Argonaut Issues from 1948
Cover | Title | Date | Subjects |
The Argonaut - January 6th, 1948 | 1948-01-06 |
Board bill (pg 1, c8) | Librarian emeriti (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | University of Idaho vs. Pepper dine (pg 4, c0) | Varsity team vs. Brigham Young University (pg 4, c1) | Varsity team vs. Eastern Washington College of Ed., Cheney (pg 4, c1) | Varsity team vs. Gonzaga University (pg 1, c8) | Varsity team vs. Marshall College (pg 4, c1) | Varsity team vs. Montana State University, Bozeman (pg 4, c1) Dormitories; Sweet, M. Belle; Taufen, Cladyne; Basketball; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - January 9th, 1948 | 1948-01-09 |
ASUI-Constitution-Amendments and Revision (pg 1, c8) | Veterans (pg 1, c7) ASUI-Constitution-Amendments and Revision; Veterans; |
The Argonaut - January 13th, 1948 | 1948-01-13 |
'I' Club (pg 4, c2) | ASUI play. Photo (pg 1, c8) | Cooperative store for veterans (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c7) | Photo (pg 2, c4) | Varsity team vs. Oregon State College, Corvallis (pg 4, c1) I' Club; 'Uncle Tom's cabin'; Veterans; Bridge tournament; Gifts to University of Idaho; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - January 16th, 1948 | 1948-01-16 |
ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c8) | Construction (pg 1, c8) ASUI-Executive Board; Memorial gymnasium; |
The Argonaut - January 20th, 1948 | 1948-01-20 |
Debate (pg 1, c5) | Librarian. University of Idaho Library. Photo (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | University of Idaho vs. University of Washington (pg 3, c4) | Varsity team (pg 4, c2) Debate; Zimmerman, Lee F.; Brevick, Harold; Chess club; Swimming; Boxing; |
The Argonaut - January 23rd, 1948 | 1948-01-23 |
Board bill (pg 1, c8) | Photo (pg 4, c2) Dormitories; Diehl, Ted; |
The Argonaut - January 27th, 1948 | 1948-01-27 |
Fire. Photo (pg 1, c4) | Freshmen team vs. WSC freshmen (pg 4, c6) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Schedule (pg 4, c1) | Swimming (pg 4, c4) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College. Photo (pg 4, c3) Delta Chi; Basketball; Ferguson, Geneva; Football; Swimming; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - February 3rd, 1948 | 1948-02-03 |
Freshmen team vs. WSC freshmen (pg 4, c3) | Laboratories (pg 2, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c8) | Photo (pg 3, c3) | Rifle team (pg 4, c3) | Swimming team (pg 4, c2) | U of I president, 1946-1954. Photo (pg 1, c6) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College (pg 4, c1) Basketball; Laboratories; Spring registration; Kerr, T.S.; Rifle team; Swimming team; Buchanan, Jesse E.; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - February 6th, 1948 | 1948-02-06 |
Photo (pg 3, c4) | Veterans cooperative store (pg 1, c5) Phoenix, Jack; Veterans; |
The Argonaut - February 10th, 1948 | 1948-02-10 |
ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c8) | Debate (pg 4, c2) | Football team (pg 1, c8) | Freshman team vs. Boise Junior College (pg 4, c7) | Kerr, T.S. (pg 1, c3) | Memorial gymnasium (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 3, c3) | Ski team (pg 4, c3) | Varsity team vs. Gonzaga (pg 4, c5) | Varsity team vs. University of Oregon, Eugene. Photo (pg 4, c1) ASUI-Executive Board; Debate; Football team; Basketball; Kerr, T.S.; Memorial gymnasium; Farmer, Ralph; Ski team; Boxing; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - February 13th, 1948 | 1948-02-13 |
ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c6) | Freshmen team vs. North Idaho Junior College (pg 4, c6) | Freshmen team vs. WSC freshmen (pg 4, c6) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College. Photo (pg 4, c3) ASUI-Executive Board; Basketball; Spurs; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - February 17th, 1948 | 1948-02-17 |
