vandal riders); Riggers, Wilton; Golf; United party; |
The Argonaut - October 28th, 1955 | 1955-10-28 |
‘My sister Eileen’ will open tonight: curtain time at 8p.m. in univ. auditorium; Seven men learn fast Portuguese; 300-plus turned away from SUB as Vandals are drained for pint; Choices named by united, SG; Vandal vets name Riley first prexy; Speech ass’n is Idaho guest at conference; Walkers slow traffic, are fed at bitter end; Geology field trip takes many on all-day study (p2); Chamber of commerce hears Theophilus speak (p3); Weed control group to meet (p3); Sweden, USA differ in morals and dress (p4); Vandals shoot for high flying Ducks: Stahley plans extensive use of sophs at Eugene (p6); Four teams unbeaten in intramural football (p6) ASUI theater; Theater; Language; Blood drive; Class elections; Rodeo; AFROTC; Drug control; Football; Intramurals; Hockey; Swimming; Conference; Traffic; Geology |
The Argonaut - November 1st, 1955 | 1955-11-01 |
Alpha Chi Omega (pg 3, c3) | American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) (pg 1, c1) | American Institute of Electronic Engineers (pg 1, c1) | Associated Women Students (pg 1, c8) | ASUI drama production (pg 1, c8) | Basketball (pg 4, c3) | Boise civic symphony (pg 1, c6) | Dad's day (pg 1, c1) | Debate, Men's Intramural (pg 1, c7) | Dodd, Mrs. John Bruce (pg 3, c3) | Elections (pg 1, c7) | Faculty. Department of Social Science . Dean of Letters and Sciences (pg 3, c7) | Freshmen vs. University of Montana freshmen (pg 4, c7) | Gifts to College of Forestry (pg 3, c6) | Golf (pg 4, c4) | Huschke, Arma (pg 1, c6) | Nealey, Stanley M. (pg 2, c6) | Party raid - University of Oregon (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Social fraternity (pg 1, c4) | University of Idaho vs. University of Oregon (pg 4, c1) | Women's social fraternity. (pg 1, c4) Alpha Chi Omega; American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE); American Institute of Electronic Engineers; Associated Women Students; 'The House of Bernarda Alba'; Basketball; Boise civic symphony; Dad's day; Debate, Men's Intramural; Dodd, Mrs. John Bruce; Class officers; Martin, Boyd A.; Football; Gifts to College of Forestry; Golf; Huschke, Arma; Nealey, Stanley M.; Party raid - University of Oregon; Henriksson, Shirley; Delta Upsilon; Farm house; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Theta Chi; Football; Alpha Gamma Delta; |
The Argonaut - November 4th, 1955 | 1955-11-04 |
Alcohol (pg 1, c4) | ASUI drama production (pg 1, c6) | Dad's day (pg 1, c2) | Debate, Men's Intramural (pg 1, c2) | Debate, Women's Intramural (pg 1, c2) | Elections (pg 1, c6) | Faculty, Extension studies, U of I (pg 1, c6) | Football. Photo (pg 4, c5) | Freshmen vs. University of Washington freshmen (pg 4, c5) | Freshmen vs. WSC freshmen (pg 4, c5) | Intramural (pg 4, c3) | Public events speaker. Photo (pg 1, c7) | R.O.T.C. (pg 1, c4) | University of Idaho vs. Oregon State College (pg 4, c1) Alcohol; 'The House of Bernarda Alba'; Dad's day; Debate, Men's Intramural; Debate, Women's Intramural; Class officers; Barber, J.W.; Uglesich, Nick; Football; Lapp, Dr. Ralph E.; R.O.T.C.; Football; |
The Argonaut - November 8th, 1955 | 1955-11-08 |
Athletics. Photo (pg 4, c3) | Debate, Men's Intramural (pg 1, c1) | Football. Photo (pg 4, c5) | Freshmen vs. WSC freshmen (pg 4, c6) | Intramural (pg 4, c8) | Jr. men's service honorary (pg 3, c6) | Photo (pg 4, c4) | Public events speaker - Education (pg 1, c7) | Public events speaker (pg 1, c8) | Slates. Photos (pg 1, c2) | Women's recreational Association (WRA) (pg 4, c7) Braden, Ron; Debate, Men's Intramural; Kramer, jerry; Football; Blue key; Bittner, Ray; Hutchins, Robert Maynard; Lapp, Dr. Ralph E.; Class officers; Women's recreational Association (WRA); |
