Argonaut 1943

Argonaut Issues from 1943

Cover Title Date Subjects
newspaper front page The Argonaut - January 7th, 1943 1943-01-07 Basketball (pg 4, c1) | Boxing (pg 4, c8) | Governor of Idaho. Photo (pg 1, c4) | Laboratories (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 4, c2) | Photo (pg 4, c4) | University expansion (pg 1, c2)
Basketball; Boxing; Bottolfsen, C.A.; Laboratories; Foster, James; Football; University expansion;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - January 14th, 1943 1943-01-14 ASUI-activity awards (pg 1, c5) | Basketball (pg 4, c1) | Boxing (pg 4, c5) | Favaro, Bernard (pg 3, c6) | Gifts to library (pg 3, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 3, c2) | Varsity team vs. University of Oregon, Eugene (pg 1, c8)
ASUI-activity awards; Basketball; Boxing; Favaro, Bernard; Gifts to library; Williams, Bill; Morse, Berta; Basketball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - January 21st, 1943 1943-01-21 Academic Council (pg 1, c1) | ASUI (pg 1, c1) | ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c3) | Basketball (pg 4, c7) | Book of the month club (pg 3, c7) | Boxing (pg 4, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | President of U of I, 1937-1946 (pg 3, c5) | Rifle team (pg 4, c5) | Track - University of Idaho (pg 4, c1)
Academic Council; ASUI; ASUI-Executive Board; Basketball; Book of the month club; Boxing; Taylor, Alan; Dale, Harrison C.; Rifle team; Track - University of Idaho;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - January 28th, 1943 1943-01-28 ASUI-Executive Board (pg 4, c6) | Basketball (pg 4, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c7) | Student deferment (pg 1, c2)
ASUI-Executive Board; Basketball; Carlman, Bob; Bellos, Eveline; Selective service act;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - February 4th, 1943 1943-02-04 Academic Council (pg 1, c5) | Air course begins (pg 1, c8) | Boxing (pg 4, c8) | Golf team (pg 1, c7) | Library (pg 2, c8) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c7) | Spring registration (pg 1, c2) | Varsity team vs. Oregon State College, Corvallis (pg 4, c1)
Academic Council; Air course begins; Boxing; Golf team; Library; Chandler, Clark; Wethern, Robert; Lewies, Harry; Spring registration; Basketball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - February 11th, 1943 1943-02-11 ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c4) | Basketball (pg 4, c1) | Drafting course for women (pg 1, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c7)
ASUI-Executive Board; Basketball; Drafting course for women; Physical Education program;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - February 18th, 1943 1943-02-18 Basketball (pg 4, c1) | Boxing (pg 4, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c6) | Varsity team vs. University of Washington (pg 4, c5)
Basketball; Boxing; Schierman, Albert N.; Basketball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - February 25th, 1943 1943-02-25 Boxing (pg 4, c3) | Enlistment (pg 1, c8) | Spring (pg 4, c5) | WAA (pg 1, c3) | Women cadets (pg 1, c5)
Boxing; Enlistment; Football; WAA; Women cadets;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - March 4th, 1943 1943-03-04 Army Engineers (pg 1, c8) | Basketball (pg 4, c1) | Culp, Perry, Jr. (pg 1, c6) | Intramural Swimming (pg 4, c6)
Army Engineers; Basketball; Culp, Perry, Jr.; Intramural Swimming;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - March 11th, 1943 1943-03-11 ASUI-activity awards (pg 4, c4) | Boxing (pg 4, c3) | Elections (pg 1, c8) | Faculty. English Department. University of Idaho (pg 1, c6) | Varsity team vs. University of Wisconsin (pg 4, c2) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College (pg 4, c1)
ASUI-activity awards; Boxing; Associated Women Students; Sherman, Theodore; Boxing; Basketball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - March 18th, 1943 1943-03-18 Army Engineers (pg 1, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 3, c1) | Ski team (pg 4, c4)
Army Engineers; All girl band; Thompson, Anne; Ski team;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - March 25th, 1943 1943-03-25 Baseball (pg 4, c2)
newspaper front page The Argonaut - April 1st, 1943 1943-04-01 ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c1) | Baseball (pg 4, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | President of U of I, 1937-1946 - resignation (pg 1, c5) | Rifle team (pg 4, c2) | Track - University of Idaho (pg 4, c3)
ASUI-Executive Board; Baseball; Gordon, Joe; Dale, Harrison C.; Rifle team; Track - University of Idaho;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - April 8th, 1943 1943-04-08 ASUI play. Photo (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 3, c3) | University of Idaho vs. Washington State College (pg 7, c3) | Varsity team vs. Whitman College (pg 7, c3)
Ring Around Elizabeth'; Orr, Kathleen; Track; Baseball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - April 15th, 1943 1943-04-15 Baseball (pg 4, c1)