Blue key (pg 1, c2) | Bollinger, Anne (pg 1, c5) | Boxing Plaque (pg 4, c3) | Ski team (pg 4, c7) | University of Idaho vs. OSC (pg 4, c3) | Varsity team vs. Oregon State College, Corvallis (pg 4, c1) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College (pg 4, c4) Blue key; Bollinger, Anne; Boxing Plaque; Ski team; Swimming; Basketball; Boxing; |
The Argonaut - February 20th, 1948 | 1948-02-20 |
ASUI (pg 1, c8) | Boxing Plaque (pg 4, c1) | Enrollment - University of Idaho (pg 1, c7) | Intercollegiate Knights (pg 4, c2) | Varsity team vs. Oregon State College, Corvallis (pg 4, c5) ASUI; Boxing Plaque; Enrollment - University of Idaho; Intercollegiate Knights; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - February 24th, 1948 | 1948-02-24 |
Gifts to library (pg 1, c5) | Summer faculty (pg 1, c4) | Swimming team (pg 4, c3) | Teacher-course rating plan (pg 1, c2) | Varsity team (pg 4, c3) | Varsity team vs. University of Washington (pg 4, c1) Gifts to library; Department of Music; Swimming team; Teacher-course rating plan; Boxing; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - February 27th, 1948 | 1948-02-27 |
Dean. College of Agriculture 1946-1954. Photo (pg 3, c3) | Freshmen team vs. Wallace Elks (pg 4, c6) | Varsity team vs. University of Washington (pg 4, c3) | Veterans' housing (pg 1, c6) Theophilus, Donald R.; Basketball; Veterans' housing; |
The Argonaut - March 2nd, 1948 | 1948-03-02 |
Gifts to University of Idaho (pg 1, c8) | Varsity team vs. Eastern Washington College of Education (Chenny) (pg 4, c4) Gifts to University of Idaho; Boxing; |
The Argonaut - March 5th, 1948 | 1948-03-05 |
Faculty. College of Law. University of Idaho. Photo (pg 3, c3) | KUOI (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c7) | Photo (pg 4, c1) Stimson, Edward S. (Dean); KUOI; Barton, J.W.; Geisler, Dick; |
The Argonaut - March 9th, 1948 | 1948-03-09 |
Boy Scouts of America service fraternity. Photo (pg 1, c4) | Pacific Northwest College Congress (pg 1, c8) | Varsity team vs. University of Washington (pg 4, c3) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College. Photo (pg 4, c1) Alpha Phi Omega; Pacific Northwest College Congress; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - March 12th, 1948 | 1948-03-12 |
Photo (pg 4, c3) | Varsity team. Photo (pg 4, c4) Titus, Darrell Earl; Boxing; |
The Argonaut - March 16th, 1948 | 1948-03-16 |
Gem of the Mountains (pg 1, c7) | Lemon, Allan C. (pg 1, c6) | Photo (pg 4, c4) Gem of the Mountains; Lemon, Allan C.; Carlson, Herb; |
The Argonaut - March 19th, 1948 | 1948-03-19 |
ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c8) | Faculty. Professor of Music. University of Idaho. Photo (pg 1, c2) | Johnson, Thane (pg 4, c3) | Varsity team (pg 4, c1) | Veterans' village (pg 1, c6) ASUI-Executive Board; Schwartz, Elwyn; Johnson, Thane; Boxing; Veterans' village; |
The Argonaut - March 23rd, 1948 | 1948-03-23 |
Dean of College of Engineering. Photo (pg 2, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | University of Idaho vs. Washington State College (pg 4, c1) | Varsity team vs. Gonzaga (pg 4, c3) Janssen, Allen S.; Gordon, Beverly; Track; Boxing; |
The Argonaut - April 1st, 1948 | 1948-04-01 |
The Idaho Argonaut - April fool issue (pg 0, c0) The Idaho Argonaut - April fool issue; |
The Argonaut - April 2nd, 1948 | 1948-04-02 |
ASUI-Constitution-Amendments and Revision (pg 1, c6) | Borah Outlawry of War Foundation (pg 2, c5) | Elections (pg 1, c8) | Junior week (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 4, c4) | Spring (pg 4, c6) | Varsity team vs. Whitman College (pg 4, c1) ASUI-Constitution-Amendments and Revision; Borah Outlawry of War Foundation; Associated Women Students; Junior week; Lattig, Max; Football; Baseball; |
The Argonaut - April 6th, 1948 | 1948-04-06 |
ASUI-Elections (pg 1, c8) | Bookstore, Student (pg 1, c2) | Borah Conference (pg 1, c8) | Gifts to University of Idaho (pg 3, c2) | National Collegiate Athletic Association meet. (pg 4, c1) | Tennis (pg 4, c5) | Varsity team vs. Bremerton Bluejacker (pg 4, c3) ASUI-Elections; Bookstore, Student; Borah Conference; Gifts to University of Idaho; Boxing; Tennis; Baseball; |
