The Argonaut - April 27th, 1956 Item Info

The Argonaut - April 27th, 1956
University of Idaho Student Media
Date Created (ISO Standard):
1950 addition to cafeteria (pg 1, c3) | 1950 addition to cafeteria. Photo (pg 3, c1) | 1956-57 ASUI executive board. Photo (pg 1, c6) | 1956-57 ASUI president. Photo (pg 1, c6) | 1956-57 ASUI vice president. Photo (pg 1, c6) | 1956-57 executive board. Photo (pg 1, c6) | ASUI executive board 1956-57. Photo (pg 1, c6) | Baseball (pg 6, c5) | Basketball. Photo (pg 6, c3) | Faculty - salary (pg 1, c2) | Foreign student (Ski team). All American (pg 6, c1) | Foreign student-ski team (All American) (pg 6, c1) | Freshman women's scholastic honorary. (pg 5, c3) | Freshmen team vs. WSC freshmen team (pg 6, c2) | Improvements (pg 1, c3) | Improvements (pg 3, c1) | Intramural points (Total) (pg 6, c8) | Junior-Senior ball (Prom) (pg 1, c1) | May fete (pg 1, c5) | National Forestry honorary (pg 3, c6) | Northwest Conference of Philosophy (pg 2, c5) | O'Connell, Jerry (pg 5, c2) | Photo (pg 6, c4) | Pine Hall (pg 1, c3) | Results (pg 1, c6) | Rodeo (Vandal riders) (pg 6, c4) | Rodeo club. Photo (pg 3, c6) | Ski team member named 'All-American' (pg 6, c1) | Soden, Nan (pg 4, c8) | Student housing (pg 1, c3) | The Outstanding Forester (pg 3, c6) | U of I vs. WSC (pg 6, c7) | University of Idaho vs. Washington College of Education (pg 6, c1) | University of Idaho vs. Washington State College (pg 6, c1) | University of Idaho vs. Whitman, Whitworth (pg 6, c1)
Student union building Student union building Maxey, Dave Remsberg, Jane Rhodes, Dick Schreiber, Bob Tovey, Roger Weeks, Dick Burrows, Fred Hoch, John Davis, Lon Baseball Bauscher, Bill Faculty - salary Ullevalseter, Reidar Berggren, Eric Alpha Lambda Delta Baseball The Bucket The Bucket Intramural points (Total) Junior-Senior ball (Prom) May fete Xi Sigma Pi Northwest Conference of Philosophy O'Connell, Jerry Gary, Wilbur Pine Hall ASUI-Elections Rodeo (Vandal riders) Vandal riders - Queen Ski team member named 'All-American' Soden, Nan Student housing The Outstanding Forester Golf Tennis Track
Idaho Newspapers on Microfilm, Idaho State Historical Society,

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"The Argonaut - April 27th, 1956", The Argonaut Archive, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, http://localhost:4000/digital/argonaut/items/arg-1956-04-27.html
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