Argonaut 1910

Argonaut Issues from 1910

Cover Title Date Subjects
newspaper front page The Argonaut - January 5th, 1910 1910-01-05 Prep school team vs. Coeur d'Alene High (pg 1, c3) | Prep school team vs. Garfield High School (pg 1, c3) | Prep school team vs. Rosalia Athletic club (pg 1, c3) | Prep school team vs. S.A.A.C. (pg 1, c3) | Prep school team vs. Spokane Y.M.C.A. (pg 1, c3) | U of I President 1898-1900 (pg 4, c2) | Varsity team vs. Boise High School (pg 1, c1) | Varsity team vs. Caldwell All Stars (pg 1, c1) | Varsity team vs. College of Idaho (pg 1, c1) | Varsity team vs. Emmett Tigers (pg 1, c1)
Basketball; Basketball; Basketball; Blanton, Joseph Philip; Basketball; Basketball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - January 12th, 1910 1910-01-12 Cadets, Battalion of (pg 4, c2) | Prep school team vs. Coeur d'Alene High (pg 6, c3) | Rifle Club (pg 4, c2)
Cadets, Battalion of; Basketball; Rifle Club;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - January 19th, 1910 1910-01-19 Debate - U of I vs. Brigham Young University (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 5, c1) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College (pg 1, c1)
Debate - vs. Brigham Young University; Curtis, Ray; Montgomery, James; Basketball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - January 26th, 1910 1910-01-26 Borah Debate (pg 10, c3) | Department of Mechanical Engineering (pg 5, c2) | Department of Music (pg 5, c3) | School of Mines (pg 1, c2) | Testing machine (pg 1, c2) | Varsity team vs. Gonzaga University (pg 2, c1) | Vollmer award (pg 10, c4)
Borah Debate; Department of Mechanical Engineering; Department of Music; School of Mines; Civil Engineering Department; Basketball; Vollmer award;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - February 1st, 1910 1910-02-01 Cadets, Battalion of (pg 5, c2) | Collens, E. Hellier (pg 2, c2) | Debate - Victor price society (pg 1, c1) | History of Greek and Latin literature, electives (pg 4, c1) | Rifle Club (pg 5, c2)
Cadets, Battalion of; Collens, E. Hellier; Debate - Victor price society; History of Greek and Latin literature, electives; Rifle Club;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - February 8th, 1910 1910-02-08 Class of 1904. Photo (pg 4, c1) | Faculty, Dean of Women, U of I (1908-1937). Photo (pg 8, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 6, c3) | Social sorority (pg 1, c4) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College (pg 1, c3)
Adkinson, J. Loyal; French, Permeal J.; MacLean, James Alexander; Eenn, Lloyd; Gamma Phi Beta; Basketball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - February 15th, 1910 1910-02-15 Associated Law Students of the University of Idaho (pg 2, c2) | Military Ball (pg 1, c1) | School of Law (pg 2, c2) | Van Der Veer C.W. (pg 1, c2) | Varsity team vs. University of Washington (pg 1, c4)
Associated Law Students of the University of Idaho; Military Ball; School of Law; Van Der Veer C.W.; Basketball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - February 22nd, 1910 1910-02-22 Fencing club (pg 2, c4) | Rifle Club (pg 3, c2) | School of Mines (pg 2, c2) | Varsity team vs. Oregon State College, Corvallis (pg 1, c2)
Fencing club; Rifle Club; School of Mines; Basketball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - March 1st, 1910 1910-03-01 Debate - Victor price society (pg 1, c1)
Debate - Victor price society;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - March 8th, 1910 1910-03-08 School of Mines (pg 1, c4)
School of Mines;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - March 15th, 1910 1910-03-15 ASUI-Constitution (pg 3, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 5, c1) | Van Der Veer C.W. (pg 1, c2)
ASUI-Constitution; Rock, John; Tweedy, Ira; Van Der Veer C.W.;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - March 22nd, 1910 1910-03-22 Freshman-Sophomore contest (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 5, c1)
Freshman-Sophomore contest; Black, Lloyd; Hilen, Reuben;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - March 29th, 1910 1910-03-29 Debate (pg 1, c2) | Glycart, Chris Karl (pg 1, c2) | Hulme, Edward M (pg 2, c1) | Rifle Club (pg 5, c3) | Van Der Veer C.W. (pg 1, c3)
Debate; Glycart, Chris Karl; Hulme, Edward M; Rifle Club; Van Der Veer C.W.;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - April 5th, 1910 1910-04-05 ASUI-Constitution (pg 2, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Y.M.C.A. (pg 1, c1) | Y.M.C.A. (pg 5, c1) | Y.W.C.A. (pg 5, c1)
ASUI-Constitution; Y.W.C.A.; Y.M.C.A.;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - April 19th, 1910 1910-04-19 Athletic field (pg 4, c0) | Baseball (pg 1, c3) | Cadets, Battalion of (pg 1, c4) | Contract-Building progress. Photo (pg 1, c0) | Debate (pg 1, c2) | Mandolin club (pg 8, c2) | Photo (pg 3, c2) | Preps vs. Lewiston High (pg 8, c2) | Prize (pg 1, c2) | Y.M.C.A. (pg 6, c2)