The Argonaut - April 9th, 1948 | 1948-04-09 |
ASUI-Constitution-Amendments and Revision (pg 1, c8) | Athletic Awards (pg 4, c1) | Scholarship rule changes (pg 1, c2) ASUI-Constitution-Amendments and Revision; Athletic Awards; Scholarship rule changes; |
The Argonaut - April 13th, 1948 | 1948-04-13 |
ASUI play. Photo (pg 1, c3) | Borah Conference (pg 1, c8) | Garber, Jan (pg 1, c6) | Photo (pg 4, c3) | Teacher-course rating plan (pg 1, c2) | Varsity team vs. Gonzaga (pg 4, c1) State of the Union'; Borah Conference; Garber, Jan; Couper, Charlie; Teacher-course rating plan; Baseball; |
The Argonaut - April 16th, 1948 | 1948-04-16 |
ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c8) | Photo (pg 1, c8) | Photo (pg 3, c4) ASUI-Executive Board; Borah Conference; Vandaleers; |
The Argonaut - April 20th, 1948 | 1948-04-20 |
ASUI-Constitution-Amendments and Revision (pg 4, c1) | Coaching staff, U of I. Photo (pg 5, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | U of I vs. U of Oregon (pg 5, c3) | University of Idaho vs. University of Washington (pg 5, c7) | University of Idaho vs. Washington State College (pg 5, c1) ASUI-Constitution-Amendments and Revision; Howell, Dixie; Little International; Golf; Baseball; Track; |
The Argonaut - April 23rd, 1948 | 1948-04-23 |
ASUI-Constitution-Amendments and Revision (pg 2, c3) | Bookstore, Student (pg 3, c3) | Little International (pg 1, c8) ASUI-Constitution-Amendments and Revision; Bookstore, Student; Little International; |
The Argonaut - April 27th, 1948 | 1948-04-27 |
ASUI-Constitution-Amendments and Revision (pg 2, c3) | Coaching staff, U of I (pg 1, c8) | Debate (pg 1, c3) | Faculty, School of Forestry, U of I (pg 3, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c5) | Sigma Xi (pg 1, c4) | U of I vs. U of W (pg 4, c8) | University of Idaho vs. Oregon State College (pg 4, c6) | University of Idaho vs. University of Montana (pg 4, c3) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College (pg 4, c1) ASUI-Constitution-Amendments and Revision; Howell, Dixie; Debate; Jeffers, D.S.; Sandmeyer, Ruth; Weeks, Dave; Taylor, John; Sigma Xi; Golf; Track; Tennis; Baseball; |
The Argonaut - April 30th, 1948 | 1948-04-30 |
ASUI-Constitution-Amendments and Revision (pg 4, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c8) ASUI-Constitution-Amendments and Revision; Weeks, Dave; |
The Argonaut - May 4th, 1948 | 1948-05-04 |
ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c8) | May fete (pg 1, c8) | Photo (pg 1, c12) | University of Idaho - Staff appointment (pg 1, c2) | Varsity team vs. University of Oregon (pg 4, c4) ASUI-Executive Board; May fete; Weigand, J.J.; University of Idaho - Staff appointment; Baseball; |
The Argonaut - May 7th, 1948 | 1948-05-07 |
Armstrong, Richard (Dick) (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c5) | University of Idaho - Cancer research (pg 2, c3) | Varsity team vs. Oregon State College (pg 4, c4) Armstrong, Richard (Dick); May queen; University of Idaho - Cancer research; Baseball; |
The Argonaut - May 11th, 1948 | 1948-05-11 |
Idaho Institute of Christian Education (pg 1, c2) | May fete (pg 1, c8) | Photo (pg 4, c3) | Spurs (pg 1, c5) | U of I vs. OSC (pg 4, c6) | University of Idaho vs. University of Washington (pg 4, c7) Idaho Institute of Christian Education; May fete; 'I' Club; Spurs; Golf; Track; |
The Argonaut - May 14th, 1948 | 1948-05-14 |
Intramural sports (pg 4, c6) | Phi Beta Kappa (pg 1, c8) | Photo (pg 3, c3) | Red and White Intrigued game. Photo (pg 4, c1) | Social fraternity. Photo (pg 1, c4) | U of I vs. WSC (pg 4, c3) Intramural sports; Phi Beta Kappa; Breier, Mary Jane; Football; Lambda Chi Alpha; Golf; |
The Argonaut - May 18th, 1948 | 1948-05-18 |
Agronomy building (pg 1, c2) | Faculty. Dean of Education. University of Idaho. Photo (pg 2, c5) | Grades and Honors (pg 1, c8) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c6) | U of I vs. Gonzaga (pg 4, c8) | University of Idaho vs. EWCE (pg 4, c3) | University of Idaho vs. University of Washington (pg 4, c1) | University of Idaho vs. University of Washington (pg 4, c5) Agronomy building; Weltzin, J.F.; Grades and Honors; Jones, Mary; ASUI-Executive Board; Whitney, Maxine; Golf; Track; Baseball; Tennis; |
