The Argonaut - November 23rd, 1926 Item Info

The Argonaut - November 23rd, 1926
University of Idaho Student Media
Date Created (ISO Standard):
Aerial attack gave Idaho lone score Saturday: Trojans are well schooled against passes, won final conference tilt; Fifteen girls to be on team: Rifle squad to be picked from candidates out; Owings sixth in coast scoring: Vandals fullback scores 42 points, Kelly leads conference gridsters; Twenty cagemen turn out Monday: Varsity Basketball practice officially opened Monday, six lettermen report; Pike will edit Idaho Forester: Associated Foresters elect editor and manager for the year; Idaho Vandals meet creighton in final game: Gem staters stand good chance to win at Omaha; Twenty-six seek pictures in Gem: Primary election for Candidates will be held all day Wednesday; Program sale brings profit: Blue key turns over surplus funds to A.S.U.I. general fund; Final game for Captain Owings: Idaho’s red haired fullback finishes three successful years Thursday; Vacation starts Wednesday night: Ten percent cuts will be effective, many will go home; English club mix remains secret: Plans for year to be discussed at party Tuesday evening; Idaho second in egg contest: Birds entered in laying contest win prize for WEstern pen entries; Tau Mem Aleph pledges 25 men: Plans outlined at meeting for dance December 19; Girls pledged by town group: Daleth Teth Gimel takes twenty-eight, plan pledge dance; Frosh hoopsters to report Nov. 29: Basketball practice opens officially Monday, no coaches selected; A.S.U.I. head in hospital: Harry Baughman operated upon for acute appendicitis Friday; Records broken by frosh runner; “I” caps believed stolen are returned, is stated; Youngest student gets a kick out of college, oldest concentrate more, interview reveals; Y.W.C.A. secretary visits campus: Miss Heller confers with lenders of Women’s Religious group; Children entertain cosmopolitan club: Methodist Missionary Society gives Thanksgiving program; Faculty disapproves of collegiate Fords so students hire cars at rental stations; Board to choose U. of W. President; Total of 1400 saw “Plus Fours”: Pep band show set attendance record for student productions (p2); Museum gets student relics: Older slicker, mammoth’s tooth and Early Bible are curiosities (p3); Absent minded Prof. carries bathing suit (p3); Collegites say dating is necking: Modern men rude in Stag line and public eating places (p4)
Greek life Football Basketball YWCA Thanksgiving Museum Feminism
Idaho Newspapers on Microfilm, Idaho State Historical Society,

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"The Argonaut - November 23rd, 1926", The Argonaut Archive, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, http://localhost:4000/digital/argonaut/items/arg-1926-11-23.html
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