The Argonaut - November 11th, 1955 | 1955-11-11 |
1956-57 ASUI vice president (pg 5, c1) | Boy Scouts of America service fraternity (pg 2, c8) | Councils and Committees list (U of I) (pg 4, c1) | Dad's day (pg 1, c4) | Elections. Photos (pg 1, c1) | Football. Photo (pg 6, c4) | Football. Photo (pg 6, c8) | Freshmen vs. WSC freshmen (pg 6, c2) | Intramural sports (pg 6, c6) | Marines - Anniversary celebration (pg 1, c8) | McCoy, Oba (pg 5, c3) | National Student's Association (NSA) (pg 1, c4) | NATO scholarships (pg 5, c6) | Public events speaker (pg 1, c8) | Steele, James (pg 3, c8) | UI vs. Brigham Young University (pg 6, c1) Burrows, Fred; Alpha Phi Omega; Councils and Committees list (); Dad's day; Class officers; Harley, Warren; Jones, Marsh; Football; Intramural sports; Marines - Anniversary celebration; McCoy, Oba; National Student's Association (NSA); NATO scholarships; Lapp, Dr. Ralph E.; Steele, James; Football; |
The Argonaut - November 15th, 1955 | 1955-11-15 |
10th anniversary (pg 1, c2) | Advisory council (pg 2, c4) | Dad's day (pg 1, c8) | Freshmen vs. WSC freshmen. Photo (pg 4, c6) | Intramural Swimming (pg 4, c8) | National Student's Association (NSA) (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 4, c2) | Public events speaker (pg 1, c6) | UI vs. Brigham Young University (pg 4, c1) KUOI; Business Administration, College of; Dad's day; Football; Intramural Swimming; National Student's Association (NSA); Gary, Wilbur; Lapp, Dr. Ralph E.; Football; |
The Argonaut - November 18th, 1955 | 1955-11-18 |
ASUI drama production (pg 1, c2) | Cosmopolitan Club (pg 3, c2) | Dad's day (pg 1, c6) | Debate, Women's Intramural (pg 1, c2) | National Student's Association (NSA) (pg 5, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Production (pg 4, c1) | Public events speaker - Education (pg 1, c5) | Seniors. Photo (pg 6, c1) | Steele, James (pg 1, c6) | Swimming (pg 6, c7) | Team (pg 6, c7) | UI vs. Montana State University (pg 6, c1) | Vandal veterans (pg 1, c5) The House of Bernarda Alba'; Cosmopolitan Club; Dad's day; Debate, Women's Intramural; National Student's Association (NSA); KUOI; Radio - Television guild; Hutchins, Robert Maynard; Football; Steele, James; Swimming; Track - Cross country; Football; Veterans; |
The Argonaut - November 22nd, 1955 | 1955-11-22 |
Dad's day (pg 1, c1) | General Electric (pg 1, c2) | National Student's Association (NSA) (pg 1, c3) | Public events speaker - Education (pg 1, c3) | Scholarships (pg 3, c3) | Stubberud, Allen (pg 1, c2) | Traffic and safety committee (pg 1, c8) | UI vs. Montana State University (pg 4, c1) Dad's day; Scholarships; National Student's Association (NSA); Hutchins, Robert Maynard; Scholarships; Stubberud, Allen; Traffic and safety committee; Football; |
The Argonaut - November 29th, 1955 | 1955-11-29 |
ASUI drama production (pg 1, c4) | Boy Scouts of America service fraternity (pg 4, c6) | Freshmen team vs. Varsity team of UI (pg 6, c1) | Intramural volleyball (pg 6, c6) | National Student's Association (NSA) (pg 4, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c1) The House of Bernarda Alba'; Alpha Phi Omega; Basketball; Intramural volleyball; National Student's Association (NSA); Traffic and safety committee; |
The Argonaut - December 2nd, 1955 | 1955-12-02 |
