The Argonaut - August 16th, 1924 Item Info
- Title:
- The Argonaut - August 16th, 1924
- Creator:
- University of Idaho Student Media
- Date Created (ISO Standard):
- 1924-08-16
- Description:
- Beta Theta Pi (pg 1, c4) | Faculty, Dean of Letters and Science. U of I. Photo (pg 2, c1) | Kappa Delta Chi (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 2, c1) | Photo (pg 2, c2) | Photo (pg 2, c4) | Photo (pg 5, c1) | Photo (pg 6, c1) | Photo (pg 6, c2) | Photo (pg 6, c3) | Photo (pg 7, c1) | Photo (pg 7, c2) | Registration - Procedure (pg 8, c1) | Schedule (pg 6, c1) | Schedule (pg 7, c1) | Science hall (pg 1, c1) | Sigma Chi (pg 1, c4) | Southern Idaho special (pg 1, c2) | Student loans (pg 4, c4) | University of Idaho - Staff (pg 2, c1) | Varsity team. Photo (pg 7, c2)
- Subjects:
- Beta Theta Pi Kerr, T.S. Kappa Delta Chi Harris, Silas A. Armstrong, Margaret Nyvall, David Jr. Weaver, Alice Walden Garnett, Maude Blue Bucket Inn Matthews, R.L. Kline, Maurice 'Dusty' Hausen, Charles (Dad) Tapper, Lyle MacMillan, David Williams, Lewis Registration - Procedure Football Basketball Science hall Sigma Chi Southern Idaho special Student loans University of Idaho - Staff Basketball
- Source:
- Idaho Newspapers on Microfilm, Idaho State Historical Society,
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- application/pdf
- Preferred Citation:
- "The Argonaut - August 16th, 1924", The Argonaut Archive, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, http://localhost:4000/digital/argonaut/items/arg-1924-08-16.html
- Rights:
- Public Domain in USA
- Standardized Rights: