The Argonaut - March 30th, 1965 Item Info

The Argonaut - March 30th, 1965
University of Idaho Student Media
Date Created (ISO Standard):
Alpha Zeta (pg 4, c1) | Associated Women Students (pg 1, c5) | ASUI-activities council (pg 1, c5) | Australian - American Dual pianists (pg 5, c8) | Banana Belt tournament (pg 6, c1) | Banana Belt tourney (pg 6, c8) | Baseball. History (pg 6, c8) | Basketball (pg 6, c2) | Deadline for scholarship applications (pg 5, c1) | Dean's list - College of Education (pg 3, c6) | Dean's list - College of Letters and Science (pg 2, c6) | Debate - Great Western tournament (pg 3, c8) | Dream girl. Photo (pg 3, c3) | Football. Photo (pg 6, c3) | Freshman week (pg 1, c1) | High school (pg 1, c1) | Hillier, Donald R. (pg 6, c4) | Hinton, Gary E. (pg 1, c8) | Intramural (pg 6, c5) | Intramural sports (pg 6, c5) | Knitting lessons (pg 5, c6) | KUOI (pg 4, c7) | Mid-winter conference (pg 5, c4) | Miss University of Idaho contest (pg 5, c5) | Model United Nations (pg 1, c3) | Moscow attorney (pg 2, c7) | NCAA national finals (pg 6, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c7) | Photo (pg 3, c7) | Pi Dappa Alpha dream girl. Photo (pg 3, c7) | Restrictions (future) (pg 4, c4) | Sigma Tau (pg 5, c8) | Spokane review columnist. Photo (pg 1, c2) | Spring tour (pg 4, c1) | Stanford History professor. Borah lecturer (pg 1, c4) | Student preoccupation with grades (pg 3, c3) | Track (pg 6, c7) | Varsity team vs. Columbia Basin College (pg 6, c3) | Varsity team vs. Whitworth (pg 6, c3) | Water color art show (pg 5, c4) | Wininger, Jim (pg 1, c4) | Women's recreational Association (WRA) (pg 6, c2) | Young Democrats club (pg 5, c5) | Young Republican's club (pg 4, c7)
Alpha Zeta Associated Women Students ASUI-activities council Nelson and Neal Golf Baseball Banana Belt Tournament Basketball Deadline for scholarship applications Dean's list - College of Education Dean's list - College of Letters and Science Debate - Great Western tournament Pi Kappa Alpha McDonald, Ray Freshman week Annual journalism conference Hillier, Donald R. Hinton, Gary E. Basketball Intramural sports Knitting lessons KUOI Student Idaho Education Association Miss University of Idaho contest Model United Nations Peterson, Robert Skiing Blue Key -Talent show Cantor, Harold Blue Key -Talent show Lambda Chi Alpha - Crescent girl Schulte, Barbara Enrollment - University of Idaho Sigma Tau Powers, Dorothy University Symphony orchestra Vandaleers Johnson, John J. Student preoccupation with grades Banana Belt Relays Baseball Water color art show Wininger, Jim Women's recreational Association (WRA) Young Democrats club Young Republican's club
Idaho Newspapers on Microfilm, Idaho State Historical Society,

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"The Argonaut - March 30th, 1965", The Argonaut Archive, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, http://localhost:4000/digital/argonaut/items/arg-1965-03-30.html
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