newspaper front page The Argonaut - April 22nd, 1943 1943-04-22 ASUI-Elections (pg 1, c5) | Russian language (pg 1, c5) | Track - University of Idaho (pg 4, c1)
ASUI-Elections; Russian language; Track - University of Idaho;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - April 29th, 1943 1943-04-29 Intramural sports (pg 4, c1) | National Music Week (pg 1, c5)
Intramural sports; National Music Week;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - May 6th, 1943 1943-05-06 ASUI-Constitution-Amendments and Revision (pg 4, c1) | ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c1) | Baseball (pg 6, c1) | Degrees (pg 3, c1) | Intramural sports (pg 7, c2) | May fete (pg 1, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Summer school (pg 1, c3) | Tennis (pg 6, c3)
ASUI-Constitution-Amendments and Revision; ASUI-Executive Board; Baseball; Degrees; Intramural sports; May fete; Eccher, Rena; Long, Barbara; Minden, Carl; Summer school; Tennis;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - May 13th, 1943 1943-05-13 ASUI-Elections (pg 1, c5) | President of U of I, 1937-1946 - resignation (pg 1, c3) | Summer school (pg 1, c4) | Tennis (pg 4, c1) | Track - University of Idaho (pg 4, c1) | Varsity team vs. University of Oregon (pg 4, c3)
ASUI-Elections; Dale, Harrison C.; Summer school; Tennis; Track - University of Idaho; Baseball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - May 20th, 1943 1943-05-20 ASUI-Elections (pg 1, c5) | Commencement (pg 1, c1) | Library (pg 3, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 3, c1) | University of Idaho vs. University of Washington (pg 4, c1) | University of Idaho vs. Washington State College (pg 4, c5)
ASUI-Elections; Commencement; Library; Minden, Carl; May queen; Baseball; Tennis;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - May 28th, 1943 1943-05-28 Commencement (pg 1, c5) | Photo (pg 4, c2) | Photo (pg 4, c4) | Track - University of Idaho (pg 4, c1) | War and student loans (pg 1, c0)
Commencement; Thomas, John; Chapman, Lamar; Track - University of Idaho; Student loans;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - September 23rd, 1943 1943-09-23 ASUI-Elections (pg 1, c1) | Athletics, Dept of (pg 6, c3) | Fall registration (pg 1, c8) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 4, c4)
ASUI-Elections; Athletics, Dept of; Fall registration; Kerr, Chet; Minden, Carl;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - September 30th, 1943 1943-09-30 ASUI-Executive Board (pg 1, c8) | Football (pg 4, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c7)
ASUI-Executive Board; Football; Thompson, Anne;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - October 7th, 1943 1943-10-07 ASUI-Elections (pg 1, c2) | Football - Army (pg 4, c1) | Governor of Idaho. Photo (pg 1, c5) | Mortar board (pg 1, c6) | President of U of I, 1937-1946 - resignation (pg 1, c2) | Track - University of Idaho (pg 4, c5)
ASUI-Elections; Football - Army; Bottolfsen, C.A.; Mortar Board; Dale, Harrison C.; Track - University of Idaho;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - October 14th, 1943 1943-10-14 Heating plant (pg 1, c8) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 2, c3) | Track - University of Idaho (pg 4, c1)
Heating plant; Franson, Marian; Parking, Lorin D; Track - University of Idaho;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - October 21st, 1943 1943-10-21 ASUI-Elections (pg 1, c8) | Football - Army (pg 4, c3)
ASUI-Elections; Football - Army;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - October 28th, 1943 1943-10-28 Football - Army (pg 5, c8) | Photo (pg 1, c2)
Football - Army; Football - Army;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - November 4th, 1943 1943-11-04 Football - Army (pg 4, c4)
Football - Army;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - November 11th, 1943 1943-11-11 ASUI play. Photo (pg 1, c5) | Football - Army (pg 4, c4)
Romantic Mr. Dickens'; Football - Army;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - November 18th, 1943 1943-11-18 Football - Army (pg 4, c2)
Football - Army;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - November 24th, 1943 1943-11-24 Basketball (pg 4, c7) | Track - University of Idaho (pg 4, c3) | Who's Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges (pg 1, c2)
Basketball; Track - University of Idaho; Who's Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - December 2nd, 1943 1943-12-02 Faculty, Professor of Business, U of I (pg 3, c6) | President of U of I, 1937-1946 - resignation (pg 1, c2) | Varsity team vs. Lewiston Normal (pg 4, c5) | Varsity team vs. Whitman College (pg 4, c3)
Graue, Dr. Erwin; Dale, Harrison C.; Basketball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - December 9th, 1943 1943-12-09 Basketball (pg 4, c3) | Varsity team vs. Eastern Washington College of Ed., Cheney (pg 4, c6)
newspaper front page The Argonaut - December 16th, 1943 1943-12-16 High school courses (pg 1, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 4, c1)
High school courses; Vandaleers; Collins, Tom;