Argonaut 1923

Argonaut Issues from 1923

Cover Title Date Subjects
newspaper front page The Argonaut - January 5th, 1923 1923-01-05 Basketball (pg 1, c3) | Extension courses (pg 3, c5) | Gifts to University of Idaho (pg 1, c5) | Schedule (pg 1, c3)
Basketball; Extension courses; Gifts to University of Idaho; Basketball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - January 10th, 1923 1923-01-10 “Name” contest for new campus magazine opens: Editors of New Literary magazine urge all students to make contributions; Seating plan for coming games; Vandals open season against bruins Friday night; Idaho champions strong as ever; Co-ed warblers work on unusual program: Quartet and Trio selections to form part of program; WA-HI defeats frosh quintet: Freshman lose fast game to high school team; Large turnout for wrestling augurs well; House warming opens new fraternity home: Sigma Alpha Epsilon hosts to formal reception Friday evening; Constitution of A.S.U.I. revised: Committee on Recodification adds several needed changes; All seats will be reserved for basketball games says Knudson; Ukranians cancel university concert: No western concerts to be given by chorus; Club plans to give short play; Tentative trip of Glee Club arranged: Attitude of towns to be visited is cordial- Go February 18; Illinois co-eds must study or lose dates; Co-ed’s skis arrive: Girls pray for snow; All magazines now, accessible at U Hut; Winter Carnival at W.S.C. awaits snow; Co-eds gather Dope for forensic meet: Squad settles down to work in preparation for debate (p4); Only one cent tax dollar to university: But little more than a hundredth of money for taxes spent on higher education (p4); New method of making dynamite (p4)
Name contest; Sports; Greek life; Music concerts; Winter carnival; Debates; Taxes for higher education; Dynamite
newspaper front page The Argonaut - January 17th, 1923 1923-01-17 Cost of instruction (pg 4, c1) | Debate - U of I vs. University of Washington (pg 1, c3) | Freshman team vs. Cheney Normal (pg 5, c4) | Non-resident (pg 4, c4) | Photo (pg 5, c1) | Photo (pg 5, c3) | Photo (pg 5, c5) | Senior men's honorary (pg 1, c6) | University Radio station (pg 1, c2) | Varsity team vs. Montana State University, Bozeman (pg 1, c5)
Cost of instruction; Debate - vs. University of Washington; Basketball; Enrollment - University of Idaho; Fox, Alex; Thompson, Oswald; Telford, Harold; Silver lance; University Radio station; Basketball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - January 24th, 1923 1923-01-24 Debate - U of I vs. University of Washington (pg 1, c6) | Freshmen team vs. Potlatch Athletic club (pg 4, c1) | Freshmen team vs. Spokane University (pg 4, c1) | The Nugget (Blue Bucket) (pg 1, c1) | Varsity team vs. Gonzaga University (pg 1, c6) | Varsity team vs. Multonamah Athletic Club (pg 1, c6) | Varsity team vs. Oregon State College, Corvallis (pg 1, c6) | Varsity team vs. University of Oregon, Eugene (pg 1, c6) | Varsity team vs. University of Washington (pg 1, c6)
Debate - vs. University of Washington; Basketball; The Nugget (Blue Bucket); Basketball; Basketball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - January 31st, 1923 1923-01-31 Freshmen team vs. Potlatch Athletic club (pg 1, c3) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College (pg 1, c6)
newspaper front page The Argonaut - February 6th, 1923 1923-02-06 Freshmen team vs. WSC freshmen (pg 1, c1) | University of Idaho - Needs (pg 1, c6)
Basketball; University of Idaho - Needs;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - February 9th, 1923 1923-02-09 Chi Beta Epsilon (pg 1, c5) | Debate - Women - U of I vs. University of Washington (pg 1, c4) | Revision and re-codification (pg 1, c6)
Chi Beta Epsilon; Debate - Women - vs. University of Washington; Constitution - ASUI;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - February 13th, 1923 1923-02-13 Debate - U of I vs. Whitman (pg 3, c3) | University of Idaho vs. Washington State College (pg 1, c3) | Varsity team vs. University of Washington (pg 1, c1)
Debate - vs. Whitman; Wrestling; Basketball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - February 16th, 1923 1923-02-16 Baseball, intramural (pg 4, c2) | Class of 1923 (pg 1, c2) | Class of 1924 (pg 3, c2) | Class of 1925 (pg 1, c4) | Freshmen team vs. Moscow High School (pg 3, c1) | Inter-Hall council (pg 1, c4) | Mortar Board (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Student - Faculty committees (pg 1, c3) | U.P. Railroad (pg 4, c4) | Varsity team vs. Willamette University (pg 1, c1)