Athletic field; Baseball; Cadets, Battalion of; Administration building (1907); Debate; Mandolin club; Smith, Rollin; Track; Price, Victor E.; Y.M.C.A.;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - April 26th, 1910 1910-04-26 University of Idaho (pg 1, c2) | Van Der Veer C.W. (pg 1, c2)
Track; Van Der Veer C.W.;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - May 3rd, 1910 1910-05-03 University of Idaho vs. Whitman (pg 1, c1) | Varsity team vs. Oregon State College (pg 3, c1)
Track; Baseball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - May 10th, 1910 1910-05-10 Arboretum (pg 4, c2) | Cadets, Battalion of (pg 1, c1) | Faculty, Dean of Agriculture. U of I (pg 3, c1) | Faculty, U of I assistant superintendent of farmers Institute and Extension Work (pg 6, c2) | Oregon, Washington, Idaho (pg 4, c1) | Varsity team vs. Whitman College (pg 1, c2)
Arboretum; Cadets, Battalion of; Iddings, E.J.; Ashby, R.C.; Track; Baseball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - May 17th, 1910 1910-05-17 Campus Day (pg 1, c1) | Campus Day (pg 2, c1) | Mandolin club (pg 1, c3) | Old guard (pg 2, c2) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College (pg 3, c1)
Campus Day; Campus Day; Mandolin club; Traditions; Baseball;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - May 24th, 1910 1910-05-24 ASUI-Elections (pg 1, c4) | Boise U of I Club (pg 1, c1) | Campus Day (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 6, c1)
ASUI-Elections; Boise Club; Campus Day; Price, Oliver;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - May 31st, 1910 1910-05-31 Photo (pg 1, c2)
Clements, Paul C.;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - June 7th, 1910 1910-06-07 Chaffins, Clyde (pg 6, c1) | Photo (pg 2, c1) | Photo (pg 3, c1) | Photo (pg 4, c4) | Photo (pg 5, c3) | Photo (pg 6, c1) | Photo (pg 7, c1) | Photo (pg 8, c1) | Senior vs. Faculty (pg 7, c1) | University of Idaho vs. Washington State College (pg 1, c0)
Chaffins, Clyde; Lee, William E.; Clarke, Lillian; LeBaron, Roy; Meldrum, Mary Belle; Edgett, Clarence M.; Fluharty, Lee; Leonard, W. Vernon; Steward, Frank P.; Keyes, Edith; Lewis, Evan; Perkins, Chas H.; Peterson, Nellie; Hawley, Ella; Heard, Clyde; Horton, Jennie; Byrns, Gertrude; Sprauge, Florence; Wadsworth, Herbert; Ziegler, La Verne; Hopper, William B.; Hupp, Oscar; Larson, Elsie; Meyers, Nellie; Baseball; Track;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - June 28th, 1910 1910-06-28 The New Football Rules; The University Exhibit; A Reminder: Adopt rules for freshmen; Alumni Wedding; Free Passes To Football Games (p2); Idaho’s Trophy Room (p2); Peculiar Mixture Of Studies (p4); Debate Council Meets (p4); Whitman Freshies, Sans Clothes Drag Sophs Into Chilly Campus Lake (p4); The Rhodes Examination (p4); Drill (p5); Daizell Leads Successful Bile Study Rally (p5); Practical Cookery Class (p6); Between Two Fires (p6);
Football; University Exhibit; Alumni Wedding; Free Passes; Idaho’s Trophy Room; Debate; Whitman Freshies; Rhodes Examination; Bible Study; Practical Cookery
newspaper front page The Argonaut - October 5th, 1910 1910-10-05 Armory and gymnasium building (pg 3, c2) | Class of 1912 (pg 4, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Preparatory school officers (pg 5, c2)
Armory and gymnasium building; Class of 1912; Hellier-Collins, E.; Preparatory school officers;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - October 12th, 1910 1910-10-12 Class of 1911 (pg 3, c2) | Debate (pg 1, c1) | UI vs. Lewiston Normal (pg 1, c2)
Class of 1911; Debate; Football;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - November 2nd, 1910 1910-11-02 University of Idaho vs. University of Oregon (pg 1, c1)
newspaper front page The Argonaut - November 16th, 1910 1910-11-16 Football - Sophomores vs. freshmen (pg 5, c1) | University of Idaho vs. Whitman College (pg 1, c2)
Traditions; Football;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - November 30th, 1910 1910-11-30 College of Agriculture - Extension work (pg 5, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c4)
College of Agriculture - Extension work; Griffith, John George; Changnon, Harry; Gwinn, James W.;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - December 14th, 1910 1910-12-14 Intramural track (pg 2, c2) | Preparatory school (pg 1, c1) | Schedule (pg 1, c4) | University of Idaho - Building and campus (pg 1, c2)
Intramural track; Football; Basketball; University of Idaho - Building and campus;
newspaper front page The Argonaut - December 21st, 1910 1910-12-21 Building program (pg 1, c1) | Drawing (pg 7, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 7, c2)
Building program; Administration building (1907); Engineering building (Old); Litz Hall; Administration building (1892-1906);