The Argonaut - December 17th, 1929 Item Info

The Argonaut - December 17th, 1929
University of Idaho Student Media
Date Created (ISO Standard):
“Pity Progeny” men think best, debates take off: Affirmative teams win honors in male groups, women divide; Masterson goes to law conclave: Idaho Dean will attend meeting of legal association in New Orleans this month; S.A.E. Romps on Kappa Sigs 27-24 in title series: “A” League champions continue unbroken string of victories; Season’s spirit Bucket Motif: Spicy yarns and Campus life section Big Features of Quarterly, says editor; Whitman Quintet looks strong as net season opens: Three lettermen help team to victories over St. Charles; Orient wants Idaho timber: Portland lumberman tells foresters of possible expansive moves in Big Woods business; Gridiron program for 1930 includes five coast games: Representatives from ten Pacific Coast schools arrange schedules; Lecture, Carols share assembly: Noted educator’s address to precede Group Carol singing; Campus songfest plans complete: Seventh Annual Christmas Festival planned for Thursday evening; Freshmen squad has games set: Schedule for yearling basketball team to start after holidays; Cold and snowfall hit six for jolt; Wrestling team rouses interest; Fencers given room in gym: Swordsmen will start season with meet Wednesday afternoon at U Hut; Giving of gifts might prime profs to generous deeds; Home Ec. groups have busy week: Christmas Party, Dinner, and Initiations important events for “Home Making” women; Recreation room to be redecorated: Funds appropriated for women’s gym room, candy sale set for Wednesday; Eldridge heads choral society; Breathes there an Idaho student with heart so numb--let’s go home: Glory, glory, in salvation! Four more days until vacation, till we leave starvation station for the land of civilization!; Poetry and gifts at Blue Key meet: Annual Christmas dinner to bring original verse and small gifts; Yuletide minstrels rend night air with original carol assortment; Work on 1930 Gem rounds into shape: Administration, athletic, and art sections progressing Rapidly (p4); N.P. schedules Spokane trains: Friday and Saturday specials will be run in Inland Empire Center (p4)
Christmas Greek life Forestry Football Fencing
Idaho Newspapers on Microfilm, Idaho State Historical Society,

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"The Argonaut - December 17th, 1929", The Argonaut Archive, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, http://localhost:4000/digital/argonaut/items/arg-1929-12-17.html
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