Baseball, intramural; Class of 1923; Class of 1924; Class of 1925; Basketball; Inter-Hall council; Mortar Board; Fox, Alex; Student - Faculty committees; Scholarships; Basketball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - February 20th, 1923 1923-02-20 Class of 1926 (pg 1, c5) | University of Idaho vs. Washington State College (pg 1, c4) | Varsity team vs. University of Oregon, Eugene (pg 1, c1)
Class of 1926; Wrestling; Basketball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - February 23rd, 1923 1923-02-23 Photo (pg 1, c2) | Varsity team vs. Oregon State College, Corvallis (pg 1, c1)
Thompson, Oswald; Basketball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - February 27th, 1923 1923-02-27 Baseball, intramural (pg 1, c5) | Freshmen team vs. Spokane University (pg 1, c6) | Humor magazine (pg 1, c1) | University of Idaho vs. College of Idaho (pg 1, c5) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College (pg 1, c5)
Baseball, intramural; Basketball; Blue Bucket; Wrestling; Basketball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - March 2nd, 1923 1923-03-02 Intercollegiate Knights (pg 1, c2) | Varsity team vs. University of Washington (pg 1, c1)
Intercollegiate Knights; Basketball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - March 6th, 1923 1923-03-06 Baseball, intramural (pg 1, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c6) | University of Idaho vs. University of Washington (pg 1, c3) | Varsity team vs. University of California, Berkeley (pg 1, c1) | Varsity team vs. University of California, Berkeley (pg 1, c6)
Baseball, intramural; Fox, Alex; Thompson, Oswald; Wrestling; Basketball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - March 9th, 1923 1923-03-09 Ag Day (pg 1, c3) | ASUI-Officers (pg 1, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c3)
Ag Day; ASUI-Officers; Glee Club;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - March 13th, 1923 1923-03-13 Intramural track (pg 1, c5) | University of Idaho - Appropriations (pg 1, c6)
Intramural track; University of Idaho - Appropriations;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - March 16th, 1923 1923-03-16 Photo (pg 1, c5)
Telford, Harold;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - March 20th, 1923 1923-03-20 Moscow High wins state basketball championship; “School for Lovers” certain to attract: “Cosi Fan Tutte” means “They do it all”; Construction plans made for mens’ hall; Game Oakley men lose classic contest, 21-13: Third and deciding game won by local team in final five minutes; Lindley Hall athletes stage smoker Saturday; Tentative outline for coming pageant; Women’s Association dance comes Saturday; Subscribers urged to obtain “Blue Buckets”; “Cosi Fan Tutte” real benefit to Love-Lorn; Girls’ games tonight: Inter-class basketball tourney attracts interest- games begin at 7:30 in gym; Dean Mathews coming: Famous Chicago man billed for next assembly period- time changed to one o’clock; “Wearing o’ the Green” mandatory for freshmen; Dean Angell pledged by Idaho fraternity (p3); Idaho senior elected school superintendent (p3); Thirty five men out for Spring football (p4)
Basketball; Football; Greek life
newspaper front page The Argonaut - March 23rd, 1923 1923-03-23 Humor magazine (pg 1, c3) | UI coaches vs. WSU coaches (pg 4, c1) | University of Idaho vs. Northwestern university (pg 4, c2) | Y.W.C.A. (pg 1, c5)
Blue Bucket; Basketball coach; Women's rifle team; Y.W.C.A.;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - March 27th, 1923 1923-03-27 Baseball (pg 1, c6)
newspaper front page The Argonaut - March 30th, 1923 1923-03-30 Vacation will begin Saturday at noon: Students plan variety ways to spend time; Varsity players score big success with ‘If’; Stage effects are clever: will be given in Spokane Spring vacation before Teachers’ Association; Demonstration by Army men at camp; Honor Societies take over last assembly; Regents advise dorm erection be delayed; Ten percent rule will be enforced; Many to stay on campus: Classes to take up at Eight O’Clock on Monday morning; Sophomore frolic to have unusual effect; Work out point system activities; Basketball postponed: Co-ed game between two under classes put off because of sickness; First real Spring days stir proof reader’s soul; Take hike to Pullman: Women’s Hiking Club takes nine mile trip across state line; Plan campaign to stop jay-walking (p3)
