The Argonaut - January 22nd, 1965 Item Info

The Argonaut - January 22nd, 1965
University of Idaho Student Media
Date Created (ISO Standard):
Air Force ROTC (pg 5, c3) | Aliens - list address (pg 5, c8) | Associate professor of Animal Science (pg 3, c3) | Associate professor of Physics (pg 5, c4) | ASUI president. Photo (pg 6, c1) | ASUI vice president. Photo (pg 6, c5) | ASUI-Bowling team (pg 8, c6) | Author and Poet (pg 5, c5) | Basketball player. Photo (pg 8, c4) | Beginning as four year school (pg 1, c6) | Blue key (pg 1, c8) | Canner -Packer Magazine award (pg 7, c1) | Dance workshop (pg 8, c3) | Dean of College of Engineering (pg 5, c8) | Discussion (pg 1, c1) | Engineer of Merit' award (pg 5, c8) | Executive board, faculty advisor. Photo (pg 6, c8) | Executive board. Northwest Region Chairman (ASG). ASUI president - 1965. Photo (pg 6, c4) | Executive board. Photo (pg 1, c1) | Executive board. Photo (pg 6, c1) | Executive board. Photo (pg 6, c3) | Executive board. Photo (pg 6, c4) | Executive board. Photo (pg 6, c5) | Executive board. Photo (pg 6, c8) | Executive dean. Vice president for Academic Affairs - 1961. University of Idaho. Photo (pg 3, c4) | Faculty, U of I student councilor (pg 7, c2) | Faculty. School of Music. U of I (pg 3, c6) | Hasking, Ed (pg 8, c6) | Head football coach. (pg 8, c6) | IBM system at U of I (pg 1, c3) | Intramural sports program (pg 8, c2) | KUOI (pg 1, c2) | Latah county representative (pg 1, c7) | Laura Moore Cunningham Foundation (pg 7, c5) | Library Hours (pg 7, c1) | Maisch, Robert R. (pg 3, c3) | Maisch, Robert R. (pg 7, c6) | Navy Quartermaster (pg 5, c4) | Northern regional assembly (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c6) | Photo (pg 3, c5) | Photo (pg 3, c7) | Photo (pg 5, c1) | Photo (pg 5, c5) | Photo (pg 5, c6) | Photo (pg 6, c2) | Photo (pg 7, c2) | Photo (pg 7, c3) | Photo (pg 8, c7) | Photos (pg 6, c0) | Play production class (pg 3, c3) | Professor of Engineers (pg 3, c3) | Professor of Military Science (pg 5, c4) | Registration deadlines (pg 3, c6) | Sowar, Don (pg 8, c2) | University singers (pg 3, c6) | Varsity team vs. Oregon State College, Corvallis. Photo (pg 8, c4) | Varsity team vs. Seattle University (pg 8, c1) | Varsity team vs. University of Washington (pg 8, c1) | War Recognition hour (pg 8, c4) | Women entering college (pg 7, c2)
Air Force ROTC Aliens - list address Christian, Ross E. Sieckmann, Everett F. Johnston, Jim Nye, Larry ASUI-Bowling team DeYoung, Garry Rucker, John Boise College Blue key Canner -Packer Magazine award Women's P.E. Janssen, Allen S. Religion in marriage Engineer of Merit' award Gittins, Arthur E. McCann, Bill Lyon, Cathy Huettig, Gerald Oberoi, L.S. Sordoff, Judy Lyon, Cathy Sackett, John Bates, Tom Grubb, Nancy McPhee, Craig Grimes, Larry Steffens, Walter Kees, Donald J. MaCklin, Hall M. Hasking, Ed Andros, Dee IBM system at Intramural sports program KUOI Brocke, George Scholarships Library Hours Maisch, Robert R. Maisch, Robert R. Roe, Ralph Model United Nations Effigy hanging ASUI-Executive Board Fancher, Rick Gosa, Rev. Earl H. Army ROTC Artists hour Graves, Karen Duffy, Laura Birket, Judy Swimming Von Tagen, Karl Speech tournament (Speech 51) Chapman, Joe ASUI-Executive Board One-Act-Plays Hall, F.H. Rimlinger, James L. Registration deadlines Sowar, Don University singers Basketball War Recognition hour Women entering college
Idaho Newspapers on Microfilm, Idaho State Historical Society,

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"The Argonaut - January 22nd, 1965", The Argonaut Archive, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, http://localhost:4000/digital/argonaut/items/arg-1965-01-22.html
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