ASUI drama production. Photo (pg 1, c7) | Construction (pg 1, c3) | Freshman team vs. Fairchild Air Force base (pg 4, c1) | Freshmen team vs. Varsity team of UI (pg 4, c3) | Intrasquad meet (pg 4, c7) | National Student's Association (NSA) (pg 1, c4) | Public events speaker - Education (pg 1, c2) | Varsity team vs. Montana State University, Bozeman (pg 4, c1) The House of Bernarda Alba'; Television center; Basketball; Swimming; National Student's Association (NSA); Hutchins, Robert Maynard; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - December 6th, 1955 | 1955-12-06 |
ASUI drama production. Photo (pg 1, c8) | Debate - Varsity team, WSC, Montana State University (pg 3, c8) | Faculty. Dean of Forestry. University of Idaho (pg 1, c6) | Freshman team vs. Fairchild Air Force base (pg 4, c1) | Intramural volleyball (pg 4, c6) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Public events speaker - Education (pg 1, c1) | Ski team (pg 4, c4) | Varsity team vs. Montana State University, Bozeman (pg 4, c1) The House of Bernarda Alba'; Debate - Varsity team, WSC, Montana State University; Wohletz, Earnest; Basketball; Intramural volleyball; Calendar Girl contest; Hutchins, Robert Maynard; Ski team; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - December 9th, 1955 | 1955-12-09 |
ASUI play (pg 1, c6) | Basketball coach. Photo (pg 6, c4) | French Universities (Methods explained) (pg 4, c1) | Freshman team vs. Boise Junior College (pg 6, c1) | Grant (pg 4, c1) | Holly Week (pg 1, c6) | Phi Delta Kappa (pg 4, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c6) | Professional fraternity in education (pg 4, c4) | Public events speaker - Education (pg 1, c3) | Varsity team vs. Montana State University, Bozeman (pg 6, c1) | Varsity team vs. Utah State College (pg 6, c1) Finian's Rainbow'; Hodges, Harlan; French Universities (Methods explained); Basketball; National Student's Association (NSA); Holly Week; Scholarships and grants; Holly Queen; Phi Delta Kappa; Hutchins, Robert Maynard; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - December 13th, 1955 | 1955-12-13 |
Freshman team vs. Boise Junior College. Photo (pg 4, c7) | Intramural volleyball (pg 4, c7) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | Public events speaker - Education (pg 1, c2) | Public events speaker - Education (pg 1, c7) | University of Idaho vs. WSC (pg 4, c1) | University policy (pg 1, c6) | Varsity team vs. Montana State University, Bozeman. Photo (pg 4, c1) | Varsity team vs. Utah State College. Photo (pg 4, c1) Basketball; Intramural volleyball; Holly Queen; Hutchins, Robert Maynard; Hutchins, Robert Maynard; Swimming; Fraternities, professional; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - December 16th, 1955 | 1955-12-16 |
Christmas candlelight concert (pg 1, c1) | Freshman team vs. Boise Junior College (pg 6, c1) | Gifts to University of Idaho (pg 4, c3) | Intramural volleyball (pg 4, c4) | Public events speaker - Education (pg 1, c7) | Statistics (pg 6, c3) | University women's drill team (pg 1, c1) | Varsity team vs. Dayton University (pg 6, c6) | Varsity team vs. University of Kentucky (pg 6, c6) | Water - University of Idaho's bad water (pg 1, c6) Vandaleers; Basketball; Gifts to University of Idaho; Intramural volleyball; Hutchins, Robert Maynard; Football; University women's drill team; Basketball; Water - University of Idaho's bad water; |
The Argonaut - December 20th, 1955 | 1955-12-20 |
Christmas candlelight concert (pg 1, c13) | Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (pg 2, c3) | Faculty, Professor of Business, U of I (pg 1, c2) | Prostenson, Ted (pg 2, c3) | Vandal Ski club (pg 4, c2) | Varsity team vs. University of Kentucky (pg 4, c1) | Varsity team vs. Washington University, St. Louis (pg 4, c1) Vandaleers; Hindle, Norman F.; Graue, Dr. Erwin; Prostenson, Ted; Vandal Ski club; Basketball; |