Spring; Spring break; Sports; Hiking; Greek life
newspaper front page The Argonaut - April 10th, 1923 1923-04-10 Animal Husbandry, Dept. of (pg 3, c3) | ASUI (pg 1, c6) | Living groups (pg 1, c6) | University of Idaho - number (pg 1, c3) | Varsity team vs. Lewiston town club (pg 1, c2)
Animal Husbandry, Dept. of; Student campaign drive; Grade Averages; Graduates; Baseball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - April 13th, 1923 1923-04-13 Women's Athletics (pg 1, c1)
Women's Athletics;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - April 17th, 1923 1923-04-17 Co-ed (pg 1, c2)
newspaper front page The Argonaut - April 20th, 1923 1923-04-20 Debate - U of I vs. University of Utah (pg 1, c4) | Golf club (pg 4, c1) | Intramural championships (pg 4, c3) | Mortar Board (pg 1, c1)
Debate - vs. University of Utah; Golf club; Intramural championships; Mortar Board;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - April 24th, 1923 1923-04-24 Debate - U of I, Montana, Utah (pg 1, c2) | Girls Glee club (pg 1, c6) | Junior promenade (pg 1, c2)
Debate - , Montana, Utah; Girls Glee club; Junior promenade;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - April 27th, 1923 1923-04-27 Fund to build (pg 1, c6) | Photo (pg 1, c5) | Photo (pg 4, c1) | Varsity team vs. Oregon State College (pg 1, c4)
Memorial gymnasium; Cramer, John W.; Brown, Frank (Bebe); Baseball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - May 1st, 1923 1923-05-01 Commencement calendar (pg 1, c6) | University of Idaho vs. Spokane Athletic club (pg 1, c5) | Varsity team vs. Oregon State College (pg 1, c5)
Commencement calendar; Wrestling; Baseball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - May 4th, 1923 1923-05-04 Freshmen team vs. WSC freshmen team (pg 1, c5) | R.O.T.C. (pg 1, c3)
Baseball; R.O.T.C.;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - May 8th, 1923 1923-05-08 Freshmen team vs. WSC freshmen team (pg 4, c1) | University of Idaho vs. Washington State College (pg 1, c5)
Baseball; Track;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - May 11th, 1923 1923-05-11 Varsity team vs. Whitman College (pg 1, c3)
newspaper front page The Argonaut - May 15th, 1923 1923-05-15 Alpha Kappa PSI (pg 1, c2) | Historical Pageant (pg 1, c1) | University of Idaho vs. University of Montana (pg 4, c1) | University of Idaho vs. Whitman (pg 3, c2)
Alpha Kappa PSI; Historical Pageant; Track; Tennis;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - May 18th, 1923 1923-05-18 Faculty, Dean of Women, U of I (1908-1937). Photo (pg 1, c1) | Fund to build (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c5) | Photo (pg 3, c1) | Varsity team vs. University of Montana (pg 3, c3)
French, Permeal J.; Memorial gymnasium; Jones, Clara; Rowlands, Jean; Baseball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - May 22nd, 1923 1923-05-22 Campus Day (pg 1, c3) | Gifts to University of Idaho (pg 1, c5) | Intramural track (pg 3, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Varsity team vs. Montana State University, Bozeman (pg 1, c5)
Campus Day; Gifts to University of Idaho; Intramural track; French, Burton L.; Basketball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - May 25th, 1923 1923-05-25 Dramatic fraternity (pg 1, c5) | Gifts to University of Idaho (pg 1, c4) | Intramural Tennis (pg 1, c2) | University Radio station (pg 1, c2) | Varsity team vs. Gonzaga (pg 4, c3)
Curtain Club; Gifts to University of Idaho; Intramural Tennis; University Radio station; Baseball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - May 29th, 1923 1923-05-29 Historical Pageant (pg 1, c6) | Student handbook (pg 1, c5) | University of Idaho vs. University of Washington (pg 1, c2) | Varsity team vs. University of Oregon (pg 1, c3)
Historical Pageant; Student handbook; Baseball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - June 1st, 1923 1923-06-01 Associated student body presidents (pg 1, c1) | Freshmen team vs. WSC freshmen team (pg 4, c1) | University of Idaho vs. Washington State College (pg 1, c5) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College (pg 4, c3)