The Argonaut - May 21st, 1948 | 1948-05-21 |
Fencing club (pg 4, c3) | Pacific Northwest College Congress (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | University of Idaho vs. University of Washington (pg 4, c1) Fencing club; Pacific Northwest College Congress; ASUI-Executive Board; Baseball; |
The Argonaut - May 25th, 1948 | 1948-05-25 |
Campus Humor magazine (pg 1, c2) | Commencement (pg 1, c8) | Intramural track (pg 6, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 5, c3) | Photos (pg 3, c1) | Senior week (pg 1, c2) BLOT; Commencement; Intramural track; Ingraham, Betty Jean; Sorensen, Bert; Horton, Joann; Campus life highlights; Senior week; |
The Argonaut - September 17th, 1948 | 1948-09-17 |
Board bill (pg 2, c1) | Campus traffic (pg 2, c5) | Faculty. Boxing coach. University of Idaho. Photo (pg 6, c3) | Fall registration (pg 1, c2) | Gifts to University of Idaho (pg 3, c4) | Photo (pg 8, c3) | Squad. Photo (pg 1, c3) | University of Idaho - Expansion (pg 1, c2) | University of Idaho - Staff appointment (pg 6, c1) | Varsity team (pg 8, c5) Dormitories; Campus traffic; Young, Frank; Fall registration; Gifts to University of Idaho; McFaul, Ed; Football; University of Idaho - Expansion; University of Idaho - Staff appointment; Boxing; |
The Argonaut - September 21st, 1948 | 1948-09-21 |
Department of Veterinary Science (pg 1, c5) | Faculty. Professor of Economics. School of Business Administration. University of Idaho (pg 2, c3) | Fall registration (pg 1, c8) | Killsgaard, Carl (pg 4, c1) | University of Idaho vs. Oregon State College (pg 4, c1) Department of Veterinary Science; Scheldrup, Sverre; Fall registration; Killsgaard, Carl; Football; |
The Argonaut - September 24th, 1948 | 1948-09-24 |
Diehl, Jerry (pg 4, c2) Diehl, Jerry; |
The Argonaut - September 28th, 1948 | 1948-09-28 |
ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c8) | Athletic field house (pg 1, c2) | Hatch, Jim (pg 4, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | University of Idaho vs. University of Utah (pg 4, c1) ASUI-Executive Board; Athletic field house; Hatch, Jim; Yell team; Football; |
The Argonaut - October 1st, 1948 | 1948-10-01 |
KUOI (pg 1, c4) | Paason, Ralph (pg 4, c1) | Photo (pg 3, c1) KUOI; Paason, Ralph; Davis, Ray; |
The Argonaut - October 5th, 1948 | 1948-10-05 |
Theis, Sam (pg 4, c3) | University of Idaho vs. UCLA (pg 4, c1) Theis, Sam; Football; |
The Argonaut - October 8th, 1948 | 1948-10-08 |
ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c4) | ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c8) | ASUI-Financial report (pg 5, c1) | Grades and Honors (pg 1, c2) | Homecoming (pg 1, c8) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c5) | Photo (pg 6, c2) ASUI-Executive Board; ASUI-Executive Board; ASUI-Financial report; Grades and Honors; Homecoming; Potvin, Gregory; Heinrich, Marilyn; Ballew, George; |
The Argonaut - October 12th, 1948 | 1948-10-12 |
Float contest winners. Photo (pg 1, c2) | Freshmen vs. WSC freshmen (pg 4, c3) | Photo (pg 4, c2) | University of Idaho vs. University of Oregon. Photo (pg 4, c1) | University of Idaho wins ten year plaque (pg 3, c4) Homecoming; Football; Overgaard, Wilford; Football; Pacific International Livestock Exhibition; |
The Argonaut - October 15th, 1948 | 1948-10-15 |
ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c4) | Faculty, UI coaching staff (pg 1, c3) | Teacher-course rating plan (pg 1, c3) | University of Idaho - Expansion (pg 1, c8) ASUI-Executive Board; Belko, Steve; Teacher-course rating plan; University of Idaho - Expansion; |
The Argonaut - October 19th, 1948 | 1948-10-19 |
ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c8) | Campus traffic (pg 1, c6) | Faculty, U of I History. Photo (pg 3, c3) | Freshmen vs. University of Washington freshmen (pg 4, c1) | Photo (pg 4, c3) ASUI-Executive Board; Campus traffic; Church, Frederick C.; Football; Diehl, Ted; |
