The Argonaut - July 21st, 2010 Item Info

The Argonaut - July 21st, 2010
University of Idaho Student Media
Date Created (ISO Standard):
Being Vandals: Places to know in town and on campus for incoming freshmen; Faculty wellness package canceled; Student dies from alcohol celebrating 21st birthday; Understanding financial aid: Students struggle to pay for school as demand for financial aid soars (p3); University anticipates increased enrollment in fall: Housing also expects increase in student residents (p3); Something for everyone: Student groups: Don’t let college pass by without taking advantage of valuable opportunities (p4); Campus entrances enhanced by land exchange: University offices move to prepare for building sale (p4); Gun rights draw hot debate: Supreme Court sides with citizens’ right to bear arms (p5); Lesbian gets $35k for prom cancelation (p5); From Idaho to the World: Studying abroad can be a once in a life time for students (p6); Barefoot Bandit: the movie? (p6); Idaho inmates say problems continue at ISCI (p7); Obama sets new policy to protect oceans (p8); Earthworm protection (p10); From Thailand to Idaho (p11); Explore beyond the library: 10 great places to study in Moscow (p11); Book it and find the best deal (p12); Going solo (p12); Reminiscing doesn’t help Korn (p14); A year in review: The top 5 moments of last year (p15); Five things every Vandal should know (p15); A bike to remember (p16); Do’s and Don’t’s: Intramurals can be a fun experience but some things should be avoided at all costs (p16); Glacier National Park, Montana (p17); Fitness can be fun: Stay in shape with these places around Moscow (p18); Prevent the ‘Freshman 15’ with healthy eating (p18); Moscow’s fishy secret: From reservoirs to rivers, the abundant fishing around the Palouse makes it an angler’s dream (p20); Use your head: Excessive drinking comes with consequences (p21); Ways to adjust to a new school: Five ways to simplify the first few days of college (p22); Job hunting made harder with online application (p23); Definitive four: Moscow oddities (p23);
Freshman Benefits Faculty Alcohol Financial aid Enrollment Opportunities Gun rights Studying abroad Inmates Oceans Books Year in review Intramurals Glacier National Park Fitness Fishing Moscow
Idaho Newspapers on Microfilm, Idaho State Historical Society,

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"The Argonaut - July 21st, 2010", The Argonaut Archive, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, http://localhost:4000/digital/argonaut/items/arg-2010-07-21.html
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