Associated student body presidents; Baseball; Tennis; Baseball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - June 9th, 1923 1923-06-09 Commencement calendar (pg 1, c3) | Historical Pageant (pg 1, c6) | University of Idaho vs. Washington State College (pg 1, c2) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College (pg 1, c5)
Commencement calendar; Historical Pageant; Tennis; Baseball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - August 3rd, 1923 1923-08-03 Photo (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c5) | Photo (pg 3, c1) | Photo (pg 3, c2) | Photo (pg 3, c3) | Photo (pg 5, c2) | Photo (pg 6, c2) | Photo (pg 7, c1) | Photo (pg 7, c2) | Photos (pg 1, c2) | School of Nursing (pg 2, c5)
Weaver, Rudolph; Crawford, Ivan C.; Davis, Robert M.; Crawford, Claude C.; Steward, Randall; Wirt, Lillian M.; Graves, Lucius W.; Michael, William H.; Forney Hall; Telford, Harold; Brown, Frank (Bebe); Fitzke, Bob; Knudson, Albert; MacMillan, David; Matthews, R.L.; Neal, Jim; Neidig, R.E.; Engineering building (Old); School of Nursing;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - September 16th, 1923 1923-09-16 Welcome to Idaho, Class of 1927!; Saturday football practice opens bright vandal season; New Engineering laboratory ready for coming season; The President’s message; 1922 Freshmen promising: First few days to be devoted to condition drills and exercises; Work on Gem starts; Curtain offers plays: Dramatic society will present series of productions early in Fall; Groups improve property: Kappa Delts remodel home Kapas start construction Thursday; Alumni hopes high for Memorial gym; New student office installed in U Hut; Former Idaho dean dies in California: Dr. Charles Newton Little succumbs to heart failure; Moscow canvassed for student work; Few faculty changes made during summer; Idaho students miss quakes by two days; Sport writer says vandals look good: Athletic authority on chronicle predicts winning season; Hulme fight to come Saturday, September 29; Architecture offered (p6); Moscow business men to meet special train (p6)
Engineering; Greek life; Sports; Dramatic plays; Dr. Little
newspaper front page The Argonaut - September 21st, 1923 1923-09-21 Consider Vandals possible coast Champs: sporting critics acclaiming Idaho team real sensation; Assembly Wednesday opens thirty-second college year; Attorney General speaks: Hon. Burton L. French presents scholarship cups to winning groups; First game comes Oct. 6: College of Idaho team here week from Saturday; Hulme fight comes Saturday afternoon: Freshmen to prepare field Friday afternoon; Annual special has 250 people aboard: Arrives in Moscow practically on schedule time; Seniors name officers: Walter Casebolt of Genesee Elected President of Fourth year class; Student-Faculty reception to be held in gym tonight; Freshmen hide in Gully while Sophs post edicts; Yeager elected prexy at sophomore meeting; Minas elected head of third year men; Thirty-one students attend summer camp: Idaho well represented at R.O.T.C. camp (p2)
Sports; Speakers; Greek life; R.O.T.C. summer camp
newspaper front page The Argonaut - September 25th, 1923 1923-09-25 Rockwell impressed with Idaho outlook: President board of education here for meeting; Pep band will hold tryouts Wednesday; Wanted: Co-ed actress who hasn’t boobed hair; Enrollment figures show some increase; Football situation remains uncertain: Strength of Pacific Coast teams problematical; Over hundred frosh report for football: Third more candidates than ever before; Fifteen turn out for cross country: Squad expected to reach thirty by end of week; New plan made for seating at games: Permanent seats to be reserved for townspeople; Dramatics class to give group of plays: Little theater to be used again; Mullan student wins J.J. Day scholarship; Underclass battle goes to freshmen: Defeat second year by close score; Three numbers offer varied entertainment: Committee on events prepares winter course; Hulbert named head of University club; Large crowd attends underclassmen dance (p3)
Education board; Hair styles; Sports; Dramatic plays; Greek life
