The Argonaut - March 15th, 1960 Item Info
- Title:
- The Argonaut - March 15th, 1960
- Creator:
- University of Idaho Student Media
- Date Created (ISO Standard):
- 1960-03-15
- Description:
- Army ROTC (pg 3, c3) | ASUI executive board 1959-60. Photo (pg 1, c6) | ASUI play (pg 1, c4) | ASUI-Election Board (pg 1, c7) | Baseball (pg 4, c5) | Campus chest - Division of funds (pg 1, c3) | College of Mines (pg 1, c8) | Elections (pg 1, c7) | Formerly religions evaluation week. Photo (pg 1, c1) | Freshman week (pg 1, c5) | High school (pg 1, c6) | Idaho Music Educator's Association (pg 3, c4) | Judiciary tribunal, discipline (pg 1, c3) | Junior-Senior ball (Prom) (pg 1, c4) | New building (1961) (pg 3, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c6) | Photo (pg 1, c7) | Public event speaker (pg 2, c1) | Social fraternity (pg 3, c2) | Track - University of Idaho (pg 4, c1) | Tug of war (pg 1, c5) | University Symphony orchestra (pg 1, c7) | Walsh, Jerry (pg 1, c7)
- Subjects:
- Army ROTC Tafolla, Leo 'Thieves Carnival' ASUI-Election Board Baseball Campus chest - Division of funds College of Mines Associated Women Students Religion in Life conference Freshman week Annual journalism conference Idaho Music Educator's Association Interfraternity council Junior-Senior ball (Prom) College of Mines Campus chest ASUI-Elections ASUI-Elections Fitzgerald, John Waugh, Alec Lambda Chi Alpha Track - University of Idaho Freshman week University Symphony orchestra Walsh, Jerry
- Source:
- Idaho Newspapers on Microfilm, Idaho State Historical Society,
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- application/pdf
- Preferred Citation:
- "The Argonaut - March 15th, 1960", The Argonaut Archive, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections,
- Rights:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted. For more information, please contact University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives Department at
- Standardized Rights: