The Argonaut - November 30th, 1954 Item Info

The Argonaut - November 30th, 1954
University of Idaho Student Media
Date Created (ISO Standard):
Author-Lecturer. Photo (pg 1, c4) | Basketball coach. Photo (pg 3, c5) | Basketball coach. Photo (pg 4, c1) | Bass, Bill (pg 2, c4) | Department of Geology (pg 2, c0) | Faculty. Associate Director of Student Affairs (pg 1, c6) | Faculty. Military Science. University of Idaho. Photo (pg 1, c4) | Faculty. Professor of Music. University of Idaho (pg 1, c7) | First aid students (free service) (pg 1, c7) | Football coach (pg 4, c3) | Gary, Wilbur (pg 4, c5) | Gualt-Upham Hall (pg 1, c6) | Hell Divers (pg 2, c1) | Hess, Burdett Evan (pg 4, c5) | Holly Week (pg 1, c2) | Homecoming queen. Photo (pg 1, c4) | Intramural volleyball (pg 4, c1) | KUOI (pg 3, c0) | Numbers, Muddy (pg 1, c1) | Pagoago, Frank (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 3, c1) | Photo (pg 3, c3) | Photo (pg 3, c4) | Photo (pg 3, c5) | Photo (pg 4, c4) | Play (pg 1, c3) | Ratings (pg 4, c7) | Richardson, Jim (pg 2, c4) | Shafik, Doria (pg 1, c1) | Sigma Chi (pg 1, c7) | Stamm, Carl (pg 2, c2) | Statistics (pg 4, c5) | Thanksgiving car crash (pg 1, c1) | UI and WSC (pg 1, c6) | University Symphony orchestra (pg 1, c7) | Varsity team (pg 4, c1) | Yoeman, Lorene (pg 1, c1)
Webster, Margaret Hodges, Harlan Hodges, Harlan Bass, Bill Department of Geology Wicks, Guy Ohrt, L.L. Schwartz, Elwyn First aid students (free service) Parberry, Clem Gary, Wilbur Gualt-Upham Hall Hell Divers Hess, Burdett Evan Holly Week Rees, Pati Intramural volleyball KUOI Numbers, Muddy Pagoago, Frank Armstrong, Clara Brockman, William Burns, Nancy Grice, Capt.. Horning, Glen Langdon, Lorraine Matz, Joan Mehew, Claudette Peebles, Stephen Roberts, Betty Jo Anderson, Carol Fuller, Sandra Stump, Sharon Welsh, Joan White, Charles L. Jr. Chandler, Jerry Kerns, Claudette Merrill, Sue Nelson, Pat RcCord, Jim Football team 'Master Pierre Patelin' 'The Old Wive's Tale' 'The Word Made Flesh' Pacific Coast conference Richardson, Jim Shafik, Doria Sigma Chi Stamm, Carl Football Thanksgiving car crash Band clinic University Symphony orchestra Basketball Yoeman, Lorene
Idaho Newspapers on Microfilm, Idaho State Historical Society,

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"The Argonaut - November 30th, 1954", The Argonaut Archive, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, http://localhost:4000/digital/argonaut/items/arg-1954-11-30.html
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