newspaper front page The Argonaut - September 28th, 1923 1923-09-28 Educator addresses Tuesday’s assembly: John W. Tigert, U.S. Commissioner of education here; Foresters’ Hoedown scheduled on Oct. 6; Red shirt selected as garb of Rangers; Vandals team nears first game or year: Matthews Continues closed practice of last season; Wide field open in architecture course: Four years major offered in new line; Absence rules have stringent penalties: Section regarding flunks inserted on list; Debate starts soon: University of Idaho new member of three collegiate debate conferences; English changes made: Courses in public speaking and journalism revised and made more complete; Origin of ‘Vandal’ name traced to history class; A.S.U.I. offices in U Hut should become hangout; Short AG. students begin course soon: work offered in agriculture and practical dairying (p3)
Sports; John W. Tigert; Forestry; History of Vandals; Absentee rulings; Debate; Bench and Bar; Origination of 'Vandals'
newspaper front page The Argonaut - October 2nd, 1923 1923-10-02 Building program (pg 1, c5) | Pi Beta Phi (pg 1, c2) | Students (pg 1, c4)
Building program; Pi Beta Phi; Athletic managers;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - October 5th, 1923 1923-10-05 Interfraternity council (pg 4, c1) | Student - Faculty committees (pg 1, c5)
Interfraternity council; Student - Faculty committees;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - October 9th, 1923 1923-10-09 'Empire' - Vandal mascot (pg 1, c1) | Forester's Whistle (pg 1, c2) | UI vs. College of Idaho (pg 1, c6)
Empire' - Vandal mascot; Forester's Whistle; Football;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - October 12th, 1923 1923-10-12 Photo (pg 4, c1) | Photo (pg 4, c2) | Photo (pg 4, c4)
Fitzke, Bob; Davis, Wayne; Kline, Maurice 'Dusty'; Quinn, Lawrence (Larry); Stivers, Vernon (Skippy);
newspaper front page The Argonaut - October 16th, 1923 1923-10-16 Game standings U of I, WSC 1894- (pg 1, c1) | University of Idaho - History (pg 1, c3) | University of Idaho vs. University of Montana (pg 1, c4)
Football; University of Idaho - History; Football;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - October 19th, 1923 1923-10-19 Contests. U of I vs. WSC (pg 3, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c6) | Photo (pg 2, c2) | Photo (pg 4, c1) | Photo (pg 4, c2) | Photo (pg 4, c3) | University of Idaho vs. WSC (pg 1, c1)
Judging of livestock; Matthews, R.L.; Stivers, Vernon (Skippy); Kleffner, Sylvester 'Syb'; Tapper, Lyle; Bucklin, Ted; Hausen, Charles (Dad); Vesser, Jonny; Kline, Maurice 'Dusty'; Quinn, Lawrence (Larry); Nelson, Neal 'Nellie'; Football;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - October 23rd, 1923 1923-10-23 Agricultural Extension conference, UI (pg 1, c4) | Freshmen vs. Gonzaga, 2nd team (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c3)
Agricultural Extension conference, UI; Football; Rally bonfire;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - October 26th, 1923 1923-10-26 Idaho-Gonzaga game will be in Moscow: Business men make up athletic deficit; Heating plant boasts brand new smokestack; Will elect manager of men’s glee club: Manager elected last year will not return; Successful season promised debating: Extempore contest at Eugene next month; Redheads lose courage fail to organize club; Idaho meets Oregon with hopes bright: Second conference tilt offers big opportunity; Extension workers speak at assembly: Members of Agricultural meeting held this week tell of accomplishments; Faculty people hosts for extension guests: Two hundred and fifty guests entertained at Ridenbaugh Hall Tuesday evening; Friendship special for armistice game: Long train to haul students to Boise Fracas; Saturday to see big coast games: Results of prime importance to vandal hopes; Frosh-third team game on Saturday: Vandal babes going in good shape; “Granny” is title for comedy revue: Girls and music feature pep band show; Staff announced for Blue Bucket magazine: Maurice Jackson Editor, Elizabeth Mount and Blaine Stubblefield Assistants: Taylor management (p3); Faculty and students go to logging congress: Meet in Spokane Draws Lumbermen and students from six states to annual session (p3)
Idaho-Gonzaga game; Football; Blue Bucket magazines; Ridenbaugh Hall
newspaper front page The Argonaut - October 30th, 1923 1923-10-30 Intramural Football (pg 1, c1) | University of Idaho vs. University of Oregon (pg 1, c5)
