The Argonaut - May 24th, 1966 Item Info

The Argonaut - May 24th, 1966
University of Idaho Student Media
Date Created (ISO Standard):
All Sports title (pg 16, c7) | Area directors (pg 8, c5) | Assistant professor of Economics (pg 18, c3) | ASUI-Constitution-Amendments and Revision (pg 17, c1) | Awards (pg 14, c1) | Awards presentation (pg 9, c2) | Big Sky championship (pg 16, c1) | Big Sky conference championship (pg 16, c3) | Chrisman Raiders. Photo (pg 14, c7) | Commencement - number graduating (pg 1, c6) | Crime (pg 14, c4) | Curriculum (pg 12, c8) | Dean of Women (pg 1, c8) | Educational Improvement Committee, A.S.U.I. (pg 5, c7) | Executive board (pg 18, c3) | Faculty appointments (pg 11, c6) | Faculty retirement (pg 11, c5) | Faculty, Department of Education, U of I. Photo (pg 11, c2) | Faculty, U of I chief student councilor. Photo (pg 11, c5) | Faculty, U of I Political Science - Law. Photo (pg 1, c1) | Faculty. Associate Director of Student Affairs. Photo (pg 11, c6) | Foreign exchange (pg 12, c5) | Golf (pg 16, c8) | Homecoming Committee (pg 9, c7) | Industrial Education Department (pg 13, c6) | Interfraternity council (pg 14, c0) | KUID-TV (pg 17, c3) | LSD (pg 5, c1) | Men's rush (pg 11, c7) | Model United Nations (pg 18, c4) | National collegiate athletic association (pg 15, c2) | National scholastic honorary (pg 14, c4) | Navy ROTC (pg 15, c6) | Newman, Dewey (pg 11, c6) | Off-campus housing (pg 8, c1) | Pan-Hellenic council (pg 14, c0) | Pansy breakfast (pg 1, c4) | Pansy breakfast. Photos (pg 12, c2) | Photo (pg 8, c1) | Photo (pg 8, c7) | Photos (pg 1, c1) | Photos (pg 13, c1) | Professor of American literature (pg 18, c6) | Professor of Psychology. Photo (pg 11, c1) | Quarter system (pg 8, c4) | Residence Hall Association (pg 13, c1) | Residence Hall Association (pg 18, c5) | ROTC unit. Photo (pg 11, c6) | Rush, Dick (pg 17, c6) | Semester system (pg 8, c4) | Social Science honorary (pg 18, c2) | Spring - Picnic bowl. Photos (pg 15, c2) | Spurs (pg 5, c0) | St. Augustine's Catholic center (pg 11, c1) | Statistics (pg 15, c2) | Students for a democratic society (SDS) (pg 5, c7) | Top news story of the year. Top editorials (pg 9, c1) | Track meet. Photos (pg 17, c6) | U of I president (pg 1, c5) | University of Idaho women (pg 1, c4) | Women journalism honorary (pg 8, c1) | Year end wrap-up (pg 12, c1)
Big Sky Conference ASUI-Executive Board Peterson, R.D. ASUI-Constitution-Amendments and Revision Army ROTC ASUI-Executive Board Track - University of Idaho Basketball Army ROTC Commencement - number graduating Crime Summer school Neely, Marjorie Educational Improvement Committee, A.S.U.I. Knapp, Ruth Ann Faculty appointments Faculty retirement Berry, Ray M. Bond, Charles Dobbler, Clifford Wicks, Guy People to People Committee Golf Homecoming Committee Industrial Education Department Interfraternity council KUID-TV LSD Men's rush Model United Nations Baseball Phi Kappa Phi Navy ROTC Newman, Dewey Off-campus housing Pan-Hellenic council Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Anderson, Julie Wilkins, Beth Interfraternity council Greek awards Faculty Art exhibit Meldrum, Barbara Boyer, William H. Quarter system Residence Hall Association Residence Hall Association Davey, Harry Rush, Dick Semester system Pi Gamma Mu Football Spurs St. Augustine's Catholic center Baseball Students for a democratic society (SDS) The Idaho Argonaut Women's recreational Association (WRA) Hartung, Dr. Ernest W. Off-campus housing Theta Sigma Phi Social function
Idaho Newspapers on Microfilm, Idaho State Historical Society,

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"The Argonaut - May 24th, 1966", The Argonaut Archive, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, http://localhost:4000/digital/argonaut/items/arg-1966-05-24.html
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