The Argonaut - October 22nd, 1948 | 1948-10-22 |
Dad's day (pg 1, c8) | Enrollment - University of Idaho (pg 4, c3) | Intramural (pg 6, c3) | Peabody College Commission reports on the University of Idaho (pg 1, c7) | Trees, Tom (pg 6, c6) Dad's day; Enrollment - University of Idaho; Football; Peabody College Commission reports on the University of Idaho; Trees, Tom; |
The Argonaut - October 26th, 1948 | 1948-10-26 |
Freshman vs. Boise Junior college (pg 3, c3) | Photo (pg 4, c5) | University of Idaho vs. University of Montana. Photo (pg 4, c1) Football; Christensen, John; Football; |
The Argonaut - October 29th, 1948 | 1948-10-29 |
ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c8) | Elections (pg 1, c8) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 4, c3) ASUI-Executive Board; Class officers; Debate; Mays, Bob; |
The Argonaut - November 2nd, 1948 | 1948-11-02 |
Brown, John (pg 4, c3) | Debate (pg 1, c6) | Freshmen vs. WSC freshmen (pg 2, c3) | University of Idaho vs. WSC. Photo (pg 4, c1) Brown, John; Debate; Football; |
The Argonaut - November 5th, 1948 | 1948-11-05 |
KUOI (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 4, c3) KUOI; Chadband, Jim; |
The Argonaut - November 9th, 1948 | 1948-11-09 |
Joachim, Herman D. (pg 1, c6) | UI vs. Montana State University (pg 4, c1) | University of Idaho - Staff appointment (pg 1, c5) Joachim, Herman D.; Football; University of Idaho - Staff appointment; |
The Argonaut - November 12th, 1948 | 1948-11-12 |
University of Idaho vs. Washington State College. Photo (pg 2, c3) Track; |
The Argonaut - November 16th, 1948 | 1948-11-16 |
Planning for 1950 addition. Sketch (pg 1, c2) | University of Idaho vs. Portland University. Photo (pg 4, c1) Student union building; Football; |
The Argonaut - November 19th, 1948 | 1948-11-19 |
ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c2) | Burleigh, Thomas (pg 3, c3) | Freshman football. Photo (pg 4, c3) | Gem of the Mountains (pg 3, c3) | Ski team (pg 1, c2) ASUI-Executive Board; Burleigh, Thomas; Riley, Bud; Gem of the Mountains; Ski team; |
The Argonaut - November 23rd, 1948 | 1948-11-23 |
Boxing, Intramural (pg 1, c2) | University of Idaho vs. University of Washington (pg 4, c1) | Varsity team. Photo (pg 4, c3) Boxing, Intramural; Football; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - November 30th, 1948 | 1948-11-30 |
Batts, Robert E. (pg 1, c5) | Varsity team vs. Whitman College. Photo (pg 4, c1) Batts, Robert E.; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - December 2nd, 1948 | 1948-12-02 |
ASUI play. Photo (pg 1, c4) | Faculty, Basketball coach, U of I. Photo (pg 4, c3) | Holly Week (pg 1, c8) | Photo (pg 4, c6) | WAA (pg 3, c2) Family portrait'; Finley, Chuck; Holly Week; Gunnells, Gerry; WAA; |
The Argonaut - December 7th, 1948 | 1948-12-07 |
Faculty, Professor of Music, U of I. Photo (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 4, c3) | Varsity team vs. University of Utah (pg 4, c1) | Varsity team vs. Utah State College (pg 4, c1) Hosch, Kermit; Hogan, Betty; Rey, George; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - December 10th, 1948 | 1948-12-10 |
Freshman team vs. Gonzaga junior varsity (pg 4, c1) | Out-of-state students (pg 1, c5) | Varsity team vs. Gonzaga University (pg 1, c8) Basketball; Out-of-state students; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - December 14th, 1948 | 1948-12-14 |
Christmas candlelight concert (pg 1, c8) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 6, c1) | Photos (pg 4, c1) | Planning for 1950 addition. Sketch (pg 3, c1) | Schedule (pg 1, c2) | University of Idaho - Expansion (pg 5, c1) | University of Idaho - Expansion (pg 6, c5) | Varsity team vs. Whitman College. Photo (pg 8, c1) Vandaleers; Messerly, Lois; ASUI-Executive Board; Campus life highlights; Student union building; Football; University of Idaho - Expansion; University of Idaho - Expansion; Basketball; |