Intramural Football;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - November 2nd, 1923 1923-11-02 Vandals and Bulldogs meet in finish fight: Evenly balanced teams for fiercely fought game; Nominate three for glee club manager: Committee named to arrange changes in assembly seating, honor code, and constitution; Idaho students requested to be early and to show good sportsmanship today; W.S.C. Cougar eleven faces crucial game: Cougar hopes high for homecoming game; “Granny” offers treat for musical comedy: Pep band show tonight sets standard for amusement; 800 advance tickets sold to artist course: Rush made by students to sign advance reservations to coming productions; Four Idaho AG. teams in Portland judging: Sixteen students go to Pacific-International livestock exhibition opening this week; Young soldiers get out their horns start practising for the Cadet Band; Lack of competition hurts cross country: U. of Washington only possibility food meet; Artist course lauded by national critics: Largest band ever directed by Sousa; “Empire” goes to Spokane to represent Idaho in Big Halloween celebration; Free trip to Chicago awarded Chester Mink: Idaho student will attend International Livestock Show and contests in December (p3); Pep band booster trip to be made in South before Armistice game (p4); Intelligence tests given new students: system rates classwork according to mental ability (p4); Navy topic of address by Congressman French (p4)
Football; Dramatic plays; Music; Halloween
newspaper front page The Argonaut - November 6th, 1923 1923-11-06 Freshmen vs. University of Montana (pg 1, c5) | UI vs. Gonzaga (pg 1, c1)
newspaper front page The Argonaut - November 9th, 1923 1923-11-09 Idaho Memorial building association (pg 1, c4) | Staff (pg 1, c4)
Idaho Memorial building association; Gem of the Mountains;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - November 10th, 1923 1923-11-10 Department of Physical Education (pg 4, c6) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 2, c1) | Photo (pg 2, c2) | Photo (pg 2, c3) | Photo (pg 2, c4) | Photo (pg 3, c2) | Photo (pg 3, c4) | Photo (pg 3, c5) | Photo (pg 4, c6) | Photo (pg 6, c2) | Photo (pg 6, c3) | Photo (pg 7, c1) | Photo (pg 7, c2) | Photo (pg 7, c3) | Photo (pg 8, c1) | Photo (pg 8, c3) | Stephens, Ray (Fat) (pg 6, c1) | University of Idaho - Needs (pg 4, c3)
Department of Physical Education; Marker, Sophus; Fitzke, Bob; Wicks, Guy; Knudson, Albert; MacMillan, David; Matthews, R.L.; Neidig, R.E.; Kerschisnick, Frank; Kinnison, Franks; Cameron, Victor F. (Vic); Disney, Dwight; Irving, Royal; Tapper, Lyle; Football team; Hausen, Charles (Dad); Stivers, Vernon (Skippy); Kline, Maurice 'Dusty'; Vesser, Jonny; 'Empire' - Vandal mascot; Goff, Abe; Quinn, Lawrence (Larry); Nelson, Neal 'Nellie'; Kline, Maurice 'Dusty'; Davis, Wayne; Davison, Gifford (Giff); Stephens, Ray (Fat); Kleffner, Sylvester 'Syb'; Pep Band Orchestra; Bucklin, Ted; Reemer, Walt; Stephens, Ray (Fat); University of Idaho - Needs;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - November 20th, 1923 1923-11-20 Freshmen vs. WSC freshmen (pg 1, c2) | University of Idaho vs. Stanford University (pg 1, c3)
newspaper front page The Argonaut - November 23rd, 1923 1923-11-23 Schedule (pg 2, c1)
newspaper front page The Argonaut - November 27th, 1923 1923-11-27 Idaho, Oregon, OAC (pg 1, c2) | University of Idaho vs. University of Southern California (pg 1, c5)
Track; Football;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - December 4th, 1923 1923-12-04 Welcome Vandals in a special assembly: Idaho team congratulated on successful season; Debate try-outs held four men selected: Members of Team chosen are to represent Idaho at triangular meet; Vandal players find no equals to Idaho Co-Eds; Basketball prospects look poor for season: Idaho loses two letter men of four left from last year; Lois Crane wins prize in Blue Bucket contest: Small number of subscriptions is reported sold by the business manager; Chamber of commerce to banquet Vandals: Idaho football men to be dinner guests; Frosh Cavaliers hibernate without verdant canopies; Idaho alumni popular as football official: Kahn of Boise could not tell why Burley Conch was so enthusiastic; Dean Angell to attend meeting of conference: Dean to join Coach Matthews and Knudson at coast conference meeting; “Sweethearts” tickets placed on sale today: Prices at seventy-five cents and one dollar: Forty students selling; Pres. Upham honored at big convention: Idaho President elected to Executive committee of Association of State universities; University wrestlers starts hard training: Prospects reasonably bright for best mat team at University; Idaho Vandals return from California trip: Football team comes home from tour after absence of three weeks; Head english department made council director; Caps and gowns will be worn in senior pictures: Motion to abandon traditional apparel voted down at meeting last night; University Presidents will eat Idaho Lamb: Front quarters of Champion Lamb sent to Presidents Upham and Holland (p2); Explorer to punt for the forked-tail monkey: To enter lands where they never heard of World War (p3); Boxing classes will start under coaching of Farris: Former member of Multnomah Club will train University Glove Artists (p4)
Football; Basketball; Blue Bucket magazine; Lamb meat; Exploration
newspaper front page The Argonaut - December 7th, 1923 1923-12-07 May lift ban from dances before Christmas vacation: Scarlet fever calls halt to social activities; Beauty “types” offended at lack of appreciation; Porter tells plight of European student: California professor speaks for relief of students; Quarantine saves cash on coming week-end dates; Idaho theatre guild to give four plays: “Bell tolls three” written by Idaho student; Season review shows strength of Vandals; Unexpected setbacks feature Pacific Conference; Ridenbaugh victorious in Volleyball tournament: Race still open for winner of Girl’s cup for Intramural athletics; Foresters movie series to run throughout year: Winter scones and Timber Conservation Featured; Coach Bagshaw ready to take on Vandals: Spokane also makes bid for Idaho-Stanford game next season; Co-eds triangular debate to be held February 7: Tryouts to be held Wednesday night; “Empire” enjoys adventure through sunny Southland; Unsteady decks annoy Vandal team stomachs; Women Basket Tossers begin season’s workout; “Sweethearts” unaffected by Scarlet fever scare (p3); Price forecast subject on prize essay contest (p3); Science aids in Army drill: Loud-speaking apparatus an Motor Truck enables all to hear orders easily (p3); College serenaders to tours Northern Idaho: Idaho Orchestra makes plan for circuit during Christmas vacation week (p4)
Scarlet Fever; Quarantine; Christmas break; Music; Volleyball
newspaper front page The Argonaut - December 11th, 1923 1923-12-11 Animal Husbandry, Dept. of (pg 3, c2) | Christmas tour (pg 1, c3)
Animal Husbandry, Dept. of; Basketball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - December 14th, 1923 1923-12-14 Ice skates will ring on new skating pond: ”I” Club completes plans for flooding fairgrounds; Holiday special on union Pacific Dec. 22: Will start return from Boise on January 5; Short haul defended by rail rate expert: Lounsberry tells situation in rate fight; Idaho Stanford game to Portland in 1924: Game slated for Moscow changed by conference; “Dusty” Kline ineligible to 1924 varsity squad: Joe Barks, W.S.C. Captain- Elect also ruled out by conference act; Freshman athletics hits by decision of coaches: Scholastic failure in yearlings causes cut in heavy schedules for Frosh; Individual ‘I’ sweater given cross country: “I” club takes action favoring cross-country; Ernest Ellis named as mining instructor: Coeur D’Alene man takes place of C.B. Marshall; Boxing classes to begin classes to begin after holiday vacation: Half credit to be given for classes under direction of Robert Ferris; Postponed dances to get dates following vacations: “I” club dance, Sophomore Frolle, “Gem of the Mountain” Dance after Christmas; Honor music fraternity completes organization: Louisa Martin elected President of Alpha Iota Pi (p3); “Sweethearts” scores immediate success: Seniors produce most pretentious vehicle in years (p4); Foresters addressed by Dr. Schmitz on White Pine (p4); Girls basketball shows promise of strong year: Turnout of seventy five candidates strengthens chances for best season in history (p4)
Ice skating; “I” Club; Basketball; Athletics; Christmas break
newspaper front page The Argonaut - December 19th, 1923 1923-12-19 Photo (pg 1, c1)
Fitzke, Bob;